Exemplo n.º 1
 *   Debug Trace 
void CVmBifT3::debug_trace(VMG_ uint argc)
    /* make sure we have at least one argument */
    if (argc < 1)
    /* pop the flags and see what we're being asked to do */
    case T3DBG_CHECK:
        /* check arguments */
        check_argc(vmg_ argc, 1);
        /* we're just being asked if the debugger is present - it is */

    case T3DBG_BREAK:
        /* check arguments */
        check_argc(vmg_ argc, 1);

        /* tell the debugger to activate debug-trace mode */

        /* tell the caller we were successful */

        /* anything else just returns nil, to allow for future expansion */
        G_stk->discard(argc - 1);
Exemplo n.º 2
 *   Get the Unicode character code of the first character of a string 
void CVmBifT3Test::get_charcode(VMG_ uint argc)
    const char *str;

    /* one argument required */
    check_argc(vmg_ argc, 1);

    /* get the object ID as an integer */
    str = pop_str_val(vmg0_);

     *   if the string is empty, return nil; otherwise, return the Unicode
     *   character code of the first character 
    if (vmb_get_len(str) == 0)
        /* empty string - return nil */
         *   get the character code of the first character and return it
         *   as an integer 
        retval_int(vmg_ (int)utf8_ptr::s_getch(str + VMB_LEN));
Exemplo n.º 3
 *   get the VM version number
void CVmBifT3::get_vm_vsn(VMG_ uint argc)
    /* no arguments are allowed */
    check_argc(vmg_ argc, 0);

    /* set the integer return value */
    retval_int(vmg_ T3VM_VSN_NUMBER);
Exemplo n.º 4
 *   get the VM identification string
void CVmBifT3::get_vm_id(VMG_ uint argc)
    /* no arguments are allowed */
    check_argc(vmg_ argc, 0);

    /* set the integer return value */
    retval_str(vmg_ T3VM_IDENTIFICATION);
Exemplo n.º 5
 *   get the VM banner string
void CVmBifT3::get_vm_banner(VMG_ uint argc)
    /* no arguments are allowed */
    check_argc(vmg_ argc, 0);

    /* return the string */
    retval_str(vmg_ T3VM_BANNER_STRING);
Exemplo n.º 6
 *   get the 'preinit' status - true if preinit, nil if normal 
void CVmBifT3::get_vm_preinit_mode(VMG_ uint argc)
    /* no arguments allowed */
    check_argc(vmg_ argc, 0);

    /* return the preinit mode */
    retval_int(vmg_ G_preinit_mode);
Exemplo n.º 7
 *   allocate a new property ID 
void CVmBifT3::alloc_new_prop(VMG_ uint argc)
    /* check arguments */
    check_argc(vmg_ argc, 0);

    /* allocate and return a new property ID */
    retval_prop(vmg_ G_image_loader->alloc_new_prop(vmg0_));
Exemplo n.º 8
 *   run the garbage collector
void CVmBifT3::run_gc(VMG_ uint argc)
    /* no arguments are allowed */
    check_argc(vmg_ argc, 0);

    /* run the garbage collector */
Exemplo n.º 9
Keypad_action(ia_t ia, unsigned argc, const char **argv)
    action_debug("Keypad", ia, argc, argv);
    if (check_argc("Keypad", argc, 0, 0) < 0) {
	return false;
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 10
 *   Get an object's internal ID.  Takes an object instance and returns an
 *   integer giving the object's VM ID number.  This is effectively an
 *   address that can be used to refer to the object.  Because this value
 *   is returned as an integer, it is NOT a reference to the object for
 *   the purposes of garbage collection or finalization.  
void CVmBifT3Test::get_obj_id(VMG_ uint argc)
    vm_val_t val;
    /* one argument required */
    check_argc(vmg_ argc, 1);

    /* get the object value */
    G_interpreter->pop_obj(vmg_ &val);

    /* return the object ID as an integer */
    retval_int(vmg_ (long)val.val.obj);
Exemplo n.º 11
Arquivo: wsh_cmds.c Projeto: igaw/wsh
static int my_cmd_demo(int argc, char **argv)
	char *usage[] = { "set   load demo (1 | 2 | 3)",
		"get   print current demo configuration",

	if (check_cmd(argc, "demo", usage))	// check for existing arguments
		return -1;

	if (strcmp("get", argv[0]) == 0) {
		if (check_argc(argc, 1, 1, ""))	// check # of arguments
			return -1;

		// get demo configuration
		xil_printf("demo configuration %d\n", get_demo());

	} else if (strcmp("set", argv[0]) == 0) {
		if (check_argc(argc, 2, 2, "demo set ID"))	// check # of args: 2 required
			return -1;

		// set demo configuration
		unsigned long val = wsh_extract_val(argv[1]);	// extract numeric value

		if ((val < 1) || (val > 3)) {
			return -1;

		xil_printf("selecting demo %d\n", get_demo());

	} else {
		return -1;
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 12
 *   Get an object's garbage collection state.  Takes an object ID (NOT an
 *   object reference -- this is the integer value returned by get_obj_id)
 *   and returns a bit mask with the garbage collector state.
 *   (retval & 0x000F) gives the free state.  0 is free, 1 is in use.
 *   (retval & 0x00F0) gives the reachable state.  0x00 is unreachable,
 *   0x10 is finalizer-reachable, and 0x20 is fully reachable.
 *   (retval & 0x0F00) gives the finalizer state.  0x000 is unfinalizable,
 *   0x100 is finalizable, and 0x200 is finalized.
 *   (retval & 0xF000) gives the object ID validity.  0 is valid, 0xF000
 *   is invalid.  
void CVmBifT3Test::get_obj_gc_state(VMG_ uint argc)
    vm_val_t val;

    /* one argument required */
    check_argc(vmg_ argc, 1);

    /* pop the string */
    G_interpreter->pop_int(vmg_ &val);

