Exemplo n.º 1
//! Return the range of numbers that might be used with this format to
//! represent a number within `x`.
Interval FloatFormat::convert (const Interval& x) const
	Interval ret;
	Interval tmp = x;

	if (x.hasNaN())
		// If NaN might be supported, NaN is a legal return value
		if (m_hasNaN != NO)
			ret |= TCU_NAN;

		// If NaN might not be supported, any (non-NaN) value is legal,
		// _subject_ to clamping. Hence we modify tmp, not ret.
		if (m_hasNaN != YES)
			tmp = Interval::unbounded();

	// Round both bounds _inwards_ to closest representable values.
	if (!tmp.empty())
		ret |= clampValue(round(tmp.lo(), true)) | clampValue(round(tmp.hi(), false));

	// If this format's precision is not exact, the (possibly out-of-bounds)
	// original value is also a possible result.
	if (!m_exactPrecision)
		ret |= x;

	return ret;
Exemplo n.º 2
void GameVisualScene::updateCamera()
	static f32 rotz;
	static f32 rotx = 5.0;
	static f32 roty = 5.0;

	rotz += f32(game->inputSystem.getMouseMovement(2))/200.0f; 
	//rotz  = clampValue(rotz,1.0f,50.0f);
	rotz  = clampValue(rotz,5.0f,25.0f);

		rotx += (f32)game->inputSystem.getMouseMovement(0);
		roty += (f32)game->inputSystem.getMouseMovement(1);

		rotx = circularValue(rotx,0.0f,360.0f);
		roty = clampValue(roty,5.0f,85.0f); 

		Ogre::Vector3 pos = Ogre::Vector3::ZERO;
		pos.z = rotz*cos(hmath::deg(rotx).asRad())*sin(hmath::deg(roty).asRad());
		pos.x = rotz*sin(hmath::deg(rotx).asRad())*sin(hmath::deg(roty).asRad());
		pos.y = rotz*cos(hmath::deg(roty).asRad());

		game->visualSystem.getCamera()->setPosition(pos - Ogre::Vector3(2.5f,1.5f,0.0f));
Exemplo n.º 3
void DateTimeNumericFieldElement::stepDown()
    if (m_hasValue)
        setValueAsInteger(m_value == m_range.minimum ? m_range.maximum : clampValue(m_value - 1), DispatchEvent);
        setValueAsInteger(defaultValueForStepDown(), DispatchEvent);
void DateTimeNumericFieldElement::stepUp()
    if (m_hasValue)
        setValueAsInteger(m_value == m_range.maximum ? m_range.minimum : clampValue(m_value + 1), DispatchEvent);
        setValueAsInteger(m_range.minimum, DispatchEvent);
void DateTimeNumericFieldElement::setValueAsInteger(int value, EventBehavior eventBehavior)
    m_value = clampValue(value);
    m_hasValue = true;
    m_lastDigitCharTime = 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
void EffectParameter::setMaximum(double maximum) {
    m_maximum = maximum;
    if (m_maximum > m_parameter.getMaximum()) {
        qWarning() << debugString() << "WARNING: Maximum value is less than plugin's absolute maximum, clamping.";
        m_maximum = m_parameter.getMaximum();

    if (m_maximum < m_minimum) {
        qWarning() << debugString() << "WARNING: New maximum was below the minimum, clamped.";
        m_maximum = m_minimum;

    // There's a degenerate case here where the minimum could be larger
    // than the manifest maximum. If that's the case, then the maximum
    // value is currently above the manifest maximum. Since similar
    // guards exist in the setMinimum call, this should not be able to
    // happen.
    Q_ASSERT(m_maximum <= m_parameter.getMaximum());

    if (clampValue()) {
        qWarning() << debugString() << "WARNING: Value was outside of new maximum, clamped.";

    if (clampDefault()) {
        qWarning() << debugString() << "WARNING: Default was outside of new maximum, clamped.";

/*Does the brightness peration. 
*Uses clampValue to perform image saturation.
*An unsigned char from 0-255.
unsigned char performBrt(double amount, unsigned char color) {
	unsigned char newVal = '\0';
	double rawAdd = color + amount;
	newVal = clampValue(rawAdd);

	return newVal;
/*Split the pixel value into values that evenly range from [-.5,.5],
*perform contrast adjustment, and then convert back to unsigned char.
*The new pixel values that are unsigned char ranging from 0-255.
unsigned char splitValues(double cnAdjust, unsigned char pixVal) {
	double adjustedValue = (double) pixVal/255;
	double newPixVal = adjustedValue - 0.5;
	newPixVal = (cnAdjust*newPixVal + .5) * 255;
	unsigned char send =  clampValue(newPixVal);

return send;

