Exemplo n.º 1
    printf("\n*** Creating file with datasets & attributes that have scalar dataspaces...");
	hid_t fileid;
        hid_t fcplid;
	hid_t dsetid;
        hid_t dcplid;
	hid_t scalar_spaceid;
        hid_t vlstr_typeid, fixstr_typeid;
	hid_t attid;

        /* Create scalar dataspace */
	if ((scalar_spaceid = H5Screate(H5S_SCALAR)) < 0) ERR;

        /* Set creation ordering for file, so we can revise its contents later */
        if ((fcplid = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;
        if (H5Pset_link_creation_order(fcplid, H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED) < 0) ERR;
        if (H5Pset_attr_creation_order(fcplid, H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED) < 0) ERR;
	/* Create new file, using default properties */
	if ((fileid = H5Fcreate(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, fcplid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
        /* Close file creation property list */
        if (H5Pclose(fcplid) < 0) ERR;

        /* Create variable-length string datatype */
        if ((vlstr_typeid = H5Tcreate(H5T_STRING, (size_t)H5T_VARIABLE)) < 0) ERR;

        /* Create fixed-length string datatype */
        if ((fixstr_typeid = H5Tcreate(H5T_STRING, (size_t)10)) < 0) ERR;

        /* Set creation ordering for dataset, so we can revise its contents later */
        if ((dcplid = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;
        if (H5Pset_attr_creation_order(dcplid, H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED) < 0) ERR;

        /* Create scalar dataset with VL string datatype */
        if ((dsetid = H5Dcreate2(fileid, VSTR_VAR1_NAME, vlstr_typeid, scalar_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT, dcplid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;

        /* Add attributes to dataset */
        if (add_attrs(dsetid) < 0) ERR;

        /* Close VL string dataset */
        if (H5Dclose(dsetid) < 0) ERR;

        /* Create scalar dataset with fixed-length string datatype */
        if ((dsetid = H5Dcreate2(fileid, FSTR_VAR_NAME, fixstr_typeid, scalar_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT, dcplid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;

        /* Add attributes to dataset */
        if (add_attrs(dsetid) < 0) ERR;

        /* Close fixed-length string dataset */
        if (H5Dclose(dsetid) < 0) ERR;

        /* Create scalar dataset with native integer datatype */
        if ((dsetid = H5Dcreate2(fileid, INT_VAR_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT, scalar_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT, dcplid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;

        /* Add attributes to dataset */
        if (add_attrs(dsetid) < 0) ERR;

        /* Close native integer dataset */
        if (H5Dclose(dsetid) < 0) ERR;

        /* Add attributes to root group */
        if (add_attrs(fileid) < 0) ERR;

        /* Close dataset creation property list */
        if (H5Pclose(dcplid) < 0) ERR;

        /* Close string datatypes */
        if (H5Tclose(vlstr_typeid) < 0) ERR;
        if (H5Tclose(fixstr_typeid) < 0) ERR;

        /* Close rest */
	if (H5Sclose(scalar_spaceid) < 0) ERR;
	if (H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

    printf("*** Checking accessing file through netCDF-4 API...");
	int ncid, varid;
        size_t len;
        nc_type type;
        int ndims;
        char *vlstr;
        int x;

	if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid)) ERR;

        /* Check the global attributes are OK */
        if (check_attrs(ncid, NC_GLOBAL) < 0) ERR;

        /* Verify that the VL string dataset is present and OK */
	if (nc_inq_varid(ncid, VSTR_VAR1_NAME, &varid)) ERR;
        if (varid != 0) ERR;
	if (nc_inq_vartype(ncid, varid, &type)) ERR;
	if (type != NC_STRING) ERR;
        if (nc_inq_varndims(ncid, varid, &ndims)) ERR;
        if (ndims != 0) ERR;
        vlstr = NULL;
        if (nc_get_var(ncid, varid, &vlstr)) ERR;
        if (NULL != vlstr) ERR;

