Exemplo n.º 1
void install_current_curve_bases(
    Triangulation   *manifold)
    Cusp        *cusp;
    MatrixInt22 *change_matrices;

     *  Allocate an array to store the change of basis matrices.

    change_matrices = NEW_ARRAY(manifold->num_cusps, MatrixInt22);

     *  Compute the change of basis matrices.

    for (cusp = manifold->cusp_list_begin.next;
         cusp != &manifold->cusp_list_end;
         cusp = cusp->next)
        if (cusp->index < 0
         || cusp->index >= manifold->num_cusps)
            uFatalError("install_current_curve_bases", "current_curve_basis");

        current_curve_basis_on_cusp(cusp, change_matrices[cusp->index]);

     *  Install the change of basis matrices.

    if (change_peripheral_curves(manifold, change_matrices) != func_OK)

        uFatalError("install_current_curve_bases", "current_curve_basis");

     *  Free the array used to store the change of basis matrices.

Exemplo n.º 2
static void drill_tube(
	Triangulation	*manifold,
	Tetrahedron		*tet,
	EdgeIndex		e,
	Boolean			creating_new_cusp)
	 *	Insert a triangular-pillow-with-tunnel (as described at the top
	 *	of this file) so as to connect the boundary component at one
	 *	end of the given edge to the boundary component at the other end.
	 *	The orientation on the triangular pillow will match the
	 *	orientation on tet, so that the orientation on the manifold
	 *	(if there is one) will be preserved.  Edge orientations are also
	 *	respected.
	VertexIndex		v0,
	FaceIndex		f,
	Tetrahedron		*nbr_tet,
	Permutation		gluing;
	EdgeClass		*edge0,
	Orientation		edge_orientation0,
	PeripheralCurve	c;
	Orientation		h;
	int				num_strands,
	Cusp			*unique_cusp;
	MatrixInt22		basis_change[1];
	 *	Relative to the orientation of tet, the vertices v0, v1 and v2
	 *	are arranged in counterclockwise order around the face f.
	v0 = one_vertex_at_edge[e];
	v1 = other_vertex_at_edge[e];
	v2 = remaining_face[v1][v0];
	f  = remaining_face[v0][v1];

	 *	Note the matching face and its vertices.
	nbr_tet	= tet->neighbor[f];
	gluing	= tet->gluing[f];
	ff		= EVALUATE(gluing, f);
	vv0		= EVALUATE(gluing, v0);
	vv1		= EVALUATE(gluing, v1);
	vv2		= EVALUATE(gluing, v2);
	 *	Note the incident EdgeClasses (which may or may not be distinct).
	edge0 = tet->edge_class[e];
	edge1 = tet->edge_class[edge_between_vertices[v1][v2]];
	edge2 = tet->edge_class[edge_between_vertices[v2][v0]];
	 *	Construct the triangular-pillow-with-tunnel, as described
	 *	at the top of this file.

	new_tet0 = NEW_STRUCT(Tetrahedron);
	new_tet1 = NEW_STRUCT(Tetrahedron);
	INSERT_BEFORE(new_tet0, &manifold->tet_list_end);
	INSERT_BEFORE(new_tet1, &manifold->tet_list_end);
	manifold->num_tetrahedra += 2;

	new_edge = NEW_STRUCT(EdgeClass);
	INSERT_BEFORE(new_edge, &manifold->edge_list_end);

	new_tet0->neighbor[0] = new_tet1;
	new_tet0->neighbor[1] = NULL;	/* assigned below */
	new_tet0->neighbor[2] = NULL;	/* assigned below */
	new_tet0->neighbor[3] = new_tet1;

	new_tet1->neighbor[0] = new_tet0;
	new_tet1->neighbor[1] = new_tet1;
	new_tet1->neighbor[2] = new_tet1;
	new_tet1->neighbor[3] = new_tet0;

	new_tet0->gluing[0] = CREATE_PERMUTATION(0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 3);
	new_tet0->gluing[1] = 0x00;	/* assigned below */
	new_tet0->gluing[2] = 0x00;	/* assigned below */
	new_tet0->gluing[3] = CREATE_PERMUTATION(0, 1, 1, 0, 2, 2, 3, 3);

	new_tet1->gluing[0] = CREATE_PERMUTATION(0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 3);
	new_tet1->gluing[1] = CREATE_PERMUTATION(0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 3);
	new_tet1->gluing[2] = CREATE_PERMUTATION(0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 3);
	new_tet1->gluing[3] = CREATE_PERMUTATION(0, 1, 1, 0, 2, 2, 3, 3);

