Exemplo n.º 1
void Table::UpdateRequisitions() {
    // Reset requisitions and expand flags, at first.
    for( std::size_t column_index = 0; column_index < m_columns.size(); ++column_index ) {
        m_columns[column_index].requisition = 0.f;
        m_columns[column_index].allocation = 0.f;
        m_columns[column_index].expand = false;

    for( std::size_t row_index = 0; row_index < m_rows.size(); ++row_index ) {
        m_rows[row_index].requisition = 0.f;
        m_rows[row_index].allocation = 0.f;
        m_rows[row_index].expand = false;

    // Iterate over children and add requisitions to columns and rows.
    TableCellList::iterator cell_iter( m_cells.begin() );
    TableCellList::iterator cell_iter_end( m_cells.end() );

    for( ; cell_iter != cell_iter_end; ++cell_iter ) {
        float col_requisition = (
                                    cell_iter->child->GetRequisition().x / static_cast<float>( cell_iter->rect.width ) +
                                    2 * cell_iter->padding.x
        sf::Uint32 col_bound = cell_iter->rect.left + cell_iter->rect.width;

        for( sf::Uint32 col_idx = cell_iter->rect.left; col_idx < col_bound; ++col_idx ) {
            m_columns[col_idx].requisition = std::max(
                                                 col_requisition + (col_idx + 1 < m_columns.size() ? m_columns[col_idx].spacing : 0) // Add spacing if not last column.

            // Set expand flag.
            if( (cell_iter->x_options & EXPAND) == EXPAND ) {
                m_columns[col_idx].expand = true;

        float row_requisition = (
                                    cell_iter->child->GetRequisition().y / static_cast<float>( cell_iter->rect.height ) +
                                    2 * cell_iter->padding.y
        sf::Uint32 row_bound = cell_iter->rect.top + cell_iter->rect.height;

        for( sf::Uint32 row_idx = cell_iter->rect.top; row_idx < row_bound; ++row_idx ) {
            m_rows[row_idx].requisition = std::max(
                                              row_requisition + (row_idx + 1 < m_rows.size() ? m_rows[row_idx].spacing : 0) // Add spacing if not last row.

            // Set expand flag.
            if( (cell_iter->y_options & EXPAND) == EXPAND ) {
                m_rows[row_idx].expand = true;

Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: Table.cpp Projeto: Zykr/SFGUI
void Table::UpdateRequisitions() const {
	// Reset requisitions and expand flags, at first.
	for( std::size_t column_index = 0; column_index < m_columns.size(); ++column_index ) {
		m_columns[column_index].requisition = 0.f;
		m_columns[column_index].allocation = 0.f;
		m_columns[column_index].expand = false;

	for( std::size_t row_index = 0; row_index < m_rows.size(); ++row_index ) {
		m_rows[row_index].requisition = 0.f;
		m_rows[row_index].allocation = 0.f;
		m_rows[row_index].expand = false;

	// Iterate over children, but process only single-spanning ones. Calculates
	// required requisition and sets expand flag.
	TableCellList::const_iterator cell_iter( m_cells.begin() );
	TableCellList::const_iterator cell_iter_end( m_cells.end() );

	for( ; cell_iter != cell_iter_end; ++cell_iter ) {
		if( cell_iter->rect.Width == 1 ) {
			m_columns[cell_iter->rect.Left].requisition = std::max(
				cell_iter->child->GetRequisition().x +
				2.f * cell_iter->padding.x +
				(cell_iter->rect.Left + 1 < m_columns.size() ? m_columns[cell_iter->rect.Left].spacing : 0.f)

			if( (cell_iter->x_options & EXPAND) == EXPAND ) {
				m_columns[cell_iter->rect.Left].expand = true;

		if( cell_iter->rect.Height == 1 ) {
			m_rows[cell_iter->rect.Top].requisition = std::max(
				cell_iter->child->GetRequisition().y +
				2.f * cell_iter->padding.y +
				(cell_iter->rect.Top + 1 < m_rows.size() ? m_rows[cell_iter->rect.Top].spacing : 0.f)

			if( (cell_iter->y_options & EXPAND) == EXPAND ) {
				m_rows[cell_iter->rect.Top].expand = true;

