Exemplo n.º 1
/* Subroutine */ int cdstp_(real *eps, S_fp f, U_fp fa, real *hmax, integer *
	impl, integer *ierror, U_fp jacobn, integer *matdim, integer *maxord, 
	integer *mint, integer *miter, integer *ml, integer *mu, integer *n, 
	integer *nde, complex *ywt, real *uround, U_fp users, real *avgh, 
	real *avgord, real *h__, real *hused, integer *jtask, integer *mntold,
	 integer *mtrold, integer *nfe, integer *nje, integer *nqused, 
	integer *nstep, real *t, complex *y, complex *yh, complex *a, logical 
	*convrg, complex *dfdy, real *el, complex *fac, real *hold, integer *
	ipvt, integer *jstate, integer *jstepl, integer *nq, integer *nwait, 
	real *rc, real *rmax, complex *save1, complex *save2, real *tq, real *
	trend, integer *iswflg, integer *mtrsv, integer *mxrdsv)
    /* Initialized data */

    static logical ier = FALSE_;

    /* System generated locals */
    integer a_dim1, a_offset, dfdy_dim1, dfdy_offset, yh_dim1, yh_offset, 
	    i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4, i__5, i__6;
    real r__1, r__2, r__3;
    doublereal d__1, d__2;
    complex q__1, q__2;

    /* Local variables */
    static real d__;
    static integer i__, j;
    static real d1, hn, rh, hs, rh1, rh2, rh3, bnd;
    static integer nsv;
    static real erdn, told;
    static integer iter;
    static real erup;
    static integer ntry;
    static real y0nrm;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int cdscl_(real *, integer *, integer *, real *, 
	    real *, real *, real *, complex *);
    static integer nfail;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int cdcor_(complex *, real *, U_fp, real *, 
	    integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, 
	    integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, real *, U_fp, complex 
	    *, complex *, complex *, logical *, complex *, complex *, complex 
	    *, real *, integer *), cdpsc_(integer *, integer *, integer *, 
	    complex *), cdcst_(integer *, integer *, integer *, real *, real *
    static real denom;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int cdntl_(real *, S_fp, U_fp, real *, real *, 
	    integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, 
	    integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, complex *, real *, 
	    real *, U_fp, complex *, complex *, real *, integer *, integer *, 
	    integer *, real *, complex *, complex *, logical *, real *, 
	    complex *, logical *, integer *, integer *, integer *, real *, 
	    real *, complex *, real *, real *, integer *, integer *), cdpst_(
	    real *, S_fp, U_fp, real *, integer *, U_fp, integer *, integer *,
	     integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, complex *,
	     real *, U_fp, complex *, complex *, complex *, real *, integer *,
	     integer *, complex *, complex *, complex *, logical *, integer *,
	     complex *, integer *, real *, integer *);
    static real ctest, etest, numer;
    extern doublereal scnrm2_(integer *, complex *, integer *);
    static logical evalfa, evaljc, switch__;

/* ***PURPOSE  CDSTP performs one step of the integration of an initial */
/*            value problem for a system of ordinary differential */
/*            equations. */
/* ***AUTHOR  Kahaner, D. K., (NIST) */
/*             National Institute of Standards and Technology */
/*             Gaithersburg, MD  20899 */
/*           Sutherland, C. D., (LANL) */
/*             Mail Stop D466 */
/*             Los Alamos National Laboratory */
/*             Los Alamos, NM  87545 */

