Exemplo n.º 1
TextAsset::computeSizeOfText(cairo_t* cairoContext,
                             const std::string textString,
                             int bounds,
                             PangoFontDescription* font,
                             Rect* tight,
                             float* lineHeightOut)
    PangoLayout* layout = pango_cairo_create_layout(cairoContext);

    // Kerning
    PangoAttrList* attr_list = pango_attr_list_new();
    PangoAttribute* spacing_attr = pango_attr_letter_spacing_new(pango_units_from_double(_kern));
    pango_attr_list_insert(attr_list, spacing_attr);
    pango_layout_set_attributes(layout, attr_list);

    pango_cairo_context_set_resolution(pango_layout_get_context(layout), DISPLAY_RESOLUTION);
    pango_layout_set_text(layout, textString.c_str(), (int)textString.length());
    pango_layout_set_alignment(layout, _alignment);
    pango_layout_set_wrap(layout, PANGO_WRAP_WORD_CHAR);

    const Size maxTextureSize(bounds, 1024);
    pango_layout_set_width(layout, pango_units_from_double(maxTextureSize.width));
    pango_layout_set_height(layout, pango_units_from_double(maxTextureSize.height));
    pango_layout_set_font_description(layout, font);
    applyLeading(cairoContext, layout, font);

    PangoRectangle estimateSize;
    PangoRectangle ink;
    pango_layout_get_pixel_extents(layout, &ink, &estimateSize);

    // If the text is right or center aligned the offsets will contain all the
    // leading space.  We ignore that for the size because drawText will draw
    // in the larger box.  The tight box below will get the offsets so we know
    // where to draw so the text lands in the same tight box.
    Size res(estimateSize.width, estimateSize.height);

    if (tight != NULL) {
        float lineHeight;
        float xHeight = charHeight(cairoContext, font, 'x', &lineHeight);
        if (lineHeightOut != NULL) {
            *lineHeightOut = lineHeight;
        const float capHeight = charHeight(cairoContext, font, 'Y');
        const float ascender = pango_units_to_double(pango_layout_get_baseline(layout));
        const float topSpace = ascender - capHeight;
        const float bottomSpace = MAX(lineHeight - ascender - (capHeight - xHeight), 0);
        if (res.height > topSpace + bottomSpace) {
            *tight = Rect(estimateSize.x,
                          estimateSize.y + topSpace,
                          res.height - topSpace - bottomSpace);
        } else {
            *tight = Rect(0, 0, res.width, res.height);

    return res;
Exemplo n.º 2
QSize FastoHexEdit::fullSize() const {
  const int charW = charWidth();
  const int charH = charHeight();

  const QRect rect = stableRect(viewport()->rect());
  const int yPosStart = rect.top();
  const int xPosStart = rect.left();
  const int yPosEnd = rect.bottom();
  const int xPosEnd = rect.right();

  const int wid = xPosEnd - xPosStart;
  const int widchars = wid - TextMarginXY * 2;
  const int xPosAscii = widchars/4 * 3;  // line pos

  int acharInLine = asciiCharInLine(widchars);

  int width = xPosAscii + (acharInLine * charW);
  int height = data_.size() / acharInLine;
  if (data_.size() % acharInLine) {

  height *= charH;

  return QSize(width, height);
Exemplo n.º 3
void acBitmapFont::drawChar(unsigned char c, float x, float y) {
  // x,y is insertion point, lower-left, on baseline
  //if (c < 33) return;
  //if (c > numChars + 32) return;
  if (!charExists(c)) return;

  if (!charExists(c)) {
    int m = win2mac[c-128];
    if (m == -1) m = 'X';
    printf("%d does not exist %c '%c'\n", c, c, m);

  //if (c+33 > 127) {
  if (c > 127) {
    //printf("got something outside: %d\n", c+33);
    c = win2mac[c];
    if (c == -1) return; // char not in encoding
    printf("found %c\n", (unsigned char)c);

  float height = charHeight(c);
  //float width = charWidth(c);
  float bwidth = charBitmapWidth(c);
  float top = charTop(c);
  float lextent = charLeftExtent(c);


  if (glIsTexture(texNames[win2mac[c]-33])) {
    acuNamedTexRectf(x+lextent, y+top, 
		     x+lextent+bwidth, y+height+top, 
		     texNames[win2mac[c]-33], bwidth, height);
  } else {
    sprintf(acuDebugStr, "Could not bind: %c %d\n", c, c);
    acuTexRectf(x+lextent, y+top, x+lextent+bwidth, y+height+top, 
		images[c-33], GL_RGBA, 4, 64, 64, bwidth, height);


  acuTexRectf(x+lextent, y+top, x+lextent+bwidth, y+height+top, 
	      images[win2mac[c]-33], GL_RGBA, 4, 64, 64, bwidth, height);

