Exemplo n.º 1
/* Allocate more memory from malloc for the heap.
   Return a blue block of at least the requested size.
   The blue block is chained to a sequence of blue blocks (through their
   field 0); the last block of the chain is pointed by field 1 of the
   first.  There may be a fragment after the last block.
   The caller must insert the blocks into the free list.
   [request] is a number of words and must be less than or equal
   to [Max_wosize].
   Return NULL when out of memory.
static value *expand_heap (mlsize_t request)
  /* these point to headers, but we do arithmetic on them, hence [value *]. */
  value *mem, *hp, *prev;
  asize_t over_request, malloc_request, remain;

  Assert (request <= Max_wosize);
  over_request = Whsize_wosize (request + request / 100 * caml_percent_free);
  malloc_request = caml_round_heap_chunk_wsz (over_request);
  mem = (value *) caml_alloc_for_heap (Bsize_wsize (malloc_request));
  if (mem == NULL){
    caml_gc_message (0x04, "No room for growing heap\n", 0);
    return NULL;
  remain = malloc_request;
  prev = hp = mem;
  /* FIXME find a way to do this with a call to caml_make_free_blocks */
  while (Wosize_whsize (remain) > Max_wosize){
    Hd_hp (hp) = Make_header (Max_wosize, 0, Caml_blue);
#ifdef DEBUG
    caml_set_fields (Val_hp (hp), 0, Debug_free_major);
    hp += Whsize_wosize (Max_wosize);
    remain -= Whsize_wosize (Max_wosize);
    Field (Val_hp (mem), 1) = Field (Val_hp (prev), 0) = Val_hp (hp);
    prev = hp;
  if (remain > 1){
    Hd_hp (hp) = Make_header (Wosize_whsize (remain), 0, Caml_blue);
#ifdef DEBUG
    caml_set_fields (Val_hp (hp), 0, Debug_free_major);
    Field (Val_hp (mem), 1) = Field (Val_hp (prev), 0) = Val_hp (hp);
    Field (Val_hp (hp), 0) = (value) NULL;
    Field (Val_hp (prev), 0) = (value) NULL;
    if (remain == 1) Hd_hp (hp) = Make_header (0, 0, Caml_white);
  Assert (Wosize_hp (mem) >= request);
  if (caml_add_to_heap ((char *) mem) != 0){
    caml_free_for_heap ((char *) mem);
    return NULL;
  return Op_hp (mem);
Exemplo n.º 2
/* Allocate more memory from malloc for the heap.
   Return a blue block of at least the requested size.
   The blue block is chained to a sequence of blue blocks (through their
   field 0); the last block of the chain is pointed by field 1 of the
   first.  There may be a fragment after the last block.
   The caller must insert the blocks into the free list.
   The request must be less than or equal to Max_wosize.
   Return NULL when out of memory.
static char *expand_heap (mlsize_t request)
  char *mem, *hp, *prev;
  asize_t over_request, malloc_request, remain;