Exemplo n.º 9
void EffectParameter::setValue(double value) {
    // TODO(XXX) Handle inf, -inf, and nan
    m_value = value;

    if (clampValue()) {
        qWarning() << debugString() << "WARNING: Value was outside of limits, clamped.";

    m_value = value;

*Contains algorithm to convolve an image with a gaussian matrix.
*orig: a pointer to our original pixel array
*gmatrix: our gaussian matrix
*size: the size of the gmatrix (it's always square)
*center: the center of the gmatrix
*x: the x location of the pixel we're convolving around
*y: the y location of the pixel we're convolving around
*colNum: the number of columns in our image
*rowNum: the number of rows in our image
void convolve(Pixel* orig, Pixel* data, double** gmatrix, int size, int center, int x, int y,int colNum, int rowNum) {
	//variables for the sums of things we need. 
	double sumR = 0;
	double sumG = 0;
	double sumB = 0;
	double sumGauss = 0;
	//loops around each value of the gmatrix
	for(int j=0; j<size; j++) {
		for(int i=0; i<size; i++) {
			//if the location of the value in the gmatrix is not on top of a pixel, we 
			//don't want to attempt to convolve, or we segfault.
			if(((i-center) < 0) || ((j-center) < 0) || ((x+i-center+1)>colNum) || ((y+j-center+1)>rowNum)) {
			//don't do anything
			//if it's a legitamate possible convolution:
			else {
				//add the gmatrix value to our sum
				sumGauss = sumGauss + gmatrix[j][i];
				//add the gaussian-filtered pixel values to their respective sums
				sumR = sumR + gmatrix[j][i]*(orig[(y+(j-center))*colNum+(x+i-center)].r);
				sumG = sumG + gmatrix[j][i]*(orig[(y+(j-center))*colNum+(x+i-center)].g);
				sumB = sumB + gmatrix[j][i]*(orig[(y+(j-center))*colNum+(x+i-center)].b);
	//normalize the values
	sumR = (sumR/sumGauss);
	sumG = (sumG/sumGauss);
	sumB = (sumB/sumGauss);				
	//transfer the values to our data pixel array, making sure they're clamped.
	data[(y*colNum)+x].r = clampValue(sumR);
	data[(y*colNum)+x].g = clampValue(sumG);
	data[(y*colNum)+x].b = clampValue(sumB);
Exemplo n.º 11
QString WeatherApplet::convertTemperature(KUnitConversion::Unit format, float value,
                                          int type, bool rounded, bool degreesOnly)
    KUnitConversion::Value v(value, static_cast<KUnitConversion::UnitId>(type));
    v = v.convertTo(format);

