Exemplo n.º 1
EarthlingCruiserMk3Beam::EarthlingCruiserMk3Beam(SpaceLocation *creator, Vector2 rpos, double lrange,
double ldamage, double sdamage, int lfcount, SpaceObject *tgt) :
SpaceLine(creator, creator->normal_pos(), 0, lrange, 0),
frame(0), frame_count(lfcount), lpos(creator), rel_pos(rpos), damage_shots(sdamage)

	target = tgt;
	base_length = length;
	rel_pos.x *= -1;
	pos = normalize(pos + rotate(rel_pos, -PI/2+lpos->get_angle()));
	vel = lpos->get_vel();
	damage_factor = ldamage;
	angle = trajectory_angle(target);
	if (!target->canCollide(this) || !canCollide(target)) state = 0;

	if (!(lpos && lpos->exists())) {
		lpos = 0;
		state = 0;

	color = tw_makecol(100+tw_random()%105,100+tw_random()%105,255);
	got_spark = false;
	switch_counter = 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
void SlimePetEntity::readCollidingEntity(CollidingSpriteEntity* entity)
    if (canCollide() && collideWithEntity(entity))
        if (entity->getType() >= ENTITY_ENEMY && entity->getType() <= ENTITY_ENEMY_MAX_COUNT)
            EnemyEntity* enemyEntity = static_cast<EnemyEntity*>(entity);
            if (enemyEntity->canCollide())
                if (attackDelay <= 0.0f)
                    enemyEntity->hurt(getHurtParams(12, ShotTypeStandard,0, false, SourceTypeMelee, EnemyTypeNone,false));
                    attackDelay = 0.65f;

                    float xs = (x + enemyEntity->getX()) / 2;
                    float ys = (y + enemyEntity->getY()) / 2;
                    SpriteEntity* star = new SpriteEntity(ImageManager::getInstance().getImage(IMAGE_HURT_IMPACT), xs, ys);
                    star->setZ(y+ 100);

                if (enemyEntity->getMovingStyle() == movWalking)
                    Vector2D vel = Vector2D(enemyEntity->getX(), enemyEntity->getY()).vectorTo(Vector2D(x, y), 100.0f );
                    giveRecoil(false, vel, 0.3f);
Exemplo n.º 3
void LassoLaser::collide(SpaceObject *o)
  double old_length = length;
  double old_oldlen;
  int collison = FALSE;

  if((!canCollide(o)) || (!o->canCollide(this)))
  for (int i=0; i < BCC ; i++) {
  old_oldlen = o->collide_ray(Vector2(oldnx[i], oldny[i]), Vector2(oldnx[i] + oldex[i],
    oldny[i] + oldey[i]), oldlen[i]);
  collison = (collison || (old_oldlen != oldlen[i]));
  length = o->collide_ray(normal_pos(), normal_pos() + edge(), length);
  if ( (length == old_length) && (!collison) )


  if ((LeftMissile->exists()) && (LeftMissile->sameShip(this)) && (!snapped))
  if ((RightMissile->exists()) && (RightMissile->sameShip(this)) && (!snapped))
  state = 0;
  snapped = TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 4
void EarthlingCruiserMk3Beam::calculate()
	if (!(lpos && lpos->exists())) {
		lpos = 0;
		state = 0;

	if ((frame < frame_count) && (lpos && lpos->exists())) {
		pos = lpos->normal_pos() + rotate(rel_pos, lpos->get_angle() - PI/2);
		vel = lpos->get_vel();
		frame += frame_time;
		state = 0;

	if ((!target) && (switch_counter <= 0)) {
		SpaceObject *o;
		double rng = 1e40;
		SpaceObject *tgt = NULL;
		Query a;
		for (a.begin(this, bit(LAYER_SHIPS) + bit(LAYER_SHOTS) + bit(LAYER_SPECIAL) +
		bit(LAYER_CBODIES), base_length); a.current; a.next()) {
			o = a.currento;
			if (!o->isInvisible() && !o->sameTeam(this) && (o->collide_flag_anyone&bit(LAYER_LINES))
			&& (distance(o) < rng)) {
				tgt = o;
				rng = distance(o);
		if (tgt) {
			target = tgt;
			//			switch_counter = 55;
			got_spark = false;

	if (target && (distance(target) <= base_length)) {
		length = base_length;
		if (target->exists() && canCollide(target) && target->canCollide(this)) {
			angle = trajectory_angle(target);
		if (!target->exists()) target = NULL;
	} else {
		target = NULL;
		if (switch_counter <= 0)
			//			die();
			length = 0;
			switch_counter -= frame_time;

	color = tw_makecol(100+tw_random()%105,100+tw_random()%105,255);
Exemplo n.º 5
void BasiliskAimline::collide(SpaceObject *o)

	if ((!canCollide(o)) || (!o->canCollide(this)))

	if (target == NULL && o->isShip())
		target = o;