    /* return the internal garbage collector state of the object */
Exemplo n.º 13
void SVMLightRunner::processRequest(
    SVMConfiguration &config
) {
    int argc = 0;
    char** argv = 0;

    arma::mat unique_labels = arma::unique(config.target);

    if(unique_labels.size() !=2 && !config.use_transductive_learning){
    	COUT("Passed 3 labels to svmlight without use_transductive_learning");
    if((unique_labels.size() <2 || unique_labels.size() > 3)  && config.use_transductive_learning){
    	COUT("Passed incorred # of labels to svmlight (<2 || >3) for transductive learning");
    if(unique_labels.size() == 2){
    	if(unique_labels[0] != -1 && unique_labels[1] != 1){
    		COUT("Please pass negative class as -1 and positive as 1");
    if(unique_labels.size() == 3){
    	if(unique_labels[0] != 0 && unique_labels[1] != -1
    			&& unique_labels[2] != 1
    		COUT("Please pass negative class as -1 and positive as 1");

    config.neg_target = -1;
    config.pos_target = 1;

    if (!config.svm_options.empty()) {
        argc = check_argc(std::string("gmum ") + config.svm_options);
        argv = to_argv(std::string("gmum ") + config.svm_options);

    if (!config.isPrediction()) {
        // Learning
        librarySVMLearnMain(argc, argv, true, config);

    } else {
        // Predict
        librarySVMClassifyMain(argc, argv, true, config);
        // Convert sign to label
Exemplo n.º 14
 *   Get the local host name
void CVmBifNet::get_hostname(VMG_ uint oargc)
    /* check arguments */
    check_argc(vmg_ oargc, 0);

    /* check the network safety levels */
    int client_level, server_level;
    G_host_ifc->get_net_safety(&client_level, &server_level);

     *   If the network safety level doesn't allow outside network access for
     *   either client or server, return "localhost".  If they don't allow
     *   any network access at all, return nil.
     *   If there's a host name defined in the web configuration, return that
     *   host name.  Otherwise, return the default host name from the OS.  
    if (client_level >= VM_NET_SAFETY_MAXIMUM
        && server_level >= VM_NET_SAFETY_MAXIMUM)
        /* no network access is allowed - return nil */
    else if (client_level >= VM_NET_SAFETY_LOCALHOST
        && server_level >= VM_NET_SAFETY_LOCALHOST)
        /* localhost access only - return "localhost" */
        retval_str(vmg_ "localhost");
         *   the network safety level allows outside network access, so we
         *   can return the actual host name - get it from the system
        char buf[256];
        if (os_get_hostname(buf, sizeof(buf)))
            /* got it - return the string */
            retval_ui_str(vmg_ buf);
            /* no host name available - return nil */
Exemplo n.º 15
 *   Get the launching host address
void CVmBifNet::get_launch_host_addr(VMG_ uint oargc)
    /* check arguments */
    check_argc(vmg_ oargc, 0);

    /* get the launch host name from the network configuration */
    const char *host = (G_net_config != 0
                        ? G_net_config->get("hostname")
                        : 0);

    /* if there's a host name, return it, otherwise return nil */
    if (host != 0)
        retval_str(vmg_ host);
Exemplo n.º 16
void LibSVMRunner::parseCommandLine(
    SVMConfiguration& config, svm_parameter& param
) {
    int argc = 0;
    char** argv = 0;

    if (!config.svm_options.empty()) {
        argc = check_argc(std::string("gmum ") + config.svm_options);
        argv = to_argv(std::string("gmum ") + config.svm_options);
        char input_file_name[1024];
        char model_file_name[1024];

            config, param, argc, argv, input_file_name, model_file_name);
Exemplo n.º 17
 *   Get the local host IP address
void CVmBifNet::get_host_ip(VMG_ uint oargc)
    /* check arguments */
    check_argc(vmg_ oargc, 0);

    /* check the network safety levels */
    int client_level, server_level;
    G_host_ifc->get_net_safety(&client_level, &server_level);

     *   If the network safety level doesn't allow outside network access for
     *   either client or server, return "localhost".  If they don't allow
     *   any network access at all, return nil.  
    if (client_level >= VM_NET_SAFETY_MAXIMUM
        && server_level >= VM_NET_SAFETY_MAXIMUM)
        /* no network access is allowed - return nil */
    else if (client_level >= VM_NET_SAFETY_LOCALHOST
             && server_level >= VM_NET_SAFETY_LOCALHOST)
        /* localhost access only - return the standard localhost IP address */
        retval_str(vmg_ "");
        /* retrieve the host IP address for the default host */
        char buf[256];
        if (os_get_local_ip(buf, sizeof(buf), 0))
            /* got it - return the string */
            retval_ui_str(vmg_ buf);
            /* no host name available - return nil */
Exemplo n.º 18
void CVmBifNet::get_net_config(VMG_ uint oargc)
    /* check arguments */
    check_argc(vmg_ oargc, 1);

    /* get the variable name */
    char name[256];
    pop_str_val_buf(vmg_ name, sizeof(name));

    /* look up the name */
    const char *val = 0;
    if (G_net_config != 0)
        val = G_net_config->get(name);

    /* if we found a value, return it; otherwise return nil */
    if (val != 0)
        retval_str(vmg_ val);
Exemplo n.º 19
/* get the storage server URL */
void CVmBifNet::get_storage_url(VMG_ uint oargc)
    /* check arguments */
    check_argc(vmg_ oargc, 1);

    /* set a default nil return in case we can't build the path */

    /* get the resource name */
    const char *page = G_stk->get(0)->get_as_string(vmg0_);
    if (page == 0)

    /* get the resource name length and buffer pointer */
    size_t pagelen = vmb_get_len(page);
    page += VMB_LEN;

    /* if there's a network configuration, build the resource path */
    const char *host = 0, *rootpath = 0;
    if (G_net_config != 0)
        /* get the storage server host name and root path */
        host = G_net_config->get("storage.domain");
        rootpath = G_net_config->get("storage.rootpath", "/");

    /* we must have a host name to proceed */
    if (host != 0)
        /* build the full string */
        G_interpreter->push_stringf(vmg_ "http://%s%s%.*s",
                                    host, rootpath,
                                    (int)pagelen, page);

        /* pop it into R0 */

    /* discard arguments */
Exemplo n.º 20
 *   Enable/disable system menu commands
void CVmBifTIOExt::enable_sys_menu_cmd(VMG_ uint argc)
    vm_val_t *valp;
    int stat;
    int cnt;
    /* check arguments */
    check_argc(vmg_ argc, 2);

