Exemplo n.º 1
    void RafImage::readMetadata()
#ifdef DEBUG
        std::cerr << "Reading RAF file " << io_->path() << "\n";
        if (io_->open() != 0) throw Error(9, io_->path(), strError());
        IoCloser closer(*io_);
        // Ensure that this is the correct image type
        if (!isRafType(*io_, false)) {
            if (io_->error() || io_->eof()) throw Error(14);
            throw Error(3, "RAF");
        byte const* pData = io_->mmap();
        long size = io_->size();
        if (size < 88 + 4) throw Error(14); // includes the test for -1
        uint32_t const start = getULong(pData + 84, bigEndian) + 12;
        if (static_cast<uint32_t>(size) < start) throw Error(14);
        ByteOrder bo = TiffParser::decode(exifData_,
                                          pData + start,
                                          size - start);

        exifData_["Exif.Image2.JPEGInterchangeFormat"] = getULong(pData + 84, bigEndian);
        exifData_["Exif.Image2.JPEGInterchangeFormatLength"] = getULong(pData + 88, bigEndian);

    } // RafImage::readMetadata
Exemplo n.º 2
    void XmpSidecar::readMetadata()
#ifdef DEBUG
        std::cerr << "Reading XMP file " << io_->path() << "\n";
        if (io_->open() != 0) {
            throw Error(9, io_->path(), strError());
        IoCloser closer(*io_);
        // Ensure that this is the correct image type
        if (!isXmpType(*io_, false)) {
            if (io_->error() || io_->eof()) throw Error(14);
            throw Error(3, "XMP");
        // Read the XMP packet from the IO stream
        std::string xmpPacket;
        const long len = 64 * 1024;
        byte buf[len];
        long l;
        while ((l = io_->read(buf, len)) > 0) {
            xmpPacket.append(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf), l);
        if (io_->error()) throw Error(14);
        xmpPacket_ = xmpPacket;
        if (xmpPacket_.size() > 0 && XmpParser::decode(xmpData_, xmpPacket_)) {
            EXV_WARNING << "Failed to decode XMP metadata.\n";
        copyXmpToIptc(xmpData_, iptcData_);
        copyXmpToExif(xmpData_, exifData_);
    } // XmpSidecar::readMetadata
Exemplo n.º 3
    void GifImage::readMetadata()
#ifdef DEBUG
        std::cerr << "Exiv2::GifImage::readMetadata: Reading GIF file " << io_->path() << "\n";
        if (io_->open() != 0)
            throw Error(9, io_->path(), strError());
        IoCloser closer(*io_);
        // Ensure that this is the correct image type
        if (!isGifType(*io_, true))
            if (io_->error() || io_->eof()) throw Error(14);
            throw Error(3, "GIF");

        byte buf[4];
        if (io_->read(buf, sizeof(buf)) == sizeof(buf))
            pixelWidth_ = getShort(buf, littleEndian);
            pixelHeight_ = getShort(buf + 2, littleEndian);
    } // GifImage::readMetadata
Exemplo n.º 4
    void CrwImage::readMetadata()
#ifdef DEBUG
        std::cerr << "Reading CRW file " << io_->path() << "\n";
        if (io_->open() != 0) {
            throw Error(9, io_->path(), strError());
        IoCloser closer(*io_);
        // Ensure that this is the correct image type
        if (!isThisType(*io_, false)) {
            if (io_->error() || io_->eof()) throw Error(14);
            throw Error(33);

        // Read the image into a memory buffer
        long imageSize = io_->size();
        DataBuf image(imageSize);
        io_->read(image.pData_, imageSize);
        if (io_->error() || io_->eof()) throw Error(14);

        // Parse the image
        RawMetadata::AutoPtr parseTree(new CiffHeader);
        parseTree->read(image.pData_, image.size_, 0, invalidByteOrder);
#ifdef DEBUG
        parseTree->print(std::cerr, invalidByteOrder);
        parseTree->extract(*this, invalidByteOrder);

    } // CrwImage::readMetadata
    void MrwImage::readMetadata()
#ifdef DEBUG
        std::cerr << "Reading MRW file " << io_->path() << "\n";
        if (io_->open() != 0) {
            throw Error(9, io_->path(), strError());
        IoCloser closer(*io_);
        // Ensure that this is the correct image type
        if (!isMrwType(*io_, false)) {
            if (io_->error() || io_->eof()) throw Error(14);
            throw Error(3, "MRW");