#if 0
  // to draw the baseline
  glVertex3f(x, y, 0);
  glVertex3f(x+width*0.95f, y, 0);
Exemplo n.º 4
TextAsset::applyLeading(cairo_t* cairoContext, PangoLayout* layout, PangoFontDescription* font) const
    float lineHeight;
    charHeight(cairoContext, font, 'a', &lineHeight);

    const float lineSpacing = (_leadingMultiplier - 1.0) * lineHeight;
    pango_layout_set_spacing(layout, pango_units_from_double(lineSpacing));
Exemplo n.º 5
int Fonts::stringHeight(const Common::String &str) {
	int height = 0;

	if (!_font)
		return 0;

	for (const char *c = str.c_str(); *c; ++c)
		height = MAX(height, charHeight(*c));

	return height;
Exemplo n.º 6
unsigned char* acBitmapFont::getCharData(unsigned char c, float *x, float *y, float *w, float *h) {
  if (!charExists(c)) return NULL;
  *x = charLeftExtent(c);
  *y = charTop(c);
  *w = charBitmapWidth(c);
  *h = charHeight(c);
  params[0] = charLeftExtent(c); // x
  params[1] = charTop(c); // y
  params[2] = charBitmapWidth(c); // width
  params[3] = charHeight(c); // height
  //params[4] = bwidth; // maxu
  //params[5] = height; // maxv
  return images[c-33];
Exemplo n.º 7
    int FastoHexEdit::positionAtPoint(const QPoint &point) const
        const int px = point.x();
        const int py = point.y();
        const int charW = charWidth();
        const int charH = charHeight();

        const QRect rect = stableRect(viewport()->rect());
        const int yPosStart = rect.top();
        const int xPosStart = rect.left();
        const int yPosEnd = rect.bottom();
        const int xPosEnd = rect.right();

        const int wid = xPosEnd - xPosStart;
        const int widchars = wid - TextMarginXY * 2;
        const int xPosAscii = widchars/4 * 3; //line pos

        int acharInLine = asciiCharInLine(widchars);
        if(acharInLine < 0){
            acharInLine = 0;

        if ((px >= xPosStart && px < xPosAscii) && (py >= yPosStart && py < yPosEnd)){
            int posx = (xPosStart + px) / charW;
            int div = posx / 3;
            int mod = posx % 3;

            int pos = 0; //symbol pos in data;
            if(mod == 0){
                pos = div * 2;
                pos = (div * 2) + 1;

            int firstLineIdx = verticalScrollBar()->value();
            int posy = (py - yPosStart) / charH;
            pos = pos + (firstLineIdx + posy) * acharInLine * 2;
            return pos;

        return -1;
Exemplo n.º 8
void FastoHexEdit::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) {
  if (mode_ == HEX_MODE) {
    QPainter painter(viewport());

    QSize areaSize = viewport()->size();
    QSize widgetSize = fullSize();

    const int charW = charWidth();
    const int charH = charHeight();

    int firstLineIdx = verticalScrollBar()->value();
    int lastLineIdx = firstLineIdx + areaSize.height() / charH;

    const QRect rect = stableRect(event->rect());
    const int yPosStart = rect.top();
    const int xPosStart = rect.left();
    const int yPosEnd = rect.bottom();
    const int xPosEnd = rect.right();

    const int wid = xPosEnd - xPosStart;
    const int height = yPosEnd - yPosStart;
    const int widchars = wid - TextMarginXY * 2;
    const int acharInLine = asciiCharInLine(widchars);
    if (acharInLine <= 0) {

    const int xPosAscii = widchars/4 * 3;  // line pos
    const int xPosAsciiStart = xPosAscii + TextMarginXY;