    /* the second argument is the new status - retrieve it as an integer */
    stat = pop_int_val(vmg0_);

     *   The first argument is either a single menu ID, or a list of menu
     *   IDs.  Check what we have.  
    valp = G_stk->get(0);
    if (valp->is_listlike(vmg0_) && (cnt = valp->ll_length(vmg0_)) >= 0)
        /* set the status for each element */
        for (int i = 1 ; i <= cnt ; ++i)
            /* get this element value */
            vm_val_t ele;
            valp->ll_index(vmg_ &ele, i);

            /* set the status */
            enable_sys_menu_cmd_item(vmg_ &ele, stat);
    else if (valp->typ == VM_INT)
        /* it's a single value - handle it individually */
        enable_sys_menu_cmd_item(vmg_ valp, stat);

    /* discard the arguments, and we're done */
Exemplo n.º 21
int cmd_config(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
    int nongit = !startup_info->have_repository;
    char *value;

    given_config_file = getenv(CONFIG_ENVIRONMENT);

    argc = parse_options(argc, argv, prefix, builtin_config_options,

    if (use_global_config + use_system_config + use_local_config + !!given_config_file > 1) {
        error("only one config file at a time.");
        usage_with_options(builtin_config_usage, builtin_config_options);

    if (use_global_config) {
        char *user_config = NULL;
        char *xdg_config = NULL;

        home_config_paths(&user_config, &xdg_config, "config");

        if (access(user_config, R_OK) && !access(xdg_config, R_OK))
            given_config_file = xdg_config;
        else if (user_config)
            given_config_file = user_config;
            die("$HOME not set");
    else if (use_system_config)
        given_config_file = git_etc_gitconfig();
    else if (use_local_config)
        given_config_file = git_pathdup("config");
    else if (given_config_file) {
        if (!is_absolute_path(given_config_file) && prefix)
            given_config_file =

    if (respect_includes == -1)
        respect_includes = !given_config_file;

    if (end_null) {
        term = '\0';
        delim = '\n';
        key_delim = '\n';

    if (HAS_MULTI_BITS(types)) {
        error("only one type at a time.");
        usage_with_options(builtin_config_usage, builtin_config_options);

    if (get_color_slot)
        actions |= ACTION_GET_COLOR;
    if (get_colorbool_slot)
        actions |= ACTION_GET_COLORBOOL;

    if ((get_color_slot || get_colorbool_slot) && types) {
        error("--get-color and variable type are incoherent");
        usage_with_options(builtin_config_usage, builtin_config_options);

    if (HAS_MULTI_BITS(actions)) {
        error("only one action at a time.");
        usage_with_options(builtin_config_usage, builtin_config_options);
    if (actions == 0)
        switch (argc) {
        case 1:
            actions = ACTION_GET;
        case 2:
            actions = ACTION_SET;
        case 3:
            actions = ACTION_SET_ALL;
            usage_with_options(builtin_config_usage, builtin_config_options);

    if (actions == ACTION_LIST) {
        check_argc(argc, 0, 0);
        if (git_config_with_options(show_all_config, NULL,
                                    respect_includes) < 0) {
            if (given_config_file)
                die_errno("unable to read config file '%s'",
                die("error processing config file(s)");
    else if (actions == ACTION_EDIT) {
        check_argc(argc, 0, 0);
        if (!given_config_file && nongit)
            die("not in a git directory");
        git_config(git_default_config, NULL);
        launch_editor(given_config_file ?
                      given_config_file : git_path("config"),
                      NULL, NULL);
    else if (actions == ACTION_SET) {
        int ret;
        check_argc(argc, 2, 2);
        value = normalize_value(argv[0], argv[1]);
        ret = git_config_set_in_file(given_config_file, argv[0], value);
        if (ret == CONFIG_NOTHING_SET)
            error("cannot overwrite multiple values with a single value\n"
                  "       Use a regexp, --add or --replace-all to change %s.", argv[0]);
        return ret;
    else if (actions == ACTION_SET_ALL) {
        check_argc(argc, 2, 3);
        value = normalize_value(argv[0], argv[1]);
        return git_config_set_multivar_in_file(given_config_file,
                                               argv[0], value, argv[2], 0);
    else if (actions == ACTION_ADD) {
        check_argc(argc, 2, 2);
        value = normalize_value(argv[0], argv[1]);
        return git_config_set_multivar_in_file(given_config_file,
                                               argv[0], value, "^$", 0);
    else if (actions == ACTION_REPLACE_ALL) {
        check_argc(argc, 2, 3);
        value = normalize_value(argv[0], argv[1]);
        return git_config_set_multivar_in_file(given_config_file,
                                               argv[0], value, argv[2], 1);
    else if (actions == ACTION_GET) {
        check_argc(argc, 1, 2);
        return get_value(argv[0], argv[1]);
    else if (actions == ACTION_GET_ALL) {
        do_all = 1;
        check_argc(argc, 1, 2);
        return get_value(argv[0], argv[1]);
    else if (actions == ACTION_GET_REGEXP) {
        show_keys = 1;
        use_key_regexp = 1;
        do_all = 1;
        check_argc(argc, 1, 2);
        return get_value(argv[0], argv[1]);
    else if (actions == ACTION_UNSET) {
        check_argc(argc, 1, 2);
        if (argc == 2)
            return git_config_set_multivar_in_file(given_config_file,
                                                   argv[0], NULL, argv[1], 0);
            return git_config_set_in_file(given_config_file,
                                          argv[0], NULL);
    else if (actions == ACTION_UNSET_ALL) {
        check_argc(argc, 1, 2);
        return git_config_set_multivar_in_file(given_config_file,
                                               argv[0], NULL, argv[1], 1);
    else if (actions == ACTION_RENAME_SECTION) {
        int ret;
        check_argc(argc, 2, 2);
        ret = git_config_rename_section_in_file(given_config_file,
                                                argv[0], argv[1]);
        if (ret < 0)
            return ret;
        if (ret == 0)
            die("No such section!");
    else if (actions == ACTION_REMOVE_SECTION) {
        int ret;
        check_argc(argc, 1, 1);
        ret = git_config_rename_section_in_file(given_config_file,
                                                argv[0], NULL);
        if (ret < 0)
            return ret;
        if (ret == 0)
            die("No such section!");
    else if (actions == ACTION_GET_COLOR) {
    else if (actions == ACTION_GET_COLORBOOL) {
        if (argc == 1)
            color_stdout_is_tty = git_config_bool("command line", argv[0]);
        return get_colorbool(argc != 0);

