Exemplo n.º 1
  cff_face_init( FT_Stream      stream,
                 FT_Face        cffface,        /* CFF_Face */
                 FT_Int         face_index,
                 FT_Int         num_params,
                 FT_Parameter*  params )
    CFF_Face            face = (CFF_Face)cffface;
    FT_Error            error;
    SFNT_Service        sfnt;
    FT_Service_PsCMaps  psnames;
    PSHinter_Service    pshinter;
    FT_Bool             pure_cff    = 1;
    FT_Bool             sfnt_format = 0;

#if 0
    FT_FACE_FIND_GLOBAL_SERVICE( face, sfnt,     SFNT );

    if ( !sfnt )
      goto Bad_Format;
    sfnt = (SFNT_Service)FT_Get_Module_Interface(
             cffface->driver->root.library, "sfnt" );
    if ( !sfnt )
      goto Bad_Format;


    pshinter = (PSHinter_Service)FT_Get_Module_Interface(
                 cffface->driver->root.library, "pshinter" );

    /* create input stream from resource */
    if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( 0 ) )
      goto Exit;

    /* check whether we have a valid OpenType file */
    error = sfnt->init_face( stream, face, face_index, num_params, params );
    if ( !error )
      if ( face->format_tag != 0x4F54544FL )  /* `OTTO'; OpenType/CFF font */
        FT_TRACE2(( "[not a valid OpenType/CFF font]\n" ));
        goto Bad_Format;

      /* if we are performing a simple font format check, exit immediately */
      if ( face_index < 0 )
        return CFF_Err_Ok;

      /* UNDOCUMENTED!  A CFF in an SFNT can have only a single font. */
      if ( face_index > 0 )
        FT_ERROR(( "cff_face_init: invalid face index\n" ));
        error = CFF_Err_Invalid_Argument;
        goto Exit;

      sfnt_format = 1;

      /* now, the font can be either an OpenType/CFF font, or an SVG CEF */
      /* font; in the latter case it doesn't have a `head' table         */
      error = face->goto_table( face, TTAG_head, stream, 0 );
      if ( !error )
        pure_cff = 0;

        /* load font directory */
        error = sfnt->load_face( stream, face,
                                 face_index, num_params, params );
        if ( error )
          goto Exit;
        /* load the `cmap' table explicitly */
        error = sfnt->load_cmap( face, stream );
        if ( error )
          goto Exit;

        /* XXX: we don't load the GPOS table, as OpenType Layout     */
        /* support will be added later to a layout library on top of */
        /* FreeType 2                                                */

      /* now load the CFF part of the file */
      error = face->goto_table( face, TTAG_CFF, stream, 0 );
      if ( error )
        goto Exit;
      /* rewind to start of file; we are going to load a pure-CFF font */
      if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( 0 ) )
        goto Exit;
      error = CFF_Err_Ok;

    /* now load and parse the CFF table in the file */
      CFF_Font         cff;
      CFF_FontRecDict  dict;
      FT_Memory        memory = cffface->memory;
      FT_Int32         flags;
      FT_UInt          i;

      if ( FT_NEW( cff ) )
        goto Exit;

      face->extra.data = cff;
      error = cff_font_load( stream, face_index, cff );
      if ( error )
        goto Exit;

      cff->pshinter = pshinter;
      cff->psnames  = (void*)psnames;

      /* Complement the root flags with some interesting information. */
      /* Note that this is only necessary for pure CFF and CEF fonts; */
      /* SFNT based fonts use the `name' table instead.               */

      cffface->num_glyphs = cff->num_glyphs;

      dict = &cff->top_font.font_dict;

      /* we need the `PSNames' module for CFF and CEF formats */
      /* which aren't CID-keyed                               */
      if ( dict->cid_registry == 0xFFFFU && !psnames )
        FT_ERROR(( "cff_face_init:" ));
        FT_ERROR(( " cannot open CFF & CEF fonts\n" ));
        FT_ERROR(( "              " ));
        FT_ERROR(( " without the `PSNames' module\n" ));
        goto Bad_Format;

      if ( pure_cff )
        char*  style_name = NULL;

        /* set up num_faces */
        cffface->num_faces = cff->num_faces;

        /* compute number of glyphs */
        if ( dict->cid_registry != 0xFFFFU )
          cffface->num_glyphs = cff->charset.max_cid;
          cffface->num_glyphs = cff->charstrings_index.count;

        /* set global bbox, as well as EM size */
        cffface->bbox.xMin =   dict->font_bbox.xMin             >> 16;
        cffface->bbox.yMin =   dict->font_bbox.yMin             >> 16;
        cffface->bbox.xMax = ( dict->font_bbox.xMax + 0xFFFFU ) >> 16;
        cffface->bbox.yMax = ( dict->font_bbox.yMax + 0xFFFFU ) >> 16;

        if ( !dict->units_per_em )
          dict->units_per_em = 1000;

        cffface->units_per_EM = dict->units_per_em;

        cffface->ascender  = (FT_Short)( cffface->bbox.yMax );
        cffface->descender = (FT_Short)( cffface->bbox.yMin );

        cffface->height = (FT_Short)( ( cffface->units_per_EM * 12 ) / 10 );
        if ( cffface->height < cffface->ascender - cffface->descender )
          cffface->height = (FT_Short)( cffface->ascender - cffface->descender );

        cffface->underline_position  =
          (FT_Short)( dict->underline_position >> 16 );
        cffface->underline_thickness =
          (FT_Short)( dict->underline_thickness >> 16 );

