BOOL LLButton::handleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
	// We only handle the click if the click both started and ended within us
	if( hasMouseCapture() )
		// Always release the mouse
		gFocusMgr.setMouseCapture( NULL );

		 * ATTENTION! This call fires another mouse up callback.
		 * If you wish to remove this call emit that signal directly
		 * by calling LLUICtrl::mMouseUpSignal(x, y, mask);
		LLUICtrl::handleMouseUp(x, y, mask);

		// Regardless of where mouseup occurs, handle callback
		if(mMouseUpSignal) (*mMouseUpSignal)(this, LLSD());


		// DO THIS AT THE VERY END to allow the button to be destroyed as a result of being clicked.
		// If mouseup in the widget, it's been clicked
		if (pointInView(x, y))
			if (getSoundFlags() & MOUSE_UP)

			if (mIsToggle)

		childrenHandleMouseUp(x, y, mask);

	return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 2
BOOL LLModalDialog::handleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
	childrenHandleMouseUp(x, y, mask);
	return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 3
BOOL LLScrollbar::handleHover(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
    // Note: we don't bother sending the event to the children (the arrow buttons)
    // because they'll capture the mouse whenever they need hover events.

    BOOL handled = FALSE;
    if( hasMouseCapture() )
        S32 height = getRect().getHeight();
        S32 width = getRect().getWidth();

        if( VERTICAL == mOrientation )
//			S32 old_pos = mThumbRect.mTop;

            S32 delta_pixels = y - mDragStartY;
            if( mOrigRect.mBottom + delta_pixels < SCROLLBAR_SIZE )
                delta_pixels = SCROLLBAR_SIZE - mOrigRect.mBottom - 1;
            else if( mOrigRect.mTop + delta_pixels > height - SCROLLBAR_SIZE )
                delta_pixels = height - SCROLLBAR_SIZE - mOrigRect.mTop + 1;

            mThumbRect.mTop = mOrigRect.mTop + delta_pixels;
            mThumbRect.mBottom = mOrigRect.mBottom + delta_pixels;

            S32 thumb_length = mThumbRect.getHeight();
            S32 thumb_track_length = height - 2 * SCROLLBAR_SIZE;

            if( delta_pixels != mLastDelta || mDocChanged)
                // Note: delta_pixels increases as you go up.  mDocPos increases down (line 0 is at the top of the page).
                S32 usable_track_length = thumb_track_length - thumb_length;
                if( 0 < usable_track_length )
                    S32 variable_lines = getDocPosMax();
                    S32 pos = mThumbRect.mTop;
                    F32 ratio = F32(pos - SCROLLBAR_SIZE - thumb_length) / usable_track_length;

                    S32 new_pos = llclamp( S32(variable_lines - ratio * variable_lines + 0.5f), 0, variable_lines );
                    // Note: we do not call updateThumbRect() here.  Instead we let the thumb and the document go slightly
                    // out of sync (less than a line's worth) to make the thumb feel responsive.
                    changeLine( new_pos - mDocPos, FALSE );

            mLastDelta = delta_pixels;

            // Horizontal
//			S32 old_pos = mThumbRect.mLeft;

            S32 delta_pixels = x - mDragStartX;

            if( mOrigRect.mLeft + delta_pixels < SCROLLBAR_SIZE )
                delta_pixels = SCROLLBAR_SIZE - mOrigRect.mLeft - 1;
            else if( mOrigRect.mRight + delta_pixels > width - SCROLLBAR_SIZE )
                delta_pixels = width - SCROLLBAR_SIZE - mOrigRect.mRight + 1;

            mThumbRect.mLeft = mOrigRect.mLeft + delta_pixels;
            mThumbRect.mRight = mOrigRect.mRight + delta_pixels;

            S32 thumb_length = mThumbRect.getWidth();
            S32 thumb_track_length = width - 2 * SCROLLBAR_SIZE;

            if( delta_pixels != mLastDelta || mDocChanged)
                // Note: delta_pixels increases as you go up.  mDocPos increases down (line 0 is at the top of the page).
                S32 usable_track_length = thumb_track_length - thumb_length;
                if( 0 < usable_track_length )
                    S32 variable_lines = getDocPosMax();
                    S32 pos = mThumbRect.mLeft;
                    F32 ratio = F32(pos - SCROLLBAR_SIZE) / usable_track_length;

                    S32 new_pos = llclamp( S32(ratio * variable_lines + 0.5f), 0, variable_lines);

                    // Note: we do not call updateThumbRect() here.  Instead we let the thumb and the document go slightly
                    // out of sync (less than a line's worth) to make the thumb feel responsive.
                    changeLine( new_pos - mDocPos, FALSE );

            mLastDelta = delta_pixels;

        lldebugst(LLERR_USER_INPUT) << "hover handled by " << getName() << " (active)" << llendl;
        handled = TRUE;
        handled = childrenHandleMouseUp( x, y, mask ) != NULL;

    // Opaque
    if( !handled )
        lldebugst(LLERR_USER_INPUT) << "hover handled by " << getName() << " (inactive)"  << llendl;
        handled = TRUE;

    mDocChanged = FALSE;
    return handled;
} // end handleHover