    int indexCount = data_.size() / acharInLine;
    if (lastLineIdx > indexCount) {
      lastLineIdx = indexCount;
      if (data_.size() % acharInLine) {
    verticalScrollBar()->setPageStep(areaSize.height() / charH);
    verticalScrollBar()->setRange(0, (widgetSize.height() - areaSize.height()) / charH + 1);

    painter.drawLine(xPosAscii, yPosStart, xPosAscii, yPosEnd);


    int size = data_.size();
    for (int lineIdx = firstLineIdx, yPos = yPosStart;
         lineIdx < lastLineIdx; lineIdx += 1, yPos += charH) {
      QByteArray part = data_.begin() + (lineIdx * acharInLine);
      int part_size = size / acharInLine ? acharInLine : size % acharInLine;
      size -= part_size;
      QByteArray hex = part.toHex();

      for (int xPos = xPosStart, i = 0; i < hex.size(); i++, xPos += 3 * charW) {
        QString val = hex.mid(i * 2, 2);
        QRect hexrect(xPos, yPos, 3 * charW, charH);
        painter.drawText(hexrect, Qt::AlignLeft, val);
        char ch = part[i];
        if ((ch < 0x20) || (ch > 0x7e)) {
          part[i] = '.';

      QRect asciirect(xPosAsciiStart, yPos, acharInLine * charW, charH);
      painter.drawText(asciirect, Qt::AlignLeft, part);
  } else {
Exemplo n.º 9
byte *FontRenderer::buildTextSprite(byte *sentence, uint32 fontRes, uint8 pen, LineInfo *line, uint16 noOfLines) {
	uint16 i;

	// Find the width of the widest line in the output text

	uint16 spriteWidth = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < noOfLines; i++)
		if (line[i].width > spriteWidth)
			spriteWidth = line[i].width;

	// Check that text sprite has even horizontal resolution in PSX version
	// (needed to work around a problem in some sprites, which reports an odd
	// number as horiz resolution, but then have the next even number as true width)
	if (Sword2Engine::isPsx())
		spriteWidth = (spriteWidth % 2) ? spriteWidth + 1 : spriteWidth;

	// Find the total height of the text sprite: the total height of the
	// text lines, plus the total height of the spacing between them.

	uint16 char_height = charHeight(fontRes);
	uint16 spriteHeight = char_height * noOfLines + _lineSpacing * (noOfLines - 1);

	// Allocate memory for the text sprite

	uint32 sizeOfSprite = spriteWidth * spriteHeight;
	byte *textSprite = (byte *)malloc(FrameHeader::size() + sizeOfSprite);

	// At this stage, textSprite points to an unmovable memory block. Set
	// up the frame header.

	FrameHeader frame_head;

	frame_head.compSize = 0;
	frame_head.width = spriteWidth;
	frame_head.height = spriteHeight;

	// Normally for PSX frame header we double the height
	// of the sprite artificially to regain correct aspect
	// ratio, but this is an "artificially generated" text
	// sprite, which gets created with correct aspect, so
	// fix the height.
	if (Sword2Engine::isPsx())
		frame_head.height /= 2;


	debug(4, "Text sprite size: %ux%u", spriteWidth, spriteHeight);

	// Clear the entire sprite to make it transparent.

	byte *linePtr = textSprite + FrameHeader::size();
	memset(linePtr, 0, sizeOfSprite);

	byte *charSet = _vm->_resman->openResource(fontRes);

	// Build the sprite, one line at a time

	uint16 pos = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < noOfLines; i++) {
		// Center each line
		byte *spritePtr = linePtr + (spriteWidth - line[i].width) / 2;

		// copy the sprite for each character in this line to the
		// text sprite and inc the sprite ptr by the character's
		// width minus the 'overlap'

		for (uint j = 0; j < line[i].length; j++) {
			byte *charPtr = findChar(sentence[pos++], charSet);


			assert(frame_head.height == char_height);
			copyChar(charPtr, spritePtr, spriteWidth, pen);

			// We must remember to free memory for generated character in psx,
			// as it is extracted differently than pc version (copyed from a
			// char atlas).
			if (Sword2Engine::isPsx())

			spritePtr += frame_head.width + _charSpacing;

