Exemplo n.º 1
test_replace (void) {
	char str1[] = "\x01\x01\x01x\x01y\x01z\x01xy\x01yz\x01";
	char *str2 = (char *)NULL;

	cbuffer_t *buf1 = (cbuffer_t *)NULL;
	cbuffer_t *buf2 = (cbuffer_t *)NULL;

	buf1 = cbuf_new ();

	cbuf_import (buf1, str1, strlen (str1));

	buf2 = cbuf_replace (buf1, "\x01", ", ", 1, 2);

	if (buf2 != (cbuffer_t *)NULL) {
		str2 = (char *)xmalloc (buf2->sz + 1);
		if (str2 != (char *)NULL) {
			memset (str2, (int)NULL, buf2->sz + 1);
			memcpy (str2, buf2->data, buf2->sz);
			printf ("test_replace(): str1 = %s\n", str1);
			printf ("test_replace(): str2 = %s\n", str2);
			xfree (str2);

	cbuf_delete (buf1);
	cbuf_delete (buf2);
Exemplo n.º 2
test_cut (void) {
	char str1[] = "\x01\x01\x01x234x\x01\x01y\x01\x01xy123\x01\x01";
	char *str2 = (char *)NULL;
	char *str3 = (char *)NULL;

	cbuffer_t *buf1 = (cbuffer_t *)NULL;
	cbuffer_t *buf2 = (cbuffer_t *)NULL;

	buf1 = cbuf_new();

	cbuf_import (buf1, str1, strlen (str1));
	buf2 = cbuf_cut (buf1, 2, 14);

	printf ("test_cut(): str1 = %s\n", str1);

	str2 = (char *)xmalloc (buf1->sz + 1);
	memset (str2, (int)NULL, buf1->sz + 1);
	memcpy (str2, buf1->data, buf1->sz);

	str3 = (char *)xmalloc (buf2->sz + 1);
	memset (str3, (int)NULL, buf2->sz + 1);
	memcpy (str3, buf2->data, buf2->sz);

	printf ("test_cut(): str2 = %s\ntest_cut(): str3 = %s\n", str2, str3);

	xfree (str2);
	xfree (str3);

	cbuf_delete (buf1);
	cbuf_delete (buf2);
Exemplo n.º 3
test_split (void) {
	char str0[] = "\x01";
	char str1[] = "\x01\x01x\x01y\x01z\x01xy\x01yz";
	char str2[] = "buffer one\n\x01\x02\nend buffer\n";
	char str3[] = "buffer two\n\x01\x02\nend buffer\n";

	deque_t *split = (deque_t *)NULL;

	cbuffer_t *buf1 = (cbuffer_t *)NULL;
	cbuffer_t *buf2 = (cbuffer_t *)NULL;
	cbuffer_t *buf3 = (cbuffer_t *)NULL;

	buf1 = cbuf_new ();
	buf2 = cbuf_new ();
	buf3 = cbuf_new ();

	cbuf_import (buf1, str1, strlen (str1));
	cbuf_import (buf2, str2, strlen (str2));
	cbuf_import (buf3, str3, strlen (str3));

	split = cbuf_split (buf1, (void *)str0, 1);
	printf ("test_split(): len = %d\n", deque_length (split));

	deque_push (split, buf2);
	printf ("test_split(): len = %d\n", deque_length (split));

	deque_push (split, buf3);
	printf ("test_split(): len = %d\n", deque_length (split));