/*  Communication with CDSTP is done with the following variables: */

/*    YH      An N by MAXORD+1 array containing the dependent variables */
/*              and their scaled derivatives.  MAXORD, the maximum order */
/*              used, is currently 12 for the Adams methods and 5 for the */
/*              Gear methods.  YH(I,J+1) contains the J-th derivative of */
/*              Y(I), scaled by H**J/factorial(J).  Only Y(I), */
/*              1 .LE. I .LE. N, need be set by the calling program on */
/*              the first entry.  The YH array should not be altered by */
/*              the calling program.  When referencing YH as a */
/*              2-dimensional array, use a column length of N, as this is */
/*              the value used in CDSTP. */
/*    DFDY    A block of locations used for partial derivatives if MITER */
/*              is not 0.  If MITER is 1 or 2 its length must be at least */
/*              N*N.  If MITER is 4 or 5 its length must be at least */
/*              (2*ML+MU+1)*N. */
/*    YWT     An array of N locations used in convergence and error tests */
/*    SAVE1 */
/*    SAVE2   Arrays of length N used for temporary storage. */
/*    IPVT    An integer array of length N used by the linear system */
/*              solvers for the storage of row interchange information. */
/*    A       A block of locations used to store the matrix A, when using */
/*              the implicit method.  If IMPL is 1, A is a MATDIM by N */
/*              array.  If MITER is 1 or 2 MATDIM is N, and if MITER is 4 */
/*              or 5 MATDIM is 2*ML+MU+1.  If IMPL is 2 its length is N. */
/*              If IMPL is 3, A is a MATDIM by NDE array. */
/*    JTASK   An integer used on input. */
/*              It has the following values and meanings: */
/*                 .EQ. 0  Perform the first step.  This value enables */
/*                         the subroutine to initialize itself. */
/*                .GT. 0  Take a new step continuing from the last. */
/*                         Assumes the last step was successful and */
/*                         user has not changed any parameters. */
/*                 .LT. 0  Take a new step with a new value of H and/or */
/*                         MINT and/or MITER. */
/*    JSTATE  A completion code with the following meanings: */
/*                1  The step was successful. */
/*                2  A solution could not be obtained with H .NE. 0. */
/*                3  A solution was not obtained in MXTRY attempts. */
/*                4  For IMPL .NE. 0, the matrix A is singular. */
/*              On a return with JSTATE .GT. 1, the values of T and */
/*              the YH array are as of the beginning of the last */
/*              step, and H is the last step size attempted. */

/*   790601  DATE WRITTEN */
/*   900329  Initial submission to SLATEC. */
    /* Parameter adjustments */
    dfdy_dim1 = *matdim;
    dfdy_offset = 1 + dfdy_dim1;
    dfdy -= dfdy_offset;
    a_dim1 = *matdim;
    a_offset = 1 + a_dim1;
    a -= a_offset;
    yh_dim1 = *n;
    yh_offset = 1 + yh_dim1;
    yh -= yh_offset;
    el -= 14;
    tq -= 4;

    /* Function Body */
    nsv = *n;
    bnd = 0.f;
    switch__ = FALSE_;
    ntry = 0;
    told = *t;
    nfail = 0;
    if (*jtask <= 0) {
	cdntl_(eps, (S_fp)f, (U_fp)fa, hmax, hold, impl, jtask, matdim, 
		maxord, mint, miter, ml, mu, n, nde, &save1[1], t, uround, (
		U_fp)users, &y[1], &ywt[1], h__, mntold, mtrold, nfe, rc, &yh[
		yh_offset], &a[a_offset], convrg, &el[14], &fac[1], &ier, &
		ipvt[1], nq, nwait, &rh, rmax, &save2[1], &tq[4], trend, 
		iswflg, jstate);
	if (*n == 0) {
	    goto L440;
	if (*h__ == 0.f) {
	    goto L400;
	if (ier) {
	    goto L420;
    if (ntry > 50) {
	goto L410;
    *t += *h__;
    cdpsc_(&c__1, n, nq, &yh[yh_offset]);
    evaljc = ((r__1 = *rc - 1.f, dabs(r__1)) > .3f || *nstep >= *jstepl + 10) 
	    && *miter != 0;
    evalfa = ! evaljc;