        /* Check the variable's attributes are OK */
        if (check_attrs(ncid, varid) < 0) ERR;

        /* Verify that the fixed-length string dataset is present and OK */
	if (nc_inq_varid(ncid, FSTR_VAR_NAME, &varid)) ERR;
        if (varid != 1) ERR;
	if (nc_inq_vartype(ncid, varid, &type)) ERR;
	if (type != NC_STRING) ERR;
        if (nc_inq_varndims(ncid, varid, &ndims)) ERR;
        if (ndims != 0) ERR;
        vlstr = NULL;
        if (nc_get_var(ncid, varid, &vlstr)) ERR;
        if ('\0' != *vlstr) ERR;

        /* Check the variable's attributes are OK */
        if (check_attrs(ncid, varid) < 0) ERR;

        /* Verify that the integer dataset is present and OK */
	if (nc_inq_varid(ncid, INT_VAR_NAME, &varid)) ERR;
        if (varid != 2) ERR;
	if (nc_inq_vartype(ncid, varid, &type)) ERR;
	if (type != NC_INT) ERR;
        if (nc_inq_varndims(ncid, varid, &ndims)) ERR;
        if (ndims != 0) ERR;
        x = -1;
        if (nc_get_var(ncid, varid, &x)) ERR;
        if (0 != x) ERR;

        /* Check the variable's attributes are OK */
        if (check_attrs(ncid, varid) < 0) ERR;

	if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;

    printf("*** Checking revising file through netCDF-4 API...");
	int ncid, varid;
        char *vlstr;

	if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_WRITE, &ncid)) ERR;
        /* Write to the VL string variable */
	if (nc_inq_varid(ncid, VSTR_VAR1_NAME, &varid)) ERR;
        vlstr = NULL;
        if (nc_put_var(ncid, varid, &vlstr)) ERR;

        vlstr = malloc(10);
        *vlstr = '\0';
        if (nc_put_var(ncid, varid, &vlstr)) ERR;

        strcpy(vlstr, "foo");
        if (nc_put_var(ncid, varid, &vlstr)) ERR;

        /* Write to a VL string attribute */
        vlstr = NULL;
        if (nc_put_att(ncid, varid, VSTR_ATT1_NAME, NC_STRING, 1, &vlstr)) ERR;

        vlstr = malloc(10);
        *vlstr = '\0';
        if (nc_put_att(ncid, varid, VSTR_ATT1_NAME, NC_STRING, 1, &vlstr)) ERR;

        strcpy(vlstr, "foo");
        if (nc_put_att(ncid, varid, VSTR_ATT1_NAME, NC_STRING, 1, &vlstr)) ERR;

        /* Define a new VL string variable */
        if (nc_def_var(ncid, VSTR_VAR2_NAME , NC_STRING, 0, NULL, &varid)) ERR;

        /* Write to the variable's fill-value */
        vlstr = NULL;
        if (nc_put_att(ncid, varid, _FillValue, NC_STRING, 1, &vlstr)) ERR;

        vlstr = malloc(10);
        *vlstr = '\0';
        if (nc_put_att(ncid, varid, _FillValue, NC_STRING, 1, &vlstr)) ERR;

        strcpy(vlstr, "foo");
        if (nc_put_att(ncid, varid, _FillValue, NC_STRING, 1, &vlstr)) ERR;

	if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;

Exemplo n.º 2
 * the first step in original MPID_nem_ib_setup_conn() function
 * open hca, create ptags  and create cqs
int MPID_nem_ib_open_ports()
    int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS;

    /* Infiniband Verb Structures */
    struct ibv_port_attr    port_attr;
    struct ibv_device_attr  dev_attr;

    int nHca; /* , curRank, rail_index ; */


    for (nHca = 0; nHca < ib_hca_num_hcas; nHca++) {
        if (ibv_query_device(hca_list[nHca].nic_context, &dev_attr)) {
            MPIU_ERR_SETFATALANDJUMP1(mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**fail",
                    "**fail %s", "Error getting HCA attributes");