	cbuf_delete (buf1);
	deque_delete (split, cbuf_delete_callback);
Exemplo n.º 4
void run_main_b() {
    cbuf *cb1 ;
    cb1 = cbuf_init() ;
    cbuf_update(cb1, 60, 1.291) ;
    cbuf_update(cb1, 63, 1.287) ;
    cbuf_update(cb1, 63, 1.231) ;
    cbuf_update(cb1, 69, 1.229) ;
    cbuf_update(cb1, 72, 1.247) ;
    cbuf_update(cb1, 361, 1.291) ;
    cbuf_update(cb1, 411, 1.291) ;
    cbuf_update(cb1, 412, 1.281) ;
    cbuf_update(cb1, 413, 1.292) ;
    cbuf_update(cb1, 414, 1.284) ;
    cbuf_update(cb1, 414, 1.290) ;
    cbuf_update(cb1, 511, 1.241) ;
    cbuf_update(cb1, 512, 1.251) ;
    cbuf_update(cb1, 513, 1.232) ;
    cbuf_update(cb1, 514, 1.202) ;
    cbuf_update(cb1, 517, 1.119) ;
    cbuf_update(cb1, 551, 1.080) ;
    cbuf_update(cb1, 552, 1.081) ;
    cbuf_update(cb1, 553, 1.079) ;
    cbuf_update(cb1, 554, 1.088) ;
    cbuf_update(cb1, 561, 1.072) ;
    cbuf_update(cb1, 562, 1.113) ;
    cbuf_update(cb1, 563, 1.091) ;
    cbuf_update(cb1, 564, 1.092) ;
    cbuf_update(cb1, 571, 1.089) ;
    cbuf_update(cb1, 572, 1.073) ;
    cbuf_update(cb1, 573, 1.061) ;
    cbuf_update(cb1, 574, 1.111) ;
    cbuf_update(cb1, 581, 1.119) ;
    cbuf_update(cb1, 582, 1.123) ;
    cbuf_update(cb1, 583, 1.151) ;
    cbuf_update(cb1, 584, 1.153) ;
    cbuf_dump(cb1) ;
    double avg ;
    avg = cbuf_average(cb1) ;
    printf("Average rate = %f\n", avg) ;
    quote *q_start, *q_end ;
    q_start = cbuf_start(cb1) ;
    q_end = cbuf_end(cb1) ;
    printf("Start: time = %d, rate = %f\n", q_start->time, q_start->rate) ;
    printf("End:   time = %d, rate = %f\n", q_end->time, q_end->rate) ;
    cbuf_stats(cb1) ;
    cbuf_delete(cb1) ;
Exemplo n.º 5
test_tail_head (void) {
	char str1[] = "123456";
	char *str2 = (char *)NULL;
	char *str3 = (char *)NULL;

	cbuffer_t *buf1;
	cbuffer_t *buf2;
	cbuffer_t *buf3;
	buf1 = (cbuffer_t *)NULL;
	buf2 = (cbuffer_t *)NULL;
	buf3 = (cbuffer_t *)NULL;

	printf ("test_tail_head(): str1 = %s\n", (char *)str1);

	buf1 = cbuf_new();
	cbuf_import (buf1, str1, strlen (str1));

	buf2 = cbuf_head (buf1, 3);
	str2 = (char *)malloc (buf2->sz + 1);
	if (str2 != (char *)NULL) {
		memset (str2, (int)NULL, buf2->sz + 1);
		memcpy (str2, buf2->data, buf2->sz);
		printf ("test_tail_head(): str2 = %s\n", str2);
		free (str2);

	buf3 = cbuf_tail (buf1, 3);
	str3 = (char *)malloc (buf3->sz + 1);
	if (str3 != (char *)NULL) {
		memset (str3, (int)NULL, buf3->sz + 1);
		memcpy (str3, buf3->data, buf3->sz);
		printf ("test_tail_head(): str3 = %s\n", str3);
		free (str3);

	cbuf_delete (buf2);
	cbuf_delete (buf3);

	buf2 = cbuf_head_cut (buf1, 3);
	buf3 = cbuf_tail_cut (buf2, 3);

	cbuf_delete (buf2);
	cbuf_delete (buf3);

	cbuf_delete (buf1);
Exemplo n.º 6
cbuf* cbuf_takeover(cbuf* b1, cbuf* b2)
    talloc_reparent(b2, b1, b2->buf);
    b1->buf = b2->buf;
    b1->pos = b2->pos;
    b1->size = b2->size;
    return b1;
Exemplo n.º 7
test_import (void) {
	char str1[] = "buffer one\n\x01\x02\nend buffer\n";
	char str2[] = "buffer two\n\x01\x02\nend buffer\n";
	char str3[] = "x" "\x01" "y" "\x01" "z" "\x01" "xy" "\x01" "yz";

	cbuffer_t *buf1 = (cbuffer_t *)NULL;
	cbuffer_t *buf2 = (cbuffer_t *)NULL;
	cbuffer_t *buf3 = (cbuffer_t *)NULL;