    iter = 0;
    i__1 = *n;
    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
/* L115: */
	i__2 = i__;
	i__3 = i__ + yh_dim1;
	y[i__2].r = yh[i__3].r, y[i__2].i = yh[i__3].i;
    (*f)(n, t, &y[1], &save2[1]);
    if (*n == 0) {
	*jstate = 6;
	goto L430;
    if (evaljc || ier) {
	cdpst_(&el[14], (S_fp)f, (U_fp)fa, h__, impl, (U_fp)jacobn, matdim, 
		miter, ml, mu, n, nde, nq, &save2[1], t, (U_fp)users, &y[1], &
		yh[yh_offset], &ywt[1], uround, nfe, nje, &a[a_offset], &dfdy[
		dfdy_offset], &fac[1], &ier, &ipvt[1], &save1[1], iswflg, &
		bnd, jstate);
	if (*n == 0) {
	    goto L430;
	if (ier) {
	    goto L160;
	*convrg = FALSE_;
	*rc = 1.f;
	*jstepl = *nstep;
    i__2 = *n;
    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) {
/* L125: */
	i__3 = i__;
	save1[i__3].r = 0.f, save1[i__3].i = 0.f;
/*                      Up to MXITER corrector iterations are taken. */
/*                      Convergence is tested by requiring the r.m.s. */
/*                      norm of changes to be less than EPS.  The sum of */
/*                      the corrections is accumulated in the vector */
/*                      SAVE1(I).  It is approximately equal to the L-th */
/*                      derivative of Y multiplied by */
/*                      H**L/(factorial(L-1)*EL(L,NQ)), and is thus */
/*                      proportional to the actual errors to the lowest */
/*                      power of H present (H**L).  The YH array is not */
/*                      altered in the correction loop.  The norm of the */
/*                      iterate difference is stored in D.  If */
/*                      ITER .GT. 0, an estimate of the convergence rate */
/*                      constant is stored in TREND, and this is used in */
/*                      the convergence test. */

    cdcor_(&dfdy[dfdy_offset], &el[14], (U_fp)fa, h__, ierror, impl, &ipvt[1],
	     matdim, miter, ml, mu, n, nde, nq, t, (U_fp)users, &y[1], &yh[
	    yh_offset], &ywt[1], &evalfa, &save1[1], &save2[1], &a[a_offset], 
	    &d__, jstate);
    if (*n == 0) {
	goto L430;
    if (*iswflg == 3 && *mint == 1) {
	if (iter == 0) {
	    numer = scnrm2_(n, &save1[1], &c__1);
	    i__3 = *n;
	    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__3; ++i__) {
/* L132: */
		i__2 = i__ * dfdy_dim1 + 1;
		i__1 = i__;
		dfdy[i__2].r = save1[i__1].r, dfdy[i__2].i = save1[i__1].i;
	    y0nrm = scnrm2_(n, &yh[yh_offset], &c__1);
	} else {
	    denom = numer;
	    i__2 = *n;
	    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) {
/* L134: */
		i__1 = i__ * dfdy_dim1 + 1;
		i__3 = i__;
		i__4 = i__ * dfdy_dim1 + 1;
		q__1.r = save1[i__3].r - dfdy[i__4].r, q__1.i = save1[i__3].i 
			- dfdy[i__4].i;
		dfdy[i__1].r = q__1.r, dfdy[i__1].i = q__1.i;
	    numer = scnrm2_(n, &dfdy[dfdy_offset], matdim);
	    if (el[*nq * 13 + 1] * numer <= *uround * 100.f * y0nrm) {
		if (*rmax == 2.f) {
		    switch__ = TRUE_;
		    goto L170;