    if (rounded) {
        int tempNumber = qRound(v.number());
        if (degreesOnly) {
            return i18nc("temperature, unit", "%1%2", tempNumber, i18nc("Degree, unit symbol", "°"));
        } else {
            return i18nc("temperature, unit", "%1%2", tempNumber, v.unit().symbol());
    } else {
        const QString formattedTemp = QLocale().toString(clampValue(v.number(), 1), 'f', 1);
        if (degreesOnly) {
            return i18nc("temperature, unit", "%1%2", formattedTemp, i18nc("Degree, unit symbol", "°"));
        } else {
            return i18nc("temperature, unit", "%1%2", formattedTemp, v.unit().symbol());
*Contains algorithm to sharpen an image with specified values
*sigma: the sigma for the preliminary blur
*intensity: the intensity of the sharpening
*img: a pointer to our image in memory.
*return 0 if no errors were encountered, 1 otherwise.
int sharpen(Image* img, double sigma, double intensity) {
	//if we don't have a file in memory, say so.
	if(img->data == NULL) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Error, no file currently in memory\n");
		return 1;
	//our temporary blurred image
	Image blurred;
	blurred.data = malloc(sizeof(Pixel)*(img->rowNum*img->colNum));
	blurred.rowNum = img->rowNum;
	blurred.colNum = img->colNum;
	blurred.color = MAX_RGB_VALUE;
	//transfer the data from our real image into the blurred one
	for(int j = 0; j<(img->rowNum); j++) {
		for(int i = 0; i<(img->colNum); i++) {
			blurred.data[j*(img->colNum)+i].r = img->data[j*(img->colNum)+i].r;
			blurred.data[j*(img->colNum)+i].g = img->data[j*(img->colNum)+i].g;
			blurred.data[j*(img->colNum)+i].b = img->data[j*(img->colNum)+i].b;
	//our sharpened image
	Image sharp;
	sharp.data = malloc(sizeof(Pixel)*(img->rowNum*img->colNum));
	sharp.rowNum = img->rowNum;
	sharp.colNum = img->colNum;
	sharp.color = MAX_RGB_VALUE;
	double rSharp = 0;
	double gSharp = 0;
	double bSharp = 0;
	//blur our "blurred" image 
	blur(sigma, &blurred);
	//this does the sharpening algorithm
	for(int j=0; j<(img->rowNum);j++) {
		for(int i=0; i<(img->colNum);i++) { 
		//for each pixel, compute the difference from the original and the blurred
		rSharp = (img->data[j*(img->colNum)+i].r) - (blurred.data[j*(img->colNum)+i].r);
		gSharp = (img->data[j*(img->colNum)+i].g) - (blurred.data[j*(img->colNum)+i].g);
		bSharp = (img->data[j*(img->colNum)+i].b) - (blurred.data[j*(img->colNum)+i].b);	
		//multiply it by the intensity factor
		rSharp *= intensity;
		gSharp *= intensity;
		bSharp *= intensity;
		//clamp the value, saturating rather than overflowing
		sharp.data[j*(img->colNum)+i].r=clampValue(((rSharp) + (img->data[j*(img->colNum)+i].r)));
		sharp.data[j*(img->colNum)+i].g=clampValue(((gSharp) + (img->data[j*(img->colNum)+i].g)));
		sharp.data[j*(img->colNum)+i].b=clampValue(((bSharp) + (img->data[j*(img->colNum)+i].b)));
	//put the sharpened data into our image in memory
	for(int j = 0; j<(img->rowNum); j++) {
		for(int i = 0; i<(img->colNum); i++) {
			img->data[j*(img->colNum)+i].r = sharp.data[j*(img->colNum)+i].r;
			img->data[j*(img->colNum)+i].g = sharp.data[j*(img->colNum)+i].g;
			img->data[j*(img->colNum)+i].b = sharp.data[j*(img->colNum)+i].b;
	//free our temporary images.
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 13
btHeightfieldTerrainShape::btHeightfieldTerrainShape(int heightStickWidth, int heightStickLength,void* heightfieldData,btScalar maxHeight,int upAxis,bool useFloatData,bool flipQuadEdges)
    : btConcaveShape (), m_heightStickWidth(heightStickWidth),

    btScalar	quantizationMargin = 1.f;

    //enlarge the AABB to avoid division by zero when initializing the quantization values
    btVector3 clampValue(quantizationMargin,quantizationMargin,quantizationMargin);

    btVector3	halfExtents(0,0,0);

    switch (m_upAxis)
    case 0:
            btScalar(m_width), //?? don't know if this should change
    case 1:
    case 2:
        //need to get valid m_upAxis

    halfExtents*= btScalar(0.5);

    m_localAabbMin = -halfExtents - clampValue;
    m_localAabbMax = halfExtents + clampValue;
    btVector3 aabbSize = m_localAabbMax - m_localAabbMin;

Exemplo n.º 14
void WeatherApplet::updateDetailsModel(const Plasma::DataEngine::Data &data)

    QLocale locale;
    const QString textId = QStringLiteral("text");
    const QString iconId = QStringLiteral("icon");

    // reused map for each row
    QVariantMap row;
    row.insert(iconId, QString());
    row.insert(textId, QString());

    const int reportTemperatureUnit = data[QStringLiteral("Temperature Unit")].toInt();
    const KUnitConversion::Unit displayTemperatureUnit = temperatureUnit();

    const QVariant windChill = data[QStringLiteral("Windchill")];
    if (isValidData(windChill)) {
        // Use temperature unit to convert windchill temperature
        // we only show degrees symbol not actual temperature unit
        const QString temp = convertTemperature(displayTemperatureUnit, windChill, reportTemperatureUnit, false, true);
        row[textId] = i18nc("windchill, unit", "Windchill: %1", temp);

        m_detailsModel << row;

    const QString humidex = data[QStringLiteral("Humidex")].toString();
    if (isValidData(humidex)) {
        // TODO: this seems wrong, does the humidex have temperature as units?
        // Use temperature unit to convert humidex temperature
        // we only show degrees symbol not actual temperature unit
        QString temp = convertTemperature(displayTemperatureUnit, humidex, reportTemperatureUnit, false, true);
        row[textId] = i18nc("humidex, unit","Humidex: %1", temp);

        m_detailsModel << row;

