ClRcT clMsgMessageGet_Idl(
        ClIocPhysicalAddressT destNode,
        ClNameT *pQName,
        SaTimeT timeout)
    ClRcT rc;
    ClIdlHandleObjT idlObj = {0};
    ClIdlHandleT idlHandle = 0;
    memcpy(&idlObj, &gIdlUcastObj, sizeof(idlObj));
    idlObj.address.address.iocAddress.iocPhyAddress = destNode;

    rc = clIdlHandleInitialize(&idlObj, &idlHandle);
    if(rc != CL_OK)
        clLogError("IDL", "GET", "Failed to initialize the IDL handle. error code [0x%x].", rc);
        goto error_out;

    clLogTrace("IDL", "GET", "Get message request for queue [%.*s] on node [%d].", pQName->length, pQName->value, destNode.nodeAddress);

    rc = VDECL_VER(clMsgMessageGetClientSync, 4, 0, 0)(idlHandle, pQName, timeout);
    if(rc != CL_OK)
        clLogError("IDL", "GET", "Queue [%.*s] message get failed on node [%d]. error code [0x%x].", pQName->length, pQName->value, destNode.nodeAddress, rc);

    return rc;
/* - clLogClntIdlHandleInitialize
 * - Initializes the IDL handle for use in calls to the server
clLogClntIdlHandleInitialize(ClIocAddressT  destAddr,
                             ClIdlHandleT   *phLogIdl)
    ClRcT            rc      = CL_OK;
    ClIdlHandleObjT  idlObj  = CL_IDL_HANDLE_INVALID_VALUE;
    ClIdlAddressT    address = {0};


    address.addressType        = CL_IDL_ADDRESSTYPE_IOC;
    address.address.iocAddress = destAddr;

    idlObj.address             = address;
    idlObj.flags               = CL_RMD_CALL_DO_NOT_OPTIMIZE;
    idlObj.options.timeout     = CL_LOG_CLIENT_DEFULT_TIMEOUT; 
    idlObj.options.priority    = CL_RMD_DEFAULT_PRIORITY;
    idlObj.options.retries     = CL_LOG_CLIENT_DEFAULT_RETRIES; 

    rc = clIdlHandleInitialize(&idlObj, phLogIdl);
    if( CL_OK != rc )
        CL_LOG_DEBUG_ERROR(("clIdlHandleInitialize(): rc[0x %x]", rc));
        return rc;

    return rc;
ClRcT clMsgQueueAllocateThroughIdl(
        ClIocPhysicalAddressT destNode,
        ClNameT *pQName,
        SaMsgQueueOpenFlagsT openFlags,
        SaMsgQueueCreationAttributesT *pCreationAttrs,
        SaMsgQueueHandleT *pQHandle)
    ClRcT rc;
    ClIdlHandleObjT idlObj = {0};
    ClIdlHandleT idlHandle = 0;
    memcpy(&idlObj, &gIdlUcastObj, sizeof(idlObj));
    idlObj.address.address.iocAddress.iocPhyAddress = destNode;

    rc = clIdlHandleInitialize(&idlObj, &idlHandle);
    if(rc != CL_OK)
        clLogError("IDL", "ALOC", "Failed to initialize the IDL handle. error code [0x%x].", rc);
        goto error_out;

    clLogTrace("IDL", "ALOC", "Allocate-request for queue [%.*s] on node [%d].", pQName->length, pQName->value, destNode.nodeAddress);

    rc = VDECL_VER(clMsgQueueAllocateClientSync, 4, 0, 0)(idlHandle, pQName, openFlags, pCreationAttrs, pQHandle);
    if(rc != CL_OK)
        clLogError("IDL", "ALOC", "Queue [%.*s] allocation failed on node [%d]. error code [0x%x].", pQName->length, pQName->value, destNode.nodeAddress, rc);