	    i__1 = *n;
	    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
/* L136: */
		i__3 = i__ * dfdy_dim1 + 1;
		i__4 = i__;
		dfdy[i__3].r = save1[i__4].r, dfdy[i__3].i = save1[i__4].i;
	    if (denom != 0.f) {
/* Computing MAX */
		r__1 = bnd, r__2 = numer / (denom * dabs(*h__) * el[*nq * 13 
			+ 1]);
		bnd = dmax(r__1,r__2);
    if (iter > 0) {
/* Computing MAX */
	r__1 = *trend * .9f, r__2 = d__ / d1;
	*trend = dmax(r__1,r__2);
    d1 = d__;
/* Computing MIN */
    r__1 = *trend * 2.f;
    ctest = dmin(r__1,1.f) * d__;
    if (ctest <= *eps) {
	goto L170;
    if (iter < 3) {
	i__3 = *n;
	for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__3; ++i__) {
/* L140: */
	    i__4 = i__;
	    i__1 = i__ + yh_dim1;
	    i__2 = *nq * 13 + 1;
	    i__5 = i__;
	    q__2.r = el[i__2] * save1[i__5].r, q__2.i = el[i__2] * save1[i__5]
	    q__1.r = yh[i__1].r + q__2.r, q__1.i = yh[i__1].i + q__2.i;
	    y[i__4].r = q__1.r, y[i__4].i = q__1.i;
	(*f)(n, t, &y[1], &save2[1]);
	if (*n == 0) {
	    *jstate = 6;
	    goto L430;
	goto L130;
/*                     The corrector iteration failed to converge in */
/*                     MXITER tries.  If partials are involved but are */
/*                     not up to date, they are reevaluated for the next */
/*                     try.  Otherwise the YH array is retracted to its */
/*                     values before prediction, and H is reduced, if */
/*                     possible.  If not, a no-convergence exit is taken. */
    if (*convrg) {
	evaljc = TRUE_;
	evalfa = FALSE_;
	goto L110;
    *t = told;
    cdpsc_(&c_n1, n, nq, &yh[yh_offset]);
    *nwait = *nq + 2;
    if (*jtask != 0 && *jtask != 2) {
	*rmax = 2.f;
    if (iter == 0) {
	rh = .3f;
    } else {
	d__1 = (doublereal) (*eps / ctest);
	rh = pow_dd(&d__1, &c_b22) * .9f;
    if (rh * *h__ == 0.f) {
	goto L400;
    cdscl_(hmax, n, nq, rmax, h__, rc, &rh, &yh[yh_offset]);
    goto L100;
/*                          The corrector has converged.  CONVRG is set */
/*                          to .TRUE. if partial derivatives were used, */
/*                          to indicate that they may need updating on */
/*                          subsequent steps.  The error test is made. */
    *convrg = *miter != 0;
    if (*ierror == 1 || *ierror == 5) {
	i__4 = *nde;
	for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__4; ++i__) {
/* L180: */
	    i__1 = i__;
	    c_div(&q__1, &save1[i__], &ywt[i__]);
	    save2[i__1].r = q__1.r, save2[i__1].i = q__1.i;
    } else {
	i__1 = *nde;
	for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
/* L185: */
	    i__4 = i__;
	    i__2 = i__;
/* Computing MAX */
	    r__2 = c_abs(&y[i__]), r__3 = c_abs(&ywt[i__]);
	    r__1 = dmax(r__2,r__3);
	    q__1.r = save1[i__2].r / r__1, q__1.i = save1[i__2].i / r__1;
	    save2[i__4].r = q__1.r, save2[i__4].i = q__1.i;
    etest = scnrm2_(nde, &save2[1], &c__1) / (tq[*nq * 3 + 2] * sqrt((real) (*