        /* retrieve font family & style name */
        cffface->family_name = cff_index_get_name( &cff->name_index,
                                                   face_index );

        if ( cffface->family_name )
          char*  full   = cff_index_get_sid_string( &cff->string_index,
                                                    psnames );
          char*  fullp  = full;
          char*  family = cffface->family_name;
          char*  family_name = 0;

          if ( dict->family_name )
            family_name = cff_index_get_sid_string( &cff->string_index,
            if ( family_name )
              family = family_name;

          /* We try to extract the style name from the full name.   */
          /* We need to ignore spaces and dashes during the search. */
          if ( full && family )
            while ( *fullp )
              /* skip common characters at the start of both strings */
              if ( *fullp == *family )

              /* ignore spaces and dashes in full name during comparison */
              if ( *fullp == ' ' || *fullp == '-' )

              /* ignore spaces and dashes in family name during comparison */
              if ( *family == ' ' || *family == '-' )

              if ( !*family && *fullp )
                /* The full name begins with the same characters as the  */
                /* family name, with spaces and dashes removed.  In this */
                /* case, the remaining string in `fullp' will be used as */
                /* the style name.                                       */
                style_name = cff_strcpy( memory, fullp );

            if ( family_name )
              FT_FREE( family_name );
            FT_FREE( full );
          char  *cid_font_name =
                   cff_index_get_sid_string( &cff->string_index,
                                             psnames );

          /* do we have a `/FontName' for a CID-keyed font? */
          if ( cid_font_name )
            cffface->family_name = cid_font_name;

        if ( style_name )
          cffface->style_name = style_name;
          /* assume "Regular" style if we don't know better */
          cffface->style_name = cff_strcpy( memory, (char *)"Regular" );

        /*                                                                 */
        /* Compute face flags.                                             */
        /*                                                                 */
        flags = FT_FACE_FLAG_SCALABLE   |       /* scalable outlines */
                FT_FACE_FLAG_HORIZONTAL |       /* horizontal data   */
                FT_FACE_FLAG_HINTER;            /* has native hinter */

        if ( sfnt_format )
          flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_SFNT;

        /* fixed width font? */
        if ( dict->is_fixed_pitch )
          flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_FIXED_WIDTH;

#if 0
        /* kerning available? */
        if ( face->kern_pairs )
          flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_KERNING;

        cffface->face_flags = flags;

        /*                                                                 */
        /* Compute style flags.                                            */
        /*                                                                 */
        flags = 0;

        if ( dict->italic_angle )
          flags |= FT_STYLE_FLAG_ITALIC;

          char  *weight = cff_index_get_sid_string( &cff->string_index,
                                                    psnames );

          if ( weight )
            if ( !ft_strcmp( weight, "Bold"  ) ||
                 !ft_strcmp( weight, "Black" ) )
              flags |= FT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD;
          FT_FREE( weight );

        /* double check */
        if ( !(flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD) && cffface->style_name )
          if ( !ft_strncmp( cffface->style_name, "Bold", 4 )  ||
               !ft_strncmp( cffface->style_name, "Black", 5 ) )
            flags |= FT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD;

        cffface->style_flags = flags;
        if ( !dict->units_per_em )
          dict->units_per_em = face->root.units_per_EM;

      /* Normalize the font matrix so that `matrix->xx' is 1; the */
      /* scaling is done with `units_per_em' then (at this point, */
      /* it already contains the scaling factor, but without      */
      /* normalization of the matrix).                            */
      /*                                                          */
      /* Note that the offsets must be expressed in integer font  */
      /* units.                                                   */

        FT_Matrix*  matrix = &dict->font_matrix;
        FT_Vector*  offset = &dict->font_offset;
        FT_ULong*   upm    = &dict->units_per_em;
        FT_Fixed    temp   = FT_ABS( matrix->yy );

        if ( temp != 0x10000L )
          *upm = FT_DivFix( *upm, temp );

          matrix->xx = FT_DivFix( matrix->xx, temp );
          matrix->yx = FT_DivFix( matrix->yx, temp );
          matrix->xy = FT_DivFix( matrix->xy, temp );
          matrix->yy = FT_DivFix( matrix->yy, temp );
          offset->x  = FT_DivFix( offset->x,  temp );
          offset->y  = FT_DivFix( offset->y,  temp );

        offset->x >>= 16;
        offset->y >>= 16;

      for ( i = cff->num_subfonts; i > 0; i-- )
        CFF_FontRecDict  sub = &cff->subfonts[i - 1]->font_dict;
        CFF_FontRecDict  top = &cff->top_font.font_dict;

