Exemplo n.º 1
/* Cheap hack of process_exit from overland.c for ships */
ch_ret process_shipexit( char_data * ch, short map, short x, short y, int dir )
   int sector = get_terrain( map, x, y ), move;
   room_index *from_room;
   ship_data *ship = ch->on_ship;
   ch_ret retcode;
   short fx, fy, fmap;

   from_room = ch->in_room;
   fx = ch->mx;
   fy = ch->my;
   fmap = ch->cmap;

   retcode = rNONE;
   if( ch->has_pcflag( PCFLAG_MAPEDIT ) )
      ch->print( "Get off the ship before you start editing.\r\n" );
      return rSTOP;

   if( sector == SECT_EXIT )
      mapexit_data *mexit;
      room_index *toroom = NULL;

      mexit = check_mapexit( map, x, y );

      if( mexit != NULL )
         if( mexit->tomap != -1 )   /* Means exit goes to another map */
            if( !can_move_ship( ch, get_terrain( mexit->tomap, mexit->therex, mexit->therey ) ) )
               return rSTOP;

            enter_map( ch, NULL, mexit->therex, mexit->therey, mexit->tomap );
            if( ch->mount )
               enter_map( ch->mount, NULL, mexit->therex, mexit->therey, mexit->tomap );

            list < char_data * >::iterator ich;
            size_t chars = from_room->people.size(  );
            size_t count = 0;
            for( ich = from_room->people.begin(  ); ich != from_room->people.end(  ), ( count < chars ); )
               char_data *fch = *ich;

               if( fch != ch  /* loop room bug fix here by Thoric */
                   && fch->master == ch && ( fch->position == POS_STANDING || fch->position == POS_MOUNTED ) && fch->mx == fx && fch->my == fy && fch->cmap == fmap )
                  if( !fch->isnpc(  ) )
                     act( AT_ACTION, "The ship sails $T.", fch, NULL, dir_name[dir], TO_CHAR );
                     process_exit( fch, fch->cmap, x, y, dir, false );
                     enter_map( fch, NULL, mexit->therex, mexit->therey, mexit->tomap );
            return rSTOP;

         if( !( toroom = get_room_index( mexit->vnum ) ) )
            bug( "%s: Target vnum %d for map exit does not exist!", __FUNCTION__, mexit->vnum );
            ch->print( "Ooops. Something bad happened. Contact the immortals ASAP.\r\n" );
            return rSTOP;

         if( !can_move_ship( ch, toroom->sector_type ) )
            return rSTOP;

         if( !str_cmp( ch->name, ship->owner ) )
            act_printf( AT_ACTION, ch, NULL, dir_name[dir], TO_ROOM, "%s sails off to the $T.", ship->name.c_str(  ) );

         ch->on_ship->room = toroom->vnum;

         leave_map( ch, NULL, toroom );

         list < char_data * >::iterator ich;
         size_t chars = from_room->people.size(  );
         size_t count = 0;
         for( ich = from_room->people.begin(  ); ich != from_room->people.end(  ), ( count < chars ); )
            char_data *fch = *ich;

            if( fch != ch  /* loop room bug fix here by Thoric */
                && fch->master == ch && fch->position == POS_STANDING && fch->mx == fx && fch->my == fy && fch->cmap == fmap )
               if( !fch->isnpc(  ) )
                  act( AT_ACTION, "The ship sails $T.", fch, NULL, dir_name[dir], TO_CHAR );
                  process_shipexit( fch, fch->cmap, x, y, dir );
                  leave_map( fch, ch, toroom );
         return rSTOP;

   switch ( dir )
         ch->print( "Alas, you cannot go that way...\r\n" );
         return rSTOP;

      case DIR_NORTH:
         if( y == -1 )
            ch->print( "You cannot sail any further north!\r\n" );
            return rSTOP;

      case DIR_EAST:
         if( x == MAX_X )
            ch->print( "You cannot sail any further east!\r\n" );
            return rSTOP;

      case DIR_SOUTH:
         if( y == MAX_Y )
            ch->print( "You cannot sail any further south!\r\n" );
            return rSTOP;

      case DIR_WEST:
         if( x == -1 )
            ch->print( "You cannot sail any further west!\r\n" );
            return rSTOP;

      case DIR_NORTHEAST:
         if( x == MAX_X || y == -1 )
            ch->print( "You cannot sail any further northeast!\r\n" );
            return rSTOP;

      case DIR_NORTHWEST:
         if( x == -1 || y == -1 )
            ch->print( "You cannot sail any further northwest!\r\n" );
            return rSTOP;

      case DIR_SOUTHEAST:
         if( x == MAX_X || y == MAX_Y )
            ch->print( "You cannot sail any further southeast!\r\n" );
            return rSTOP;

      case DIR_SOUTHWEST:
         if( x == -1 || y == MAX_Y )
            ch->print( "You cannot sail any further southwest!\r\n" );
            return rSTOP;

   if( !can_move_ship( ch, sector ) )
      return rSTOP;

   move = sect_show[sector].move;

   if( ship->fuel < move && !ch->is_immortal(  ) )
      ch->print( "Your ship is too low on magical energy to sail further ahead.\r\n" );
      return rSTOP;