/*                           The error test failed.  NFAIL keeps track of */
/*                           multiple failures.  Restore T and the YH */
/*                           array to their previous values, and prepare */
/*                           to try the step again.  Compute the optimum */
/*                           step size for this or one lower order. */
    if (etest > *eps) {
	*t = told;
	cdpsc_(&c_n1, n, nq, &yh[yh_offset]);
	if (nfail < 3 || *nq == 1) {
	    if (*jtask != 0 && *jtask != 2) {
		*rmax = 2.f;
	    d__1 = (doublereal) (etest / *eps);
	    d__2 = (doublereal) (1.f / (*nq + 1));
	    rh2 = 1.f / (pow_dd(&d__1, &d__2) * 1.2f);
	    if (*nq > 1) {
		if (*ierror == 1 || *ierror == 5) {
		    i__4 = *nde;
		    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__4; ++i__) {
/* L190: */
			i__2 = i__;
			c_div(&q__1, &yh[i__ + (*nq + 1) * yh_dim1], &ywt[i__]
			save2[i__2].r = q__1.r, save2[i__2].i = q__1.i;
		} else {
		    i__2 = *nde;
		    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) {
/* L195: */
			i__4 = i__;
			i__1 = i__ + (*nq + 1) * yh_dim1;
/* Computing MAX */
			r__2 = c_abs(&y[i__]), r__3 = c_abs(&ywt[i__]);
			r__1 = dmax(r__2,r__3);
			q__1.r = yh[i__1].r / r__1, q__1.i = yh[i__1].i / 
			save2[i__4].r = q__1.r, save2[i__4].i = q__1.i;
		erdn = scnrm2_(nde, &save2[1], &c__1) / (tq[*nq * 3 + 1] * 
			sqrt((real) (*nde)));
/* Computing MAX */
		d__1 = (doublereal) (erdn / *eps);
		d__2 = (doublereal) (1.f / *nq);
		r__1 = 1.f, r__2 = pow_dd(&d__1, &d__2) * 1.3f;
		rh1 = 1.f / dmax(r__1,r__2);
		if (rh2 < rh1) {
		    *rc = *rc * el[*nq * 13 + 1] / el[(*nq + 1) * 13 + 1];
		    rh = rh1;
		} else {
		    rh = rh2;
	    } else {
		rh = rh2;
	    *nwait = *nq + 2;
	    if (rh * *h__ == 0.f) {
		goto L400;
	    cdscl_(hmax, n, nq, rmax, h__, rc, &rh, &yh[yh_offset]);
	    goto L100;
/*                Control reaches this section if the error test has */
/*                failed MXFAIL or more times.  It is assumed that the */
/*                derivatives that have accumulated in the YH array have */
/*                errors of the wrong order.  Hence the first derivative */
/*                is recomputed, the order is set to 1, and the step is */
/*                retried. */
	nfail = 0;
	*jtask = 2;
	i__4 = *n;
	for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__4; ++i__) {
/* L215: */
	    i__1 = i__;
	    i__2 = i__ + yh_dim1;
	    y[i__1].r = yh[i__2].r, y[i__1].i = yh[i__2].i;
	cdntl_(eps, (S_fp)f, (U_fp)fa, hmax, hold, impl, jtask, matdim, 
		maxord, mint, miter, ml, mu, n, nde, &save1[1], t, uround, (
		U_fp)users, &y[1], &ywt[1], h__, mntold, mtrold, nfe, rc, &yh[
		yh_offset], &a[a_offset], convrg, &el[14], &fac[1], &ier, &
		ipvt[1], nq, nwait, &rh, rmax, &save2[1], &tq[4], trend, 
		iswflg, jstate);
	*rmax = 10.f;
	if (*n == 0) {
	    goto L440;
	if (*h__ == 0.f) {
	    goto L400;
	if (ier) {
	    goto L420;
	goto L100;
/*                          After a successful step, update the YH array. */
    *hused = *h__;
    *nqused = *nq;