        // Find the TTW block and read it into a buffer
        uint32_t const len = 8;
        byte tmp[len];
        io_->read(tmp, len);
        uint32_t pos = len;
        uint32_t const end = getULong(tmp + 4, bigEndian);

        pos += len;
        if (pos > end) throw Error(14);
        io_->read(tmp, len);
        if (io_->error() || io_->eof()) throw Error(14);

        while (memcmp(tmp + 1, "TTW", 3) != 0) {
            uint32_t const siz = getULong(tmp + 4, bigEndian);
            pos += siz;
            if (pos > end) throw Error(14);
            io_->seek(siz, BasicIo::cur);
            if (io_->error() || io_->eof()) throw Error(14);

            pos += len;
            if (pos > end) throw Error(14);
            io_->read(tmp, len);
            if (io_->error() || io_->eof()) throw Error(14);

        DataBuf buf(getULong(tmp + 4, bigEndian));
        io_->read(buf.pData_, buf.size_);
        if (io_->error() || io_->eof()) throw Error(14);

        ByteOrder bo = TiffParser::decode(exifData_,
    } // MrwImage::readMetadata
Exemplo n.º 6
    void PgfImage::readMetadata()
#ifdef DEBUG
        std::cerr << "Exiv2::PgfImage::readMetadata: Reading PGF file " << io_->path() << "\n";
        if (io_->open() != 0)
            throw Error(9, io_->path(), strError());
        IoCloser closer(*io_);
        // Ensure that this is the correct image type
        if (!isPgfType(*io_, true))
            if (io_->error() || io_->eof()) throw Error(14);
            throw Error(3, "PGF");


        uint32_t headerSize = readPgfHeaderSize(*io_);

        readPgfHeaderStructure(*io_, &pixelWidth_, &pixelHeight_);

        // And now, the most interresting, the user data byte array where metadata are stored as small image.

        long size = 8 + headerSize - io_->tell();

#ifdef DEBUG
        std::cout << "Exiv2::PgfImage::readMetadata: Found Image data (" << size << " bytes)\n";

        if (size < 0) throw Error(20);
        if (size == 0) return;

        DataBuf imgData(size);
        std::memset(imgData.pData_, 0x0, imgData.size_);
        long bufRead = io_->read(imgData.pData_, imgData.size_);
        if (io_->error()) throw Error(14);
        if (bufRead != imgData.size_) throw Error(20);

        Image::AutoPtr image = Exiv2::ImageFactory::open(imgData.pData_, imgData.size_);
        exifData() = image->exifData();
        iptcData() = image->iptcData();
        xmpData()  = image->xmpData();

    } // PgfImage::readMetadata
Exemplo n.º 7
    void TgaImage::readMetadata()
#ifdef DEBUG
        std::cerr << "Exiv2::TgaImage::readMetadata: Reading TARGA file " << io_->path() << "\n";
        if (io_->open() != 0)
            throw Error(9, io_->path(), strError());
        IoCloser closer(*io_);
        // Ensure that this is the correct image type
        if (!isTgaType(*io_, false))
            if (io_->error() || io_->eof()) throw Error(14);
            throw Error(3, "TGA");

          The TARGA header goes as follows -- all numbers are in little-endian byte order:

          offset  length   name                     description
          ======  =======  =======================  ===========
           0      1 byte   ID length                length of image ID (0 to 255)
           1      1 byte   color map type           0 = no color map; 1 = color map included
           2      1 byte   image type                0 = no image;
                                                     1 = uncompressed color-mapped;
                                                     2 = uncompressed true-color;
                                                     3 = uncompressed black-and-white;
                                                     9 = RLE-encoded color mapped;
                                                    10 = RLE-encoded true-color;
                                                    11 = RLE-encoded black-and-white
           3      5 bytes  color map specification
           8      2 bytes  x-origin of image
          10      2 bytes  y-origin of image
          12      2 bytes  image width
          14      2 bytes  image height
          16      1 byte   pixel depth
          17      1 byte   image descriptor
        byte buf[18];
        if (io_->read(buf, sizeof(buf)) == sizeof(buf))
            pixelWidth_ = getShort(buf + 12, littleEndian);
            pixelHeight_ = getShort(buf + 14, littleEndian);
    } // TgaImage::readMetadata
Exemplo n.º 8
    void BmpImage::readMetadata()
#ifdef DEBUG
        std::cerr << "Exiv2::BmpImage::readMetadata: Reading Windows bitmap file " << io_->path() << "\n";
        if (io_->open() != 0)
            throw Error(9, io_->path(), strError());
        IoCloser closer(*io_);
        // Ensure that this is the correct image type
        if (!isBmpType(*io_, false))
            if (io_->error() || io_->eof()) throw Error(14);
            throw Error(3, "BMP");