	// Now iterate again to process multi-spanning children. We need to do it
	// separately so we have expand flags available which are prioritized in
	// enlarging the requisition.
	for( cell_iter = m_cells.begin(); cell_iter != cell_iter_end; ++cell_iter ) {
		if( cell_iter->rect.Width > 1 ) {
			// Check if there's already enough space.
			float width( 0.f );
			uint32_t num_expand( 0 );

			for( uint32_t col_index = cell_iter->rect.Left; col_index < cell_iter->rect.Left + cell_iter->rect.Width; ++col_index ) {
				width += m_columns[col_index].requisition;

				// If not the last column, add spacing too.
				if( col_index + 1 < m_columns.size() ) {
					width += m_columns[col_index].spacing;

				if( m_columns[col_index].expand ) {

			// Check for space, include padding here.
			const float required_width( cell_iter->child->GetRequisition().x + 2.f * cell_iter->padding.x );

			if( width < required_width ) {
				// Not enough space, so add missing width to columns. Prioritize
				// expanded columns because they might get larger anyways.
				float width_missing( required_width - width );

				// If there're no expandable columns, mark every column as being
				// expandable.  Results in homogeneous distribution of extra width.
				bool force_expand( false );

				if( num_expand == 0 ) {
					num_expand = cell_iter->rect.Width;
					force_expand = true;

				for( uint32_t col_index = cell_iter->rect.Left; col_index < cell_iter->rect.Left + cell_iter->rect.Width && num_expand > 0; ++col_index ) {
					if( force_expand || m_columns[col_index].expand ) {
						float extra( width_missing / static_cast<float>( num_expand ) );

						m_columns[col_index].requisition += extra;
						width_missing -= extra;


		if( cell_iter->rect.Height > 1 ) {
			// Check if there's already enough space.
			float height( 0.f );
			uint32_t num_expand( 0 );

			for( uint32_t row_index = cell_iter->rect.Top; row_index < cell_iter->rect.Top + cell_iter->rect.Height; ++row_index ) {
				height += m_rows[row_index].requisition;

				// If not the last row, add spacing too.
				if( row_index + 1 < m_rows.size() ) {
					height += m_rows[row_index].spacing;

				if( m_rows[row_index].expand ) {

			// Check for space, include padding here.
			const float required_height( cell_iter->child->GetRequisition().y + 2.f * cell_iter->padding.y );

			if( height < required_height ) {
				// Not enough space, so add missing height to rows. Prioritize expanded
				// rows because they might get larger anyways.
				float height_missing( required_height - height );

				// If there're no expandable rows, mark every row as being expandable.
				// Results in homogeneous distribution of extra height.
				bool force_expand( false );

				if( num_expand == 0 ) {
					num_expand = cell_iter->rect.Height;
					force_expand = true;

				for( uint32_t row_index = cell_iter->rect.Top; row_index < cell_iter->rect.Top + cell_iter->rect.Height && num_expand > 0; ++row_index ) {
					if( force_expand || m_rows[row_index].expand ) {
						float extra( height_missing / static_cast<float>( num_expand ) );

						m_rows[row_index].requisition += extra;
						height_missing -= extra;

Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: Table.cpp Projeto: Zykr/SFGUI
void Table::AllocateChildrenSizes() const {
	// Process columns.
	float width( 0.f );
	std::size_t num_expand( 0 );

	// Calculate "normal" width of columns and count expanded columns.
	for( std::size_t column_index = 0; column_index < m_columns.size(); ++column_index ) {
		// Every allocaction will be at least as wide as the requisition.
		m_columns[column_index].allocation = m_columns[column_index].requisition;