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 22
/* let's go... */
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int c = 0;
    ctrl_t *ctrl = NULL;

    /* banner is very important */
    ctrl = alloc_structs();
    ctrl = set_ctrl_defaults(ctrl);

    while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "h:t:s:m:p:vVH")) != -1) {
        switch (c) {
        case 'h':
            ctrl->packet->host = convert_host(optarg);
        case 't':
            check_pkt_type(ctrl, optarg);
            ctrl->packet->type = (unsigned char) ATOI(optarg);
        case 's':
            check_shell_mode(ctrl, optarg);
            ctrl->shell->mode = (unsigned char) ATOI(optarg);
        case 'm':
            ctrl->packet->payload = optarg;
        case 'p':
            check_port(ctrl, ATOI(optarg));
            ctrl->packet->port = (uint16_t) ATOI(optarg);
        case 'v':
            ctrl->verbose = VERBOSE;
        case 'V':
        case 'H':

    /* few checks before we can go on */

    /* install signal handler */

    /* let's go */

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 23
 *   readText() - read text from the keyboard and return it as a string.
void CVmBifSample::read_text(VMG_ uint argc)
    char buf[128];
    size_t len;
    vm_obj_id_t str_id;
    CVmObjString *str_obj;

    /* check to make sure we have the right number of arguments */
    check_argc(vmg_ argc, 0);

     *   Read a string from the keyboard.  Use fgets() rather than plain
     *   gets(), because fgets() lets us limit the buffer size and thus avoid
     *   any chance of a buffer overflow.  (Someone should tell the people at
     *   Microsoft about this - it would probably cut out about eighty
     *   percent of those emergency internet security alerts that require
     *   everyone to download an IE patch every couple of weeks. :)
    fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin);

     *   One small detail about fgets: if the input ended with a newline,
     *   there will be a newline in the buffer.  Remove it if it's there.
    if ((len = strlen(buf)) != 0 && buf[len - 1] == '\n')
        buf[len-1] = '\0';

     *   As in display_text(), we have to deal with character set mapping
     *   before we can send the string back to the TADS program.  This time,
     *   we want to perform the conversion from the local character set to
     *   Unicode.  Again, T3 provides a handy conversion object for our
     *   convenience - this time, it's called G_cmap_from_ui.
     *   In order to return a string to the TADS program, we have to allocate
     *   a new string object.  First, let's see how big a string we need to
     *   allocate, by calling the character mapper with no buffer space at
     *   all - the mapper will run through the string and check to see how
     *   big it will be after conversion, but it won't actually store
     *   anything.
    len = G_cmap_from_ui->map_str(0, 0, buf);

     *   Allocate a new string to contain the return value.  This gives us
     *   back an "object ID" value, which we can convert into an internal C++
     *   string object pointer using the vm_objp() formula shown.
    str_id = CVmObjString::create(vmg_ FALSE, len);
    str_obj = (CVmObjString *)vm_objp(vmg_ str_id);

     *   The string object has a buffer of the size we requested, which is
     *   the size we already know we need to contain the mapped string.  So,
     *   we can call the mapper again to have it perform the actual mapping
     *   into our string buffer.
    G_cmap_from_ui->map_str(str_obj->cons_get_buf(), len, buf);

     *   One last step: we must return the string object to the caller.  To
     *   do this, use the retval_obj() function to return the ID of the
     *   string object.
    retval_obj(vmg_ str_id);
Exemplo n.º 24
void CVmBifT3::set_say(VMG_ uint argc)
    vm_val_t *arg = G_stk->get(0);
    vm_val_t val;
    /* one argument is required */
    check_argc(vmg_ argc, 1);

    /* check to see if we're setting the default display method */
    if (arg->typ == VM_PROP
        || (arg->typ == VM_INT && arg->val.intval == SETSAY_NO_METHOD))
        vm_prop_id_t prop;
         *   the return value is the old property pointer (or
         *   SETSAY_NO_METHOD if there was no valid property set previously) 
        prop = G_interpreter->get_say_method();
        if (prop != VM_INVALID_PROP)
            retval_prop(vmg_ prop);
            retval_int(vmg_ SETSAY_NO_METHOD);

        /* get the new value */

        /* if it's SETSAY_NO_METHOD, set it to the invalid prop ID */
        if (val.typ == VM_INT)

        /* set the method */
    else if (arg->typ == VM_FUNCPTR
             || arg->typ == VM_OBJ
             || arg->typ == VM_BIFPTR
             || (arg->typ == VM_INT && arg->val.intval == SETSAY_NO_FUNC))
         *   the return value is the old function (or SETSAY_NO_FUNC if the
         *   old function was nil) 
        if (val.typ != VM_NIL)
            retval(vmg_ &val);
            retval_int(vmg_ SETSAY_NO_FUNC);

        /* get the new function value */

        /* if it's SETSAY_NO_FUNC, set the function to nil */
        if (val.typ == VM_INT)

        /* set the new function */
        G_interpreter->set_say_func(vmg_ &val);
        /* invalid type */
Exemplo n.º 25
 *   Show a popup menu 
void CVmBifTIOExt::show_popup_menu(VMG_ uint argc)
    int x, y, default_pos;
    char *txt;
    os_event_info_t evt;
    int ret;
    int elecnt;
    vm_obj_id_t lst_obj;
    CVmObjList *lst;
    vm_val_t val;
    /* check arguments */
    check_argc(vmg_ argc, 3);

    /* get the x,y coordinates */
    if (G_stk->get(0)->typ == VM_NIL)
        /* nil x,y - use default position */
        default_pos = TRUE;
        x = y = 0;

