Exemplo n.º 1
void cdCanvasMM2Pixel(cdCanvas* canvas, double mm_dx, double mm_dy, int *dx, int *dy)
  if (!_cdCheckCanvas(canvas)) return;

  if (dx) *dx = cdRound(mm_dx*canvas->xres);
  if (dy) *dy = cdRound(mm_dy*canvas->yres);
Exemplo n.º 2
void cdCanvasGetArcStartEnd(int xc, int yc, int w, int h, double a1, double a2, int *x1, int *y1, int *x2, int *y2)
  /* computation is done as if the angles are counterclockwise, 
     and yaxis is NOT inverted. */

  /* leave xc and yc outside the round, so the center will be always the same */

  if (x1) *x1 = xc + cdRound((w/2.0)*cos(a1*CD_DEG2RAD));
  if (y1) *y1 = yc + cdRound((h/2.0)*sin(a1*CD_DEG2RAD));
  if (x2) *x2 = xc + cdRound((w/2.0)*cos(a2*CD_DEG2RAD));
  if (y2) *y2 = yc + cdRound((h/2.0)*sin(a2*CD_DEG2RAD));
Exemplo n.º 3
void cdfSimArc(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, double xc, double yc, double width, double height, double angle1, double angle2)
  cdCanvas* canvas = ((cdCtxCanvasBase*)ctxcanvas)->canvas;
  double c, s, sx, sy, x, y, prev_x, prev_y, da;
  int i, p;
  cdfPoint* poly = NULL;

  /* number of segments of equivalent poligonal for a full ellipse */
  int n = simCalcEllipseNumSegments(canvas, (int)xc, (int)yc, (int)width, (int)height);

  poly = (cdfPoint*)malloc(sizeof(cdfPoint)*(n+1));  /* n+1 points */
  if (!poly) return;

  /* number of segments for the arc */
  n = cdRound((fabs(angle2-angle1)*n)/360);
  if (n < 1) n = 1;

  /* converts degrees into radians */
  angle1 *= CD_DEG2RAD;
  angle2 *= CD_DEG2RAD;

  /* generates arc points at origin with axis x and y */

  da = (angle2-angle1)/n;
  c  = cos(da);
  s  = sin(da);
  sx = -(width*s)/height;
  sy = (height*s)/width;

  x = (width/2.0f)*cos(angle1);
  y = (height/2.0f)*sin(angle1);
  prev_x = x;
  prev_y = y;
  poly[0].x = x+xc;
  poly[0].y = y+yc;

  p = 1;

  for (i = 1; i < n+1; i++)  /* n+1 points */
    x =  c*prev_x + sx*prev_y;
    y = sy*prev_x +  c*prev_y;

    poly[p].x = x+xc;
    poly[p].y = y+yc;

    if (poly[p-1].x != poly[p].x || 
        poly[p-1].y != poly[p].y)

    prev_x = x;
    prev_y = y;

  canvas->cxFPoly(canvas->ctxcanvas, CD_OPEN_LINES, poly, p);
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: wd.c Projeto: LuaDist/cd
void wdCanvasStipple(cdCanvas* canvas, int w, int h, const unsigned char *fgbg, double w_mm, double h_mm)
  unsigned char *stipple = NULL;
  int w_pxl, h_pxl, x, y, cx, cy;
  int wratio, hratio;
  int *XTab, *YTab;
  if (!_cdCheckCanvas(canvas)) return;

  cdCanvasMM2Pixel(canvas, w_mm, h_mm, &w_pxl, &h_pxl);

  /* to preserve the pattern characteristics must be an integer number */
  wratio = cdRound((double)w_pxl/(double)w);
  hratio = cdRound((double)h_pxl/(double)h);

  wratio = (wratio <= 0)? 1: wratio;
  hratio = (hratio <= 0)? 1: hratio;

  w_pxl = wratio * w;
  h_pxl = hratio * h;

  stipple = (unsigned char*)malloc(w_pxl*h_pxl); 

  XTab = cdGetZoomTable(w_pxl, w, 0);
  YTab = cdGetZoomTable(h_pxl, h, 0);

  for (y=0; y<h_pxl; y++)
    cy = YTab[y];
    for (x=0; x<w_pxl; x++)
      cx = XTab[x];
      stipple[x + y*w_pxl] = fgbg[cx + cy*w];

  cdCanvasStipple(canvas, w_pxl, h_pxl, stipple);

Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: wd.c Projeto: LuaDist/cd
void wdCanvasPattern(cdCanvas* canvas, int w, int h, const long *color, double w_mm, double h_mm)
  long *pattern = NULL;
  int w_pxl, h_pxl, x, y, cx, cy;
  int wratio, hratio;
  int *XTab, *YTab;
  if (!_cdCheckCanvas(canvas)) return;

  cdCanvasMM2Pixel(canvas, w_mm, h_mm, &w_pxl, &h_pxl);

  /* to preserve the pattern characteristics must be an integer number */
  wratio = cdRound((double)w_pxl/(double)w);
  hratio = cdRound((double)h_pxl/(double)h);

  wratio = (wratio <= 0)? 1: wratio;
  hratio = (hratio <= 0)? 1: hratio;

  w_pxl = wratio * w;
  h_pxl = hratio * h;

  pattern = (long*)malloc(w_pxl*h_pxl*sizeof(long));

  XTab = cdGetZoomTable(w_pxl, w, 0);
  YTab = cdGetZoomTable(h_pxl, h, 0);

  for (y=0; y<h_pxl; y++)
    cy = YTab[y];
    for (x=0; x<w_pxl; x++)
      cx = XTab[x];
      pattern[x + y*w_pxl] = color[cx + cy*w];

  cdCanvasPattern(canvas, w_pxl, h_pxl, pattern);

Exemplo n.º 6
void cdCanvasSector(cdCanvas* canvas, int xc, int yc, int w, int h, double angle1, double angle2)
  if (!_cdCheckCanvas(canvas)) return;

  if (angle1 == angle2 || w == 0 || h == 0)

  sNormAngles(&angle1, &angle2);

  if (canvas->interior_style == CD_HOLLOW)
    cdCanvasArc(canvas, xc, yc, w, h, angle1, angle2);

    if (fabs(angle2-angle1) < 360)
      int xi,yi,xf,yf;
      xi = xc + cdRound(w*cos(CD_DEG2RAD*angle1)/2.0);
      yi = yc + cdRound(h*sin(CD_DEG2RAD*angle1)/2.0);
      xf = xc + cdRound(w*cos(CD_DEG2RAD*angle2)/2.0);
      yf = yc + cdRound(h*sin(CD_DEG2RAD*angle2)/2.0);

      cdCanvasLine(canvas, xi, yi, xc, yc);
      cdCanvasLine(canvas, xc, yc, xf, yf);


  if (canvas->use_origin)
    xc += canvas->origin.x;
    yc += canvas->origin.y;

  if (canvas->invert_yaxis)
    yc = _cdInvertYAxis(canvas, yc);

  canvas->cxSector(canvas->ctxcanvas, xc, yc, w, h, angle1, angle2);
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: cdgdk.c Projeto: LuaDist/cd
static void cdsector(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, int xc, int yc, int w, int h, double a1, double a2)
  if (ctxcanvas->canvas->use_matrix ||
    cdSimSector(ctxcanvas, xc, yc, w, h, a1, a2);
    /* "filled parameter = TRUE" produces a 'pie slice' */
    gdk_draw_arc(ctxcanvas->wnd, ctxcanvas->gc, TRUE, xc-w/2, yc-h/2, w, h, cdRound(a1*64), cdRound((a2 - a1)*64));
Exemplo n.º 8
void wdCanvasStipple(cdCanvas* canvas, int w, int h, const unsigned char *fgbg, double w_mm, double h_mm)
  unsigned char *stipple = 0;
  int w_pxl, h_pxl, x, y, cx, cy;
  int wratio, hratio;
  int *XTab, *YTab;

  cdCanvasMM2Pixel(canvas, w_mm, h_mm, &w_pxl, &h_pxl);

  wratio = cdRound((double)w_pxl/(double)w);
  hratio = cdRound((double)h_pxl/(double)h);

  wratio = (wratio <= 0)? 1: wratio;
  hratio = (hratio <= 0)? 1: hratio;

  w_pxl = wratio * w;
  h_pxl = hratio * h;

  stipple = (unsigned char*)malloc(w_pxl*h_pxl); 

  XTab = cdGetZoomTable(w_pxl, w, 0);
  YTab = cdGetZoomTable(h_pxl, h, 0);

  for (y=0; y<h_pxl; y++)
    cy = YTab[y];
    for (x=0; x<w_pxl; x++)
      cx = XTab[x];
      stipple[x + y*w_pxl] = fgbg[cx + cy*w];

  cdCanvasStipple(canvas, w_pxl, h_pxl, stipple);

