Exemplo n.º 1
void edaSeqWorkflow::search(edaPopulation &pop) {

	// pack problem
	edaBuffer pro_buf;

	// initialize worker
	worker = new edaSeqWorker();
	unsigned int lastSearch = eda::FLAG;

	// If all job is done, quit
	while (!allDone()) {
		// Find nodes that ready to run
		vector<unsigned int> readyNodes = findReadyTask();
		vector<unsigned int>::iterator intIter;

		for (intIter = readyNodes.begin(); intIter != readyNodes.end();
				intIter++) {
			edaSearch *sa = taskDAG[*intIter];
			sa->ProcID = 0;
			lastSearch = *intIter;
			edaPopulation *Pop = chooseSolution(*intIter, pop);
			// pack the search algorithm
			edaBuffer sa_buf;

			// pack the problem and solution
			edaBuffer pro_buf, pop_buf_in, pop_buf_out;
			// Invoke wrapper's search method
			worker->search(pro_buf, pop_buf_in, pop_buf_out);
			fflush (stdout);
			// Unpack and save the solution
			taskPop[*intIter] = (edaPopulation*) unpack(pop_buf_out);

			// Reconfigure the problem for the solution

			taskStatus[*intIter] = STATUS_FINISHED;

			// Destroy objects

	// Return the solution
	unsigned int bestResultTaskID = detectBestResultTaskID();
	if (lastSearch != eda::FLAG && bestResultTaskID != eda::FLAG) {
		//Return the best result among results
		pop = *(taskPop[bestResultTaskID]);
bool edaMpiWrapperControl::search( edaSolutionList &list )
  // variables
  int i, j, p, l;
  int command;
  int nidles;
  int idles[nprocs_];
  MPI_Status mpiStat;

  // initialize status variables
  runningJobCount = 0;
  for( i=1; i<nprocs_; i++ ){
    workers_[i].stat_ = EDA_MPI_PROCESSOR_IDLE;
    workers_[i].taskID_ = -1;

  // start the search
  while (!allDone()) {
    vector<int> readyTasks = findReadyTask();
    vector<int>::iterator readyIter;

    // find idle processors
    nidles = 0;
    for( i=1; i<nprocs_; i++ )
      if ( workers_[i].stat_ == EDA_MPI_PROCESSOR_IDLE )
        idles[nidles++] = i;

    // Create the search objects for all ready nodes
    p = 0;
    for (readyIter = readyTasks.begin(); readyIter != readyTasks.end(); readyIter++)
      // task ID on DAG
      int taskID = *readyIter;

      // send computing request to first idle processor
      if ( p < nidles ){
        // send command
        command = EDA_MPI_START_SEARCH;
        MPI_Send( &command, 1, MPI_INT, idles[p], 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
        // pack search and its parameters
        edaBuffer sa_buf;
        edaSearch *sa = taskDAG[taskID];
        sa->ProcID = idles[p];
        sa->doSerialize( sa_buf, true );

        // send buffer for search method
        l = sa_buf.getActualSize();
        MPI_Send( &l, 1, MPI_INT, idles[p],
                  0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
        MPI_Send( sa_buf.getBuffer(), sa_buf.getActualSize(), 
                  MPI_CHAR, idles[p], 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );

        // pack solution
        edaBuffer sol_buf;
        edaSolutionList *mysol = NULL;
        mysol = chooseSolution( taskID, list );
        mysol->doSerialize( sol_buf, true );
        // send buffer for solution to worker
        l = sol_buf.getActualSize();
        MPI_Send( &l, 1, MPI_INT, idles[p],
                  0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
        MPI_Send( sol_buf.getBuffer(), l, MPI_CHAR, idles[p],
                  0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );

        // set status of worker to computing
        workers_[idles[p]].stat_ = EDA_MPI_PROCESSOR_COMPUTING;
        workers_[idles[p]].taskID_ = taskID;
        taskStatus[taskID] = STATUS_RUNNING;
        runningJobCount ++;
        p ++;
      } else {
        // no processor idle, then break the loop
    int pollingResult = POLLING_NOCHANGE;
    int nodeFinished;

    // Polling for job finished
    while (true)
      if ( runningJobCount == 0 ){
        // Nothing to poll
        pollingResult = POLLING_NOCHANGE;

      // poll for any return
      pollingResult = polling( nodeFinished );
      if ( pollingResult == POLLING_FINISHED ){
      } else if ( pollingResult == POLLING_ERROR ){
      } else { // NOCHANGE


    // Job finished
    if ( pollingResult == POLLING_FINISHED )
//      printDebug(3, "Job finished: " << workers_[nodeFinished].taskID_);
      taskStatus[workers_[nodeFinished].taskID_] = STATUS_FINISHED;

      // Get the solution
      edaBuffer result_buf;

      // receive the result status
      MPI_Recv( &l, 1, MPI_INT, nodeFinished, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpiStat );
      if ( l == EDA_MPI_SEARCH_FINISHED ) {

        // receive the result into a buffer of characters
        MPI_Recv( &j, 1, MPI_INT, nodeFinished, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpiStat );
        char *buf = new char[j];
        MPI_Recv( buf, j, MPI_CHAR, nodeFinished, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpiStat );
        result_buf.setBuffer( j, buf );

        edaSolutionList *result = (edaSolutionList*)classGenerateFromBuffer(result_buf);
        taskSolutionList[workers_[nodeFinished].taskID_] = result;
        searchOrder.push_back( workers_[nodeFinished].taskID_ );

        workers_[nodeFinished].stat_ = EDA_MPI_PROCESSOR_IDLE;

    // Job error
    if ( pollingResult == POLLING_ERROR )
//      printDebug(3, "Job error while running: " << workers_[nodeFinished].taskID_);
      taskStatus[workers_[nodeFinished].taskID_] = STATUS_ERROR;
      searchOrder.remove( workers_[nodeFinished].taskID_ );

  if (searchOrder.empty())
    return false;
  // TODO: Should return the best result among results
//  printDebug(4, "Last search block is: " << searchOrder.back());
  list = *(taskSolutionList[searchOrder.back()]);

  return true;