		// Calc position.
		if( column_index == 0 ) {
			m_columns[column_index].position = 0.f;
		else {
			m_columns[column_index].position = m_columns[column_index - 1].position + m_columns[column_index - 1].allocation;

		// Count expanded columns.
		if( m_columns[column_index].expand ) {

		width += m_columns[column_index].requisition;

	// If there're expanded columns, we need to set the proper allocation for them.
	if( num_expand > 0 ) {
		float extra( (GetAllocation().Width - width) / static_cast<float>( num_expand ) );

		for( std::size_t column_index = 0; column_index < m_columns.size(); ++column_index ) {
			if( !m_columns[column_index].expand ) {

			m_columns[column_index].allocation += extra;

			// Position of next columns must be increased.
			for( std::size_t next_col_index = column_index + 1; next_col_index < m_columns.size(); ++next_col_index ) {
				m_columns[next_col_index].position += extra;

	// Process rows.
	float height( 0.f );
	num_expand = 0;

	// Calculate "normal" height of rows and count expanded rows.
	for( std::size_t row_index = 0; row_index < m_rows.size(); ++row_index ) {
		// Every allocaction will be at least as wide as the requisition.
		m_rows[row_index].allocation = m_rows[row_index].requisition;

		// Calc position.
		if( row_index == 0 ) {
			m_rows[row_index].position = 0.f;
		else {
			m_rows[row_index].position = m_rows[row_index - 1].position + m_rows[row_index - 1].allocation;

		// Count expanded rows.
		if( m_rows[row_index].expand ) {

		height += m_rows[row_index].requisition;

	// If there're expanded rows, we need to set the proper allocation for them.
	if( num_expand > 0 ) {
		float extra( (GetAllocation().Height - height) / static_cast<float>( num_expand ) );

		for( std::size_t row_index = 0; row_index < m_rows.size(); ++row_index ) {
			if( !m_rows[row_index].expand ) {

			m_rows[row_index].allocation += extra;

			// Position of next rows must be increased.
			for( std::size_t next_row_index = row_index + 1; next_row_index < m_rows.size(); ++next_row_index ) {
				m_rows[next_row_index].position += extra;

	// Allocate children sizes.
	TableCellList::const_iterator cell_iter( m_cells.begin() );
	TableCellList::const_iterator cell_iter_end( m_cells.end() );

	for( ; cell_iter != cell_iter_end; ++cell_iter ) {
		// Calc actual allocation both for single- and multi-spanned cells.
		sf::Vector2f allocation( 0.f, 0.f );

		if( (cell_iter->x_options & FILL) == FILL ) {
			for( uint32_t col_index = cell_iter->rect.Left; col_index < cell_iter->rect.Left + cell_iter->rect.Width; ++col_index ) {
				allocation.x += m_columns[col_index].allocation - cell_iter->padding.x * 2.f;

				if( col_index + 1 < m_columns.size() ) {
					allocation.x -= m_columns[col_index].spacing;

			allocation.x -= cell_iter->padding.x * 2.f;
		else {
			allocation.x = cell_iter->child->GetRequisition().x - 2.f * cell_iter->padding.x;

		if( (cell_iter->y_options & FILL) == FILL ) {
			for( uint32_t row_index = cell_iter->rect.Top; row_index < cell_iter->rect.Top + cell_iter->rect.Height; ++row_index ) {
				allocation.y += m_rows[row_index].allocation - cell_iter->padding.y * 2.f;

				if( row_index + 1 < m_rows.size() && row_index + 1 == cell_iter->rect.Top + cell_iter->rect.Height ) {
					allocation.y -= m_rows[row_index].spacing;

			allocation.y -= cell_iter->padding.y * 2.f;
		else {
			allocation.y = cell_iter->child->GetRequisition().y - 2.f * cell_iter->padding.y;

		// Shortcuts.
		const priv::TableOptions& column( m_columns[cell_iter->rect.Left] );
		const priv::TableOptions& row( m_rows[cell_iter->rect.Top] );

