Exemplo n.º 1
SEXP Csparse_diagU2N(SEXP x)
    const char *cl = class_P(x);
    /* dtCMatrix, etc; [1] = the second character =?= 't' for triangular */
    if (cl[1] != 't' || *diag_P(x) != 'U') {
	/* "trivially fast" when not triangular (<==> no 'diag' slot),
	   or not *unit* triangular */
	return (x);
    else { /* unit triangular (diag='U'): "fill the diagonal" & diag:= "N" */
	CHM_SP chx = AS_CHM_SP__(x);
	CHM_SP eye = cholmod_speye(chx->nrow, chx->ncol, chx->xtype, &c);
	double one[] = {1, 0};
	CHM_SP ans = cholmod_add(chx, eye, one, one, TRUE, TRUE, &c);
	int uploT = (*uplo_P(x) == 'U') ? 1 : -1;
	int Rkind = (chx->xtype != CHOLMOD_PATTERN) ? Real_kind(x) : 0;

	cholmod_free_sparse(&eye, &c);
	return chm_sparse_to_SEXP(ans, 1, uploT, Rkind, "N",
				  GET_SLOT(x, Matrix_DimNamesSym));
  void MultivariateFNormalSufficientSparse::set_Sigma(
          const SparseMatrix<double>& Sigma)
        if (Sigma.cols() != Sigma.rows()) {
            IMP_THROW("need a square matrix!", ModelException);
        //std::cout << "set_sigma" << std::endl;
        if (Sigma_) cholmod_free_sparse(&Sigma_, c_);
        cholmod_sparse A(Eigen::viewAsCholmod(
        Sigma_=cholmod_copy_sparse(&A, c_);
        IMP_LOG(TERSE, "MVNsparse:   set Sigma to new matrix" << std::endl);
        IMP_LOG(TERSE, "MVNsparse:   computing Cholesky decomposition"
                << std::endl);
        // compute Cholesky decomposition for determinant and inverse
        //c_->final_asis=1; // setup LDLT calculation
        //c_->supernodal = CHOLMOD_SIMPLICIAL;
        // convert matrix to cholmod format
        //symbolic and numeric factorization
        L_ = cholmod_analyze(Sigma_, c_);
        int success = cholmod_factorize(Sigma_, L_, c_);

        if (success == 0 || L_->minor < L_->n)
            IMP_THROW("Sigma matrix is not positive semidefinite!",
        // determinant and derived constants
        cholmod_factor *Lcp(cholmod_copy_factor(L_, c_));
        cholmod_sparse *Lsp(cholmod_factor_to_sparse(Lcp,c_));
        double logDetSigma=0;
        if ((Lsp->itype != CHOLMOD_INT) &&
                (Lsp->xtype != CHOLMOD_REAL))
            IMP_THROW("types are not int and real, update them here first",
        int *p=(int*) Lsp->p;
        double *x=(double*) Lsp->x;
        for (size_t i=0; i < (size_t) M_; ++i)
            logDetSigma += std::log(x[p[i]]);
        IMP_LOG(TERSE, "MVNsparse:   log det(Sigma) = "
                << logDetSigma << std::endl);
        IMP_LOG(TERSE, "MVNsparse:   det(Sigma) = "
                << exp(logDetSigma) << std::endl);
        norm_= std::pow(2*IMP::PI, -double(N_*M_)/2.0)
                    * exp(-double(N_)/2.0*logDetSigma);
        lnorm_=double(N_*M_)/2 * log(2*IMP::PI) + double(N_)/2 * logDetSigma;
        IMP_LOG(TERSE, "MVNsparse:   norm = " << norm_ << " lnorm = "
                << lnorm_ << std::endl);
        IMP_LOG(TERSE, "MVNsparse:   solving for inverse" << std::endl);
        cholmod_sparse* id = cholmod_speye(M_,M_,CHOLMOD_REAL,c_);
        if (P_) cholmod_free_sparse(&P_, c_);
        P_ = cholmod_spsolve(CHOLMOD_A, L_, id, c_);
        cholmod_free_sparse(&id, c_);
        if (!P_) IMP_THROW("Unable to solve for inverse!", ModelException);
        IMP_LOG(TERSE, "MVNsparse:   solving for PW" << std::endl);
        if (PW_) cholmod_free_sparse(&PW_, c_);
        PW_ = cholmod_spsolve(CHOLMOD_A, L_, W_, c_);
        if (!PW_) IMP_THROW("Unable to solve for PW!", ModelException);
        IMP_LOG(TERSE, "MVNsparse:   done" << std::endl);
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Populate ans with the pointers from x and modify its scalar
 * elements accordingly. Note that later changes to the contents of
 * ans will change the contents of the SEXP.
 * In most cases this function is called through the macros
 * AS_CHM_SP() or AS_CHM_SP__().  It is unusual to call it directly.
 * @param ans a CHM_SP pointer
 * @param x pointer to an object that inherits from CsparseMatrix
 * @param check_Udiag boolean - should a check for (and consequent
 *  expansion of) a unit diagonal be performed.
 * @param sort_in_place boolean - if the i and x slots are to be sorted
 *  should they be sorted in place?  If the i and x slots are pointers
 *  to an input SEXP they should not be modified.
 * @return ans containing pointers to the slots of x, *unless*
 *	check_Udiag and x is unitriangular.
CHM_SP as_cholmod_sparse(CHM_SP ans, SEXP x,
			 Rboolean check_Udiag, Rboolean sort_in_place)
    static const char *valid[] = { MATRIX_VALID_Csparse, ""};
    int *dims = INTEGER(GET_SLOT(x, Matrix_DimSym)),
	ctype = R_check_class_etc(x, valid);
    SEXP islot = GET_SLOT(x, Matrix_iSym);