    *avgh = ((*nstep - 1) * *avgh + *h__) / *nstep;
    *avgord = ((*nstep - 1) * *avgord + *nq) / *nstep;
    i__1 = *nq + 1;
    for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
	i__2 = *n;
	for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) {
/* L230: */
	    i__4 = i__ + j * yh_dim1;
	    i__5 = i__ + j * yh_dim1;
	    i__3 = j + *nq * 13;
	    i__6 = i__;
	    q__2.r = el[i__3] * save1[i__6].r, q__2.i = el[i__3] * save1[i__6]
	    q__1.r = yh[i__5].r + q__2.r, q__1.i = yh[i__5].i + q__2.i;
	    yh[i__4].r = q__1.r, yh[i__4].i = q__1.i;
    i__4 = *n;
    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__4; ++i__) {
/* L235: */
	i__5 = i__;
	i__3 = i__ + yh_dim1;
	y[i__5].r = yh[i__3].r, y[i__5].i = yh[i__3].i;
/*                                          If ISWFLG is 3, consider */
/*                                          changing integration methods. */
    if (*iswflg == 3) {
	if (bnd != 0.f) {
	    if (*mint == 1 && *nq <= 5) {
/* Computing MAX */
		d__1 = (doublereal) (etest / *eps);
		d__2 = (doublereal) (1.f / (*nq + 1));
		r__1 = *uround, r__2 = pow_dd(&d__1, &d__2);
		hn = dabs(*h__) / dmax(r__1,r__2);
/* Computing MIN */
		r__1 = hn, r__2 = 1.f / (el[*nq * 13 + 1] * 2.f * bnd);
		hn = dmin(r__1,r__2);
/* Computing MAX */
		d__1 = (doublereal) (etest / (*eps * el[*nq + 14]));
		d__2 = (doublereal) (1.f / (*nq + 1));
		r__1 = *uround, r__2 = pow_dd(&d__1, &d__2);
		hs = dabs(*h__) / dmax(r__1,r__2);
		if (hs > hn * 1.2f) {
		    *mint = 2;
		    *mntold = *mint;
		    *miter = *mtrsv;
		    *mtrold = *miter;
		    *maxord = min(*mxrdsv,5);
		    *rc = 0.f;
		    *rmax = 10.f;
		    *trend = 1.f;
		    cdcst_(maxord, mint, iswflg, &el[14], &tq[4]);
		    *nwait = *nq + 2;
	    } else if (*mint == 2) {
/* Computing MAX */
		d__1 = (doublereal) (etest / *eps);
		d__2 = (doublereal) (1.f / (*nq + 1));
		r__1 = *uround, r__2 = pow_dd(&d__1, &d__2);
		hs = dabs(*h__) / dmax(r__1,r__2);
/* Computing MAX */
		d__1 = (doublereal) (etest * el[*nq + 14] / *eps);
		d__2 = (doublereal) (1.f / (*nq + 1));
		r__1 = *uround, r__2 = pow_dd(&d__1, &d__2);
		hn = dabs(*h__) / dmax(r__1,r__2);
/* Computing MIN */
		r__1 = hn, r__2 = 1.f / (el[*nq * 13 + 1] * 2.f * bnd);
		hn = dmin(r__1,r__2);
		if (hn >= hs) {
		    *mint = 1;
		    *mntold = *mint;
		    *miter = 0;
		    *mtrold = *miter;
		    *maxord = min(*mxrdsv,12);
		    *rmax = 10.f;
		    *trend = 1.f;
		    *convrg = FALSE_;
		    cdcst_(maxord, mint, iswflg, &el[14], &tq[4]);
		    *nwait = *nq + 2;
    if (switch__) {
	*mint = 2;
	*mntold = *mint;
	*miter = *mtrsv;
	*mtrold = *miter;
	*maxord = min(*mxrdsv,5);
	*nq = min(*nq,*maxord);
	*rc = 0.f;
	*rmax = 10.f;
	*trend = 1.f;
	cdcst_(maxord, mint, iswflg, &el[14], &tq[4]);
	*nwait = *nq + 2;
/*                           Consider changing H if NWAIT = 1.  Otherwise */
/*                           decrease NWAIT by 1.  If NWAIT is then 1 and */
/*                           NQ.LT.MAXORD, then SAVE1 is saved for use in */
/*                           a possible order increase on the next step. */