        FT_Matrix*  matrix;
        FT_Vector*  offset;
        FT_ULong*   upm;
        FT_Fixed    temp;

        if ( sub->units_per_em )
          FT_Int  scaling;

          if ( top->units_per_em > 1 && sub->units_per_em > 1 )
            scaling = FT_MIN( top->units_per_em, sub->units_per_em );
            scaling = 1;

          FT_Matrix_Multiply_Scaled( &top->font_matrix,
                                     scaling );
          FT_Vector_Transform_Scaled( &sub->font_offset,
                                      scaling );

          sub->units_per_em = FT_MulDiv( sub->units_per_em,
                                         scaling );
          sub->font_matrix = top->font_matrix;
          sub->font_offset = top->font_offset;

          sub->units_per_em = top->units_per_em;

        matrix = &sub->font_matrix;
        offset = &sub->font_offset;
        upm    = &sub->units_per_em;
        temp   = FT_ABS( matrix->yy );

        if ( temp != 0x10000L )
          *upm = FT_DivFix( *upm, temp );

          /* if *upm is larger than 100*1000 we divide by 1000 --     */
          /* this can happen if e.g. there is no top-font FontMatrix  */
          /* and the subfont FontMatrix already contains the complete */
          /* scaling for the subfont (see section 5.11 of the PLRM)   */

          /* 100 is a heuristic value */

          if ( *upm > 100L * 1000L )
            *upm = ( *upm + 500 ) / 1000;

          matrix->xx = FT_DivFix( matrix->xx, temp );
          matrix->yx = FT_DivFix( matrix->yx, temp );
          matrix->xy = FT_DivFix( matrix->xy, temp );
          matrix->yy = FT_DivFix( matrix->yy, temp );
          offset->x  = FT_DivFix( offset->x,  temp );
          offset->y  = FT_DivFix( offset->y,  temp );

        offset->x >>= 16;
        offset->y >>= 16;

      /* CID-keyed CFF fonts don't have glyph names -- the SFNT loader */
      /* has unset this flag because of the 3.0 `post' table.          */
      if ( dict->cid_registry == 0xFFFFU )
        cffface->face_flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_GLYPH_NAMES;

      if ( dict->cid_registry != 0xFFFFU )
        cffface->face_flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_CID_KEYED;

      /*                                                                 */
      /* Compute char maps.                                              */
      /*                                                                 */

      /* Try to synthetize a Unicode charmap if there is none available */
      /* already.  If an OpenType font contains a Unicode "cmap", we    */
      /* will use it, whatever be in the CFF part of the file.          */
        FT_CharMapRec  cmaprec;
        FT_CharMap     cmap;
        FT_UInt        nn;
        CFF_Encoding   encoding = &cff->encoding;

        for ( nn = 0; nn < (FT_UInt)cffface->num_charmaps; nn++ )
          cmap = cffface->charmaps[nn];

          /* Windows Unicode (3,1)? */
          if ( cmap->platform_id == 3 && cmap->encoding_id == 1 )
            goto Skip_Unicode;

          /* Deprecated Unicode platform id? */
          if ( cmap->platform_id == 0 )
            goto Skip_Unicode; /* Standard Unicode (deprecated) */

        /* since CID-keyed fonts don't contain glyph names, we can't */
        /* construct a cmap                                          */
        if ( pure_cff && cff->top_font.font_dict.cid_registry != 0xFFFFU )
          goto Exit;

        /* we didn't find a Unicode charmap -- synthesize one */
        cmaprec.face        = cffface;
        cmaprec.platform_id = 3;
        cmaprec.encoding_id = 1;
        cmaprec.encoding    = FT_ENCODING_UNICODE;

        nn = (FT_UInt)cffface->num_charmaps;

        FT_CMap_New( &cff_cmap_unicode_class_rec, NULL, &cmaprec, NULL );

        /* if no Unicode charmap was previously selected, select this one */
        if ( cffface->charmap == NULL && nn != (FT_UInt)cffface->num_charmaps )
          cffface->charmap = cffface->charmaps[nn];

        if ( encoding->count > 0 )
          FT_CMap_Class  clazz;

          cmaprec.face        = cffface;
          cmaprec.platform_id = 7;  /* Adobe platform id */

          if ( encoding->offset == 0 )
            cmaprec.encoding_id = TT_ADOBE_ID_STANDARD;
            cmaprec.encoding    = FT_ENCODING_ADOBE_STANDARD;
            clazz               = &cff_cmap_encoding_class_rec;
          else if ( encoding->offset == 1 )
            cmaprec.encoding_id = TT_ADOBE_ID_EXPERT;
            cmaprec.encoding    = FT_ENCODING_ADOBE_EXPERT;
            clazz               = &cff_cmap_encoding_class_rec;
            cmaprec.encoding_id = TT_ADOBE_ID_CUSTOM;
            cmaprec.encoding    = FT_ENCODING_ADOBE_CUSTOM;
            clazz               = &cff_cmap_encoding_class_rec;

