Exemplo n.º 1
/** Creates a directory for an addon.
 *  \param addons_name Name of the directory to create.
 *  \param addons_type The type, which is used as a subdirectory. E.g.:
 *         'karts' (m_addons_dir/karts/name will be created).
void FileManager::checkAndCreateDirForAddons(const std::string &dir)
    // Tries to create directory recursively
    bool success = checkAndCreateDirectoryP(dir);
        Log::warn("FileManager", "There is a problem with the addons dir.");
}   // checkAndCreateDirForAddons
Exemplo n.º 2
/** Returns the theoretical location of the cached version of a texture
*   depending of the current config. (This function also works for directories:
*   in this case the returned directory will be the cache location for all
*   textures that you will find in the specified directory. The specified
*   directory must end with '/')
*   \note The returned location is where the cached data should be read or
*   written but the file itseft does not necessarity exist. However, the
*   directory structure is automatically created if it does not exist.
std::string FileManager::getTextureCacheLocation(const std::string& filename)
    std::string file = StringUtils::getBasename(filename);

    std::string parent_dir = StringUtils::getPath(filename);
    if (StringUtils::hasSuffix(parent_dir, "/"))
        parent_dir = parent_dir.substr(0, parent_dir.size() - 1);
    parent_dir = StringUtils::getBasename(parent_dir);

    std::string cache_subdir = (UserConfigParams::m_high_definition_textures & 0x01) == 0x01
                               ? "hd/"
                               : "resized/";
    std::string cached_file =
        getCachedTexturesDir() + cache_subdir + parent_dir + "/";
    cached_file += file;
    return cached_file;
}   // getTextureCacheLocation
Exemplo n.º 3
/** Find a directory to use for remaining unix variants. Use the new standards
 *  for config directory based on XDG_* environment variables, or a
 *  subdirectory under $HOME, trying two different fallbacks. It will also
 *  check if the directory 'dirname' can be created (to avoid problems that
 *  e.g. $env_name is '/', which exists, but can not be written to.
 *  \param env_name  Name of the environment variable to test first.
 *  \param dir_name  Name of the directory to create
 *  \param fallback1 Subdirectory under $HOME to use if the environment
 *         variable is not defined or can not be created.
 *  \param fallback2 Subdirectory under $HOME to use if the environment
 *         variable and fallback1 are not defined or can not be created.
std::string FileManager::checkAndCreateLinuxDir(const char *env_name,
                                                const char *dir_name,
                                                const char *fallback1,
                                                const char *fallback2)
    bool dir_ok = false;
    std::string dir;

    if (getenv(env_name)!=NULL)
        dir = getenv(env_name);
        dir_ok = checkAndCreateDirectory(dir);
            Log::warn("FileManager", "Cannot create $%s.", env_name);

        if(dir[dir.size()-1]!='/') dir += "/";
        // Do an additional test here, e.g. in case that XDG_DATA_HOME is '/'
        // and since dir_ok is set, it would not test any of the other options
        // like $HOME/.local/share
        dir_ok = checkAndCreateDirectory(dir+dir_name);
            Log::warn("FileManager", "Cannot create $%s/%s.", dir.c_str(),

    if(!dir_ok && getenv("HOME"))
        // Use ~/.local/share :
        dir  = getenv("HOME");
        if(dir.size()>0 && dir[dir.size()-1]!='/') dir += "/";
        dir += fallback1;
        // This will create each individual subdirectory if
        // dir_name contains "/".
        dir_ok = checkAndCreateDirectoryP(dir);
            Log::warn("FileManager", "Cannot create $HOME/%s.",
    if(!dir_ok && fallback2 && getenv("HOME"))
        dir  = getenv("HOME");
        if(dir.size()>0 && dir[dir.size()-1]!='/') dir += "/";
        dir += fallback2;
        dir_ok = checkAndCreateDirectory(dir);
            Log::warn("FileManager", "Cannot create $HOME/%s.",

        Log::warn("FileManager", "Falling back to use '.'.");
        dir = "./";

    if(dir.size()>0 && dir[dir.size()-1]!='/') dir += "/";
    dir += dir_name;
    dir_ok = checkAndCreateDirectory(dir);
        // If the directory can not be created
        Log::error("FileManager", "Cannot create directory '%s', "
                   "falling back to use '.'.", dir.c_str());
    if(dir.size()>0 && dir[dir.size()-1]!='/') dir += "/";
    return dir;
}   // checkAndCreateLinuxDir
Exemplo n.º 4
/** Checks if the config directory exists, and it not, tries to create it.
 *  It will set m_user_config_dir to the path to which user-specific config
 *  files are stored.
void FileManager::checkAndCreateConfigDir()
    if(getenv("SUPERTUXKART_SAVEDIR") &&
        checkAndCreateDirectory(getenv("SUPERTUXKART_SAVEDIR")) )
        m_user_config_dir = getenv("SUPERTUXKART_SAVEDIR");

#if defined(WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)

        // Try to use the APPDATA directory to store config files and highscore
        // lists. If not defined, used the current directory.
        if (getenv("APPDATA") != NULL)
            m_user_config_dir  = getenv("APPDATA");
            if (!checkAndCreateDirectory(m_user_config_dir))
                Log::error("[FileManager]", "Can't create config dir '%s"
                            ", falling back to '.'.", m_user_config_dir.c_str());
                m_user_config_dir = ".";
            m_user_config_dir = ".";

        m_user_config_dir += "/supertuxkart";

#elif defined(__APPLE__)

        if (getenv("HOME") != NULL)
            m_user_config_dir = getenv("HOME");
                        "No home directory, this should NOT happen!");
            // Fall back to system-wide app data (rather than
            // user-specific data), but should not happen anyway.
            m_user_config_dir = "";
        m_user_config_dir += "/Library/Application Support/";
        const std::string CONFIGDIR("SuperTuxKart");
        m_user_config_dir += CONFIGDIR;


        // Remaining unix variants. Use the new standards for config directory
        // i.e. either XDG_CONFIG_HOME or $HOME/.config
        if (getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME") !=NULL)
            m_user_config_dir = getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME");
        else if (!getenv("HOME"))
                        "No home directory, this should NOT happen "
                        "- trying '.' for config files!");
            m_user_config_dir = ".";
            m_user_config_dir  = getenv("HOME");

            m_user_config_dir += "/.config";
                // If $HOME/.config can not be created:
                            "Cannot create directory '%s', falling back to use '%s'",
                            m_user_config_dir.c_str(), getenv("HOME"));
                m_user_config_dir = getenv("HOME");
        m_user_config_dir += "/supertuxkart";


    }   // if(getenv("SUPERTUXKART_SAVEDIR") && checkAndCreateDirectory(...))

    if(m_user_config_dir.size()>0 && *m_user_config_dir.rbegin()!='/')
        m_user_config_dir += "/";

    m_user_config_dir +="0.8.2/";
        Log::warn("FileManager", "Can not  create config dir '%s', "
                  "falling back to '.'.", m_user_config_dir.c_str());
        m_user_config_dir = "./";
}   // checkAndCreateConfigDir