    if (*jtask == 0 || *jtask == 2) {
/* Computing MAX */
	d__1 = (doublereal) (etest / *eps);
	d__2 = (doublereal) (1.f / (*nq + 1));
	r__1 = *uround, r__2 = pow_dd(&d__1, &d__2) * 1.2f;
	rh = 1.f / dmax(r__1,r__2);
	if (rh > 1.f) {
	    cdscl_(hmax, n, nq, rmax, h__, rc, &rh, &yh[yh_offset]);
    } else if (*nwait > 1) {
	if (*nwait == 1 && *nq < *maxord) {
	    i__5 = *nde;
	    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__5; ++i__) {
/* L250: */
		i__3 = i__ + (*maxord + 1) * yh_dim1;
		i__4 = i__;
		yh[i__3].r = save1[i__4].r, yh[i__3].i = save1[i__4].i;
/*             If a change in H is considered, an increase or decrease in */
/*             order by one is considered also.  A change in H is made */
/*             only if it is by a factor of at least TRSHLD.  Factors */
/*             RH1, RH2, and RH3 are computed, by which H could be */
/*             multiplied at order NQ - 1, order NQ, or order NQ + 1, */
/*             respectively.  The largest of these is determined and the */
/*             new order chosen accordingly.  If the order is to be */
/*             increased, we compute one additional scaled derivative. */
/*             If there is a change of order, reset NQ and the */
/*             coefficients.  In any case H is reset according to RH and */
/*             the YH array is rescaled. */
    } else {
	if (*nq == 1) {
	    rh1 = 0.f;
	} else {
	    if (*ierror == 1 || *ierror == 5) {
		i__3 = *nde;
		for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__3; ++i__) {
/* L270: */
		    i__4 = i__;
		    c_div(&q__1, &yh[i__ + (*nq + 1) * yh_dim1], &ywt[i__]);
		    save2[i__4].r = q__1.r, save2[i__4].i = q__1.i;
	    } else {
		i__4 = *nde;
		for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__4; ++i__) {
/* L275: */
		    i__3 = i__;
		    i__5 = i__ + (*nq + 1) * yh_dim1;
/* Computing MAX */
		    r__2 = c_abs(&y[i__]), r__3 = c_abs(&ywt[i__]);
		    r__1 = dmax(r__2,r__3);
		    q__1.r = yh[i__5].r / r__1, q__1.i = yh[i__5].i / r__1;
		    save2[i__3].r = q__1.r, save2[i__3].i = q__1.i;
	    erdn = scnrm2_(nde, &save2[1], &c__1) / (tq[*nq * 3 + 1] * sqrt((
		    real) (*nde)));
/* Computing MAX */
	    d__1 = (doublereal) (erdn / *eps);
	    d__2 = (doublereal) (1.f / *nq);
	    r__1 = *uround, r__2 = pow_dd(&d__1, &d__2) * 1.3f;
	    rh1 = 1.f / dmax(r__1,r__2);
/* Computing MAX */
	d__1 = (doublereal) (etest / *eps);
	d__2 = (doublereal) (1.f / (*nq + 1));
	r__1 = *uround, r__2 = pow_dd(&d__1, &d__2) * 1.2f;
	rh2 = 1.f / dmax(r__1,r__2);
	if (*nq == *maxord) {
	    rh3 = 0.f;
	} else {
	    if (*ierror == 1 || *ierror == 5) {
		i__3 = *nde;
		for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__3; ++i__) {
/* L290: */
		    i__5 = i__;
		    i__4 = i__;
		    i__6 = i__ + (*maxord + 1) * yh_dim1;
		    q__2.r = save1[i__4].r - yh[i__6].r, q__2.i = save1[i__4]
			    .i - yh[i__6].i;
		    c_div(&q__1, &q__2, &ywt[i__]);
		    save2[i__5].r = q__1.r, save2[i__5].i = q__1.i;
	    } else {
		i__5 = *nde;
		for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__5; ++i__) {
		    i__4 = i__;
		    i__6 = i__;
		    i__3 = i__ + (*maxord + 1) * yh_dim1;
		    q__2.r = save1[i__6].r - yh[i__3].r, q__2.i = save1[i__6]
			    .i - yh[i__3].i;
/* Computing MAX */
		    r__2 = c_abs(&y[i__]), r__3 = c_abs(&ywt[i__]);
		    r__1 = dmax(r__2,r__3);
		    q__1.r = q__2.r / r__1, q__1.i = q__2.i / r__1;
		    save2[i__4].r = q__1.r, save2[i__4].i = q__1.i;
/* L295: */
	    erup = scnrm2_(nde, &save2[1], &c__1) / (tq[*nq * 3 + 3] * sqrt((
		    real) (*nde)));
/* Computing MAX */
	    d__1 = (doublereal) (erup / *eps);
	    d__2 = (doublereal) (1.f / (*nq + 2));
	    r__1 = *uround, r__2 = pow_dd(&d__1, &d__2) * 1.4f;
	    rh3 = 1.f / dmax(r__1,r__2);
	if (rh1 > rh2 && rh1 >= rh3) {
	    rh = rh1;
	    if (rh <= 1.f) {
		goto L380;
	    *rc = *rc * el[*nq * 13 + 1] / el[(*nq + 1) * 13 + 1];
	} else if (rh2 >= rh1 && rh2 >= rh3) {
	    rh = rh2;
	    if (rh <= 1.f) {
		goto L380;
	} else {
	    rh = rh3;
	    if (rh <= 1.f) {
		goto L380;
	    i__5 = *n;
	    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__5; ++i__) {
/* L360: */
		i__4 = i__ + (*nq + 2) * yh_dim1;
		i__6 = i__;
		i__3 = *nq + 1 + *nq * 13;
		q__2.r = el[i__3] * save1[i__6].r, q__2.i = el[i__3] * save1[
		i__2 = *nq + 1;
		d__1 = (doublereal) i__2;
		q__1.r = q__2.r / d__1, q__1.i = q__2.i / d__1;
		yh[i__4].r = q__1.r, yh[i__4].i = q__1.i;
	    *rc = *rc * el[*nq * 13 + 1] / el[(*nq - 1) * 13 + 1];
	if (*iswflg == 3 && *mint == 1) {
	    if (bnd != 0.f) {
/* Computing MIN */
		r__1 = rh, r__2 = 1.f / (el[*nq * 13 + 1] * 2.f * bnd * dabs(*
		rh = dmin(r__1,r__2);
	cdscl_(hmax, n, nq, rmax, h__, rc, &rh, &yh[yh_offset]);
	*rmax = 10.f;
	*nwait = *nq + 2;
/*               All returns are made through this section.  H is saved */
/*               in HOLD to allow the caller to change H on the next step */
    *jstate = 1;
    *hold = *h__;
    return 0;