          FT_CMap_New( clazz, NULL, &cmaprec, NULL );
Exemplo n.º 2
  cff_face_init( FT_Stream      stream,
                 FT_Face        cffface,        /* CFF_Face */
                 FT_Int         face_index,
                 FT_Int         num_params,
                 FT_Parameter*  params )
    CFF_Face            face        = (CFF_Face)cffface;
    FT_Error            error;
    SFNT_Service        sfnt;
    FT_Service_PsCMaps  psnames;
    PSHinter_Service    pshinter;
    FT_Bool             pure_cff    = 1;
    FT_Bool             sfnt_format = 0;
    FT_Library          library     = cffface->driver->root.library;

    sfnt = (SFNT_Service)FT_Get_Module_Interface(
             library, "sfnt" );
    if ( !sfnt )
      FT_ERROR(( "cff_face_init: cannot access `sfnt' module\n" ));
      error = FT_THROW( Missing_Module );
      goto Exit;


    pshinter = (PSHinter_Service)FT_Get_Module_Interface(
                 library, "pshinter" );

    FT_TRACE2(( "CFF driver\n" ));

    /* create input stream from resource */
    if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( 0 ) )
      goto Exit;

    /* check whether we have a valid OpenType file */
    error = sfnt->init_face( stream, face, face_index, num_params, params );
    if ( !error )
      if ( face->format_tag != TTAG_OTTO )  /* `OTTO'; OpenType/CFF font */
        FT_TRACE2(( "  not an OpenType/CFF font\n" ));
        error = FT_THROW( Unknown_File_Format );
        goto Exit;

      /* if we are performing a simple font format check, exit immediately */
      if ( face_index < 0 )
        return FT_Err_Ok;

      sfnt_format = 1;

      /* now, the font can be either an OpenType/CFF font, or an SVG CEF */
      /* font; in the latter case it doesn't have a `head' table         */
      error = face->goto_table( face, TTAG_head, stream, 0 );
      if ( !error )
        pure_cff = 0;

        /* load font directory */
        error = sfnt->load_face( stream, face, face_index,
                                 num_params, params );
        if ( error )
          goto Exit;
        /* load the `cmap' table explicitly */
        error = sfnt->load_cmap( face, stream );
        if ( error )
          goto Exit;

      /* now load the CFF part of the file */
      error = face->goto_table( face, TTAG_CFF, stream, 0 );
      if ( error )
        goto Exit;
      /* rewind to start of file; we are going to load a pure-CFF font */
      if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( 0 ) )
        goto Exit;
      error = FT_Err_Ok;

    /* now load and parse the CFF table in the file */
      CFF_Font         cff = NULL;
      CFF_FontRecDict  dict;
      FT_Memory        memory = cffface->memory;
      FT_Int32         flags;
      FT_UInt          i;

      if ( FT_NEW( cff ) )
        goto Exit;

      face->extra.data = cff;
      error = cff_font_load( library, stream, face_index, cff, pure_cff );
      if ( error )
        goto Exit;

      cff->pshinter = pshinter;
      cff->psnames  = psnames;

      cffface->face_index = face_index;

      /* Complement the root flags with some interesting information. */
      /* Note that this is only necessary for pure CFF and CEF fonts; */
      /* SFNT based fonts use the `name' table instead.               */

      cffface->num_glyphs = cff->num_glyphs;

      dict = &cff->top_font.font_dict;

      /* we need the `PSNames' module for CFF and CEF formats */
      /* which aren't CID-keyed                               */
      if ( dict->cid_registry == 0xFFFFU && !psnames )
        FT_ERROR(( "cff_face_init:"
                   " cannot open CFF & CEF fonts\n"
                   "              "
                   " without the `PSNames' module\n" ));
        error = FT_THROW( Missing_Module );
        goto Exit;

        FT_UInt     idx;
        FT_String*  s;

        FT_TRACE4(( "SIDs\n" ));

        /* dump string index, including default strings for convenience */
        for ( idx = 0; idx < cff->num_strings + 390; idx++ )
          s = cff_index_get_sid_string( cff, idx );
          if ( s )
            FT_TRACE4(("  %5d %s\n", idx, s ));

      if ( !dict->has_font_matrix )
        dict->units_per_em = pure_cff ? 1000 : face->root.units_per_EM;

      /* Normalize the font matrix so that `matrix->xx' is 1; the */
      /* scaling is done with `units_per_em' then (at this point, */
      /* it already contains the scaling factor, but without      */
      /* normalization of the matrix).                            */
      /*                                                          */
      /* Note that the offsets must be expressed in integer font  */
      /* units.                                                   */