Exemplo n.º 6
	bool Rectangle::collision(std::vector<Object*> objects){
			for(int i=0; i<objects.size(); i++){
				if(objects[i] != this){
							return true;
		return false;
Exemplo n.º 7
// an exact copy, with a small modification: it also return a boolean value
int ShipPart::collide_SpaceObject(SpaceObject *other)
	//	double dx, dy;
	//	double dvx, dvy;
	double tmp;

	//	int x1, y1;
	//	int x2, y2;

	if (this == other) {tw_error("SpaceObject::collide - self!");}
	if ((!canCollide(other)) || (!other->canCollide(this))) return 0;
	if (!exists() || !other->exists()) return 0;

	pos = normal_pos();

	Vector2 p1, p2, dp, dv;

	p1 = pos;
	p2 = other->normal_pos();
	dp.x = min_delta(p1.x, p2.x, map_size.x);
	dp.y = min_delta(p1.y, p2.y, map_size.y);
	p2 = p1 - dp - other->size / 2;
	p1 = p1 - size / 2;

	/*	x1 = (int)(normal_x() - (w / 2.0));
		y1 = (int)(normal_y() - (h / 2.0));
		dx = min_delta(normal_x(), other->normal_x(), map_size.x);
		dy = min_delta(normal_y(), other->normal_y(), Y_MAX);
		x2 = (int)(normal_x() - dx - ((other->w) / 2.0));
		y2 = (int)(normal_y() - dy - ((other->h) / 2.0));*/

	if (!sprite->collide(iround(p1.x), iround(p1.y), sprite_index, iround(p2.x), iround(p2.y),
		other->get_sprite_index(), other->get_sprite() ))
		return 0;
	//sprite->collide(x1, y1, sprite_index, x2, y2, other->sprite_index, other->sprite);


	if (!mass || !other->mass) return 0;

	dv = vel - other->vel;

	p1 = pos;
	p2 = other->normal_pos();
	dp.x = min_delta(p1.x, p2.x, map_size.x);
	dp.y = min_delta(p1.y, p2.y, map_size.y);
	p2 = p1 - dp - other->size / 2;
	p1 = p1 - size / 2;

	/*x1 = (int)(normal_x() - (w / 2.0));
	y1 = (int)(normal_y() - (h / 2.0));
	dx = min_delta(normal_x(), other->normal_x(), map_size.x);
	dy = min_delta(normal_y(), other->normal_y(), Y_MAX);
	x2 = (int)(normal_x() - dx - ((other->w) / 2.0));
	y2 = (int)(normal_y() - dy - ((other->h) / 2.0));*/

	while ((dp.x == 0) && (dp.y == 0)) {
		dp.x = (tw_random(5) - 2) / 99.0;
		dp.y = (tw_random(5) - 2) / 99.0;

	Vector2 _dp = unit_vector(dp);
	tmp = dot_product(dv, _dp);
	tmp = ( -2 * tmp );

	if (mass + other->mass > 1)
		tmp = tmp * (mass * other->mass) / (mass + other->mass);

	if (tmp >= 0) {
		if (mass > 1)
			vel += _dp * tmp / mass;
		if (other->mass > 1)
			other->change_vel (- _dp * tmp / other->mass );

	Vector2 nd;
	nd = unit_vector(dp);

	if (mass + other->mass > 1)
		nd /= (mass + other->mass);

	while (sprite->collide(iround(p1.x), iround(p1.y), sprite_index, iround(p2.x), iround(p2.y),
	other->get_sprite_index(), other->get_sprite() )) {
		pos = normalize(pos + nd * other->mass);
		other->pos = normalize(other->pos - nd * mass);

		p1 = pos;
		p2 = other->normal_pos();
		dp.x = min_delta(p1.x, p2.x, map_size.x);
		dp.y = min_delta(p1.y, p2.y, map_size.y);
		p2 = p1 - dp - other->size / 2;
		p1 = p1 - size / 2;