Exemplo n.º 9
void wdCanvasPattern(cdCanvas* canvas, int w, int h, const long *color, double w_mm, double h_mm)
  long *pattern = 0;
  int w_pxl, h_pxl, x, y, cx, cy;
  int wratio, hratio;
  int *XTab, *YTab;

  cdCanvasMM2Pixel(canvas, w_mm, h_mm, &w_pxl, &h_pxl);

  wratio = cdRound((double)w_pxl/(double)w);
  hratio = cdRound((double)h_pxl/(double)h);

  wratio = (wratio <= 0)? 1: wratio;
  hratio = (hratio <= 0)? 1: hratio;

  w_pxl = wratio * w;
  h_pxl = hratio * h;

  pattern = (long*)malloc(w_pxl*h_pxl*sizeof(long));

  XTab = cdGetZoomTable(w_pxl, w, 0);
  YTab = cdGetZoomTable(h_pxl, h, 0);

  for (y=0; y<h_pxl; y++)
    cy = YTab[y];
    for (x=0; x<w_pxl; x++)
      cx = XTab[x];
      pattern[x + y*w_pxl] = color[cx + cy*w];

  cdCanvasPattern(canvas, w_pxl, h_pxl, pattern);

Exemplo n.º 10
Arquivo: cdgdk.c Projeto: LuaDist/cd
static void cdarc(cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas, int xc, int yc, int w, int h, double a1, double a2)
  if (ctxcanvas->canvas->use_matrix)
    cdSimArc(ctxcanvas, xc, yc, w, h, a1, a2);

  /* angles in 1/64ths of degrees counterclockwise, similar to CD */

  cdgdkCheckSolidStyle(ctxcanvas, 1);
  gdk_draw_arc(ctxcanvas->wnd, ctxcanvas->gc, FALSE, xc-w/2, yc-h/2, w, h, cdRound(a1*64), cdRound((a2 - a1)*64));
  cdgdkCheckSolidStyle(ctxcanvas, 0);
Exemplo n.º 11
double wdCanvasLineWidth(cdCanvas* canvas, double width_mm)
  int width;
  double line_width_mm = canvas->line_width/canvas->xres;

  if (width_mm == CD_QUERY)
    return line_width_mm;

  width = cdRound(width_mm*canvas->xres);
  if (width < 1) width = 1;

  cdCanvasLineWidth(canvas, width);

  return line_width_mm;
Exemplo n.º 12
double wdCanvasMarkSize(cdCanvas* canvas, double size_mm)
  int size;
  double mark_size_mm = canvas->mark_size/canvas->xres;

  if (size_mm == CD_QUERY)
    return mark_size_mm;

  size = cdRound(size_mm*canvas->xres);
  if (size < 1) size = 1;

  canvas->mark_size = size;

  return mark_size_mm;
Exemplo n.º 13
Arquivo: wd.c Projeto: LuaDist/cd
double wdCanvasMarkSize(cdCanvas* canvas, double size_mm)
  int size;
  double mark_size_mm;
  if (!_cdCheckCanvas(canvas)) return CD_ERROR;

  mark_size_mm = canvas->mark_size/canvas->xres;
  if (size_mm == CD_QUERY)
    return mark_size_mm;

  size = cdRound(size_mm*canvas->xres);
  if (size < 1) size = 1;

  canvas->mark_size = size;

  return mark_size_mm;
Exemplo n.º 14
Arquivo: wd.c Projeto: LuaDist/cd
double wdCanvasLineWidth(cdCanvas* canvas, double width_mm)
  int width;
  double line_width_mm;
  if (!_cdCheckCanvas(canvas)) return CD_ERROR;

  line_width_mm = canvas->line_width/canvas->xres;
  if (width_mm == CD_QUERY)
    return line_width_mm;

  width = cdRound(width_mm*canvas->xres);
  if (width < 1) width = 1;

  cdCanvasLineWidth(canvas, width);

  return line_width_mm;
Exemplo n.º 15
static int sCalcEllipseNumSegments(cdCanvas* canvas, int xc, int yc, int width, int height, double angle1, double angle2)
  int K, dx, dy, hd;
  int w2 = width/2;
  int h2 = height/2;
  int x1 = xc-w2, 
      y1 = yc-h2, 
      x2 = xc+w2, 
      y2 = yc+h2;

  if (canvas->use_matrix)
    cdMatrixTransformPoint(canvas->matrix, x1, y1, &x1, &y1);
    cdMatrixTransformPoint(canvas->matrix, x2, y2, &x2, &y2);