        /* discard the nil x,y values */
        /* pop the x,y positions */
        x = pop_int_val(vmg0_);
        y = pop_int_val(vmg0_);

    /* get the HTML text for the contents of the window */
    txt = pop_str_val_ui(vmg_ 0, 0);

    /* flush the console display output */
    G_console->flush_all(vmg_ VM_NL_NONE);

    /* show the window */
    ret = os_show_popup_menu(default_pos, x, y, txt, strlen(txt), &evt);

    /* free the HTML text buffer we allocated */

    /* see what we have */
    switch (ret)
    case OSPOP_FAIL:
    case OSPOP_CANCEL:
    case OSPOP_EOF:
        elecnt = 1;

    case OSPOP_HREF:
        elecnt = 2;

    /* allocate the return list */
    lst_obj = CVmObjList::create(vmg_ FALSE, elecnt);
    lst = (CVmObjList *)vm_objp(vmg_ lst_obj);

    /* protect the list from garbage collection */

    /* set the first element to the main return code */
    lst->cons_set_element(0, &val);

    /* set additional elements according to the return code */
    switch (ret)
    case OSPOP_HREF:
        /* add the HREF element */
        val.set_obj(str_from_ui_str(vmg_ evt.href));
        lst->cons_set_element(1, &val);

        /* there aren't any other elements for other return codes */

    /* return the list */
    retval_obj(vmg_ lst_obj);

    /* discard the GC protection */
Exemplo n.º 26
static int capture_command(shell_t *shell, shell_argv_t *cmd_argv, char *tag)
  int argc = cmd_argv->argc;
  char **argv = cmd_argv->argv;
  char *hdr = log_hdr_(tag);
  frame_t *root = frame_command_display->root;
  capture_t *capture = root->capture;
  int ret = 0;

  /* Set error reporting tag */

  /* Check number of arguments */
  if ( check_argc(shell, cmd_argv, tag, 2, 3) )
    return -1;

  /* Operation 'geometry': change capture active window */
  if ( strcmp(argv[1], "geometry") == 0 ) {
    frame_geometry_t g;

    if ( argc > 2 ) {
      char *s_geom = argv[2];

      /* Retrieve frame geometry */
      if ( strcmp(s_geom, "full") != 0 ) {
	if ( frame_rgb_parse_geometry(&(root->hdr.fb->rgb), s_geom, &g) ) {
	  error(NULL, "geometry: Syntax error");
	  return -1;
      else {
	g = root->hdr.g0;

      if ( frame_display_geometry(frame_command_display, &g) == 0 ) {
	capture_set_window(capture, &g);
      else {
        error(tag, "geometry: Illegal parameters");
        ret = -1;

    capture_get_window(capture, &g);
    printf("%sGEOMETRY %s\n", hdr, frame_geometry_str(&g));

  /* Operation 'refresh': change capture refresh rate */
  else if ( strcmp(argv[1], "refresh") == 0 ) {
    if ( argc > 2 ) {
      char *s = argv[2];

      if ( strcmp(s, "now") == 0 ) {
        printf("%sREFRESH now\n", hdr);
        return 0;
      else {
	int period = capture_set_period(capture, atoi(s));

	if ( period >= 0 ) {
	  frame_display_period(frame_command_display, period);
        else if ( period < 0 ) {
          error(tag, "Refresh period should be %d to %d ms\n", CAPTURE_PERIOD_MIN, CAPTURE_PERIOD_MAX);
          ret = -1;

    printf("%sREFRESH %ld ms\n", hdr, capture_get_period(capture));

  /* Operation 'attr': get/set capture device attribute */
  else if ( strcmp(argv[1], "attr") == 0 ) {
    char *key = NULL;
    int nmemb = 0;
    capture_attr_t *tab;
    int i;

    if ( argc > 2 ) {
      char *value;

      key = argv[2];
      value = strchr(key, '=');

      if ( value != NULL ) {
	*(value++) = '\0';
	if ( capture_attr_set(capture, key, value) ) {
	  error(tag, "Cannot set attribute '%s'\n", key);
	  return -1;

    tab = capture_attr_get(capture, key, &nmemb);

    if ( tab == NULL ) {
      if ( key != NULL )
	error(tag, "Cannot get attribute '%s'\n", key);
	error(tag, "Cannot get attributes\n");
      return -1;

    for (i = 0; i < nmemb; i++) {
      printf("%sATTR %s", hdr, tab[i].key);
      if ( tab[i].value != NULL )
	printf("=%s", tab[i].value);

  /* Unknown operation */
  else {
    error(tag, "Unknown qualifier '%s'", argv[1]);
    shell_std_help(shell, argv[0]);
    return -1;

  return ret;
Exemplo n.º 27
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    if (argc < 1) {
        dprintf(STDERR_FILENO, "wrun called without argument\n");
    shift(&argc, &argv);
    if (argc > 1 && !strcmp(argv[0], "--tool_name")) {
        shift(&argc, &argv);
        tool_name = shift(&argc, &argv);


    bool force_redirects = false;
    bool silent_breakaway = false;

    int port;
    bool terminate = !get_outbash_infos(&port, &force_redirects);

    struct string outbash_command = string_create("");

    if (argc && !strcmp(argv[0], ":")) {
        shift(&argc, &argv);
        string_append(&outbash_command, "cd:~\n");
    } else {
        char* cwd = agetcwd();
        if (is_absolute_drive_fs_path(cwd)) {
            char* cwd_win32 = convert_drive_fs_path_to_win32(cwd);
            string_append(&outbash_command, "cd:");
            string_append(&outbash_command, cwd_win32);
            string_append(&outbash_command, "\n");

    while (argc && !strncmp(argv[0], "--", 2)) {

        if (!strcmp(argv[0], "--")) {
            shift(&argc, &argv);