	buf1 = cbuf_new ();
	buf2 = cbuf_new ();
	buf3 = cbuf_new ();

	cbuf_import (buf1, str1, strlen (str1));
	cbuf_import (buf2, str2, strlen (str2));
	cbuf_import (buf3, str3, strlen (str3));

	cbuf_delete (buf1);
	cbuf_delete (buf2);
	cbuf_delete (buf3);
Exemplo n.º 8
test_search (void) {
	char str1[] = "\x01\x01x234x\x01\x01y\x01\x01xy123\x01\x01";
	deque_t *lst = (deque_t *)NULL;

	cbuffer_t *buf1 = (cbuffer_t *)NULL;
	buf1 = cbuf_new();
	cbuf_import (buf1, str1, strlen (str1));

	lst = cbuf_search (buf1, "\x01", 1);

	printf ("test_search(): len = %d\n", deque_length (lst));

	deque_delete_nocb (lst);
	cbuf_delete (buf1);
Exemplo n.º 9
cbuf* cbuf_copy(const cbuf* b)
    cbuf* s = talloc(talloc_parent(b), cbuf);
    if (s == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    s->buf = (char *)talloc_memdup(s, b->buf, b->size); /* only up to pos? */

    /* XXX shallow did not work, because realloc */
    /* fails with multiple references */
    /* s->buf = talloc_reference(s, b->buf); */

    if (s->buf == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    s->size = b->size;
    s->pos  = b->pos;
    return s;
Exemplo n.º 10
test_new (void) {
	cbuffer_t *buf = cbuf_new ();
	cbuf_delete (buf);
Exemplo n.º 11
void run_main_c() {
    cbuf *eur_usd, *eur_jpy, *usd_jpy ;
    FILE *ifile ;
    char fname[33], pair[10] ;
    unsigned int hour, min, isec, time ;
    double sec, rate ;
    int r ;
    eur_usd = cbuf_init() ;
    eur_jpy = cbuf_init() ;
    usd_jpy = cbuf_init() ;
    // Ask user for filename
    printf("File name (32 chars max): ") ;
    scanf("%32s", fname) ;
    // Try to open file
    ifile = fopen (fname, "r") ;
    if (ifile == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Could not open file: %s\n", fname) ;
        exit(1) ;
    // keep reading file until no more ticks
    while(1) {
        r = fscanf(ifile, "%7s %d:%d:%lf %lf", pair, &hour, &min, &sec, &rate) ;
        isec = sec ;
        // fprintf(stderr, "matched %d items\n", r) ;
        // fprintf(stderr, "%s, %02d:%02d:%02d %f\n", pair, hour, min, isec, rate) ;
        time = isec + 60 * min + 3600 * hour ;
        if (r <= 0) break ;   // EOF?
        if (strcmp(pair, "EUR-USD") == 0) {
            cbuf_update(eur_usd, time, rate) ;
        } else if (strcmp(pair, "EUR-JPY") == 0) {
            cbuf_update(eur_jpy, time, rate) ;
        } else if (strcmp(pair, "USD-JPY") == 0) {
            cbuf_update(usd_jpy, time, rate) ;
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "Not a recognized currency pair!\n") ;
    printf("\n\n*** Data for EUR-USD ***\n") ;
    print_data(eur_usd) ;
    cbuf_stats(eur_usd) ;
    printf("\n\n*** Data for EUR-JPY ***\n") ;
    print_data(eur_jpy) ;
    cbuf_stats(eur_jpy) ;
    printf("\n\n*** Data for USD-JPY ***\n") ;
    print_data(usd_jpy) ;
    cbuf_stats(usd_jpy) ;
    // Be nice, clean up
    cbuf_delete(eur_usd) ;
    cbuf_delete(eur_jpy) ;
    cbuf_delete(usd_jpy) ;
    fclose(ifile)  ;
Exemplo n.º 12
main (void) {