    if (ctype < 0) error(_("invalid class of object to as_cholmod_sparse"));
    if (!isValid_Csparse(x))
	error(_("invalid object passed to as_cholmod_sparse"));
    memset(ans, 0, sizeof(cholmod_sparse)); /* zero the struct */

    ans->itype = CHOLMOD_INT;	/* characteristics of the system */
    ans->dtype = CHOLMOD_DOUBLE;
    ans->packed = TRUE;
				/* slots always present */
    ans->i = INTEGER(islot);
    ans->p = INTEGER(GET_SLOT(x, Matrix_pSym));
				/* dimensions and nzmax */
    ans->nrow = dims[0];
    ans->ncol = dims[1];
    /* Allow for over-allocation of the i and x slots.  Needed for
     * sparse X form in lme4.  Right now it looks too difficult to
     * check for the length of the x slot, because of the xpt
     * utility, but the lengths of x and i should agree. */
    ans->nzmax = LENGTH(islot);
				/* values depending on ctype */
    ans->x = xpt(ctype, x);
    ans->stype = stype(ctype, x);
    ans->xtype = xtype(ctype);

    /* are the columns sorted (increasing row numbers) ?*/
    ans->sorted = check_sorted_chm(ans);
    if (!(ans->sorted)) { /* sort columns */
	if(sort_in_place) {
	    if (!cholmod_sort(ans, &c))
		error(_("in_place cholmod_sort returned an error code"));
	    ans->sorted = 1;
	else {
	    CHM_SP tmp = cholmod_copy_sparse(ans, &c);
	    if (!cholmod_sort(tmp, &c))
		error(_("cholmod_sort returned an error code"));

#ifdef DEBUG_Matrix
	    /* This "triggers" exactly for return values of dtCMatrix_sparse_solve():*/
	    /* Don't want to translate this: want it report */
	    Rprintf("Note: as_cholmod_sparse() needed cholmod_sort()ing\n");
	    chm2Ralloc(ans, tmp);
	    cholmod_free_sparse(&tmp, &c);

    if (check_Udiag && ctype % 3 == 2 // triangular
	&& (*diag_P(x) == 'U')) { /* diagU2N(.)  "in place" : */
	double one[] = {1, 0};
	CHM_SP eye = cholmod_speye(ans->nrow, ans->ncol, ans->xtype, &c);
	CHM_SP tmp = cholmod_add(ans, eye, one, one, TRUE, TRUE, &c);

#ifdef DEBUG_Matrix_verbose /* happens quite often, e.g. in ../tests/indexing.R : */
	Rprintf("Note: as_cholmod_sparse(<ctype=%d>) - diagU2N\n", ctype);
	chm2Ralloc(ans, tmp);
	cholmod_free_sparse(&tmp, &c);
	cholmod_free_sparse(&eye, &c);
    } /* else :
       * NOTE: if(*diag_P(x) == 'U'), the diagonal is lost (!);
       * ---- that may be ok, e.g. if we are just converting from/to Tsparse,
       *      but is *not* at all ok, e.g. when used before matrix products */

    return ans;