  /* first calculate the number of segments of equivalent poligonal for a full ellipse */

  dx = (x1-x2);
  dy = (y1-y2);
  hd = (int)(sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)/2);

  /*  Estimation Heuristic:
  use half diagonal to estimate the number of segments for 360 degrees.
  Use the difference of the half diagonal and its projection to calculate the minimum angle:
  cos(min_angle) = hd / (hd + 1)     or   min_angle = acos(hd / (hd + 1))
  The number of segments will be 360 / min_angle.

  K = (int)((360.0*CD_DEG2RAD) / acos((double)hd / (hd + 1.0)) + 0.5); /* round up */

  /* multiple of 4 */
  K = ((K + 3)/4)*4;

  /* minimum number is 4 */
  if (K < 4) K = 4;

  /* finally, calculate the number of segments for the arc */
  K = cdRound((fabs(angle2-angle1)*K)/(360*CD_DEG2RAD));
  if (K < 1) K = 1;

  return K;
Exemplo n.º 16
Arquivo: cdmf.c Projeto: LuaDist/cd
static int sScaleY(int y)
  return cdRound(y * factorY + offsetY);
Exemplo n.º 17
void cdarcSIM(cdCtxCanvas* ctxcanvas, int xc, int yc, int width, int height, double angle1, double angle2)
  cdCanvas* canvas = ((cdCtxCanvasBase*)ctxcanvas)->canvas;
  double c, s, sx, sy, x, y, prev_x, prev_y;
  double da;
  int i, yc2 = 2*yc, p,
      last_xi_a = -65535, 
      last_yi_a = -65535, 
      last_xi_b = -65535, 
      last_yi_b = -65535;
  cdPoint* poly = NULL;

  /* number of segments of equivalent poligonal for a full ellipse */
  int n = simCalcEllipseNumSegments(canvas, xc, yc, width, height);

  /* Use special floating point anti-alias line draw when
     line_width==1, and NOT using cdlineSIM. */
  if (canvas->line_width > 1 || canvas->cxLine != cdlineSIM)
    poly = (cdPoint*)malloc(sizeof(cdPoint)*(n+1));  /* n+1 points */
    if (!poly) return;

  /* number of segments for the arc */
  n = cdRound((fabs(angle2-angle1)*n)/360);
  if (n < 1) n = 1;

  /* converts degrees into radians */
  angle1 *= CD_DEG2RAD;
  angle2 *= CD_DEG2RAD;

  /* generates arc points at origin with axis x and y */

  da = (angle2-angle1)/n;
  c  = cos(da);
  s  = sin(da);
  sx = -(width*s)/height;
  sy = (height*s)/width;

  x = (width/2.0f)*cos(angle1);
  y = (height/2.0f)*sin(angle1);
  prev_x = x;
  prev_y = y;
  if (poly)
    poly[0].x = _cdRound(x)+xc;
    poly[0].y = _cdRound(y)+yc;

    if (canvas->invert_yaxis)  /* must invert because of the angle orientation */
      poly[0].y = yc2 - poly[0].y;

    p = 1;
    simLineStyleNoReset = 1;

  for (i = 1; i < n+1; i++)  /* n+1 points */
    x =  c*prev_x + sx*prev_y;
    y = sy*prev_x +  c*prev_y;

    if (poly)
      poly[p].x = _cdRound(x)+xc;
      poly[p].y = _cdRound(y)+yc;

      if (canvas->invert_yaxis)   /* must invert because of the angle orientation */
        poly[p].y = yc2 - poly[p].y;

      if (poly[p-1].x != poly[p].x || poly[p-1].y != poly[p].y)
      int old_use_matrix = canvas->use_matrix;
      double x1 = prev_x+xc,
             y1 = prev_y+yc,
             x2 = x+xc,
             y2 = y+yc;

      if (canvas->use_matrix && !canvas->invert_yaxis)
        cdfMatrixTransformPoint(canvas->matrix, x1, y1, &x1, &y1);
        cdfMatrixTransformPoint(canvas->matrix, x2, y2, &x2, &y2);