        /* detecting active ports */
        if (rdma_default_port < 0 || ib_hca_num_ports > 1) {
            int nPort;
            int k = 0;
            for (nPort = 1; nPort <= RDMA_DEFAULT_MAX_PORTS; nPort ++) {
                if ((! ibv_query_port(hca_list[nHca].nic_context, nPort, &port_attr)) &&
                            port_attr.state == IBV_PORT_ACTIVE &&
                            (port_attr.lid || (!port_attr.lid && use_iboeth))) {
                    if (use_iboeth) {
                        if (ibv_query_gid(hca_list[nHca].nic_context,
                                        nPort, 0, &hca_list[nHca].gids[k])) {
                            /* new error information function needed */
                            MPIU_ERR_SETFATALANDJUMP1(mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER,
                                    "**fail", "Failed to retrieve gid on rank %d", process_info.rank);
                        DEBUG_PRINT("[%d] %s(%d): Getting gid[%d][%d] for"
                                " port %d subnet_prefix = %llx,"
                                " intf_id = %llx\r\n",
                                process_info.rank, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, nHca, k, k,
                    } else {
                        hca_list[nHca].lids[k]    = port_attr.lid;
                    hca_list[nHca].ports[k++] = nPort;

                    if (check_attrs(&port_attr, &dev_attr)) {
                        MPIU_ERR_SETFATALANDJUMP1(mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER,
                                "**fail", "**fail %s",
                                "Attributes failed sanity check");
            if (k < ib_hca_num_ports) {
                MPIU_ERR_SETFATALANDJUMP1(mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER,
                        "**activeports", "**activeports %d", ib_hca_num_ports);
        } else {
                        rdma_default_port, &port_attr)
                || (!port_attr.lid && !use_iboeth)
                || (port_attr.state != IBV_PORT_ACTIVE)) {
                MPIU_ERR_SETFATALANDJUMP1(mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER,
                        "**portquery", "**portquery %d", rdma_default_port);

            hca_list[nHca].ports[0] = rdma_default_port;

            if (use_iboeth) {
                if (ibv_query_gid(hca_list[nHca].nic_context, 0, 0, &hca_list[nHca].gids[0])) {
                    /* new error function needed */
                    MPIU_ERR_SETFATALANDJUMP1(mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER,
                            "**fail", "Failed to retrieve gid on rank %d", process_info.rank);

                if (check_attrs(&port_attr, &dev_attr)) {
                    MPIU_ERR_SETFATALANDJUMP1(mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER,
                            "**fail", "**fail %s", "Attributes failed sanity check");
            } else {
                hca_list[nHca].lids[0]  = port_attr.lid;

        if (rdma_use_blocking) {
            hca_list[nHca].comp_channel = ibv_create_comp_channel(hca_list[nHca].nic_context);

            if (!hca_list[nHca].comp_channel) {
                MPIU_ERR_SETFATALANDSTMT1(mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, goto fn_fail,
                        "**fail", "**fail %s", "cannot create completion channel");

            hca_list[nHca].send_cq_hndl = NULL;
            hca_list[nHca].recv_cq_hndl = NULL;
            hca_list[nHca].cq_hndl = ibv_create_cq(hca_list[nHca].nic_context,
                    rdma_default_max_cq_size, NULL, hca_list[nHca].comp_channel, 0);
            if (!hca_list[nHca].cq_hndl) {
                MPIU_ERR_SETFATALANDSTMT1(mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, goto fn_fail,
                        "**fail", "**fail %s", "cannot create cq");

            if (ibv_req_notify_cq(hca_list[nHca].cq_hndl, 0)) {
                MPIU_ERR_SETFATALANDSTMT1(mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, goto fn_fail,
                        "**fail", "**fail %s", "cannot request cq notification");