	new_tet0->edge_class[0] = edge1;
	new_tet0->edge_class[1] = edge1;
	new_tet0->edge_class[2] = edge0;
	new_tet0->edge_class[3] = edge2;
	new_tet0->edge_class[4] = edge0;
	new_tet0->edge_class[5] = edge0;

	new_tet1->edge_class[0] = edge1;
	new_tet1->edge_class[1] = edge1;
	new_tet1->edge_class[2] = edge0;
	new_tet1->edge_class[3] = new_edge;
	new_tet1->edge_class[4] = edge0;
	new_tet1->edge_class[5] = edge0;

	edge0->order += 6;
	edge1->order += 4;
	edge2->order += 1;

	new_edge->order					= 1;
	new_edge->incident_tet			= new_tet1;
	new_edge->incident_edge_index	= 3;
	edge_orientation0 = tet->edge_orientation[e];
	edge_orientation1 = tet->edge_orientation[edge_between_vertices[v1][v2]];
	edge_orientation2 = tet->edge_orientation[edge_between_vertices[v2][v0]];

	new_tet0->edge_orientation[0] = edge_orientation1;
	new_tet0->edge_orientation[1] = edge_orientation1;
	new_tet0->edge_orientation[2] = edge_orientation0;
	new_tet0->edge_orientation[3] = edge_orientation2;
	new_tet0->edge_orientation[4] = edge_orientation0;
	new_tet0->edge_orientation[5] = edge_orientation0;

	new_tet1->edge_orientation[0] = edge_orientation1;
	new_tet1->edge_orientation[1] = edge_orientation1;
	new_tet1->edge_orientation[2] = edge_orientation0;
	new_tet1->edge_orientation[3] = right_handed;
	new_tet1->edge_orientation[4] = edge_orientation0;
	new_tet1->edge_orientation[5] = edge_orientation0;
	new_tet0->cusp[0] = tet->cusp[v0];
	new_tet0->cusp[1] = tet->cusp[v0];
	new_tet0->cusp[2] = tet->cusp[v0];
	new_tet0->cusp[3] = tet->cusp[v2];
	new_tet1->cusp[0] = tet->cusp[v0];
	new_tet1->cusp[1] = tet->cusp[v0];
	new_tet1->cusp[2] = tet->cusp[v0];
	new_tet1->cusp[3] = tet->cusp[v2];
	 *	Install the triangular-pillow-with-tunnel.
	tet->neighbor[f]		= new_tet0;
	tet->gluing[f]			= CREATE_PERMUTATION(f, 2, v0, 0, v1, 1, v2, 3);
	new_tet0->neighbor[2]	= tet;
	new_tet0->gluing[2]		= inverse_permutation[tet->gluing[f]];
	nbr_tet->neighbor[ff]	= new_tet0;
	nbr_tet->gluing[ff]		= CREATE_PERMUTATION(ff, 1, vv0, 0, vv1, 2, vv2, 3);
	new_tet0->neighbor[1]	= nbr_tet;
	new_tet0->gluing[1]		= inverse_permutation[nbr_tet->gluing[ff]];

