Exemplo n.º 1
/*! \brief Write some bytes to the IEC bus

 \param Pdx
   Pointer to the device extension.

 \param Buffer
   Pointer to a buffer where the read bytes are written to.

 \param Size
   Maximum number of characters to read from the bus.

 \param Written
   Pointer to the variable which will hold the number of written bytes.

   If the routine succeeds, it returns STATUS_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it
   returns one of the error status values.

 ATN is released on return of this routine
cbmiec_raw_write(IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION Pdx, 
                 IN const PUCHAR Buffer, IN ULONG Size, 
                 OUT ULONG *Written)
    NTSTATUS ntStatus;

#if DBG
    unsigned i;


    PERF_EVENT_VERBOSE(0x1000, 0);

    FUNC_PARAM((DBG_PREFIX "Buffer = 0x%p, Size = 0x%04x", Buffer, Size));

#if DBG
    for (i=0;i<Size;i++)
        FUNC_PARAM((DBG_PREFIX "   output %2u: 0x%02x '%c'", i, (unsigned int) Buffer[i], (UCHAR) Buffer[i]));

    PERF_EVENT_VERBOSE(0x1001, 0);

    ntStatus = cbmiec_i_raw_write(Pdx, Buffer, Size, Written, 0, 0);

    PERF_EVENT_VERBOSE(0x1002, 0);

Exemplo n.º 2
/*! \brief Send an UNLISTEN over the IEC bus

 This function sends an UNLISTEN to the IEC bus.

 \param Pdx
   Pointer to the device extension.

   If the routine succeeds, it returns STATUS_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it
   returns one of the error status values.
cbmiec_unlisten(IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION Pdx)
    NTSTATUS ntStatus;
    ULONG sent;
    UCHAR buffer;


    // send a 0x3F (unlisten) under control of ATN

    buffer = 0x3f;
    ntStatus = cbmiec_i_raw_write(Pdx, &buffer, 1, &sent, 1, 0);

    Pdx->DoNotReleaseBus = FALSE;

Exemplo n.º 3
/*! \brief Send a TALK over the IEC bus

 This function sends a TALK to the IEC bus.

 \param Pdx
   Pointer to the device extension.

 \param Device
   Device (primary) address

 \param Secaddr
   Secondary address

   If the routine succeeds, it returns STATUS_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it
   returns one of the error status values.
cbmiec_talk(IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION Pdx, IN UCHAR Device, IN UCHAR Secaddr)
    NTSTATUS ntStatus;
    ULONG sent;
    UCHAR buffer[2];


    FUNC_PARAM((DBG_PREFIX "Device = 0x%02x, Secaddr = 0x%02x", (int)Device, (int)Secaddr));

    // send a 0x4x / 0x6y (talk device x, secaddr y) under control of ATN

    buffer[0] = 0x40 | Device;
    buffer[1] = 0x60 | Secaddr;
    ntStatus = cbmiec_i_raw_write(Pdx, buffer, 2, &sent, 1, 1);

    Pdx->DoNotReleaseBus = TRUE;