	#ifdef _DEBUG
	SpaceObject *c1 = this;
	SpaceObject *c2 = other;
	if (fabs(c1->vel.x) > 1E6 || fabs(c1->vel.y) > 1E6 || fabs(c2->vel.x) > 1E6 || fabs(c2->vel.y) > 1E6 ) {
		int a1 = c1->canCollide(c2);
		int a2 = c2->canCollide(c1);
		bool b = ((c1->canCollide(c2) & c2->canCollide(c1)) == 0 );
		tw_error("velocity error in collision involving objects [%s] and [%s]", c1->get_identity(), c2->get_identity());

	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 8
// an exact copy, with a small modification: it also return a boolean value
int ShipPart2::collide_SpaceObject(SpaceObject *other)
	//	double dx, dy;
	//	double dvx, dvy;
	double tmp;

	//	int x1, y1;
	//	int x2, y2;

	if (this == other) {
		tw_error("SpaceObject::collide - self!");
	if ((!canCollide(other)) || (!other->canCollide(this)))
		return 0;
	if (!exists() || !other->exists())
		return 0;

	pos = normal_pos();

	Vector2 p1, p2, dp, dv;

	p1 = pos;
	p2 = other->normal_pos();
	dp.x = min_delta(p1.x, p2.x, map_size.x);
	dp.y = min_delta(p1.y, p2.y, map_size.y);
	p2 = p1 - dp - other->size / 2;
	p1 = p1 - size / 2;

	/*	x1 = (int)(normal_x() - (w / 2.0));
		y1 = (int)(normal_y() - (h / 2.0));
		dx = min_delta(normal_x(), other->normal_x(), map_size.x);
		dy = min_delta(normal_y(), other->normal_y(), Y_MAX);
		x2 = (int)(normal_x() - dx - ((other->w) / 2.0));
		y2 = (int)(normal_y() - dy - ((other->h) / 2.0));*/

	if (!sprite->collide(iround(p1.x), iround(p1.y), sprite_index, iround(p2.x), iround(p2.y),
		other->get_sprite_index(), other->get_sprite() ))
		return 0;
	//sprite->collide(x1, y1, sprite_index, x2, y2, other->sprite_index, other->sprite);


	if (!mass || !other->mass)
		return 0;

	dv = vel - other->vel;

	p1 = pos;
	p2 = other->normal_pos();
	dp.x = min_delta(p1.x, p2.x, map_size.x);
	dp.y = min_delta(p1.y, p2.y, map_size.y);
	p2 = p1 - dp - other->size / 2;
	p1 = p1 - size / 2;

	/*x1 = (int)(normal_x() - (w / 2.0));
	y1 = (int)(normal_y() - (h / 2.0));
	dx = min_delta(normal_x(), other->normal_x(), map_size.x);
	dy = min_delta(normal_y(), other->normal_y(), Y_MAX);
	x2 = (int)(normal_x() - dx - ((other->w) / 2.0));
	y2 = (int)(normal_y() - dy - ((other->h) / 2.0));*/

	while ((dp.x == 0) && (dp.y == 0)) {
		dp.x = (tw_random(5) - 2) / 99.0;
		dp.y = (tw_random(5) - 2) / 99.0;

	Vector2 _dp = unit_vector(dp);
	tmp = dot_product(dv, _dp);
	tmp = ( -2 * tmp );
	tmp = tmp * (mass * other->mass) / (mass + other->mass);
	if (tmp >= 0) {
		vel += _dp * tmp / mass;
		other->vel -= _dp * tmp / other->mass;

	Vector2 nd;
	nd = unit_vector(dp);
	nd /= (mass + other->mass);
	while (sprite->collide(iround(p1.x), iround(p1.y), sprite_index, iround(p2.x), iround(p2.y),
	other->get_sprite_index(), other->get_sprite() )) {
		pos = normalize(pos + nd * other->mass);
		other->pos = normalize(other->pos - nd * mass);

		p1 = pos;
		p2 = other->normal_pos();
		dp.x = min_delta(p1.x, p2.x, map_size.x);
		dp.y = min_delta(p1.y, p2.y, map_size.y);
		p2 = p1 - dp - other->size / 2;
		p1 = p1 - size / 2;