      /* must disable transformation here, because line simulation use cxPixel */
      canvas->use_matrix = 0;

      if (canvas->invert_yaxis)  /* must invert because of the angle orientation */
        y1 = yc2 - y1;
        y2 = yc2 - y2;

      simfLineThin(canvas, x1, y1, x2, y2, &last_xi_a, &last_yi_a, &last_xi_b, &last_yi_b);

      canvas->use_matrix = old_use_matrix;

    prev_x = x;
    prev_y = y;

  if (poly)
    canvas->cxPoly(canvas->ctxcanvas, CD_OPEN_LINES, poly, p);
    simLineStyleNoReset = 0;
Exemplo n.º 18
Arquivo: wd.c Projeto: LuaDist/cd
void wdCanvasWorld2Canvas(cdCanvas* canvas, double xw, double yw, int *xv, int *yv)
  if (xv) *xv = cdRound(canvas->sx*xw + canvas->tx);
  if (yv) *yv = cdRound(canvas->sy*yw + canvas->ty);
Exemplo n.º 19
Arquivo: wd.c Projeto: LuaDist/cd
void wdCanvasWorld2CanvasSize(cdCanvas* canvas, double hw, double vw, int *hv, int *vv)
  if (hv) *hv = cdRound(canvas->sx*hw);
  if (vv) *vv = cdRound(canvas->sy*vw);
Exemplo n.º 20
static void cdSimElipse(cdCtxCanvas* ctxcanvas, int xc, int yc, int width, int height, double angle1, double angle2, int sector)
  cdCanvas* canvas = ((cdCtxCanvasBase*)ctxcanvas)->canvas;
  float c, s, sx, sy, x, y, prev_x, prev_y;
  double da;
  int i, p, yc2 = 2*yc;
  cdPoint* poly;

  /* number of segments of equivalent poligonal for a full ellipse */
  int n = simCalcEllipseNumSegments(canvas, xc, yc, width, height);

  /* number of segments for the arc */
  n = cdRound(((angle2-angle1)*n)/360);
  if (n < 1) n = 1;

  poly = (cdPoint*)malloc(sizeof(cdPoint)*(n+2+1));  /* n+1 points +1 center */

  /* converts degrees into radians */
  angle1 *= CD_DEG2RAD;
  angle2 *= CD_DEG2RAD;

  /* generates arc points at origin with axis x and y */

  da = (angle2-angle1)/n;
  c  = (float)cos(da);
  s  = (float)sin(da);
  sx = -(width*s)/height;
  sy = (height*s)/width;

  x = xc +  (width/2.0f)*(float)cos(angle1);
  y = yc + (height/2.0f)*(float)sin(angle1);
  prev_x = x;
  prev_y = y;

  poly[0].x = _cdRound(x);
  poly[0].y = _cdRound(y);
  if (canvas->invert_yaxis)
    poly[0].y = yc2 - poly[0].y;
  p = 1;

  for (i = 1; i < n+1; i++) /* n+1 points */
    x = xc +  c*(prev_x-xc) + sx*(prev_y-yc);
    y = yc + sy*(prev_x-xc) +  c*(prev_y-yc);

    poly[p].x = _cdRound(x);
    poly[p].y = _cdRound(y);

    if (canvas->invert_yaxis)
      poly[p].y = yc2 - poly[p].y;

    if (poly[p-1].x != poly[p].x || poly[p-1].y != poly[p].y)

    prev_x = x;
    prev_y = y;

  if (poly[p-1].x != poly[0].x || poly[p-1].y != poly[0].y)
    if (sector)  /* cdSector */
      /* add center */
      poly[p].x = xc;
      poly[p].y = yc;
    else         /* cdChord */
      /* add initial point */
      poly[p].x = poly[0].x;
      poly[p].y = poly[0].y;

  canvas->cxPoly(canvas->ctxcanvas, CD_FILL, poly, p);

Exemplo n.º 21
Arquivo: wd.c Projeto: LuaDist/cd
int wdCanvasFont(cdCanvas* canvas, const char* type_face, int style, double size_mm)
  return cdCanvasFont(canvas, type_face, style, cdRound(size_mm*CD_MM2PT));
Exemplo n.º 22
Arquivo: cdmf.c Projeto: LuaDist/cd
static int sScaleX(int x)
  return cdRound(x * factorX + offsetX);