        FT_Matrix*  matrix = &dict->font_matrix;
        FT_Vector*  offset = &dict->font_offset;
        FT_ULong*   upm    = &dict->units_per_em;
        FT_Fixed    temp   = FT_ABS( matrix->yy );

        if ( temp != 0x10000L )
          *upm = FT_DivFix( *upm, temp );

          matrix->xx = FT_DivFix( matrix->xx, temp );
          matrix->yx = FT_DivFix( matrix->yx, temp );
          matrix->xy = FT_DivFix( matrix->xy, temp );
          matrix->yy = FT_DivFix( matrix->yy, temp );
          offset->x  = FT_DivFix( offset->x,  temp );
          offset->y  = FT_DivFix( offset->y,  temp );

        offset->x >>= 16;
        offset->y >>= 16;

      for ( i = cff->num_subfonts; i > 0; i-- )
        CFF_FontRecDict  sub = &cff->subfonts[i - 1]->font_dict;
        CFF_FontRecDict  top = &cff->top_font.font_dict;

        FT_Matrix*  matrix;
        FT_Vector*  offset;
        FT_ULong*   upm;
        FT_Fixed    temp;

        if ( sub->has_font_matrix )
          FT_Long  scaling;

          /* if we have a top-level matrix, */
          /* concatenate the subfont matrix */

          if ( top->has_font_matrix )
            if ( top->units_per_em > 1 && sub->units_per_em > 1 )
              scaling = FT_MIN( top->units_per_em, sub->units_per_em );
              scaling = 1;

            FT_Matrix_Multiply_Scaled( &top->font_matrix,
                                       scaling );
            FT_Vector_Transform_Scaled( &sub->font_offset,
                                        scaling );

            sub->units_per_em = FT_MulDiv( sub->units_per_em,
                                           scaling );
          sub->font_matrix = top->font_matrix;
          sub->font_offset = top->font_offset;

          sub->units_per_em = top->units_per_em;

        matrix = &sub->font_matrix;
        offset = &sub->font_offset;
        upm    = &sub->units_per_em;
        temp   = FT_ABS( matrix->yy );

        if ( temp != 0x10000L )
          *upm = FT_DivFix( *upm, temp );

          matrix->xx = FT_DivFix( matrix->xx, temp );
          matrix->yx = FT_DivFix( matrix->yx, temp );
          matrix->xy = FT_DivFix( matrix->xy, temp );
          matrix->yy = FT_DivFix( matrix->yy, temp );
          offset->x  = FT_DivFix( offset->x,  temp );
          offset->y  = FT_DivFix( offset->y,  temp );

        offset->x >>= 16;
        offset->y >>= 16;

      if ( pure_cff )
        char*  style_name = NULL;

        /* set up num_faces */
        cffface->num_faces = cff->num_faces;

        /* compute number of glyphs */
        if ( dict->cid_registry != 0xFFFFU )
          cffface->num_glyphs = cff->charset.max_cid + 1;
          cffface->num_glyphs = cff->charstrings_index.count;

        /* set global bbox, as well as EM size */
        cffface->bbox.xMin =   dict->font_bbox.xMin            >> 16;
        cffface->bbox.yMin =   dict->font_bbox.yMin            >> 16;
        /* no `U' suffix here to 0xFFFF! */
        cffface->bbox.xMax = ( dict->font_bbox.xMax + 0xFFFF ) >> 16;
        cffface->bbox.yMax = ( dict->font_bbox.yMax + 0xFFFF ) >> 16;

        cffface->units_per_EM = (FT_UShort)( dict->units_per_em );

        cffface->ascender  = (FT_Short)( cffface->bbox.yMax );
        cffface->descender = (FT_Short)( cffface->bbox.yMin );

        cffface->height = (FT_Short)( ( cffface->units_per_EM * 12 ) / 10 );
        if ( cffface->height < cffface->ascender - cffface->descender )
          cffface->height = (FT_Short)( cffface->ascender - cffface->descender );

        cffface->underline_position  =
          (FT_Short)( dict->underline_position >> 16 );
        cffface->underline_thickness =
          (FT_Short)( dict->underline_thickness >> 16 );

        /* retrieve font family & style name */
        cffface->family_name = cff_index_get_name( cff, face_index );
        if ( cffface->family_name )
          char*  full   = cff_index_get_sid_string( cff,
                                                    dict->full_name );
          char*  fullp  = full;
          char*  family = cffface->family_name;
          char*  family_name = NULL;

          remove_subset_prefix( cffface->family_name );

          if ( dict->family_name )
            family_name = cff_index_get_sid_string( cff,
                                                    dict->family_name );
            if ( family_name )
              family = family_name;

          /* We try to extract the style name from the full name.   */
          /* We need to ignore spaces and dashes during the search. */
          if ( full && family )
            while ( *fullp )
              /* skip common characters at the start of both strings */
              if ( *fullp == *family )

              /* ignore spaces and dashes in full name during comparison */
              if ( *fullp == ' ' || *fullp == '-' )