    return rc;
ClRcT clMsgCallClientsTrackCallback(ClIocPhysicalAddressT compAddr,
        ClNameT *pGroupName,
        SaMsgHandleT appHandle,
        SaMsgQueueGroupNotificationBufferT *pData)
    ClRcT rc;
    ClIdlHandleObjT idlObj = {0};
    ClIdlHandleT idlHandle = 0;
    memcpy(&idlObj, &gIdlUcastObj, sizeof(idlObj));
    idlObj.address.address.iocAddress.iocPhyAddress = compAddr;

    rc = clIdlHandleInitialize(&idlObj, &idlHandle);
    if(rc != CL_OK)
        clLogError("IDL", "TRCb", "Failed to initialize the IDL handle. error code [0x%x].", rc);
        goto error_out;

    clLogTrace("IDL", "TRCb", "Calling track callback for client [0x%x:0x%x].", compAddr.nodeAddress, compAddr.portId);

    rc = VDECL_VER(clMsgClientsTrackCallbackClientAsync, 4, 0, 0)(idlHandle, appHandle, pGroupName, pData, NULL, NULL);
    if(rc != CL_OK)
        clLogError("IDL", "TRCb", "Failed to make an Async RMD to client. error code [0x%x].", rc);

    return rc;
ClRcT clMsgCommIdlInitialize(void)
    ClRcT rc;
    ClRcT retCode;

    gIdlUcastObj.objId = clObjId_ClIdlHandleObjT; 
    gIdlUcastObj.address.addressType = CL_IDL_ADDRESSTYPE_IOC;
    gIdlUcastObj.address.address.iocAddress.iocPhyAddress.nodeAddress = clIocLocalAddressGet();
    gIdlUcastObj.address.address.iocAddress.iocPhyAddress.portId = CL_IOC_MSG_PORT;
    gIdlUcastObj.flags = 0; 
    gIdlUcastObj.options.timeout = CL_RMD_TIMEOUT_FOREVER;
    gIdlUcastObj.options.retries = 3; 
    gIdlUcastObj.options.priority = CL_IOC_DEFAULT_PRIORITY;

    rc = clIdlHandleInitialize(&gIdlUcastObj, &gIdlUcastHandle);
    if(rc != CL_OK)
        clLogError("MSG", "IDL", "Failed to initialize the the IDL. error code [0x%x].", rc); 
        goto error_out;

    memcpy(&gIdlBcastObj, &gIdlUcastObj, sizeof(gIdlBcastObj));
    gIdlBcastObj.address.address.iocAddress.iocPhyAddress.nodeAddress = CL_IOC_BROADCAST_ADDRESS;
    gIdlBcastObj.address.address.iocAddress.iocPhyAddress.portId = CL_IOC_MSG_PORT;
    gIdlBcastObj.options.priority = CL_IOC_ORDERED_PRIORITY;
    rc = clIdlHandleInitialize(&gIdlBcastObj, &gIdlBcastHandle);
    if(rc != CL_OK)
        clLogError("MSG", "IDL", "Failed to initialize the the IDL. error code [0x%x].", rc); 
        goto error_out_1;

    goto done_out;

    retCode = clIdlHandleFinalize(gIdlUcastHandle);
    if(retCode != CL_OK)
        clLogError("MSG", "IDL", "Failed to do the finalize the IDL handle. error code [0x%x].", retCode);
    return rc;
ClRcT clMsgQueueUnlinkToServer(ClNameT *pQName)
    ClRcT rc;
    /* Look up msg queue in the cached checkpoint */
    ClMsgQueueCkptDataT queueData;
    if(clMsgQCkptExists((ClNameT *)pQName, &queueData) == CL_FALSE)
        clLogError("MSG", "UNL", "Failed to get the message queue information.");
        goto error_out;