    *jstate = 2;
    *hold = *h__;
    i__4 = *n;
    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__4; ++i__) {
/* L405: */
	i__6 = i__;
	i__3 = i__ + yh_dim1;
	y[i__6].r = yh[i__3].r, y[i__6].i = yh[i__3].i;
    return 0;

    *jstate = 3;
    *hold = *h__;
    return 0;

    *jstate = 4;
    *hold = *h__;
    return 0;

    *t = told;
    cdpsc_(&c_n1, &nsv, nq, &yh[yh_offset]);
    i__6 = nsv;
    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__6; ++i__) {
/* L435: */
	i__3 = i__;
	i__4 = i__ + yh_dim1;
	y[i__3].r = yh[i__4].r, y[i__3].i = yh[i__4].i;
    *hold = *h__;
    return 0;
} /* cdstp_ */
Exemplo n.º 2
void vdinit_(float *aspect, int *justif)
  float asp;
  int   just, temp, temp2, vstat, vconc;
  float xconc, yconc, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, temp_xcp, temp_ycp;
  float scaled_ndc_xmax, scaled_ndc_ymax;
  float rtemp = 0.0;
  xconc       = 0.0;
  yconc       = 0.0;
  x1          = 0.0;
  y1          = 0.0;
  x2          = 0.0;
  y2          = 0.0;
  x3          = 0.0;
  y3          = 0.0;
  x4          = 0.0;
  y4          = 0.0;

  asp  = *aspect;
  just = *justif;

  if (asp < 0.) {
    vdicgi_errh(" SVDI Shell (VDINIT) Error Number 721 Severity 5: ");
    asp = 0.;

  if (just < 0 || just > 9) {
    vdicgi_errh(" SVDI Shell (VDINIT) Error Number 720 Severity 5: ");
    just = 0;

  /*  Initialize CGI         */
  temp       = CACT;
  alpha_mode = FALSE;

  /*  Inquire everything you always wanted to know about */

  /*  Turn off clip indicators */
  temp = CDCOFF;
  temp = COFF;

  /*  Set up proper scaling to take advantage of whole device (not just square) */
  if (asp == 0.)
    asp = dev_cap[14] / dev_cap[15];
  if (asp > 1.) {
    ndc_xmax = 1.;
    ndc_ymax = 1. / asp;
  else {
    ndc_xmax = asp;
    ndc_ymax = 1.;
  scale           = 32767.;
  scaled_ndc_xmax = map_x(ndc_xmax);
  scaled_ndc_ymax = map_y(ndc_ymax);
  rtemp           = 0.0;
  cvdcx_(&rtemp, &rtemp, &scaled_ndc_xmax, &scaled_ndc_ymax);

  /*  Set color mode to index, and set color index precision to 8 bits  */
  temp = CINDEX;
  temp = 8;
  color_scale = 255.;

  /*  set up the standard 8 colors in indices 2 - 9 (0 reserved for background,
      1 reserved for default foreground) */
  temp  = 2;
  temp2 = 8;
  cct_(&temp, &temp2, init_colors);

  /*  Set default marker type to dot  */
  temp = 1;

  /*  Set default interior style to solid */
  temp = CSOLID;

  /*  Inquire what the default character size is - use cgtxx instead of
      cqtxa because need both x and y size (may have to adjust for inter
      character/line spacing later   */
  temp_xcp = map_x(xcp);
  temp_ycp = map_y(ycp);
  cgtxx2_(&temp_xcp, &temp_ycp, &vstat, &vconc, &xconc, &yconc, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2, &x3, &y3, &x4,
  if (vstat == CVAL) {
    vector[5] = ndc_map_x(x2 - x1);
    vector[6] = ndc_map_y(y4 - y1);
    vdicgi_errh(" SVDI Shell (VDINIT) inquire error from cgtxx ");

  /* Initialize locator device */
  temp  = CLOCAT;
  temp2 = 1;
  cili_(&temp, &temp2);