		// Skip space at end of last word in this line

		if (Sword2Engine::isPsx())
			linePtr += (char_height / 2 + _lineSpacing) * spriteWidth;
			linePtr += (char_height + _lineSpacing) * spriteWidth;


	return textSprite;
Exemplo n.º 10
static int MapFont(char *font_name, const char *troff_name)
  XFontStruct *fi;
  int count;
  char **names;
  FILE *out;
  unsigned int c;
  unsigned int attributes;
  XFontName parsed;
  int j, k;
  DviCharNameMap *char_map;
  char encoding[256];
  char *s;
  int wid;
  char name_string[2048];

  if (!XParseFontName(font_name, &parsed, &attributes)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "not a standard name: %s\n", font_name);
    return 0;

  attributes &= ~(FontNamePixelSize | FontNameAverageWidth);
  attributes |= FontNameResolutionX;
  attributes |= FontNameResolutionY;
  attributes |= FontNamePointSize;
  parsed.ResolutionX = resolution;
  parsed.ResolutionY = resolution;
  parsed.PointSize = point_size * 10;
  XFormatFontName(&parsed, attributes, name_string);

  names = XListFonts(dpy, name_string, 100000, &count);
  if (count < 1) {
    fprintf(stderr, "bad font name: %s\n", font_name);
    return 0;

  if (FontNamesAmbiguous(font_name, names, count))
    return 0;

  XParseFontName(names[0], &parsed, &attributes);
  sprintf(encoding, "%s-%s", parsed.CharSetRegistry,
  for (s = encoding; *s; s++)
    if (isupper(*s))
      *s = tolower(*s);
  char_map = DviFindMap(encoding);
  if (!char_map) {
    fprintf(stderr, "not a standard encoding: %s\n", encoding);
    return 0;

  fi = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, names[0]);
  if (!fi) {
    fprintf(stderr, "font does not exist: %s\n", names[0]);
    return 0;

  printf("%s -> %s\n", names[0], troff_name);

  {				/* Avoid race while opening file */
    int fd;
    (void) unlink(troff_name);
    fd = open(troff_name, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0600);
    out = fdopen(fd, "w");

  if (!out) {
    return 0;
  fprintf(out, "name %s\n", troff_name);
  if (!strcmp(char_map->encoding, "adobe-fontspecific"))
    fprintf(out, "special\n");
  if (charExists(fi, ' ')) {
    int w = charWidth(fi, ' ');
    if (w > 0)
      fprintf(out, "spacewidth %d\n", w);
  fprintf(out, "charset\n");
  for (c = fi->min_char_or_byte2; c <= fi->max_char_or_byte2; c++) {
    const char *name = DviCharName(char_map, c, 0);
    if (charExists(fi, c)) {
      int param[5];

      wid = charWidth(fi, c);

      fprintf(out, "%s\t%d", name ? name : "---", wid);
      param[0] = charHeight(fi, c);
      param[1] = charDepth(fi, c);
      param[2] = 0;		/* charRBearing (fi, c) - wid */
      param[3] = 0;		/* charLBearing (fi, c) */
      param[4] = 0;		/* XXX */
      for (j = 0; j < 5; j++)
	if (param[j] < 0)
	  param[j] = 0;
      for (j = 4; j >= 0; j--)
	if (param[j] != 0)
      for (k = 0; k <= j; k++)
	fprintf(out, ",%d", param[k]);
      fprintf(out, "\t0\t0%o\n", c);

      if (name) {
	for (k = 1; DviCharName(char_map, c, k); k++) {
	  fprintf(out, "%s\t\"\n", DviCharName(char_map, c, k));
  XUnloadFont(dpy, fi->fid);
  return 1;
Exemplo n.º 11
float acBitmapFont::charTop(unsigned char c) {
  return charExists(c) ? 
    (-charHeight(c) + (float)(topExtent[win2mac[c]-33]) / 64.0f) : 0;
Exemplo n.º 12
// Convert window pixels (x,y) to ASCII spaces (x,y).
df::Position df::GraphicsManager::pixelsToSpaces(Position pixels){
	return Position(pixels.getX() / charWidth(), pixels.getY() / charHeight());
Exemplo n.º 13
// Convert ASCII spaces (x,y) to window pixels (x,y).
df::Position df::GraphicsManager::spacesToPixels(Position spaces){
	return Position(spaces.getX() * charWidth(), spaces.getY() * charHeight());