  Assert (request <= Max_wosize);
  over_request = request + request / 100 * caml_percent_free;
  malloc_request = caml_round_heap_chunk_size (Bhsize_wosize (over_request));
  mem = caml_alloc_for_heap (malloc_request);
  if (mem == NULL){
    caml_gc_message (0x04, "No room for growing heap\n", 0);
    return NULL;
  remain = malloc_request;
  prev = hp = mem;
  /* FIXME find a way to do this with a call to caml_make_free_blocks */
  while (Wosize_bhsize (remain) > Max_wosize){
    Hd_hp (hp) = Make_header (Max_wosize, 0, Caml_blue);
#ifdef DEBUG
    caml_set_fields (Bp_hp (hp), 0, Debug_free_major);
    hp += Bhsize_wosize (Max_wosize);
    remain -= Bhsize_wosize (Max_wosize);
    Field (Op_hp (mem), 1) = Field (Op_hp (prev), 0) = (value) Op_hp (hp);
    prev = hp;
  if (remain > 1){
    Hd_hp (hp) = Make_header (Wosize_bhsize (remain), 0, Caml_blue);
#ifdef DEBUG
    caml_set_fields (Bp_hp (hp), 0, Debug_free_major);
    Field (Op_hp (mem), 1) = Field (Op_hp (prev), 0) = (value) Op_hp (hp);
    Field (Op_hp (hp), 0) = (value) NULL;
    Field (Op_hp (prev), 0) = (value) NULL;
    if (remain == 1) Hd_hp (hp) = Make_header (0, 0, Caml_white);
  Assert (Wosize_hp (mem) >= request);
  if (caml_add_to_heap (mem) != 0){
    caml_free_for_heap (mem);
    return NULL;
  return Bp_hp (mem);
Exemplo n.º 3
/* [caml_fl_merge_block] returns the head pointer of the next block after [bp],
   because merging blocks may change the size of [bp]. */
char *caml_fl_merge_block (char *bp)
  char *prev, *cur, *adj;
  header_t hd = Hd_bp (bp);
  mlsize_t prev_wosz;

  caml_fl_cur_size += Whsize_hd (hd);

#ifdef DEBUG
  caml_set_fields (bp, 0, Debug_free_major);
  prev = caml_fl_merge;
  cur = Next (prev);
  /* The sweep code makes sure that this is the right place to insert
     this block: */
  Assert (prev < bp || prev == Fl_head);
  Assert (cur > bp || cur == NULL);

  if (policy == Policy_first_fit) truncate_flp (prev);

  /* If [last_fragment] and [bp] are adjacent, merge them. */
  if (last_fragment == Hp_bp (bp)){
    mlsize_t bp_whsz = Whsize_bp (bp);
    if (bp_whsz <= Max_wosize){
      hd = Make_header (bp_whsz, 0, Caml_white);
      bp = last_fragment;
      Hd_bp (bp) = hd;
      caml_fl_cur_size += Whsize_wosize (0);

  /* If [bp] and [cur] are adjacent, remove [cur] from the free-list
     and merge them. */
  adj = bp + Bosize_hd (hd);
  if (adj == Hp_bp (cur)){
    char *next_cur = Next (cur);
    mlsize_t cur_whsz = Whsize_bp (cur);

    if (Wosize_hd (hd) + cur_whsz <= Max_wosize){
      Next (prev) = next_cur;
      if (policy == Policy_next_fit && fl_prev == cur) fl_prev = prev;
      hd = Make_header (Wosize_hd (hd) + cur_whsz, 0, Caml_blue);
      Hd_bp (bp) = hd;
      adj = bp + Bosize_hd (hd);
#ifdef DEBUG
      fl_last = NULL;
      Next (cur) = (char *) Debug_free_major;
      Hd_bp (cur) = Debug_free_major;
      cur = next_cur;
  /* If [prev] and [bp] are adjacent merge them, else insert [bp] into
     the free-list if it is big enough. */
  prev_wosz = Wosize_bp (prev);
  if (prev + Bsize_wsize (prev_wosz) == Hp_bp (bp)
      && prev_wosz + Whsize_hd (hd) < Max_wosize){
    Hd_bp (prev) = Make_header (prev_wosz + Whsize_hd (hd), 0,Caml_blue);
#ifdef DEBUG
    Hd_bp (bp) = Debug_free_major;
    Assert (caml_fl_merge == prev);
  }else if (Wosize_hd (hd) != 0){
    Hd_bp (bp) = Bluehd_hd (hd);
    Next (bp) = cur;
    Next (prev) = bp;
    caml_fl_merge = bp;
    /* This is a fragment.  Leave it in white but remember it for eventual
       merging with the next block. */
    last_fragment = bp;
    caml_fl_cur_size -= Whsize_wosize (0);
  return adj;