   if( !ch->is_immortal(  ) && !str_cmp( ch->name, ship->owner ) )
      ship->fuel -= move;

   if( !str_cmp( ch->name, ship->owner ) )
      act_printf( AT_ACTION, ch, NULL, dir_name[dir], TO_ROOM, "%s sails off to the $T.", ship->name.c_str(  ) );

   ch->mx = x;
   ch->my = y;
   ship->mx = x;
   ship->my = y;

   if( !str_cmp( ch->name, ship->owner ) )
      const char *txt = rev_exit( dir );
      act_printf( AT_ACTION, ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM, "%s sails in from the %s.", ship->name.c_str(  ), txt );

   list < char_data * >::iterator ich;
   size_t chars = from_room->people.size(  );
   size_t count = 0;
   for( ich = from_room->people.begin(  ); ich != from_room->people.end(  ), ( count < chars ); )
      char_data *fch = *ich;

      if( fch != ch  /* loop room bug fix here by Thoric */
          && fch->master == ch && ( fch->position == POS_STANDING || fch->position == POS_MOUNTED ) && fch->mx == fx && fch->my == fy )
         if( !fch->isnpc(  ) )
            act( AT_ACTION, "The ship sails $T.", fch, NULL, dir_name[dir], TO_CHAR );
            process_exit( fch, fch->cmap, x, y, dir, false );
            fch->mx = x;
            fch->my = y;
   interpret( ch, "look" );
   return retcode;
Exemplo n.º 2
/* Rehacked by Samson - had to clean up the mess */
ch_ret move_ship( char_data * ch, exit_data * pexit, int direction )
   ship_data *ship = ch->on_ship;
   ch_ret retcode;
   short door;
   int newx, newy, move;

   retcode = rNONE;

   if( ch->has_pcflag( PCFLAG_ONMAP ) || ch->has_actflag( ACT_ONMAP ) )
      newx = ch->mx;
      newy = ch->my;

      switch ( direction )
         case DIR_NORTH:
            newy = ch->my - 1;
         case DIR_EAST:
            newx = ch->mx + 1;
         case DIR_SOUTH:
            newy = ch->my + 1;
         case DIR_WEST:
            newx = ch->mx - 1;
         case DIR_NORTHEAST:
            newx = ch->mx + 1;
            newy = ch->my - 1;
         case DIR_NORTHWEST:
            newx = ch->mx - 1;
            newy = ch->my - 1;
         case DIR_SOUTHEAST:
            newx = ch->mx + 1;
            newy = ch->my + 1;
         case DIR_SOUTHWEST:
            newx = ch->mx - 1;
            newy = ch->my + 1;
      if( newx == ch->mx && newy == ch->my )
         return rSTOP;

      retcode = process_shipexit( ch, ch->cmap, newx, newy, direction );
      return retcode;

   room_index *in_room = ch->in_room;
   room_index *from_room = in_room;
   room_index *to_room;
   if( !pexit || !( to_room = pexit->to_room ) )
      ch->print( "Alas, you cannot sail that way.\r\n" );
      check_sneaks( ch );
      return rSTOP;

   door = pexit->vdir;

    * Overland Map stuff - Samson 7-31-99 
    * Upgraded 4-28-00 to allow mounts and charmies to follow PC - Samson 
   if( IS_EXIT_FLAG( pexit, EX_OVERLAND ) )
      if( pexit->mx < 0 || pexit->mx >= MAX_X || pexit->my < 0 || pexit->my >= MAX_Y )
         bug( "%s: Room #%d - Invalid exit coordinates: %d %d", __FUNCTION__, in_room->vnum, pexit->mx, pexit->my );
         ch->print( "Oops. Something is wrong with this map exit - notify the immortals.\r\n" );
         check_sneaks( ch );
         return rSTOP;

      if( !ch->isnpc(  ) )
         enter_map( ch, pexit, pexit->mx, pexit->my, -1 );
         if( ch->mount )
            enter_map( ch->mount, pexit, pexit->mx, pexit->my, -1 );

         list < char_data * >::iterator ich;
         size_t chars = from_room->people.size(  );
         size_t count = 0;
         for( ich = from_room->people.begin(  ); ich != from_room->people.end(  ), ( count < chars ); )
            char_data *fch = *ich;

            if( fch != ch  /* loop room bug fix here by Thoric */
                && fch->master == ch && ( fch->position == POS_STANDING || fch->position == POS_MOUNTED ) )
               if( !fch->isnpc(  ) )
                  act( AT_ACTION, "The ship sails $T.", fch, NULL, dir_name[direction], TO_CHAR );
                  move_char( fch, pexit, 0, direction, false );
                  enter_map( fch, pexit, pexit->mx, pexit->my, -1 );
         if( !IS_EXIT_FLAG( pexit, EX_NOMOB ) )
            enter_map( ch, pexit, pexit->mx, pexit->my, -1 );
            if( ch->mount )
               enter_map( ch->mount, pexit, pexit->mx, pexit->my, -1 );