    /* Get Ioc address of the given MSG queue */
    ClIdlHandleObjT idlObj = {0};
    ClIdlHandleT idlHandle = 0;

    memcpy(&idlObj, &gIdlUcastObj, sizeof(idlObj));
    if ((queueData.creationFlags == SA_MSG_QUEUE_PERSISTENT) &&
            (queueData.qServerAddress.nodeAddress != 0))
        idlObj.address.address.iocAddress.iocPhyAddress = queueData.qServerAddress;

    rc = clIdlHandleInitialize(&idlObj, &idlHandle);
    if(rc != CL_OK)
        clLogError("MSG", "UNL", "Failed to initialize the IDL handle. error code [0x%x].", rc);
        goto error_out;

    rc = VDECL_VER(clMsgQueueUnlinkClientSync, 4, 0, 0)(idlHandle, (ClNameT *)pQName);
    if(rc != CL_OK)
        clLogError("MSG", "UNL", "Failed to close the message queue at message server. error code [0x%x].", rc);


    return rc;
ClRcT clMsgSendMessage_idl(ClMsgMessageSendTypeT sendType,
        ClIocPhysicalAddressT compAddr,
        ClNameT *pName,
        ClMsgMessageIovecT *pMessage,
        SaTimeT sendTime,
        ClHandleT senderHandle,
        SaTimeT timeout,
        ClBoolT isSync,
        SaMsgAckFlagsT ackFlag,
        MsgCltSrvClMsgMessageReceivedAsyncCallbackT fpAsyncCallback,
        void *cookie)
    ClRcT rc = CL_OK;
    ClIdlHandleT idlHandle = 0;
    ClIdlHandleObjT idlObj = {0};

    if(compAddr.nodeAddress == CL_IOC_BROADCAST_ADDRESS)
        rc = VDECL_VER(clMsgMessageReceivedClientAsync, 4, 0, 0)(gIdlBcastHandle, sendType, pName, pMessage, sendTime, senderHandle, timeout, NULL, NULL);
        if(rc != CL_OK)
            clLogError("IDL", "BCAST", "Failed to broadcast a message. error code [0x%x].", rc);
        return rc;

    memcpy(&idlObj, &gIdlUcastObj, sizeof(idlObj));
    idlObj.address.address.iocAddress.iocPhyAddress = compAddr;

    if (pMessage->priority == SA_MSG_MESSAGE_HIGHEST_PRIORITY)
        idlObj.options.priority = CL_IOC_HIGH_PRIORITY;

    rc = clIdlHandleInitialize(&idlObj, &idlHandle);
    if(rc != CL_OK)
        clLogError("IDL", "SND", "Failed to initialize the IDL handle. error code [0x%x].", rc);
        goto error_out;

    clLogTrace("IDL", "SND", "Sending a message to component [0x%x,0x%x].", compAddr.nodeAddress, compAddr.portId);

    if (isSync == CL_TRUE)
        rc = VDECL_VER(clMsgMessageReceivedClientSync, 4, 0, 0)(idlHandle, sendType, pName, pMessage, sendTime, senderHandle, timeout);
        if(rc != CL_OK)
            clLogError("IDL", "SND", "Failed to send a message to component [0x%x,0x%x]. error code [0x%x].", compAddr.nodeAddress, compAddr.portId, rc);
        if(ackFlag == SA_MSG_MESSAGE_DELIVERED_ACK)
            rc = VDECL_VER(clMsgMessageReceivedClientAsync, 4, 0, 0)(idlHandle, sendType, pName, pMessage, sendTime, senderHandle, timeout, fpAsyncCallback, cookie);
            if(rc != CL_OK)
                clLogError("IDL", "SND", "Failed to send a message to component [0x%x,0x%x]. error code [0x%x].", compAddr.nodeAddress, compAddr.portId, rc);
            rc = VDECL_VER(clMsgMessageReceivedClientAsync, 4, 0, 0)(idlHandle, sendType, pName, pMessage, sendTime, senderHandle, timeout, NULL, NULL);
            if(rc != CL_OK)
                clLogError("IDL", "SND", "Failed to send a message to component [0x%x,0x%x]. error code [0x%x].", compAddr.nodeAddress, compAddr.portId, rc);


    return rc;