              /* ignore spaces and dashes in family name during comparison */
              if ( *family == ' ' || *family == '-' )

              if ( !*family && *fullp )
                /* The full name begins with the same characters as the  */
                /* family name, with spaces and dashes removed.  In this */
                /* case, the remaining string in `fullp' will be used as */
                /* the style name.                                       */
                style_name = cff_strcpy( memory, fullp );

                /* remove the style part from the family name (if present) */
                remove_style( cffface->family_name, style_name );
          char  *cid_font_name =
                   cff_index_get_sid_string( cff,
                                             dict->cid_font_name );

          /* do we have a `/FontName' for a CID-keyed font? */
          if ( cid_font_name )
            cffface->family_name = cff_strcpy( memory, cid_font_name );

        if ( style_name )
          cffface->style_name = style_name;
          /* assume "Regular" style if we don't know better */
          cffface->style_name = cff_strcpy( memory, (char *)"Regular" );

        /*                                                                 */
        /* Compute face flags.                                             */
        /*                                                                 */
        flags = FT_FACE_FLAG_SCALABLE   | /* scalable outlines */
                FT_FACE_FLAG_HORIZONTAL | /* horizontal data   */
                FT_FACE_FLAG_HINTER;      /* has native hinter */

        if ( sfnt_format )
          flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_SFNT;

        /* fixed width font? */
        if ( dict->is_fixed_pitch )
          flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_FIXED_WIDTH;

#if 0
        /* kerning available? */
        if ( face->kern_pairs )
          flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_KERNING;

        cffface->face_flags |= flags;

        /*                                                                 */
        /* Compute style flags.                                            */
        /*                                                                 */
        flags = 0;

        if ( dict->italic_angle )
          flags |= FT_STYLE_FLAG_ITALIC;

          char  *weight = cff_index_get_sid_string( cff,
                                                    dict->weight );

          if ( weight )
            if ( !ft_strcmp( weight, "Bold"  ) ||
                 !ft_strcmp( weight, "Black" ) )
              flags |= FT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD;

        /* double check */
        if ( !(flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD) && cffface->style_name )
          if ( !ft_strncmp( cffface->style_name, "Bold", 4 )  ||
               !ft_strncmp( cffface->style_name, "Black", 5 ) )
            flags |= FT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD;

        cffface->style_flags = flags;

      /* CID-keyed CFF fonts don't have glyph names -- the SFNT loader */
      /* has unset this flag because of the 3.0 `post' table.          */
      if ( dict->cid_registry == 0xFFFFU )
        cffface->face_flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_GLYPH_NAMES;

      if ( dict->cid_registry != 0xFFFFU && pure_cff )
        cffface->face_flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_CID_KEYED;

      /*                                                                 */
      /* Compute char maps.                                              */
      /*                                                                 */

      /* Try to synthesize a Unicode charmap if there is none available */
      /* already.  If an OpenType font contains a Unicode "cmap", we    */
      /* will use it, whatever be in the CFF part of the file.          */
        FT_CharMapRec  cmaprec;
        FT_CharMap     cmap;
        FT_UInt        nn;
        CFF_Encoding   encoding = &cff->encoding;

        for ( nn = 0; nn < (FT_UInt)cffface->num_charmaps; nn++ )
          cmap = cffface->charmaps[nn];

          /* Windows Unicode? */
          if ( cmap->platform_id == TT_PLATFORM_MICROSOFT &&
               cmap->encoding_id == TT_MS_ID_UNICODE_CS   )
            goto Skip_Unicode;

          /* Apple Unicode platform id? */
          if ( cmap->platform_id == TT_PLATFORM_APPLE_UNICODE )
            goto Skip_Unicode; /* Apple Unicode */

        /* since CID-keyed fonts don't contain glyph names, we can't */
        /* construct a cmap                                          */
        if ( pure_cff && cff->top_font.font_dict.cid_registry != 0xFFFFU )
          goto Exit;

        if ( nn + 1 > FT_MAX_CHARMAP_CACHEABLE )
          FT_ERROR(( "cff_face_init: no Unicode cmap is found, "
                     "and too many subtables (%d) to add synthesized cmap\n",
                     nn ));
          goto Exit;

        /* we didn't find a Unicode charmap -- synthesize one */
        cmaprec.face        = cffface;
        cmaprec.platform_id = TT_PLATFORM_MICROSOFT;
        cmaprec.encoding_id = TT_MS_ID_UNICODE_CS;
        cmaprec.encoding    = FT_ENCODING_UNICODE;

        nn = (FT_UInt)cffface->num_charmaps;

                             &cmaprec, NULL );
        if ( error                                      &&
             FT_ERR_NEQ( error, No_Unicode_Glyph_Name ) )
          goto Exit;
        error = FT_Err_Ok;