    const char input_string[] = "Hello Base Encoding/Decoding World!!!";
    const char long_string[] =
        "\t0. This is a very long message\n"
        "\t1. This is a very long message\n"
        "\t2. This is a very long message\n"
        "\t3. This is a very long message\n"
        "\t4. This is a very long message\n"
        "\t5. This is a very long message\n"
        "\t6. This is a very long message\n"
        "\t7. This is a very long message\n"
        "\t8. This is a very long message\n"
        "\t9. This is a very long message\n"
        "\t0. This is a very long message\n"
        "\t1. This is a very long message\n"
        "\t2. This is a very long message\n"
        "\t3. This is a very long message\n"
        "\t4. This is a very long message\n"
        "\t5. This is a very long message\n"
        "\t6. This is a very long message\n"
        "\t7. This is a very long message\n"
        "\t8. This is a very long message\n"
        "\t9. This is a very\nlong message\n";
    char *cache = (char *)NULL;

    cbuffer_t *in_single = (cbuffer_t *)NULL;
    cbuffer_t *in_encode = (cbuffer_t *)NULL;
    cbuffer_t *out_decode = (cbuffer_t *)NULL;

    printf ("base 64 chunk size: in=%d, out=%d\n",
            base_encode_chunk_sz (6),
            base_decode_chunk_sz (6));

    printf ("base 32 chunk size: in=%d, out=%d\n",
            base_encode_chunk_sz (5),
            base_decode_chunk_sz (5));

    printf ("base 16 chunk size: in=%d, out=%d\n",
            base_encode_chunk_sz (4),
            base_decode_chunk_sz (4));

    printf ("base 64 buffer size: in=%d, out=%d\n",
            base_encode_buffer_sz (6),
            base_decode_buffer_sz (6));

    printf ("base 32 buffer size: in=%d, out=%d\n",
            base_encode_buffer_sz (5),
            base_decode_buffer_sz (5));

    printf ("base 16 buffer size: in=%d, out=%d\n",
            base_encode_buffer_sz (4),
            base_decode_buffer_sz (4));

    printf ("==================================================\n");

    in_single = cbuf_create ((size_t)(strlen (input_string) + 1));

    if (in_single != (cbuffer_t *)NULL) {

        printf ("input: %s (len:%d; %p)\n", input_string,
                strlen (input_string), (void *)in_single);

        cbuf_clean (in_single);
        cbuf_import (in_single, input_string, strlen (input_string));

        // base16 encoding/decoding
        in_encode = caf_base16_encode (in_single);
        if (in_encode != (cbuffer_t *)NULL) {
            // display encoding
            cache = (char *)xmalloc (in_encode->sz + 1);
            memset (cache, 0, in_encode->sz + 1);
            memcpy (cache, in_encode->data, in_encode->sz);
            printf ("base16 encode: %s\n", cache);
            xfree (cache);
            // decoding and display decoding
            out_decode = caf_base16_decode (in_encode);
            if (out_decode != (cbuffer_t *)NULL) {
                cache = (char *)xmalloc (out_decode->iosz + 1);
                memset (cache, 0, out_decode->sz + 1);
                memcpy (cache, out_decode->data, out_decode->sz);
                printf ("base16 decode: %s (len:%d; blen:%d)\n", cache,
                        strlen (cache), (int)out_decode->iosz);
                cbuf_delete (out_decode);
                xfree (cache);
            cbuf_delete (in_encode);

        printf ("==================================================\n");

        // base32 encoding/decoding
        in_encode = caf_base32_encode (in_single);
        if (in_encode != (cbuffer_t *)NULL) {
            // display encoding
            cache = (char *)xmalloc (in_encode->sz + 1);
            memset (cache, 0, in_encode->sz + 1);
            memcpy (cache, in_encode->data, in_encode->sz);
            printf ("base32 encode: %s\n", cache);
            xfree (cache);
            // decoding and display decoding
            out_decode = caf_base32_decode (in_encode);
            if (out_decode != (cbuffer_t *)NULL) {
                cache = (char *)xmalloc (out_decode->iosz + 1);
                memset (cache, 0, out_decode->sz + 1);
                memcpy (cache, out_decode->data, out_decode->sz);
                printf ("base32 decode: %s (len:%d; blen:%d)\n", cache,
                        strlen (cache), (int)out_decode->iosz);
                cbuf_delete (out_decode);
                xfree (cache);
            cbuf_delete (in_encode);

        printf ("==================================================\n");

