Exemplo n.º 1
/** Can a player see something?
 * \param player the looker.
 * \param thing object to be seen.
 * \param can_see_loc 1 if player can see the location, 0 if location is dark.
 * \retval 1 player can see thing.
 * \retval 0 player can not see thing.
can_see(dbref player, dbref thing, int can_see_loc)
  if (!can_interact(thing, player, INTERACT_SEE, NULL))
    return 0;

   * 1) your own body isn't listed in a 'look' 2) exits aren't listed in a
   * 'look' 3) unconnected (sleeping) players aren't listed in a 'look'
  if (player == thing || IsExit(thing) ||
      (IsPlayer(thing) && !Connected(thing)))
    return 0;

  /* if thing is in a room set LIGHT, it can be seen */
  else if (IS(Location(thing), TYPE_ROOM, "LIGHT"))
    return 1;

  /* if the room is non-dark, you can see objects which are light or non-dark */
  else if (can_see_loc)
    return (Light(thing) || !DarkLegal(thing));

  /* otherwise room is dark and you can only see lit things */
    return (Light(thing));
Exemplo n.º 2
/** Return the first object near another object that is visible to a player.
 * first_visible() does not behave as intended. It _should_ return the first
 * object in `thing' that is !DARK. However, because of the controls() check
 * the function will return a DARK object if the player owns it.
 * The behavior is left as is because so many functions in fundb.c rely on
 * the incorrect behavior to return expected values. The lv*() functions
 * also make rewriting this fairly pointless.
 * \param player the looker.
 * \param thing an object in the location to be inspected.
 * \return dbref of first visible object or NOTHING.
first_visible(dbref player, dbref thing)
  int lck = 0;
  int ldark;
  dbref loc;

  if (!GoodObject(thing) || IsRoom(thing))
    return NOTHING;
  loc = IsExit(thing) ? Source(thing) : Location(thing);
  if (!GoodObject(loc))
    return NOTHING;
  ldark = IsPlayer(loc) ? Opaque(loc) : Dark(loc);

  while (GoodObject(thing)) {
    if (can_interact(thing, player, INTERACT_SEE, NULL)) {
      if (DarkLegal(thing) || (ldark && !Light(thing))) {
        if (!lck) {
          if (See_All(player) || (loc == player) || controls(player, loc))
            return thing;
          lck = 1;
        if (controls(player, thing))    /* this is what causes DARK objects to show */
          return thing;
      } else {
        return thing;
    thing = Next(thing);
  return thing;
Exemplo n.º 3
/* Show the 'Obvious Exits' list for a room. Used in 'look' and 'examine'.
 * \param player The player looking
 * \param loc room whose exits we're showing
 * \param exit_name "Obvious Exits" string
 * \param pe_info the pe_info to use for evaluating EXITFORMAT and interact locks
static void
look_exits(dbref player, dbref loc, const char *exit_name, NEW_PE_INFO *pe_info)
  dbref thing;
  char *tbuf1, *tbuf2, *nbuf;
  char *s1, *s2;
  char *p;
  int exit_count, this_exit, total_count;
  int texits;
  ufun_attrib ufun;

  /* make sure location is a room */
  if (!IsRoom(loc))

  tbuf1 = (char *) mush_malloc(BUFFER_LEN, "string");
  tbuf2 = (char *) mush_malloc(BUFFER_LEN, "string");
  nbuf = (char *) mush_malloc(BUFFER_LEN, "string");
  if (!tbuf1 || !tbuf2 || !nbuf)
    mush_panic("Unable to allocate memory in look_exits");
  s1 = tbuf1;
  s2 = tbuf2;
  texits = exit_count = total_count = 0;
  this_exit = 1;

  if (fetch_ufun_attrib
    char *arg, *buff, *bp;
    PE_REGS *pe_regs = pe_regs_create(PE_REGS_ARG, "look_exits");

    arg = (char *) mush_malloc(BUFFER_LEN, "string");
    buff = (char *) mush_malloc(BUFFER_LEN, "string");
    if (!arg || !buff)
      mush_panic("Unable to allocate memory in look_exits");

    bp = arg;
    DOLIST(thing, Exits(loc)) {
      if (((Light(loc) || Light(thing)) || !(Dark(loc) || Dark(thing)))
          && can_interact(thing, player, INTERACT_SEE, pe_info)) {
        if (bp != arg)
          safe_chr(' ', arg, &bp);
        safe_dbref(thing, arg, &bp);
    *bp = '\0';
    pe_regs_setenv_nocopy(pe_regs, 0, arg);

    call_ufun(&ufun, buff, player, player, pe_info, pe_regs);