            list < char_data * >::iterator ich;
            size_t chars = from_room->people.size(  );
            size_t count = 0;
            for( ich = from_room->people.begin(  ); ich != from_room->people.end(  ), ( count < chars ); )
               char_data *fch = *ich;

               if( fch != ch  /* loop room bug fix here by Thoric */
                   && fch->master == ch && ( fch->position == POS_STANDING || fch->position == POS_MOUNTED ) )
                  if( !fch->isnpc(  ) )
                     act( AT_ACTION, "The ship sails $T.", fch, NULL, dir_name[direction], TO_CHAR );
                     move_char( fch, pexit, 0, direction, false );
                     enter_map( fch, pexit, pexit->mx, pexit->my, -1 );
      check_sneaks( ch );
      return rSTOP;

   if( !can_move_ship( ch, pexit->to_room->sector_type ) )
      check_sneaks( ch );
      return rSTOP;

   if( IS_EXIT_FLAG( pexit, EX_PORTAL ) )
      ch->print( "You cannot sail a ship through that!!\r\n" );
      check_sneaks( ch );
      return rSTOP;

   if( !ch->is_immortal(  ) && !ch->isnpc(  ) && ch->in_room->area != to_room->area )
      if( ch->level < to_room->area->low_hard_range )
         switch ( to_room->area->low_hard_range - ch->level )
            case 1:
               ch->print( "&[tell]A voice in your mind says, 'You are nearly ready to go that way...'\r\n" );
            case 2:
               ch->print( "&[tell]A voice in your mind says, 'Soon you shall be ready to travel down this path... soon.'\r\n" );
            case 3:
               ch->print( "&[tell]A voice in your mind says, 'You are not ready to go down that path... yet.'\r\n" );
               ch->print( "&[tell]A voice in your mind says, 'You are not ready to go down that path.'\r\n" );
         check_sneaks( ch );
         return rSTOP;
      else if( ch->level > to_room->area->hi_hard_range )
         ch->print( "&[tell]A voice in your mind says, 'There is nothing more for you down that path.'" );
         check_sneaks( ch );
         return rSTOP;

    * Tunnels in water sectors only check for ships, not people since they're generally too small to matter 
   if( to_room->tunnel > 0 )
      int count = 0;
      list < ship_data * >::iterator other;

      for( other = shiplist.begin(  ); other != shiplist.end(  ); ++other )
         ship_data *shp = *other;

         if( shp->room == to_room->vnum )

         if( count >= to_room->tunnel )
            ch->print( "There are too many ships ahead to pass.\r\n" );
            check_sneaks( ch );
            return rSTOP;

   move = sect_show[in_room->sector_type].move;

   if( ship->fuel < move && !ch->is_immortal(  ) )
      ch->print( "Your ship is too low on magical energy to sail further ahead.\r\n" );
      return rSTOP;

   if( !str_cmp( ch->name, ship->owner ) && !ch->is_immortal(  ) )
      ship->fuel -= move;

   rprog_leave_trigger( ch );
   if( ch->char_died(  ) )
      return global_retcode;

   if( !str_cmp( ch->name, ship->owner ) )
      act_printf( AT_ACTION, ch, NULL, dir_name[door], TO_ROOM, "%s sails off to the $T.", ship->name.c_str(  ) );

   ch->from_room(  );
   if( ch->mount )
      rprog_leave_trigger( ch->mount );
      if( ch->char_died(  ) )
         return global_retcode;
      if( ch->mount )
         ch->mount->from_room(  );
         if( !ch->mount->to_room( to_room ) )
            log_printf( "char_to_room: %s:%s, line %d.", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__ );
   if( !ch->to_room( to_room ) )
      log_printf( "char_to_room: %s:%s, line %d.", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__ );
   ship->room = to_room->vnum;
   check_sneaks( ch );

   if( !str_cmp( ch->name, ship->owner ) )
      const char *txt = rev_exit( door );

      act_printf( AT_ACTION, ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM, "%s sails in from the %s.", ship->name.c_str(  ), txt );

   list < char_data * >::iterator ich;
   size_t chars = from_room->people.size(  );
   size_t count = 0;
   for( ich = from_room->people.begin(  ); ich != from_room->people.end(  ), ( count < chars ); )
      char_data *fch = *ich;

      if( fch != ch  /* loop room bug fix here by Thoric */
          && fch->master == ch && ( fch->position == POS_STANDING || fch->position == POS_MOUNTED ) )
         act( AT_ACTION, "The ship sails $T.", fch, NULL, dir_name[door], TO_CHAR );
         move_char( fch, pexit, 0, direction, false );
   interpret( ch, "look" );
   return retcode;
Exemplo n.º 3
/** Edge cursor check function.
 * Determine whether or not a ship can be moved to this edge by the
 * specified player.  Perform the following checks:
 * 1 - Ship cannot be moved to where it comes from
 * 2 - A ship must be buildable at the destination if the ship is moved away
 *     from its current location.
static gboolean can_ship_be_moved_to(MapElement ship_to,
				     G_GNUC_UNUSED gint owner,
				     MapElement ship_from)
	return can_move_ship(ship_from.edge, ship_to.edge);