        // base64 encoding/decoding
        in_encode = caf_base64_encode (in_single);
        if (in_encode != (cbuffer_t *)NULL) {
            // display encoding
            cache = (char *)xmalloc (in_encode->sz + 1);
            memset (cache, 0, in_encode->sz + 1);
            memcpy (cache, in_encode->data, in_encode->sz);
            printf ("base64 encode: %s\n", cache);
            xfree (cache);
            // decoding and display decoding
            out_decode = caf_base64_decode (in_encode);
            if (out_decode != (cbuffer_t *)NULL) {
                cache = (char *)xmalloc (out_decode->iosz + 1);
                memset (cache, 0, out_decode->sz + 1);
                memcpy (cache, out_decode->data, out_decode->sz);
                printf ("base64 decode: %s (len:%d; blen:%d)\n", cache,
                        strlen (cache), (int)out_decode->iosz);
                cbuf_delete (out_decode);
                xfree (cache);
            cbuf_delete (in_encode);

        printf ("==================================================\n");

        cbuf_delete (in_single);


    in_single = cbuf_create ((size_t)(strlen (long_string) + 1));

    if (in_single != (cbuffer_t *)NULL) {

        printf ("input:\n%s (len:%d; %p)\n", long_string,
                strlen (long_string), (void *)in_single);

        cbuf_clean (in_single);
        cbuf_import (in_single, long_string, strlen (long_string));

        // base16 encoding/decoding
        in_encode = caf_base16_encode (in_single);
        if (in_encode != (cbuffer_t *)NULL) {
            // display encoding
            cache = (char *)xmalloc (in_encode->sz + 1);
            memset (cache, 0, in_encode->sz + 1);
            memcpy (cache, in_encode->data, in_encode->sz);
            printf ("base16 encode: %s\n", cache);
            xfree (cache);
            // decoding and display decoding
            out_decode = caf_base16_decode (in_encode);
            if (out_decode != (cbuffer_t *)NULL) {
                cache = (char *)xmalloc (out_decode->iosz + 1);
                memset (cache, 0, out_decode->sz + 1);
                memcpy (cache, out_decode->data, out_decode->sz);
                printf ("base16 decode: %s (len:%d; blen:%d)\n", cache,
                        strlen (cache), (int)out_decode->iosz);
                cbuf_delete (out_decode);
                xfree (cache);
            cbuf_delete (in_encode);

        printf ("==================================================\n");

        // base32 encoding/decoding
        in_encode = caf_base32_encode (in_single);
        if (in_encode != (cbuffer_t *)NULL) {
            // display encoding
            cache = (char *)xmalloc (in_encode->sz + 1);
            memset (cache, 0, in_encode->sz + 1);
            memcpy (cache, in_encode->data, in_encode->sz);
            printf ("base32 encode: %s\n", cache);
            xfree (cache);
            // decoding and display decoding
            out_decode = caf_base32_decode (in_encode);
            if (out_decode != (cbuffer_t *)NULL) {
                cache = (char *)xmalloc (out_decode->iosz + 1);
                memset (cache, 0, out_decode->sz + 1);
                memcpy (cache, out_decode->data, out_decode->sz);
                printf ("base32 decode: %s (len:%d; blen:%d)\n", cache,
                        strlen (cache), (int)out_decode->iosz);
                cbuf_delete (out_decode);
                xfree (cache);
            cbuf_delete (in_encode);

        printf ("==================================================\n");

        // base64 encoding/decoding
        in_encode = caf_base64_encode (in_single);
        if (in_encode != (cbuffer_t *)NULL) {
            // display encoding
            cache = (char *)xmalloc (in_encode->sz + 1);
            memset (cache, 0, in_encode->sz + 1);
            memcpy (cache, in_encode->data, in_encode->sz);
            printf ("base64 encode: %s\n", cache);
            xfree (cache);
            // decoding and display decoding
            out_decode = caf_base64_decode (in_encode);
            if (out_decode != (cbuffer_t *)NULL) {
                cache = (char *)xmalloc (out_decode->iosz + 1);
                memset (cache, 0, out_decode->sz + 1);
                memcpy (cache, out_decode->data, out_decode->sz);
                printf ("base64 decode: %s (len:%d; blen:%d)\n", cache,
                        strlen (cache), (int)out_decode->iosz);
                cbuf_delete (out_decode);
                xfree (cache);
            cbuf_delete (in_encode);

        printf ("==================================================\n");

        cbuf_delete (in_single);


    return 0;