    notify_by(loc, player, buff);
    mush_free(tbuf1, "string");
    mush_free(tbuf2, "string");
    mush_free(nbuf, "string");
    mush_free(arg, "string");
    mush_free(buff, "string");
Exemplo n.º 4
 void operator()(time_steward::accessor* accessor)const override {
   particle const& p0 = accessor->get<particle>(accessor->get(id0));
   particle const& p1 = accessor->get<particle>(accessor->get(id1));
   const time_t t = max(p0.last_time, p1.last_time);
   const position_t pos0 = p0.last_position + p0.approx_velocity*(t-p0.last_time);
   const position_t dp = pos1 - pos0;
   const velocity_t dv = p1.approx_velocity - p0.approx_velocity;
   time_t t2 = t-1;
   if (dv > 0) {
     t2 = t + divide(dp, dv*10, rounding_strategy<round_down, negative_is_forbidden>());
   if (dv < 0) {
     t2 = t + divide(dp, -dv*12, rounding_strategy<round_down, negative_is_forbidden>());
     while (!can_interact(p0, p1, t2)) {
       t2 = divide(t2+t, 2, rounding_strategy<round_down, negative_continuous_with_positive>());
   if (t2 >= t) {
     accessor->anticipate_event(t2, std::shared_ptr<event>(new particles_interact(id0, id1)));
Exemplo n.º 5
/** The whisper command.
 * \param player the enactor.
 * \param arg1 name of the object to whisper to.
 * \param arg2 message to whisper.
 * \param noisy if 1, others overhear that a whisper has occurred.
 * \param pe_info the pe_info for evaluating interact locks
do_whisper(dbref player, const char *arg1, const char *arg2, int noisy,
           NEW_PE_INFO *pe_info)
  dbref who;
  int key;
  const char *gap;
  char *tbuf, *tp;
  char *p;
  dbref good[100];
  int gcount = 0;
  const char *head;
  int overheard;
  char *current;
  const char **start;
  char sname[BUFFER_LEN];

  if (!arg1 || !*arg1) {
    notify(player, T("Whisper to whom?"));
  if (!arg2 || !*arg2) {
    notify(player, T("Whisper what?"));
  tp = tbuf = (char *) mush_malloc(BUFFER_LEN, "string");
  if (!tbuf)
    mush_panic("Unable to allocate memory in do_whisper");

  overheard = 0;
  head = arg1;
  start = &head;
  /* Figure out what kind of message */
  gap = " ";
  switch (*arg2) {
    gap = "";
  case POSE_TOKEN:
    key = 1;
    key = 2;

  *tp = '\0';
  /* Make up a list of good and bad names */
  while (head && *head) {
    current = next_in_list(start);
    who = match_result(player, current, TYPE_PLAYER, MAT_NEAR_THINGS |
    if (!GoodObject(who) || !can_interact(player, who, INTERACT_HEAR, pe_info)) {
      safe_chr(' ', tbuf, &tp);
      safe_str_space(current, tbuf, &tp);
      if (GoodObject(who))
        notify_format(player, T("%s can't hear you."),
                      AName(who, AN_SYS, NULL));
    } else {
      /* A good whisper */
      good[gcount++] = who;
      if (gcount >= 100) {
        notify(player, T("Too many people to whisper to."));

  *tp = '\0';
  if (*tbuf)
    notify_format(player, T("Unable to whisper to:%s"), tbuf);

  if (!gcount) {
    mush_free(tbuf, "string");

  /* Drunk wizards... */
  if (Dark(player))
    noisy = 0;

  /* Set up list of good names */
  tp = tbuf;
  safe_str(T(" to "), tbuf, &tp);
  for (who = 0; who < gcount; who++) {
    if (noisy && (get_random32(0, 100) < (uint32_t) WHISPER_LOUDNESS))
      overheard = 1;
    safe_itemizer(who + 1, (who == gcount - 1), ",", T("and"), " ", tbuf, &tp);
    safe_str(AName(good[who], AN_SAY, NULL), tbuf, &tp);
  *tp = '\0';

  if (key == 1) {
    notify_format(player, (gcount > 1) ? T("%s sense: %s%s%s") :
                  T("%s senses: %s%s%s"), tbuf + 4, AName(player, AN_SAY, NULL),
                  gap, arg2);
    p = tprintf("You sense: %s%s%s", AName(player, AN_SAY, NULL), gap, arg2);
  } else {
    notify_format(player, T("You whisper, \"%s\"%s."), arg2, tbuf);
    p = tprintf(T("%s whispers%s: %s"), AName(player, AN_SAY, NULL),
                gcount > 1 ? tbuf : "", arg2);

  strcpy(sname, AName(player, AN_SAY, NULL));
  for (who = 0; who < gcount; who++) {
    notify_must_puppet(good[who], p);
    if (Location(good[who]) != Location(player))
      overheard = 0;
  if (overheard) {
    dbref first = Contents(Location(player));
    if (!GoodObject(first))
    p = tprintf(T("%s whispers%s."), sname, tbuf);
    DOLIST(first, first) {
      overheard = 1;
      for (who = 0; who < gcount; who++) {
        if ((first == player) || (first == good[who])) {
          overheard = 0;
      if (overheard)
        notify_noecho(first, p);