Exemplo n.º 1
void NeuralNetwork::update() {
//  float lr = learningRate / learningRateDiv;
  for (int i=0; i<nParams; i++)
    weights[i] -= learningRate * dWeights[i];
//    weights[i] -= lr * dWeights[i] - weightDecay * weights[i];

//  learningRateDiv += decreaseConstant;
Exemplo n.º 2
int BackwardsBatchNorm::allocateDataStructures() {
    int status = PV::CloneVLayer::allocateDataStructures();
    //If CloneVLayer is returning postpone because it's original layer hasn't allocated,
    //we pass postpone to caller
    if(status == PV_POSTPONE) {
        return status;
    assert(status == PV_SUCCESS);
    //We need a few temp buffers, preallocated here
    int nf = getLayerLoc()->nf;
    deltaVar  = (float*) pvMalloc(nf * sizeof(float));
    deltaMean = (float*) pvMalloc(nf * sizeof(float));
    deltaVarShift = (float*) pvMalloc(nf * sizeof(float));
    deltaMeanShift = (float*) pvMalloc(nf * sizeof(float));


    return status;
Exemplo n.º 3
int BackwardsBatchNorm::updateState(double timef, double dt) {
    int status = PV_SUCCESS;

    //We are filling this activity buffer
    pvdata_t * thisA = clayer->activity->data;

    //We need the normalized input vals, orig input vals, and the input gradients
    const pvdata_t * inputGradA = originalLayer->getCLayer()->activity->data;
    const pvdata_t * forwardA = forwardLayer->getCLayer()->activity->data;
    const pvdata_t * origInputA = forwardLayer->getOriginalLayer()->getCLayer()->activity->data;
    assert(inputGradA && forwardA && origInputA);

    //Get locs for all buffers
    const PVLayerLoc * thisLoc = getLayerLoc();
    const PVLayerLoc * inputGradLoc = originalLayer->getLayerLoc();
    const PVLayerLoc * forwardLoc = forwardLayer->getLayerLoc();
    const PVLayerLoc * origInputLoc = forwardLayer->getOriginalLayer()->getLayerLoc();

    int nbatch = thisLoc->nbatch;

    //All nx, ny, and nf should be the same
    int nx = thisLoc->nx;
    int ny = thisLoc->ny;
    int nf = thisLoc->nf;

    //Get buffer margins here
    int xThisMargin = thisLoc->halo.lt + thisLoc->halo.rt;
    int yThisMargin = thisLoc->halo.up + thisLoc->halo.dn;
    int xInputGradMargin = inputGradLoc->halo.lt + inputGradLoc->halo.rt;
    int yInputGradMargin = inputGradLoc->halo.up + inputGradLoc->halo.dn;
    int xForwardMargin = forwardLoc->halo.lt + forwardLoc->halo.rt;
    int yForwardMargin = forwardLoc->halo.up + forwardLoc->halo.dn;
    int xOrigInputMargin = origInputLoc->halo.lt + origInputLoc->halo.rt;
    int yOrigInputMargin = origInputLoc->halo.up + origInputLoc->halo.dn;

    //We also need various mean and var buffers from the forward layer
    const float* batchMean = forwardLayer->getBatchMean();
    const float* batchVar = forwardLayer->getBatchVar();
    float*       batchMeanShift = forwardLayer->getBatchMeanShift();
    float*       batchVarShift = forwardLayer->getBatchVarShift();
    float        epsilon = forwardLayer->getEpsilon();

    //Total number of neurons to divide by for each feature
    float normVal = parent->getNBatchGlobal() * thisLoc->nyGlobal * thisLoc->nxGlobal;

    //We're accumulating into delta buffers, so clear

    //Ioffe et. al. Batch Normalization

    //Calculate deltaVar
    //TODO parallize over threads
    for(int iF = 0; iF < nf; iF++) {
        float secondTerm = -.5*(powf(batchVar[iF] + epsilon, -1.5));
        for(int b = 0; b < nbatch; b++) {
            const pvdata_t* batchOrigInputA = origInputA + b * forwardLayer->getOriginalLayer()->getNumExtended();
            const pvdata_t* batchInputGradA = inputGradA + b * originalLayer->getNumExtended();
            for(int iY = 0; iY < ny; iY++) {
                for(int iX = 0; iX < nx; iX++) {
                    int kExtOrigInput = kIndex(iX, iY, iF, nx+xOrigInputMargin, ny+yOrigInputMargin, nf);
                    int kExtInputGrad = kIndex(iX, iY, iF, nx+xInputGradMargin, ny+yInputGradMargin, nf);
                    float deltaNorm = batchInputGradA[kExtInputGrad] * batchVarShift[iF];
                    deltaVar[iF] += deltaNorm * (batchOrigInputA[kExtOrigInput] - batchMean[iF]);
        //Multiply deltaVar by secondTerm
        deltaVar[iF] = deltaVar[iF] * secondTerm;

    //Reduce deltaVar
#ifdef PV_USE_MPI
    MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, deltaVar, nf, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_SUM, parent->icCommunicator()->globalCommunicator());
#endif // PV_USE_MPI

