Exemplo n.º 1
CvMat* HOGProcessor::calcHOGFromImage(char* filename, CvSize window, int normalization)
	IplImage* im = cvLoadImage(filename);
	//Convert Image To 64x128
	IplImage* dst = cvCreateImage(window,im->depth,im->nChannels);
	// Tinh integral histogram
	IplImage** integrals;
	integrals = calculateIntegralHOG(dst);

	CvMat* imgFeatureVector;
	imgFeatureVector = calcHOGWindow(integrals, 
									cvRect(0, 0, window.width, window.height),

	for (int k = 0; k < NumOfBins; k++) 

	return imgFeatureVector;
Exemplo n.º 2
void detectHOG_impl(const cv::Mat &template_img, const cv::Mat &query_img, std::vector<cv::Rect> &detections,
    const double distanceThresh=50.0, const int offsetX=10, const int offsetY=10) {
  int maxWidth = query_img.cols-template_img.cols;
  int maxHeight = query_img.rows-template_img.rows;
  cv::Mat matching_cost_map(maxHeight, maxWidth, CV_32F, std::numeric_limits<float>::max());

  cv::Mat template_img_gray, query_img_gray;
  cv::cvtColor(template_img, template_img_gray, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
  cv::cvtColor(query_img, query_img_gray, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);

//  cv::equalizeHist(template_img_gray, template_img_gray);
//  cv::equalizeHist(query_img_gray, query_img_gray);

#if 0
  cv::HOGDescriptor hog_descriptor;
  cv::Mat template_descriptors = computeHOG(template_img_gray, hog_descriptor);

  for(int i = 0; i < matching_cost_map.rows; i += offsetY) {
    for(int j = 0; j < matching_cost_map.cols; j += offsetX) {
      cv::Mat sub_image = query_img_gray(cv::Rect(j, i, template_img.cols, template_img.rows));

      cv::Mat query_descriptors = computeHOG(sub_image, hog_descriptor);
      double dist = cv::norm(template_descriptors, query_descriptors, cv::NORM_L2);

      matching_cost_map.at<float>(i,j) = (float) dist;
  std::vector<cv::Mat> template_integralImages = calculateIntegralHOG(template_img_gray, 9);
  std::vector<cv::Mat> query_integralImages = calculateIntegralHOG(query_img_gray, 9);

  cv::Mat template_hogCell;
  cv::Rect template_roi(0, 0, template_img_gray.cols, template_img_gray.rows);
  calculateHOG_rect(template_hogCell, template_integralImages, template_roi, 9, 3, 3);

  for(int i = 0; i < matching_cost_map.rows; i += offsetY) {
    for(int j = 0; j < matching_cost_map.cols; j += offsetX) {
      cv::Mat sub_image = query_img_gray(cv::Rect(j, i, template_img.cols, template_img.rows));

      cv::Rect query_roi(j, i, template_img_gray.cols, template_img_gray.rows);
      cv::Mat query_hogCell;
      calculateHOG_rect(query_hogCell, query_integralImages, query_roi, 9, 3, 3);
//      double dist = cv::norm(template_hogCell, query_hogCell, cv::NORM_L2);
      double dist = cv::compareHist(template_hogCell, query_hogCell, cv::HISTCMP_BHATTACHARYYA);

      matching_cost_map.at<float>(i,j) = (float) dist;

  cv::Mat matching_cost_map_display;
  double minVal, maxVal;
  cv::Point minLoc, maxLoc;
  cv::minMaxLoc(matching_cost_map, &minVal, &maxVal, &minLoc, &maxLoc);
  std::cout << "Min cost=" << minVal << " ; Max cost=" << maxVal << std::endl;

  //Convert matching map for display
  matching_cost_map.convertTo(matching_cost_map_display, CV_8U, 255.0/(maxVal-minVal), -255.0*minVal/(maxVal-minVal));

  do {
    cv::minMaxLoc(matching_cost_map, &minVal, &maxVal, &minLoc, &maxLoc);
//    std::cout << "HOG distance=" << minVal << " ; distanceThresh=" << distanceThresh << std::endl;