	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 9
void SlimePetEntity::animate(float delay)
    if (age < 0.0f)
        age += delay;

        attackDelay -= delay;

        if (isJumping)
            hVelocity -= 700.0f * delay;

            h += hVelocity * delay;

            bool firstTimeGround = false;

            if (h <= 0.0f)
                h = 0.0f;
                if (isFalling())
                    if (isFirstJumping)
                        isFirstJumping = false;
                        firstTimeGround = true;
                        hVelocity = 160.0f;
                        jumpingDelay = 0.3f + 0.1f * (rand() % 15);
                        isJumping = false;
            if (firstTimeGround) frame = 0;
            else if (hVelocity > -190.0f) frame = 2;
            else frame = 1;
        else if (isFalling())
            jumpingDelay -= delay;
            if (jumpingDelay < 0.0f)
                hVelocity = 300.0f + rand() % 250;
                isJumping = true;
                isFirstJumping = true;

                float randVel = 250.0f + rand() % 250;

                setVelocity(Vector2D(x, y).vectorTo(game().getPlayerPosition(), randVel ));
            else if (jumpingDelay < 0.1f)
                frame = 1;
            else frame = 0;

        if (canCollide()) testSpriteCollisions();

    z = y + 14;
Exemplo n.º 10
void CyclopsEntity::animate(float delay)
  if (age <= 0.0f)
    age += delay;

  if (isAgonising)
    if (h < -0.01f)
      isDying = true;
      game().addCorpse(x, y, deathFrame);
      if (dyingSound != SOUND_NONE) SoundManager::getInstance().playSound(dyingSound);
      frame = dyingFrame;
      hVelocity -= 700.0f * delay;
      h += hVelocity * delay;


  // special states
  if (specialState[SpecialStateIce].active) delay *= specialState[SpecialStateIce].param1;

  // IA

  // collisions
  if (canCollide()) testSpriteCollisions();

  // old frame (for sound)
  int oldFrame = frame;

  // current frame
  if (state == 0)
    int r = ((int)(age * 5.0f)) % 4;
    if (r == 2) frame = 0;
    else if (r == 3) frame = 2;
    else frame = r;

    if (oldFrame == 1 && frame == 0) SoundManager::getInstance().playSound(SOUND_HEAVY_STEP_00);
    else if (oldFrame == 2 && frame == 0) SoundManager::getInstance().playSound(SOUND_HEAVY_STEP_01);
  else if (state == 1)
    isMirroring = game().getPlayer()->getX() > x;
    frame = timer > 0.5f ? 4 : 3;
  else if (state == 2)
    frame = 4;
  else if (state == 3)
    frame = 6;
  else if (state == 4)
    frame = 7;

  // frame's mirroring
  if (velocity.x > 1.0f)
    isMirroring = true;
  else if (velocity.x < -1.0f)
    isMirroring = false;

  z = y + 36;
Exemplo n.º 11
bool Entity::isSolid()
	if ( physics == nullptr )
		return false;
	return physics->isSolid() && canCollide();
Exemplo n.º 12
     * Load this object from a template
     * @param objTemplate template to load from
     * @return true if success
    bool SceneObject::LoadFromTemplate( ObjectTemplatePtr objTemplate, const SimEntityData& data )
        if( !objTemplate )
            return false;

        Assert( objTemplate->mpSimFactory );

        // cast to object template to the type we expect
        mSceneObjectTemplate = static_pointer_cast< SceneObjectTemplate, ObjectTemplate>( objTemplate );

        IrrFactory& irrFactory = mSceneObjectTemplate->mpSimFactory->getIrrFactory();

        // are we an animated mesh?
        if( mSceneObjectTemplate->mAniMesh )
            mAniSceneNode = irrFactory.addAnimatedMeshSceneNode( mSceneObjectTemplate->mAniMesh.get() );
            if (mSceneObjectTemplate->mCastsShadow)
            mFPSCamera = mSceneObjectTemplate->mFPSCamera; // reminder to attach camera later

            mStartFrame = mAniSceneNode->getStartFrame();
            mEndFrame = mAniSceneNode->getEndFrame();

			mSceneNode = mAniSceneNode;