    const QVariant dewpoint = data[QStringLiteral("Dewpoint")];
    if (isValidData(dewpoint)) {
        QString temp = convertTemperature(displayTemperatureUnit, dewpoint, reportTemperatureUnit);
        row[textId] = i18nc("ground temperature, unit", "Dewpoint: %1", temp);

        m_detailsModel << row;

    const QVariant pressure = data[QStringLiteral("Pressure")];
    if (isValidData(pressure)) {
        KUnitConversion::Value v(pressure.toDouble(),
                                 static_cast<KUnitConversion::UnitId>(data["Pressure Unit"].toInt()));
        v = v.convertTo(pressureUnit());
        row[textId] = i18nc("pressure, unit","Pressure: %1 %2",
                            locale.toString(clampValue(v.number(), 2), 'f', 2), v.unit().symbol());

        m_detailsModel << row;

    const QString pressureTendency = data["Pressure Tendency"].toString();
    if (isValidData(pressureTendency)) {
        const QString i18nPressureTendency = i18nc("pressure tendency", pressureTendency.toUtf8().data());
        row[textId] = i18nc("pressure tendency, rising/falling/steady",
                            "Pressure Tendency: %1", i18nPressureTendency);

        m_detailsModel << row;

    const QVariant visibility = data[QStringLiteral("Visibility")];
    if (isValidData(visibility)) {
        const KUnitConversion::UnitId unitId = static_cast<KUnitConversion::UnitId>(data["Visibility Unit"].toInt());
        if (unitId != KUnitConversion::NoUnit) {
            KUnitConversion::Value v(visibility.toDouble(), unitId);
            v = v.convertTo(visibilityUnit());
            row[textId] = i18nc("distance, unit","Visibility: %1 %2",
                                locale.toString(clampValue(v.number(), 1), 'f', 1), v.unit().symbol());
        } else {
            row[textId] = i18nc("visibility from distance", "Visibility: %1", visibility.toString());

        m_detailsModel << row;

    const QVariant humidity = data[QStringLiteral("Humidity")];
    if (isValidData(humidity)) {
        row[textId] = i18nc("content of water in air", "Humidity: %1%2",
                            locale.toString(clampValue(humidity.toFloat(), 0), 'f', 0), i18nc("Percent, measure unit", "%"));

        m_detailsModel << row;

    const QVariant windSpeed = data[QStringLiteral("Wind Speed")];
    if (isValidData(windSpeed)) {
        // TODO: missing check for windDirection validness
        const QString windDirection = data["Wind Direction"].toString();
        row[iconId] = windDirection;

        bool isNumeric;
        const double windSpeedNumeric = windSpeed.toDouble(&isNumeric);
        if (isNumeric) {
            if (windSpeedNumeric != 0) {
                KUnitConversion::Value v(windSpeedNumeric,
                                        static_cast<KUnitConversion::UnitId>(data["Wind Speed Unit"].toInt()));
                v = v.convertTo(speedUnit());
                const QString i18nWindDirection = i18nc("wind direction", windDirection.toUtf8().data());
                row[textId] = i18nc("wind direction, speed","%1 %2 %3", i18nWindDirection,
                                    locale.toString(clampValue(v.number(), 1), 'f', 1), v.unit().symbol());
            } else {
                row[textId] = i18nc("Wind condition", "Calm");
        } else {
            row[textId] = windSpeed.toString();

        m_detailsModel << row;
        row[iconId] = QString(); // reset

    const QVariant windGust = data[QStringLiteral("Wind Gust")];
    if (isValidData(windGust)) {
        // Convert the wind format for nonstandard types
        KUnitConversion::Value v(windGust.toDouble(),
                                 static_cast<KUnitConversion::UnitId>(data["Wind Speed Unit"].toInt()));
        v = v.convertTo(speedUnit());
        row[textId] = i18nc("winds exceeding wind speed briefly", "Wind Gust: %1 %2",
                            locale.toString(clampValue(v.number(), 1), 'f', 1), v.unit().symbol());

        m_detailsModel << row;
Exemplo n.º 15
bool EffectParameter::clampDefault() {
    return clampValue(&m_default, m_minimum, m_maximum);
int DateTimeNumericFieldElement::clampValueForHardLimits(int value) const
    return clampValue(value);
Exemplo n.º 17
bool EffectParameter::clampValue() {
    return clampValue(&m_value, m_minimum, m_maximum);
Exemplo n.º 18
// ######################################################################
void DirectFeedChannel::clampCoeffs(const double cmin, const double cmax)
  for (uint i = 0; i < itsCoeff.size(); ++i)
    itsCoeff[i] = clampValue(itsCoeff[i], cmin, cmax);