Exemplo n.º 1
void three_body_system::calc_structure_factors_channels() {

    if (cont->sf_channels.size() == 0) return;
    cout << "Calculating structure factors: ";
    for (auto & ch : cont->sf_channels) {
        cout << ch << " ";
    cout << endl;

    double sf_grad = (cont->sf_maximum - cont->sf_minimum) / double(cont->sf_n_points);
    for (int sf_point_index = 0; sf_point_index < cont->sf_n_points; sf_point_index++) {
        cout << double(sf_point_index) / double(cont->sf_n_points) << " " << flush;
        double rP = sf_point_index * sf_grad + cont->sf_minimum;

        int sf_ch_index = 0;
        for (auto & ch : cont->sf_channels) {
            double oscillator_length = 1.0;
            if (ch != 0) {
                int cind = channel_index(ch);
                oscillator_length = pow(trapping[cind][0][0] / kinetic[cind][0][0], -0.25) / sqrt(2.0);
            //else oscillator_length = length_hyperspherical;
            else oscillator_length = pow(trapping[channel_index(3)][0][0] / kinetic[channel_index(3)][0][0], -0.25);
            //else oscillator_length = 1.0;
            vector<double> sf_matrix_elements;
            for (auto & s1 : states) {
                for (auto & s2 : states) {
                        calc_sf_channel_element(oscillator_length*rP, s1, s2, ch)


            double res = 0.0;
            for (int i=0; i<basis_size; i++) {
                for (int j=0; j<basis_size; j++) {
                    res += evecs[i] * evecs[j] * sf_matrix_elements[i + basis_size * j];


            if (test_structure_factors) {
                for (int i=0; i<basis_size; i++) {
                    for (int j=0; j<basis_size; j++) {
                        sf_test_matrices.back().push_back(sf_matrix_elements[i + basis_size * j]);
    cout << "... " << endl;

Exemplo n.º 2
void three_body_system::print_structure_factors() {

    if (cont->sf_channels.size() == 0) return;

    int sf_index = 0;
    for (auto & ch : cont->sf_channels) {
        cout << "Calculating sf " << ch << endl;
        double oscillator_length = 1.0;
        //if (ch != 0){
        if (0) {
            int cind = channel_index(ch);
            oscillator_length = pow(trapping[cind][0][0] / kinetic[cind][0][0], -0.25) / sqrt(2.0);
        //else oscillator_length = length_hyperspherical;
        else oscillator_length = pow(trapping[channel_index(3)][0][0] / kinetic[channel_index(3)][0][0], -0.25) / sqrt(2.0);
        ofstream sf_output(name + ".sf" + to_string(ch));
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sf_radii.size(); i++) {
            //double temp1 = (ch == 0) ? oscillator_length : 1.0;
            double temp1 = 1.0;
            sf_output << temp1 * sf_radii[i] << " " << sf_results[sf_index][i] * oscillator_length / double(cont->permutation_number) << endl;
        cout << endl;


Exemplo n.º 3
state_full three_body_system::generate_random_state(double min_r, double max_r, double min_rho, double max_rho, double min_com, double max_com, int angular_index, int channel){
  int quiet = 1;
  int cind = channel_index(channel);

  double random_log_r = random_double( log(min_r), log(max_r) );
  double alpha_r = scale_factor_r[cind] * exp(random_log_r);
  double random_log_rho = random_double( log(min_rho), log(max_rho) );
  double alpha_rho = scale_factor_rho[cind] * exp(random_log_rho);
  double alpha_com = scale_factor_com[cind] * random_double(min_com, max_com);
  return state_full(states.size(), &ang->states[angular_index], pow(alpha_r,-2), pow(alpha_rho,-2), pow(alpha_com,-2), channel);
Exemplo n.º 4
void three_body_system::generate_states_geometric(){
  vector<double> alphas_r, alphas_rho, alphas_com;
  int channel = 3;
  int cind = channel_index(channel);

  double minimum = cont->scale_min_to_r0_r ? cont->basis_min_r * r0_unlike : cont->basis_min_r;
  double maximum = cont->basis_max_r * pow(trapping[cind][0][0] / kinetic[cind][0][0], -0.125);
  cout << cont->basis_max_r << " " << pow(trapping[cind][0][0] / kinetic[cind][0][0], -0.125) << endl;
  geometric_series(alphas_r, minimum, maximum, 2);
  minimum = cont->scale_min_to_r0_rho ? cont->basis_min_rho * r0_unlike : cont->basis_min_rho;
  maximum = cont->basis_max_rho * pow(trapping[cind][1][1] / kinetic[cind][1][1], -0.125);
  geometric_series(alphas_rho, minimum, maximum, 2);