        /* if no Unicode charmap was previously selected, select this one */
        if ( cffface->charmap == NULL && nn != (FT_UInt)cffface->num_charmaps )
          cffface->charmap = cffface->charmaps[nn];

        if ( nn > FT_MAX_CHARMAP_CACHEABLE )
          FT_ERROR(( "cff_face_init: Unicode cmap is found, "
                     "but too many preceding subtables (%d) to access\n",
                     nn - 1 ));
          goto Exit;
        if ( encoding->count > 0 )
          FT_CMap_Class  clazz;

          cmaprec.face        = cffface;
          cmaprec.platform_id = TT_PLATFORM_ADOBE;  /* Adobe platform id */

          if ( encoding->offset == 0 )
            cmaprec.encoding_id = TT_ADOBE_ID_STANDARD;
            cmaprec.encoding    = FT_ENCODING_ADOBE_STANDARD;
            clazz               = &CFF_CMAP_ENCODING_CLASS_REC_GET;
          else if ( encoding->offset == 1 )
            cmaprec.encoding_id = TT_ADOBE_ID_EXPERT;
            cmaprec.encoding    = FT_ENCODING_ADOBE_EXPERT;
            clazz               = &CFF_CMAP_ENCODING_CLASS_REC_GET;
            cmaprec.encoding_id = TT_ADOBE_ID_CUSTOM;
            cmaprec.encoding    = FT_ENCODING_ADOBE_CUSTOM;
            clazz               = &CFF_CMAP_ENCODING_CLASS_REC_GET;

          error = FT_CMap_New( clazz, NULL, &cmaprec, NULL );

    return error;
Exemplo n.º 3
  cff_face_init( FT_Stream      stream,
                 CFF_Face       face,
                 FT_Int         face_index,
                 FT_Int         num_params,
                 FT_Parameter*  params )
    FT_Error            error;
    SFNT_Service        sfnt;
    FT_Service_PsCMaps  psnames;
    PSHinter_Service    pshinter;
    FT_Bool             pure_cff    = 1;
    FT_Bool             sfnt_format = 0;

#if 0
    FT_FACE_FIND_GLOBAL_SERVICE( face, sfnt,     SFNT );

    if ( !sfnt )
      goto Bad_Format;
    sfnt = (SFNT_Service)FT_Get_Module_Interface(
             face->root.driver->root.library, "sfnt" );
    if ( !sfnt )
      goto Bad_Format;


    pshinter = (PSHinter_Service)FT_Get_Module_Interface(
                 face->root.driver->root.library, "pshinter" );

    /* create input stream from resource */
    if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( 0 ) )
      goto Exit;

    /* check that we have a valid OpenType file */
    error = sfnt->init_face( stream, face, face_index, num_params, params );
    if ( !error )
      if ( face->format_tag != 0x4F54544FL )  /* `OTTO'; OpenType/CFF font */
        FT_TRACE2(( "[not a valid OpenType/CFF font]\n" ));
        goto Bad_Format;

      /* if we are performing a simple font format check, exit immediately */
      if ( face_index < 0 )
        return CFF_Err_Ok;

      sfnt_format = 1;

      /* now, the font can be either an OpenType/CFF font, or an SVG CEF */
      /* font; in the later case it doesn't have a `head' table          */
      error = face->goto_table( face, TTAG_head, stream, 0 );
      if ( !error )
        pure_cff = 0;

        /* load font directory */
        error = sfnt->load_face( stream, face,
                                 face_index, num_params, params );
        if ( error )
          goto Exit;
        /* load the `cmap' table by hand */
        error = sfnt->load_charmaps( face, stream );
        if ( error )
          goto Exit;

        /* XXX: we don't load the GPOS table, as OpenType Layout     */
        /* support will be added later to a layout library on top of */
        /* FreeType 2                                                */

      /* now, load the CFF part of the file */
      error = face->goto_table( face, TTAG_CFF, stream, 0 );
      if ( error )
        goto Exit;
      /* rewind to start of file; we are going to load a pure-CFF font */
      if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( 0 ) )
        goto Exit;
      error = CFF_Err_Ok;

    /* now load and parse the CFF table in the file */
      CFF_Font   cff;
      FT_Memory  memory = face->root.memory;
      FT_Face    root;
      FT_Int32   flags;

      if ( FT_NEW( cff ) )
        goto Exit;

      face->extra.data = cff;
      error = cff_font_load( stream, face_index, cff );
      if ( error )
        goto Exit;

      cff->pshinter = pshinter;
      cff->psnames  = (void*)psnames;

      /* Complement the root flags with some interesting information. */
      /* Note that this is only necessary for pure CFF and CEF fonts. */

      root             = &face->root;
      root->num_glyphs = cff->num_glyphs;

      if ( pure_cff )
        CFF_FontRecDict  dict = &cff->top_font.font_dict;

        /* we need the `PSNames' module for pure-CFF and CEF formats */
        if ( !psnames )
          FT_ERROR(( "cff_face_init:" ));
          FT_ERROR(( " cannot open CFF & CEF fonts\n" ));
          FT_ERROR(( "              " ));
          FT_ERROR(( " without the `PSNames' module\n" ));
          goto Bad_Format;

        /* Set up num_faces. */
        root->num_faces = cff->num_faces;