        // are we a terrain?
        else if( mSceneObjectTemplate->mHeightmap != "" )
            mTerrSceneNode = irrFactory.addTerrainSceneNode( mSceneObjectTemplate->mHeightmap.c_str() );
            mSceneNode     = mTerrSceneNode;
            mTerrSceneNode->scaleTexture( mSceneObjectTemplate->mScaleTexture.X, mSceneObjectTemplate->mScaleTexture.Y );

        // are we a particle system?
        else if( mSceneObjectTemplate->mParticleSystem != "" )
            mParticleSystemNode = irrFactory.addParticleSystemNode( mSceneObjectTemplate->mParticleSystem );
            mSceneNode          = mParticleSystemNode;
            // don't add a triangle selector for a particle node

        if( mSceneNode )
            // assign the textures
            for( uint32_t i = 0; i < (uint32_t)mSceneObjectTemplate->mTextures.size(); ++i )
                mSceneNode->setMaterialTexture( i, mSceneObjectTemplate->mTextures[i].get() );

            // set the material flags
            std::vector<IrrMaterialFlag>::const_iterator flagItr = mSceneObjectTemplate->mMaterialFlags.begin();
            std::vector<IrrMaterialFlag>::const_iterator flagEnd = mSceneObjectTemplate->mMaterialFlags.end();
            for( ; flagItr != flagEnd; ++flagItr )
                mSceneNode->setMaterialFlag( flagItr->mFlag, flagItr->mValue );

            // set the material type
            mSceneNode->setMaterialType( mSceneObjectTemplate->mMaterialType );

            // set the node scale
            Vector3f scale = mSceneObjectTemplate->mScale;
            /// we can optionally multiply by a custom scale
            scale.X = scale.X * data.GetScale().X;
            scale.Y = scale.Y * data.GetScale().Y;
            scale.Z = scale.Z * data.GetScale().Z;
            mSceneNode->setScale( ConvertNeroToIrrlichtPosition(scale) );

            // make the id of the scene node the same as the SimId of our object
            mSceneNode->setID(ConvertSimIdToSceneId(data.GetId(), data.GetType()));

            // set the position of the object
            SetPosition( data.GetPosition() );

            // set the rotation of the object
            SetRotation( data.GetRotation() );

            // set up the triangle selector for this object
            //if (data.GetType() > 0) {
                ITriangleSelector_IPtr tri_selector = GetTriangleSelector();
                if (!tri_selector) {
                    LOG_F_WARNING("collision", "could not create triangle selector for collisions with object " << GetId());

            // additionally, add a collision response animator
            if (canCollide()) {
                // the world will return the triangles that match the type mask
                ITriangleSelector* world = new CollideByTypeTriangleSelector(mSceneObjectTemplate->mCollisionMask);
                // get the axis-aligned bounding box for the node
                BBoxf box = mSceneNode->getBoundingBox();
                // use the aabbox to make the ellipsoid for the collision response animator
                Vector3f ellipsoid_radius = box.MaxEdge - box.getCenter();
                // TODO: might add gravity here
                Vector3f gravity(0,0,0);
                // ellipsoid translation relative to object coordinates
                Vector3f ellipsoid_translation(0,0,0);
                mCollider = GetSceneManager()->createCollisionResponseAnimator(
                    world, mSceneNode.get(), ellipsoid_radius, gravity, ellipsoid_translation);
                if (!mCollider) {
                    LOG_F_ERROR("collision", "could not create Collision Response Animator for object id: " << data.GetId());
                } else {
                    SafeIrrDrop(world); // we don't need the handle
                        "added collision response animator for object id: "
                        << data.GetId() << " of type: " << data.GetType()
                        << " for collision with mask: " << mSceneObjectTemplate->mCollisionMask
                        << " with bounding ellipsoid: " << ellipsoid_radius);

            // debug information
            if( mTerrSceneNode )
                const aabbox3df& bbox = mTerrSceneNode->getBoundingBox();

                vector3df  dim  = bbox.MaxEdge - bbox.MinEdge;

                float32_t vol = dim.X * dim.Y * dim.Z;
                vol = (vol<0) ? -vol : vol;

                LOG_F_MSG( "render", "Added terrain with heightmap: " << mSceneObjectTemplate->mHeightmap );
                LOG_F_MSG( "render", "   Dim: (" << dim.X << ", " << dim.Y << ", " << dim.Z << ")" );
                LOG_F_MSG( "render", "   Volume: " << vol );

        return true;