  if (1 == 1){
    //alphas_com.push_back(pow(trapping[2][2] / kinetic[2][2], 0.25));
    minimum = cont->scale_min_to_r0_com ? cont->basis_min_com * r0_unlike : cont->basis_min_com;
    maximum = cont->basis_max_com * pow(trapping[cind][2][2] / kinetic[cind][2][2], -0.125);
    geometric_series(alphas_com, minimum, maximum, 1);

  states = vector<state_full>();
  int index = 0;
	for (auto & alpha_com : alphas_com){
      for (auto & alpha_rho : alphas_rho){
    for (auto & alpha_r : alphas_r){
  for (auto & angular: ang->states){
              state_full(index++, &angular, alpha_r, alpha_rho, alpha_com, 3));
  cout << "Generated geometric series states, total: " << alphas_r.size() << " x " << alphas_rho.size() << " x " << alphas_com.size() << " x " << ang->states.size() << " = " << states.size() << endl;

  if (true){
    print_vector_to_file(alphas_r, name + ".info.alphas_r");
    print_vector_to_file(alphas_rho, name + ".info.alphas_rho");
    print_vector_to_file(alphas_com, name + ".info.alphas_com");

Exemplo n.º 5
state_full three_body_system::generate_random_state(int state_generation_mode){
  int quiet = 1;
  int channel = 0;
  while (abs(channel) == 0){
    channel = random_int(-3, 3);
  channel = 3;
  int cind = channel_index(channel);

  double random_log_r = random_double( log(basis_min_r_scaled), log(basis_max_r) );
  if (true){
    int randomiser = random_int(0,3);
    if (randomiser != 0){
      random_log_r = random_double( log(0.9*basis_min_r_scaled), log(1000.0 * basis_min_r_scaled) );

  double alpha_r = scale_factor_r[cind] * exp(random_log_r);
  double random_log_rho = random_double( log(basis_min_rho_scaled), log(basis_max_rho) );
  double alpha_rho = scale_factor_rho[cind] * exp(random_log_rho);
  double alpha_com = scale_factor_com[cind] * random_double(basis_min_com_scaled, basis_max_com);
  int temp_int = -1 + ang->generation_modes.size();
  int temp_mode = min(state_generation_mode, temp_int);
  int temp_mode_max = ang->generation_modes[temp_mode].size() - 1;
  int angular_index = ang->generation_modes[temp_mode][random_int(0, temp_mode_max)];
  if (only_2body){
    while (true){
      angular_index = ang->generation_modes[temp_mode][random_int(0, temp_mode_max)];
      if (&ang->states[angular_index].lcom == 0
	  && ang->states[angular_index].lcoup == ang->ltotal){

  if (!quiet){
    cout << "Generated random state: " << state_full(-1, &ang->states[angular_index], alpha_r, alpha_rho, alpha_com, channel);

  return state_full(states.size(), &ang->states[angular_index], pow(alpha_r,-2), pow(alpha_rho,-2), pow(alpha_com,-2), channel);
Exemplo n.º 6
int cmd_nick(Channel *channel, User *speaker, const char *text)
	int	i;
	Channel	*ch;
	char	buf[256];

		return 0;

	if(user_lookup(text) != NULL)		/* Refuse if nick is in use. */
		return 0;

	/* Before doing the change, go through all channels and notify. */
	snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%s is now known as %s\n", user_get_name(speaker), text);
	for(i = 0; (ch = channel_index(i)) != NULL; i++)
		if(channel_user_is_member(ch, speaker))
			channel_hear(ch, NULL, buf);
	user_set_name(speaker, text);
	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 7
double three_body_system::calc_sf_channel_contribution(double rP, state_full &s1, state_full &s2, int transformation_index1, int transformation_index2, int channel_working, double prefactor) {
    double res = 0.0;
    int c = (channel_working == 0) ? 3 : channel_working;

    state_angular *a1 = &ang->states_transformed[s1.ang->allowed_transformations[transformation_index1]];
    state_angular *a2 = &ang->states_transformed[s2.ang->allowed_transformations[transformation_index2]];

    if (a1->lcom != a2->lcom) return 0.0;

    int cind = channel_index(c);

    prefactor *= 4.0 * Pi / s1.norm / s2.norm * sqrt(Pi / 2.0);