        if (!strcmp(argv[0], "--env")) {
            shift(&argc, &argv);
            while (argc && strncmp(argv[0], "--", 2) != 0
                        && *argv[0] != '\0' && strchr(argv[0] + 1, '=')) {
                string_append(&outbash_command, "env:");
                string_append(&outbash_command, argv[0]);
                string_append(&outbash_command, "\n");
                shift(&argc, &argv);
        } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "--force-redirects")) {
            force_redirects = true;
            shift(&argc, &argv);
        } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "--silent-breakaway")) {
            silent_breakaway = true;
            shift(&argc, &argv);
        } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "--help")) {
        } else {
            dprintf(STDERR_FILENO, "%s: unknown command line option: %s\n", tool_name, argv[0]);
            dprintf(STDERR_FILENO, "type %s --help for more information.\n", tool_name);
    if (terminate)

    decide_will_redirect(STDIN_FILENO,  force_redirects);
    decide_will_redirect(STDOUT_FILENO, force_redirects);
    decide_will_redirect(STDERR_FILENO, force_redirects);

    int sock_ctrl = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
    if (sock_ctrl < 0) {
        dprintf(STDERR_FILENO, "%s: socket() failed: %s\n", tool_name, my_strerror(errno));

    int redirects =   (needs_socket_redirect(STDIN_FILENO)  ? STDIN_NEEDS_SOCKET_REDIRECT  : 0)
                    | (needs_socket_redirect(STDOUT_FILENO) ? STDOUT_NEEDS_SOCKET_REDIRECT : 0);
    if (needs_socket_redirect(STDERR_FILENO)) {
        if ((redirects & STDOUT_NEEDS_SOCKET_REDIRECT) && are_stdfd_to_same_thing(STDOUT_FILENO, STDERR_FILENO))
            redirects |= STDERR_SOCKREDIR_TO_STDOUT;
            redirects |= STDERR_NEEDS_SOCKET_REDIRECT;

    struct listening_socket lsock_in = NO_LISTENING_SOCKET;
    struct listening_socket lsock_out = NO_LISTENING_SOCKET;
    struct listening_socket lsock_err = NO_LISTENING_SOCKET;
    if (redirects & STDIN_NEEDS_SOCKET_REDIRECT) lsock_in = socket_listen_one_loopback();
    if (redirects & STDOUT_NEEDS_SOCKET_REDIRECT) lsock_out = socket_listen_one_loopback();
    if (redirects & STDERR_NEEDS_SOCKET_REDIRECT) lsock_err = socket_listen_one_loopback();
    ask_redirect(&outbash_command, "stdin:", STDIN_FILENO, lsock_in.port);
    ask_redirect(&outbash_command, "stdout:", STDOUT_FILENO, lsock_out.port);
    ask_redirect(&outbash_command, "stderr:", STDERR_FILENO,
                 (redirects & STDERR_NEEDS_SOCKET_REDIRECT) ? lsock_err.port : lsock_out.port);

    if (silent_breakaway)
        string_append(&outbash_command, "silent_breakaway:1\n");

    char* win32_module;
    if (is_absolute_drive_fs_path(argv[0])) {
        win32_module = convert_drive_fs_path_to_win32(argv[0]);
        string_append(&outbash_command, "module:");
        string_append(&outbash_command, win32_module);
        string_append(&outbash_command, "\n");
    } else {
        win32_module = convert_slash_to_backslash(argv[0]);

    const bool module_need_quotes = (NULL != strpbrk(win32_module, " \t"));
    string_append(&outbash_command, "run:");
    if (module_need_quotes)
        string_append(&outbash_command, "\"");
    string_append(&outbash_command, win32_module);
    if (module_need_quotes)
        string_append(&outbash_command, "\"");


    for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
        string_append(&outbash_command, " ");
        string_append(&outbash_command, argv[i]);
    string_append(&outbash_command, "\n\n");
    //dprintf(STDOUT_FILENO, "%s", outbash_command.str);
    //return EXIT_FAILURE;

    signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);

    sigset_t signal_set, orig_mask;

    //////////////////////////// unblock SIGUSR1
    sigaddset(&signal_set, SIGUSR1);
    pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &signal_set, NULL);

    //////////////////////////// block SIGTSTP
    sigaddset(&signal_set, SIGTSTP);
    pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &signal_set, &orig_mask);

    //////////////////////////// install custom SIGTSTP handler if signal was not ignored
    struct sigaction sa;
    sigaction(SIGTSTP, NULL, &sa);
    const bool ignore_sigtstp = (sa.sa_handler == SIG_IGN);
    if (!ignore_sigtstp) {
        sa.sa_handler = tstop_handler;
        sa.sa_flags = 0;
        sigaction(SIGTSTP, &sa, NULL);

    //////////////////////////// install custom SIGUSR1 handler to wake-up blocked IO forwarding threads
    // NOTE: the handler itself do nothing, but any blocked syscall will return with EINTR error
    sa.sa_handler = noop_handler;
    sa.sa_flags = 0;
    sigaction(SIGUSR1, &sa, NULL);

    struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;
    memset(&serv_addr, 0, sizeof(serv_addr));
    serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);
    serv_addr.sin_port = htons(port);
    if (connect(sock_ctrl, (const struct sockaddr*)&serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0) {
        // NOTE: I'm not sure that WSL does what Linux does concerning
        // http://www.madore.org/~david/computers/connect-intr.html
        // for now we do not expect to recover after an interruption here.
        dprintf(STDERR_FILENO, "%s: connect() failed: %s\n", tool_name, my_strerror(errno));

    if (send_all(sock_ctrl, outbash_command.str, outbash_command.length, 0) < 0) {
        dprintf(STDERR_FILENO, "%s: send_all() failed: %s\n", tool_name, my_strerror(errno));

    static struct forward_state fs[3];
    fs_init_accept_as_needed(&fs[STDIN_FILENO],  &lsock_in,  redirects & STDIN_NEEDS_SOCKET_REDIRECT,  STDIN_FILENO,  "stdin");
    fs_init_accept_as_needed(&fs[STDOUT_FILENO], &lsock_out, redirects & STDOUT_NEEDS_SOCKET_REDIRECT, STDOUT_FILENO, "stdout");
    fs_init_accept_as_needed(&fs[STDERR_FILENO], &lsock_err, redirects & STDERR_NEEDS_SOCKET_REDIRECT, STDERR_FILENO, "stderr");

    char *line = ctrl_readln(sock_ctrl, NULL);
    if (!line || strcmp(line, "connected")) {
        dprintf(STDERR_FILENO, "%s: did not receive connection validation from outbash.exe\n", tool_name);


    enum state_e state = RUNNING;
    int program_return_code = 255;

    pthread_t   forward_threads[3];
    bool        active_threads[3] = {0};