    //Calculate deltaMean
    //Calculate first term first
    //TODO parallize over threads
    for(int iF = 0; iF < nf; iF++) {
        float multiplier = -1.0/(sqrtf(batchVar[iF]+epsilon));
        for(int b = 0; b < nbatch; b++) {
            const pvdata_t* batchInputGradA = inputGradA + b * originalLayer->getNumExtended();
            for(int iY = 0; iY < ny; iY++) {
                for(int iX = 0; iX < nx; iX++) {
                    int kExtInputGrad = kIndex(iX, iY, iF, nx+xInputGradMargin, ny+yInputGradMargin, nf);
                    float deltaNorm = batchInputGradA[kExtInputGrad] * batchVarShift[iF];
                    deltaMean[iF] += deltaNorm * multiplier;
    //Reduce deltaMean across mpi
#ifdef PV_USE_MPI
    MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, deltaMean, nf, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_SUM, parent->icCommunicator()->globalCommunicator());
#endif // PV_USE_MPI

    //Calculate second term
    //TODO parallize over threads
    for(int iF = 0; iF < nf; iF++) {
        float tmpMean = 0;
        for(int b = 0; b < nbatch; b++) {
            const pvdata_t* batchOrigInputA = origInputA + b * forwardLayer->getOriginalLayer()->getNumExtended();
            for(int iY = 0; iY < ny; iY++) {
                for(int iX = 0; iX < nx; iX++) {
                    int kExtOrigInput = kIndex(iX, iY, iF, nx+xOrigInputMargin, ny+yOrigInputMargin, nf);
                    tmpMean += -2 * (batchOrigInputA[kExtOrigInput] - batchMean[iF]);
        //Reduce tmpMean
#ifdef PV_USE_MPI
        MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &tmpMean, 1, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_SUM, parent->icCommunicator()->globalCommunicator());
#endif // PV_USE_MPI
        tmpMean = tmpMean / normVal;
        //Add second term to first term
        deltaMean[iF] += deltaVar[iF] * tmpMean;

    //No more sums, go with efficient loop
    //TODO Is the efficient loop better for optimization or do we put
    //features on the outer most loop for precalculation of constants over features?
    for(int b = 0; b < nbatch; b++) {
        const pvdata_t* batchOrigInputA = origInputA + b * forwardLayer->getOriginalLayer()->getNumExtended();
        const pvdata_t* batchInputGradA = inputGradA + b * originalLayer->getNumExtended();
        pvdata_t* batchThisA = thisA + b * getNumExtended();
        #pragma omp parallel for collapse(3)
        for(int iY = 0; iY < ny; iY++) {
            for(int iX = 0; iX < nx; iX++) {
                for(int iF = 0; iF < nf; iF++) {
                    int kExtOrigInput = kIndex(iX, iY, iF, nx+xOrigInputMargin, ny+yOrigInputMargin, nf);
                    int kExtInputGrad = kIndex(iX, iY, iF, nx+xInputGradMargin, ny+yInputGradMargin, nf);
                    int kExtThis = kIndex(iX, iY, iF, nx+xThisMargin, ny+yThisMargin, nf);
                    float deltaNorm = batchInputGradA[kExtInputGrad] * batchVarShift[iF];
                    float firstTerm = deltaNorm/sqrtf(batchVar[iF] + epsilon);
                    float secondTerm = deltaVar[iF] * (2*(batchOrigInputA[kExtOrigInput] - batchMean[iF])/normVal);
                    float thirdTerm = deltaMean[iF]/normVal;
                    batchThisA[kExtThis] = firstTerm + secondTerm + thirdTerm;

    //We calculate delta varShift and deltaMeanShift here
    //TODO parallize over threads
    //Since we're summing into delta*shift buffers, we have to sequentialize over features
    for(int iF = 0; iF < nf; iF++) {
        for(int b = 0; b < nbatch; b++) {
            const pvdata_t* batchForwardA = forwardA + b * forwardLayer->getNumExtended();
            const pvdata_t* batchInputGradA = inputGradA + b * originalLayer->getNumExtended();
            for(int iY = 0; iY < ny; iY++) {
                for(int iX = 0; iX < nx; iX++) {
                    int kExtInputGrad = kIndex(iX, iY, iF, nx+xInputGradMargin, ny+yInputGradMargin, nf);
                    int kExtForwardA = kIndex(iX, iY, iF, nx+xForwardMargin, ny + yForwardMargin, nf);
                    deltaVarShift[iF] += batchInputGradA[kExtInputGrad] * batchForwardA[kExtForwardA];
                    deltaMeanShift[iF] += batchInputGradA[kExtInputGrad];

    //Reduce delta*Shift across all mpi
#ifdef PV_USE_MPI
    MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, deltaVarShift, nf, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_SUM, parent->icCommunicator()->globalCommunicator());
    MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, deltaMeanShift, nf, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_SUM, parent->icCommunicator()->globalCommunicator());
#endif // PV_USE_MPI

    //TODO implement learning rule for meanShift and varShift

    return status;