    for (int kappa=0; kappa < get_kappa_limit(a1, a2); kappa++) {
        double E = ang->E(kappa, kappa, 0, a2->lr, a2->lrho, a2->lcoup, a1->lr, a1->lrho, a1->lcoup);
        if (E == 0.0) continue;

        vector<double> transformed_state;
        calc_transformed_state(transformed_state, s1, s2, c);

        double nr_double = a1->nr + a2->nr + (a1->lr + a2->lr - kappa) / 2.0 + 0.01;
        double nrho_double  = a1->nrho + a2->nrho + (a1->lrho + a2->lrho - kappa) / 2.0 + 0.01;
        int nr = floor(nr_double);
        int nrho = floor(nrho_double);
        double com0 = gaussian_integral(s1.alpha_com + s2.alpha_com, a1->lcom + a2->lcom);

        if (channel_working != 0) res += com0 * E * calc_sf_channel_summand(kappa, nr, nrho, transformed_state, rP);
        else res += com0 * E * calc_sf_hyper_summand(kappa, nr, a1->lr, nrho, a1->lrho, transformed_state, rP);


    res *= prefactor;

    return res;

Exemplo n.º 8
void three_body_system::stochastic_loop(){

  // start with a sigle state, the QHO ground state
  int channel_0 = 3;
  int cind = channel_index(channel_0);
      state_full(0, &ang->states[0], 
	scale_factor_r[cind], scale_factor_rho[cind], scale_factor_com[cind],
  if (true){
	state_full(1, &ang->states[0], 
	  0.8*scale_factor_r[cind], 0.8*scale_factor_rho[cind], scale_factor_com[cind],
  // create initial matrix and "diagonalise"

  select_new_state_competitive(10, 0);

    /*state_full new_state = generate_random_state();
    cout << "New state... " << new_state;

    double eval;
    vector<double> S_new_column, H_new_column;

    test_state(new_state, S_new_column, H_new_column, eval);

    cout << "New eigenvalue = " << eval << endl;*/

Exemplo n.º 9
void three_body_system::competitive_loop(){

  int channel_0 = 3;
  int cind = channel_index(channel_0);

  if (cont->use_saved_states){
    string state_input_name = name + ".states";
    if (only_2body) state_input_name += "_2body";
    ifstream state_input(state_input_name);
    string line;

    while (getline(state_input, line)){
      string line_temp = line;
      if (line_temp.find("Fin") == std::string::npos)
        states.push_back(state_full(line, ang));

    cout << "Successfully read states from file." << endl;

  if (states.size() == 0){
      state_full(0, &ang->states[0], 
	scale_factor_r[cind], scale_factor_rho[cind], scale_factor_com[cind],
    string state_output_name = name + ".states";
    if (only_2body) state_output_name += "_2body";
    ofstream state_output(state_output_name, ios_base::app);
    state_output << states.back();


  // determine what mode we're in initially...
  int current_mode = 0;
  int state_counter = states.size();
  for (auto mode_size : cont->max_states){
    if (state_counter >= mode_size){ 
      state_counter -= mode_size;


  int end_test_counter = 0;
  int fail_counter = 0;
  int fail_limit = 2;

  double energy_old = evals[0];
  double convtol = 1E-6;

  string energy_output_name = name + ".energies";
  if (only_2body){
    energy_output_name = name + ".2body";
  ofstream energy_output(energy_output_name, ios_base::app);
  for (; current_mode < int(cont->max_states.size()); current_mode++){
    int mode_size = cont->max_states[current_mode];

    int fail_counter = 0;
    cout << "sc = " << state_counter << endl;
    while (state_counter++ <= mode_size){
      if (select_new_state_competitive(1000, current_mode)){
        if (relative_difference(energy_old, evals[0]) < convtol){
          cout << energy_old << " " << evals[0] << " " << relative_difference(energy_old, evals[0]) << endl;
          energy_old = evals[0];
          fail_counter = 0;
          energy_output << states.size() << ": " << flush;

          for (unsigned int i=0; i<10; i++){
            if (i < evals.size()){
              energy_output << evals[i] << " ";
          energy_output << endl;
      else fail_counter++;
      if (fail_counter != 0) cout << "fails = " << fail_counter << endl;
      if (fail_counter >= fail_limit){
        cout << "Cannot find new states, ending simulation..." << endl;
    state_counter = 0;
    cout << "Completed mode " << current_mode << endl;
    cout << "state_counter = " << state_counter << endl;
    cout << "mode_size = " << mode_size << endl;

  //print_matrix_to_file(&S[0], basis_size, name + ".S");
  //print_matrix_to_file(&H[0], basis_size, name + ".H");