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        if ((!fs[i].dead_in) || (!fs[i].dead_out)) {
            int err = pthread_create(&forward_threads[i], NULL, forward_one_stream, &fs[i]);
            if (err != 0) {
                dprintf(STDERR_FILENO, "%s: pthread_create() failed: %s\n", tool_name, my_strerror(err));
            active_threads[i] = true;

    int nfds = sock_ctrl + 1;

    while (state != TERMINATED) {
        fd_set rfds;
        if (sock_ctrl < 0 || sock_ctrl >= FD_SETSIZE) {
            dprintf(STDERR_FILENO, "%s: sock_ctrl=%d out of range\n", tool_name, sock_ctrl);
        FD_SET(sock_ctrl, &rfds);

        int pselect_res = pselect(nfds, &rfds, NULL, NULL, NULL, &orig_mask); // tstop_handler can run here
        int pselect_errno = errno;

        if (tstop_req && state == RUNNING) {
            int r = send_all(sock_ctrl, "suspend\n", strlen("suspend\n"), 0);
            if (r < 0 && err_is_connection_broken(errno)) {
                // We will never be able to ask outbash to suspend the
                // Windows process, the expected reason is that it actually
                // has already terminated and we don't know yet about that,
                // so stop the suspend forwarding mechanism and suspend
                // ourselves immediately.
                shutdown(sock_ctrl, SHUT_WR); // also we can't send anything anymore // XXX to comment for WSL bug workaround? proba low here...
                signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_DFL);
                state = DYING;
                pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &orig_mask, NULL);
            } else if (r < 0) { // other errors
                dprintf(STDERR_FILENO, "%s: send_all(\"suspend\\n\") failed: %s\n", tool_name, my_strerror(errno));
            } else { // OK
                // It's up to outbash now, just wait for its "suspend_ok"
                // answer after it has suspended the Windows process.
                state = SUSPEND_PENDING;

        if (pselect_res < 0 && pselect_errno == EINTR) {
            // "On error, -1 is returned, and errno is set appropriately;
            //  the sets and timeout become undefined, so do not rely on
            //  their contents after an error."

        if (pselect_res < 0) {
            dprintf(STDERR_FILENO, "%s: pselect() failed: %s\n", tool_name, my_strerror(pselect_errno));

        if (FD_ISSET(sock_ctrl, &rfds)) {
            while (1) {
                int nonblock_marker;
                line = ctrl_readln(sock_ctrl, &nonblock_marker);
                if (!line && nonblock_marker) break;
                if (line && !strcmp(line, "suspend_ok")) {
                    if (state == SUSPEND_PENDING) {
                        signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_DFL);
                        sigset_t previous_mask;
                        pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &orig_mask, &previous_mask);
                            // >>> Process will Stop here, until SIGCONT <<<
                        pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &previous_mask, NULL);
                        tstop_req = 0;
                        int r = send_all(sock_ctrl, "resume\n", strlen("resume\n"), 0);
                        if (r < 0 && err_is_connection_broken(errno)) {
                            // killed when suspended (if this is possible?)
                            // or maybe just before an attempt?
                            shutdown(sock_ctrl, SHUT_WR); // XXX to comment for WSL bug workaround? proba low here...
                            state = DYING;
                            pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &orig_mask, NULL);
                        } else if (r < 0) {
                            dprintf(STDERR_FILENO, "%s: send_all(\"resume\\n\") failed: %s\n", tool_name, my_strerror(errno));
                        } else {
                            state = RUNNING;
                            sa.sa_handler = tstop_handler;
                            sa.sa_flags = 0;
                            sigaction(SIGTSTP, &sa, NULL);
                    } else {
                        dprintf(STDERR_FILENO, "%s: spurious \"suspend_ok\" received\n", tool_name);
                } else { // not "suspend_ok" => for now only other cases are exit conditions
                    program_return_code = get_return_code(line);
                    shutdown(sock_ctrl, SHUT_RDWR);
                    signal(SIGTSTP, ignore_sigtstp ? SIG_IGN : SIG_DFL);
                    if ((tstop_req && state == RUNNING) || state == SUSPEND_PENDING) {
                        // We expect to stop soon, but not without flushing the OS TCP
                        // buffers and our owns, and other WSL processes in a pipe might
                        // already be suspended, so we better honor suspend requests ASAP.
                    pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &orig_mask, NULL);
                    tstop_req = 0;
                    state = TERMINATED;

    // XXX: this is not ideal if the Win32 side managed to maintain the
    // redirection socket beyond the lifetime of the launched process,
    // however things seem to already be not reliable for Windows reasons
    // in this case
    if (active_threads[0]) {
        __sync_fetch_and_add(&fs[0].ask_terminate, 1);
        useconds_t usec_sleep = 1000;
        while (!__sync_fetch_and_add(&fs[0].finished, 0)) {
            pthread_kill(forward_threads[0], SIGUSR1);
            usec_sleep *= 2;
            if (usec_sleep > 60000000)
                usec_sleep = 60000000;

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        if (active_threads[i])
            pthread_join(forward_threads[i], NULL);

    return program_return_code;
Exemplo n.º 28
 *   Connect to the Web UI
void CVmBifNet::connect_ui(VMG_ uint oargc)
    /* check arguments */
    check_argc(vmg_ oargc, 2);

    /* get the server object */
    vm_val_t *srv = G_stk->get(0);
    if (srv->typ != VM_OBJ
        || !CVmObjHTTPServer::is_httpsrv_obj(vmg_ srv->val.obj))

    /* get the object pointer properly cast */
    CVmObjHTTPServer *srvp = (CVmObjHTTPServer *)vm_objp(vmg_ srv->val.obj);

    /* get the URL path */
    const char *path = G_stk->get(1)->get_as_string(vmg0_);
    if (path == 0)

    /* make a null-terminated copy of the path */
    char *pathb = lib_copy_str(path + VMB_LEN, vmb_get_len(path));

