void turnUnderlineCursorOff() { char2LCD(0xFE); char2LCD(0x48); // 1.5ms micro second execution time waitus(1700); }
// turns on the LCD display. Default: LCD screen is on void turnLCDOn() { char2LCD(0xFE); char2LCD(0x41); // 100 micro second execution time waitus(101); }
void turnBlinkingCursorOff() { char2LCD(0xFE); char2LCD(0x4C); // 100 micro second execution time waitus(101); }
// Move cursor back one space, delete last character void backspace() { char2LCD(0xFE); char2LCD(0x4E); // 100 us execution time waitus(101); }
void printFirmwareVersion() { char2LCD(0xFE); char2LCD(0x70); // 4 ms execution time waitus(4500); }
// Move cursor position right 1 space, whether the cursor is turned on or not void cursorRightOne() { char2LCD(0xFE); char2LCD(0x4A); // 100 micro second execution time waitus(101); }
// clear LCD and move cursor to line 1 column 1 void clearScreen() { char2LCD(0xFE); char2LCD(0x51); // 1.5 ms execution time waitus(2000); }
// move cursor to line 1 column 1 void cursorHome() { char2LCD(0xFE); char2LCD(0x46); // 1.5 ms execution time waitus(1700); }
// Put cursor at location position // Values 0x00-0x0F for row 1, 0x40-0x4F for row 2 void setCursor(unsigned char position) { char2LCD(0xFE); char2LCD(0x45); char2LCD(position); // 100 us execution time waitus(110); }
// Set the display contrast, value between 1 and 50. Default: 40 void setContrast(unsigned char value) { if(value < 1 || value > 50) { return; } char2LCD(0xFE); char2LCD(0x52); char2LCD(value); // 500 us execution time waitus(510); }
// set the backlight brightness level, value between 1 and 8. Default: 8 void setBacklightBrightness(unsigned char value) { if(value < 1 || value > 8) { return; } char2LCD(0xFE); char2LCD(0x53); char2LCD(value); // 100 us execution time waitus(110); }
// Output string to LCD void str2LCD(unsigned char *str) { int i = 0; while(str[i]) { char2LCD(str[i]); i++; } }
void MrfData_LCD::assemble() { clearDataStream(); setNumWords(_text.length()); for ( uint i = 0; i < _text.length(); i++ ) { // fill the data word setStreamItemValue( "LCDpos", pos2LCD(i), i ); setStreamItemValue( "LCDchar", char2LCD(_text.at(i)), i ); } }