    //"Reset the location" to find other detections
#if 1
    matching_cost_map.at<float>(minLoc.y, minLoc.x) = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
    //Not working
    int width = minLoc.x+template_img.cols < matching_cost_map.cols ? template_img.cols : matching_cost_map.cols-minLoc.x;
    int height = minLoc.y+template_img.rows < matching_cost_map.rows ? template_img.rows : matching_cost_map.rows-minLoc.y;
    cv::Rect detect_roi = cv::Rect(minLoc.x, minLoc.y, width, height);
    cv::Mat subregion = matching_cost_map(detect_roi);
    subregion = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();

    //Add detection
    detections.push_back(cv::Rect(minLoc.x, minLoc.y, template_img.cols, template_img.rows));
  } while(minVal < distanceThresh);

  cv::imshow("matching_cost_map_display", matching_cost_map_display);
//  cv::waitKey(0);
CvMat* HoGProcessor::train_64x128(char *prefix, char *suffix, 
	CvSize window, int number_samples, int start_index,
       int end_index, char *savexml, int canny,
       int block, int normalization){

	 char filename[1000] = "\0", number[8];
	 int prefix_length;
	 prefix_length = strlen(prefix);
	 int bins = 9;

	 /* A default block size of 2x2 cells is considered */

	 int block_width = m_block.width , block_height = m_block.height;
	 /* Calculation of the length of a feature vector for
	 an image (64x128 pixels)*/

	 int feature_vector_length;
	 feature_vector_length = (((window.width -  m_cell.width * block_width)/ (m_cell.width * m_fStepOverlap)) + 1) *
	   (((window.height - m_cell.height * block_height)
	   / (m_cell.height * m_fStepOverlap)) + 1) * (9 * m_block.height * m_block.width);
	 /* Matrix to store the feature vectors for
	 all(number_samples) the training samples */

	 CvMat* training = cvCreateMat(number_samples,
		 feature_vector_length, CV_32FC1);

	 CvMat row;
	 CvMat* img_feature_vector;
	 IplImage** integrals;
	 int i = 0, j = 0;
	 printf("Beginning to extract HoG features\n");
	 strcat(filename, prefix);
	 /* Loop to calculate hog features for each
	 image one by one */

	 for (i = start_index; i <= end_index; i++) 
	  strcat(filename, number);
	  strcat(filename, suffix);
	  IplImage* im = cvLoadImage(filename);
	  //Convert Image To 64x128
	  IplImage* dst = cvCreateImage(window,im->depth,im->nChannels);
	  /* Calculation of the integral histogram for
	  fast calculation of hog features*/
	  integrals = calculateIntegralHOG(dst);

	  cvGetRow(training, &row, j);

		= calculateHOG_window(integrals, cvRect(0, 0,
		  window.width, window.height), normalization);

	  cvCopy(img_feature_vector, &row);

	  printf("%s\n", filename);
	  filename[prefix_length] = '\0';
	  for (int k = 0; k < 9; k++) 
	 if (savexml != NULL) 
		 cvSave(savexml, training);

	 return training;
CvRect HoGProcessor::detectObject(CvSVM *svmModel, IplImage *input, IplImage *result, CvRect rectHead, int normalization){
	int StepWidth = 10;
	int StepHeight = 10;
	int nWindow = 3;
	int scaleWidth = 2;
	int scaleHeight = 2;

	ImageProcessor ip;

	//loai bo truong hop toc dai
	if(rectHead.height > rectHead.width)
		rectHead.height = rectHead.width;		