    /* get the server network address information */
    char *errmsg = 0;
    char *addr = 0, *ip = 0;
    int port;
    int ok = srvp->get_listener_addr(addr, ip, port);

     *   If we don't have a network configuration yet, create one.  This
     *   notifies other subsystems that we have an active web UI; for
     *   example, the presence of a network UI disables the regular console
     *   UI, since all UI actions have to go through the web UI once it's
     *   established.
     *   The interpreter startup creates a network configuration if it
     *   receives command-line information telling it that the game was
     *   launched by a Web server in response to an incoming client request.
     *   When the user launches the game in stand-alone mode directly from
     *   the operating system shell, there's no Web server launch
     *   information, so the startup code doesn't create a net config object.
     *   So, if we get here and find we don't have this object, it means that
     *   we're running in local standalone mode.  
    if (G_net_config == 0)
        G_net_config = new TadsNetConfig();

    /* connect */
    if (ok)
        /* connect */
        ok = osnet_connect_webui(vmg_ addr, port, pathb, &errmsg);
        /* couldn't get the server address */
        errmsg = lib_copy_str(
            "No address information available for HTTPServer");

    /* free strings */

    /* if there's an error, throw it */
    if (!ok)
        G_interpreter->push_string(vmg_ errmsg);
        G_interpreter->throw_new_class(vmg_ G_predef->net_exception, 1,
                                       "Error connecting to Web UI");

    /* no return value */
Exemplo n.º 29
 *   displayText(str) - display a text string.
void CVmBifSample::display_text(VMG_ uint argc)
    const char *strp;
    size_t len;

     *   Check to make sure we have the right number of arguments.  'argc'
     *   tells us how many arguments we received from the T3 program.
    check_argc(vmg_ argc, 1);

     *   Get the first argument, which is the string to display.
     *   This will give us a pointer to a string in internal format, which
     *   has a two-byte length prefix.  So, once we have the string, we must
     *   get the length from the string pointer, and then skip the length
     *   prefix to get to the real text of the string.
     *   Arguments from the T3 program to a native function always appear on
     *   the VM stack, which we can access using the pop_xxx_val() functions.
     *   The arguments appear on the stack in order such that the first
     *   pop_xxx_val() gives us the first argument, the second pop_xxx_val()
     *   gives us the second argument, and so on.  The pop_xxx_val()
     *   functions REMOVE an argument from the stack - once it's removed, we
     *   can get to the next one.  We MUST remove EXACTLY the number of
     *   arguments that we receive before we return.
    strp = pop_str_val(vmg0_);
    len = vmb_get_len(strp);
    strp += VMB_LEN;

     *   Okay, we have our string, but it's in UTF-8 format, which is an
     *   encoding format for Unicode.  We don't want to display Unicode; we
     *   want to display the local character set.  How do we do this?
     *   Fortunately, T3 provides a handy character mapping subsystem that
     *   will let us convert the string fairly automatically.  The VM also
     *   gives us a pre-loaded mapper for this specific kind of conversion,
     *   in the object G_cmap_to_ui.  G_cmap_to_ui will map characters from
     *   UTF-8 to the local User Interface character set.
     *   To avoid the need to allocate a gigantic string buffer to convert
     *   the characters, the mapper lets us map in chunks of any size.  So,
     *   we'll simply map and display chunks until we run out of string.
    while (len != 0)
        char buf[128];
        size_t cur_out;
        size_t cur_in;

         *   Map as much as we can into our buffer.  This will set cur_out to
         *   the number of bytes in the local character set (the output of
         *   the conversion), and will set cur_in to the number of bytes we
         *   used from the Unicode string (the input).
        cur_out = G_cmap_to_ui->map_utf8(buf, sizeof(buf),
                                         strp, len, &cur_in);

         *   Show the local characters.
         *   "%.*s" is just like "%s", but the ".*" tells printf to show
         *   exactly the number of characters in the int argument before the
         *   string, instead of showing everything until it finds a null byte
         *   in the string.  This is important because map_utf8 does NOT
         *   null-terminate the result.
        printf("%.*s", (int)cur_out, buf);

         *   skip the characters of input we just translated, so that on the
         *   next iteration of this loop we'll translate the next bunch of
         *   characters
        strp += cur_in;
        len -= cur_in;
Exemplo n.º 30
 *   Retrieve a list of the named argument names.  
void CVmBifT3::get_named_arg_list(VMG_ uint argc)
    /* check arguments */
    check_argc(vmg_ argc, 0);
    /* create the result list; we'll expand as necessary later */
    G_stk->push()->set_obj(CVmObjList::create(vmg_ FALSE, 10));
    CVmObjList *lst = (CVmObjList *)vm_objp(vmg_ G_stk->get(0)->val.obj);

    /* clear it out, since we're building it incrementally */

    /* we haven't added any elements yet */
    int idx = 0;

    /* scan the stack and populate the name list from the tables we find */
    for (vm_val_t *fp = G_interpreter->get_frame_ptr() ; fp != 0 ;
         fp = G_interpreter->get_enclosing_frame_ptr(vmg_ fp))
        /* look for a named argument table in this frame */
        vm_val_t *argp;
        const uchar *t = CVmRun::get_named_args_from_frame(vmg_ fp, &argp);
        if (t != 0)
            /* get the number of table entries */
            int n = osrp2(t);
            t += 2;

             *   Build the list.  The compiler generates the list in
             *   right-to-left order (the order of pushing the arguments).
             *   For readability, reverse this: generate the list left to
             *   right, so that it appears in the original source code order.
            argp += n - 1;
            for (int i = (n-1)*2 ; i >= 0 ; i -= 2, --argp)
                /* get this string's offset and figure its length */
                uint ofs = osrp2(t + i);
                uint len = osrp2(t + i + 2) - ofs;
                /* create a string from the name */
                vm_val_t str;
                    vmg_ FALSE, (const char *)t + ofs, len));

                /* add it to the list */
                lst->cons_ensure_space(vmg_ idx, 10);
                lst->cons_set_element(idx, &str);

    /* set the final list length */

    /* keep only the unique elements */

    /* return the results */