        /* compute number of glyphs */
        if ( dict->cid_registry )
          root->num_glyphs = dict->cid_count;
          root->num_glyphs = cff->charstrings_index.count;

        /* set global bbox, as well as EM size */
        root->bbox.xMin =   dict->font_bbox.xMin             >> 16;
        root->bbox.yMin =   dict->font_bbox.yMin             >> 16;
        root->bbox.xMax = ( dict->font_bbox.xMax + 0xFFFFU ) >> 16;
        root->bbox.yMax = ( dict->font_bbox.yMax + 0xFFFFU ) >> 16;

        root->ascender  = (FT_Short)( root->bbox.yMax );
        root->descender = (FT_Short)( root->bbox.yMin );
        root->height    = (FT_Short)(
          ( ( root->ascender - root->descender ) * 12 ) / 10 );

        if ( dict->units_per_em )
          root->units_per_EM = dict->units_per_em;
          root->units_per_EM = 1000;

        root->underline_position  =
          (FT_Short)( dict->underline_position >> 16 );
        root->underline_thickness =
          (FT_Short)( dict->underline_thickness >> 16 );

        /* retrieve font family & style name */
        root->family_name  = cff_index_get_name( &cff->name_index, face_index );
        if ( dict->cid_registry )
          root->style_name = cff_strcpy( memory, "Regular" );  /* XXXX */
          root->style_name = cff_index_get_sid_string( &cff->string_index,
                                                       psnames );

        /*                                                                 */
        /* Compute face flags.                                             */
        /*                                                                 */
        flags = FT_FACE_FLAG_SCALABLE  |    /* scalable outlines */
                FT_FACE_FLAG_HORIZONTAL;    /* horizontal data   */

        if ( sfnt_format )
          flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_SFNT;

        /* fixed width font? */
        if ( dict->is_fixed_pitch )
          flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_FIXED_WIDTH;

#if 0
        /* kerning available? */
        if ( face->kern_pairs )
          flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_KERNING;

        flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_GLYPH_NAMES;

        root->face_flags = flags;

        /*                                                                 */
        /* Compute style flags.                                            */
        /*                                                                 */
        flags = 0;

        if ( dict->italic_angle )
          flags |= FT_STYLE_FLAG_ITALIC;

        /* XXX: may not be correct */
        if ( cff->top_font.private_dict.force_bold )
          flags |= FT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD;

        root->style_flags = flags;

      /*                                                                 */
      /* Compute char maps.                                              */
      /*                                                                 */

      /* Try to synthetize a Unicode charmap if there is none available */
      /* already.  If an OpenType font contains a Unicode "cmap", we    */
      /* will use it, whatever be in the CFF part of the file.          */
        FT_CharMapRec  cmaprec;
        FT_CharMap     cmap;
        FT_UInt        nn;
        CFF_Encoding   encoding = &cff->encoding;

        for ( nn = 0; nn < (FT_UInt)root->num_charmaps; nn++ )
          cmap = root->charmaps[nn];

          /* Windows Unicode (3,1)? */
          if ( cmap->platform_id == 3 && cmap->encoding_id == 1 )
            goto Skip_Unicode;

          /* Deprecated Unicode platform id? */
          if ( cmap->platform_id == 0 )
            goto Skip_Unicode; /* Standard Unicode (deprecated) */

        /* we didn't find a Unicode charmap, synthetize one */
        cmaprec.face        = root;
        cmaprec.platform_id = 3;
        cmaprec.encoding_id = 1;
        cmaprec.encoding    = FT_ENCODING_UNICODE;

        nn = (FT_UInt)root->num_charmaps;

        FT_CMap_New( &cff_cmap_unicode_class_rec, NULL, &cmaprec, NULL );

        /* if no Unicode charmap was previously selected, select this one */
        if ( root->charmap == NULL && nn != (FT_UInt)root->num_charmaps )
          root->charmap = root->charmaps[nn];

        if ( encoding->count > 0 )
          FT_CMap_Class  clazz;

          cmaprec.face        = root;
          cmaprec.platform_id = 7;  /* Adobe platform id */

          if ( encoding->offset == 0 )
            cmaprec.encoding_id = TT_ADOBE_ID_STANDARD;
            cmaprec.encoding    = FT_ENCODING_ADOBE_STANDARD;
            clazz               = &cff_cmap_encoding_class_rec;
          else if ( encoding->offset == 1 )
            cmaprec.encoding_id = TT_ADOBE_ID_EXPERT;
            cmaprec.encoding    = FT_ENCODING_ADOBE_EXPERT;
            clazz               = &cff_cmap_encoding_class_rec;
            cmaprec.encoding_id = TT_ADOBE_ID_CUSTOM;
            cmaprec.encoding    = FT_ENCODING_ADOBE_CUSTOM;
            clazz               = &cff_cmap_encoding_class_rec;

          FT_CMap_New( clazz, NULL, &cmaprec, NULL );

    return error;

    error = CFF_Err_Unknown_File_Format;
    goto Exit;