	 *	Typically creating_new_cusp is FALSE, meaning that we are
	 *	connecting a spherical boundary component to a torus or
	 *	Klein bottle boundary component, and we simply extend the
	 *	existing peripheral curves across the new tetrahedra.
	 *	In the exceptional case that creating_new_cusp is TRUE,
	 *	meaning that the manifold has no real cusps and we are
	 *	connecting the "special fake cusp" to itself, we must
	 *	install a meridian and longitude, and set up the Dehn filling.
	if (creating_new_cusp == FALSE)
		 *	Extend the peripheral curves across the boundary of the
		 *	triangular-pillow-with-tunnel.
		 *	Note:  The orientations of new_tet0 and new_tet1 match that
		 *	of tet, so the right_handed and left_handed sheets match up
		 *	in the obvious way.
		for (c = 0; c < 2; c++)		/* c = M, L                      */
			for (h = 0; h < 2; h++)	/* h = right_handed, left_handed */
				num_strands = tet->curve[c][h][v0][f];
				new_tet0->curve[c][h][0][2] = -num_strands;
				new_tet0->curve[c][h][0][1] = +num_strands;
				num_strands = tet->curve[c][h][v1][f];
				new_tet0->curve[c][h][1][2] = -num_strands;
				new_tet0->curve[c][h][1][0] = +num_strands;
				new_tet1->curve[c][h][2][0] = -num_strands;
				new_tet1->curve[c][h][2][1] = +num_strands;
				new_tet1->curve[c][h][1][2] = -num_strands;
				new_tet1->curve[c][h][1][0] = +num_strands;
				new_tet0->curve[c][h][2][0] = -num_strands;
				new_tet0->curve[c][h][2][1] = +num_strands;
				num_strands = tet->curve[c][h][v2][f];
				new_tet0->curve[c][h][3][2] = -num_strands;
				new_tet0->curve[c][h][3][1] = +num_strands;
	else /* creating_new_cusp == TRUE */
		 *	We have just installed a tube connecting the (unique)
		 *	spherical "cusp" to itself, to convert it to a torus or
		 *	Klein bottle.
		unique_cusp = tet->cusp[v0]->matching_cusp;
		unique_cusp->is_complete	= TRUE;	/* to be filled below */
		unique_cusp->index			= 0;
		unique_cusp->is_finite		= FALSE;
		manifold->num_cusps			= 1;
		 *	Install an arbitrary meridian and longitude.
		 *	Two sides of the (truncated) vertex 0 of new_tet0
		 *	(namely the sides incident to faces 1 and 2 of new_tet0)
		 *	define the Dehn filling curve by which we can recover
		 *	the closed manifold.  Count how many times the newly
		 *	installed meridian and longitude cross this Dehn filling curve.
		 *	To avoid messy questions about which sheet of the cusp's
		 *	double cover we're on, use two (parallel) copies of the
		 *	Dehn filling curve, one on each sheet of the cover.
		 *	Ultimately we're looking for a linear combination of the
		 *	meridian and longitude whose intersection number with
		 *	the Dehn filling curve is zero, so it won't matter if
		 *	we're off by a factor of two.
		for (c = 0; c < 2; c++)		/* c = M, L                      */
			intersection_number[c] = 0;
			for (h = 0; h < 2; h++)	/* h = right_handed, left_handed */
				intersection_number[c] += new_tet0->curve[c][h][0][1];
				intersection_number[c] += new_tet0->curve[c][h][0][2];
		 *	Use the intersection numbers to deduce
		 *	the desired Dehn filling coefficients.
		the_gcd = gcd(intersection_number[M], intersection_number[L]);
		unique_cusp->is_complete	= FALSE;
		unique_cusp->m				= -intersection_number[L] / the_gcd;
		unique_cusp->l				= +intersection_number[M] / the_gcd;

		 *	Switch to a basis in which the Dehn filling curve is a meridian.
		unique_cusp->cusp_shape[initial] = Zero;	/* force current_curve_basis() to ignore the cusp shape */
		current_curve_basis(manifold, unique_cusp->index, basis_change[0]);
		if (change_peripheral_curves(manifold, basis_change) != func_OK)
			uFatalError("drill_tube", "finite_vertices");
Exemplo n.º 3
FuncResult compute_closed_symmetry_group(
    Triangulation   *manifold,
    SymmetryGroup   **symmetry_group,
    Triangulation   **symmetric_triangulation,
    Boolean         *is_full_group)
    FuncResult  result;

     *  Make sure the variables used to pass back our results
     *  are all initially empty.
    if (*symmetry_group             != NULL
     || *symmetric_triangulation    != NULL)
        uFatalError("compute_closed_symmetry_group", "symmetry_group");

     *  compute_symmetry_group() should have passed us a 1-cusp
     *  manifold with a Dehn filling on its cusp.
    if (get_num_cusps(manifold) != 1
     || all_cusps_are_filled(manifold) == FALSE
     || all_Dehn_coefficients_are_relatively_prime_integers(manifold) == FALSE)
        uFatalError("compute_closed_symmetry_group", "symmetry_group_closed");

     *  For later convenience, change the basis on the cusp
     *  so that the Dehn filling curve becomes a meridian.
        MatrixInt22     basis_change[1];

        current_curve_basis(manifold, 0, basis_change[0]);
        change_peripheral_curves(manifold, basis_change);

     *  At the very least, we can try to establish a (possibly trivial)
     *  lower bound on the symmetry group by computing the group
     *  which preserves the given core geodesic.
        SymmetryGroup   *dummy = NULL;

        if (compute_cusped_symmetry_group(manifold, &dummy, symmetry_group) == func_OK)
            copy_triangulation(manifold, symmetric_triangulation);
            free_symmetry_group(dummy);     /*  we don't need dummy */
             *  The only way compute_cusped_symmetry_group() may fail
             *  is if a canonical cell decomposition cannot be found,
             *  e.g. because the manifold is not hyperbolic.
            return func_failed;

     *  For small to medium sized manifolds we should have
     *  no trouble getting a Dirichlet domain.  But if we can't,
     *  then we want to muddle along as best we can without one.
        WEPolyhedron    *polyhedron;

        polyhedron = compute_polyhedron(manifold);

        if (polyhedron != NULL)
            result = compute_symmetry_group_using_polyhedron(
            result = compute_symmetry_group_without_polyhedron(

    return result;