	CvRect rectHuman = cvRect(rectHead.x + rectHead.width/2 - rectHead.width*scaleWidth/2, 
		rectHead.y - 6, 

	vector<CvRect> lstRect;
	CvMat* img_feature_vector;
	IplImage **newIntegrals;
	for(int i = 0; i < nWindow; i++)
		for(int j = 0; j < nWindow; j++)
			CvRect rect;
			rect.width = rectHuman.width + StepWidth*i;
			rect.height = rectHuman.height + StepHeight*j;
			rect.x = rectHuman.x - StepWidth*i/2;
			rect.y = rectHuman.y - StepHeight*j/2;
			if(rect.x < 0) rect.x = 0;
			if(rect.y < 0) rect.y = 0;
			if(rect.x + rect.width > input->width) rect.width = input->width - rect.x;
			if(rect.y + rect.height > input->height) rect.height = input->height - rect.y;		
			IplImage* candidate_img = ip.getSubImageAndResize(input, rect, 48, 48);
				newIntegrals = calculateIntegralHOG(candidate_img);
				img_feature_vector = calculateHOG_window(newIntegrals,cvRect(0,0,48,48),4);
				for (int k = 0; k < 9; k++)

				double predict_rs = svmModel->predict(img_feature_vector, true);				
				if(predict_rs >= -1)				

	if(lstRect.size() > 0)
		return MergeRect(lstRect);				
	return cvRect(0,0,-1,-1);	
CvMat* HoGProcessor::train_large(char *prefix, char *suffix,
       CvSize window, int number_images,
       int horizontal_scans, int vertical_scans,
       int start_index, int end_index,
       char *savexml, int normalization)
 char filename[200] = "\0", number[8];
 int prefix_length;
 prefix_length = strlen(prefix);
 int bins = 9;

 /* A default block size of 2x2 cells is considered */

 int block_width = m_block.width , block_height = m_block.height;
 /* Calculation of the length of a feature vector for
 an image (64x128 pixels)*/

 int feature_vector_length;
 feature_vector_length = (((window.width -
	 m_cell.width * block_width) / (m_cell.width * m_fStepOverlap)) + 1) *
   (((window.height - m_cell.height * block_height)
   / (m_cell.height * m_fStepOverlap)) + 1) * (9 * m_block.height * m_block.width);
 /* Matrix to store the feature vectors for
 all(number_samples) the training samples */

 CvMat* training = cvCreateMat(number_images
      * horizontal_scans * vertical_scans,
      feature_vector_length, CV_32FC1);

 CvMat row;
 CvMat* img_feature_vector;
 IplImage** integrals;
 int i = 0, j = 0;
 strcat(filename, prefix);

 printf("Beginning to extract HoG features from negative images\n");
 /* Loop to calculate hog features for each
 image one by one */

 for (i = start_index; i <= end_index; i++) 
  strcat(filename, number);
  strcat(filename, suffix);
  IplImage* im = cvLoadImage(filename);

  IplImage* img = im;
  //Chi xet nhung anh nao co kich thuoc lon hon hoac bang window
  if(im->width < window.width || im->height < window.height)
	  img = cvCreateImage(window,im->depth, im->nChannels);

	  integrals = calculateIntegralHOG(img);	  

	  for (int l = 0; l < vertical_scans - 1; l++)
		for (int k = 0; k < horizontal_scans - 1; k++)
		  cvGetRow(training, &row, j);
		  img_feature_vector = calculateHOG_window(
			 integrals, cvRect(window.width * k,
			 window.height * l, window.width,
			 window.height), normalization);
		  cvCopy(img_feature_vector, &row);

		cvGetRow(training, &row, j);

		img_feature_vector = calculateHOG_window(
		 integrals, cvRect(img->width - window.width,
			window.height * l, window.width,
			window.height), normalization);

		cvCopy(img_feature_vector, &row);

	  for (int k = 0; k < horizontal_scans - 1; k++)
		cvGetRow(training, &row, j);

		img_feature_vector = calculateHOG_window(
			 integrals, cvRect(window.width * k,
			 img->height - window.height, window.width,
			 window.height), normalization);

		cvCopy(img_feature_vector, &row);

	   cvGetRow(training, &row, j);

	   img_feature_vector = calculateHOG_window(integrals,
			cvRect(img->width - window.width, img->height -
			window.height, window.width, window.height),

	   cvCopy(img_feature_vector, &row);

	   printf("%s\n", filename);
	   filename[prefix_length] = '\0';
	   for (int k = 0; k < 9; k++)


 printf("%d negative samples created \n",

 if (savexml != NULL)
   cvSave(savexml, training);
   printf("Negative samples saved as %s\n",

 return training;