		// Check for FILL flag.
				column.position + cell_iter->padding.x,
				row.position + cell_iter->padding.y,
Exemplo n.º 4
void Table::AllocateChildren() {
    float gap( Context::Get().GetEngine().GetProperty<float>( "Gap", shared_from_this() ) );

    // Calculate column allocations.
    float total_width = GetAllocation().width - 2 * gap;
    std::size_t num_expand = 0;

    // First step is counting number of expandable columns and setting allocation
    // to requisition.
    for( std::size_t col_idx = 0; col_idx < m_columns.size(); ++col_idx ) {
        priv::TableOptions& col = m_columns[col_idx];

        if( col.expand ) {

        col.allocation = col.requisition;
        total_width -= col.allocation;

    // Next step is distribution of remaining width (i.e. extra width given by
    // parent) to expandable columns. Also calculate column positions.
    float extra_width = (num_expand > 0 ? total_width / static_cast<float>( num_expand ) : 0 );

    for( std::size_t col_idx = 0; col_idx < m_columns.size(); ++col_idx ) {
        priv::TableOptions& col = m_columns[col_idx];

        if( col.expand ) {
            col.allocation += extra_width;

        if( col_idx == 0 ) {
            col.position = 0;
        else {
            col.position = m_columns[col_idx - 1].position + m_columns[col_idx - 1].allocation;

    // Calculate row allocations.
    float total_height = 2 * gap + GetAllocation().height;
    num_expand = 0;

    // First step is counting number of expandable rows and setting allocation
    // to requisition.
    for( std::size_t row_idx = 0; row_idx < m_rows.size(); ++row_idx ) {
        priv::TableOptions& row = m_rows[row_idx];

        if( row.expand ) {

        row.allocation = row.requisition;
        total_height -= row.allocation;

    // Next step is distribution of remaining height (i.e. extra height given by
    // parent) to expandable rows. Also calculate rows positions.
    float extra_height = (num_expand > 0 ? total_height / static_cast<float>( num_expand ) : 0 );

    for( std::size_t row_idx = 0; row_idx < m_rows.size(); ++row_idx ) {
        priv::TableOptions& row = m_rows[row_idx];

        if( row.expand ) {
            row.allocation += extra_height;

        if( row_idx == 0 ) {
            row.position = 0;
        else {
            row.position = m_rows[row_idx - 1].position + m_rows[row_idx - 1].allocation;

    // Last step: Allocate children.
    TableCellList::iterator cell_iter( m_cells.begin() );
    TableCellList::iterator cell_iter_end( m_cells.end() );
    std::size_t bound = 0;

    for( ; cell_iter != cell_iter_end; ++cell_iter ) {
        sf::FloatRect allocation(

        bound = cell_iter->rect.left + cell_iter->rect.width;

        for( std::size_t col_idx = cell_iter->rect.left; col_idx < bound; ++col_idx ) {
            allocation.width += m_columns[col_idx].allocation;

            if( col_idx + 1 == bound && col_idx + 1 < m_columns.size() ) {
                allocation.width -= m_columns[col_idx].spacing;

        bound = cell_iter->rect.top + cell_iter->rect.height;

        for( std::size_t row_idx = cell_iter->rect.top; row_idx < bound; ++row_idx ) {
            allocation.height += m_rows[row_idx].allocation;

            if( row_idx + 1 == bound && row_idx + 1 < m_rows.size() ) {
                allocation.height -= m_rows[row_idx].spacing;

        // Limit size if FILL is not set.
        if( (cell_iter->x_options & FILL) != FILL ) {
            allocation.width = std::min( allocation.width, cell_iter->child->GetRequisition().x );

        if( (cell_iter->y_options & FILL) != FILL ) {
            allocation.height = std::min( allocation.height, cell_iter->child->GetRequisition().y );

        cell_iter->child->SetAllocation( allocation );