          The Windows bitmap header goes as follows -- all numbers are in little-endian byte order:

          offset  length   name                   description
          ======  =======  =====================  =======
           0      2 bytes  signature              always 'BM'
           2      4 bytes  bitmap size
           6      4 bytes  reserved
          10      4 bytes  bitmap offset
          14      4 bytes  header size
          18      4 bytes  bitmap width
          22      4 bytes  bitmap height
          26      2 bytes  plane count
          28      2 bytes  depth
          30      4 bytes  compression            0 = none; 1 = RLE, 8 bits/pixel; 2 = RLE, 4 bits/pixel; 3 = bitfield; 4 = JPEG; 5 = PNG
          34      4 bytes  image size             size of the raw bitmap data, in bytes
          38      4 bytes  horizontal resolution  (in pixels per meter)
          42      4 bytes  vertical resolution    (in pixels per meter)
          46      4 bytes  color count
          50      4 bytes  important colors       number of "important" colors
        byte buf[54];
        if (io_->read(buf, sizeof(buf)) == sizeof(buf))
            pixelWidth_ = getLong(buf + 18, littleEndian);
            pixelHeight_ = getLong(buf + 22, littleEndian);
    } // BmpImage::readMetadata
Exemplo n.º 9
    void Cr2Image::readMetadata()
#ifdef DEBUG
        std::cerr << "Reading CR2 file " << io_->path() << "\n";
        if (io_->open() != 0) {
            throw Error(9, io_->path(), strError());
        IoCloser closer(*io_);
        // Ensure that this is the correct image type
        if (!isCr2Type(*io_, false)) {
            if (io_->error() || io_->eof()) throw Error(14);
            throw Error(3, "CR2");
        TiffParser::decode(this, io_->mmap(), io_->size(),
                           TiffCreator::create, Cr2Decoder::findDecoder);

    } // Cr2Image::readMetadata
Exemplo n.º 10
    void XmpSidecar::readMetadata()
#ifdef DEBUG
        std::cerr << "Reading XMP file " << io_->path() << "\n";
        if (io_->open() != 0) {
            throw Error(9, io_->path(), strError());
        IoCloser closer(*io_);
        // Ensure that this is the correct image type
        if (!isXmpType(*io_, false)) {
            if (io_->error() || io_->eof()) throw Error(14);
            throw Error(3, "XMP");
        // Read the XMP packet from the IO stream
        std::string xmpPacket;
        const long len = 64 * 1024;
        byte buf[len];
        long l;
        while ((l = io_->read(buf, len)) > 0) {
            xmpPacket.append(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf), l);
        if (io_->error()) throw Error(14);
        xmpPacket_ = xmpPacket;
        if (xmpPacket_.size() > 0 && XmpParser::decode(xmpData_, xmpPacket_)) {
            EXV_WARNING << "Failed to decode XMP metadata.\n";

        // #1112 - store dates to deal with loss of TZ information during conversions
        for (Exiv2::XmpData::const_iterator it = xmpData_.begin(); it != xmpData_.end(); ++it) {
            std::string  key(it->key());
            if ( key.find("Date") != std::string::npos ) {
            	std::string value(it->value().toString());
            	dates_[key] = value;

        copyXmpToIptc(xmpData_, iptcData_);
        copyXmpToExif(xmpData_, exifData_);
    } // XmpSidecar::readMetadata
Exemplo n.º 11
    void RafImage::readMetadata()
#ifdef DEBUG
        std::cerr << "Reading RAF file " << io_->path() << "\n";
        if (io_->open() != 0) throw Error(9, io_->path(), strError());
        IoCloser closer(*io_);
        // Ensure that this is the correct image type
        if (!isRafType(*io_, false)) {
            if (io_->error() || io_->eof()) throw Error(14);
            throw Error(3, "RAF");
        byte const* pData = io_->mmap();
        long size = io_->size();
        if (size < 84 + 4) throw Error(14); // includes the test for -1
        uint32_t const start = getULong(pData + 84, bigEndian) + 12;
        if (static_cast<uint32_t>(size) < start) throw Error(14);
        TiffParser::decode(this, pData + start, size - start,
                           TiffCreator::create, TiffDecoder::findDecoder);
    } // RafImage::readMetadata
Exemplo n.º 12
    void TiffImage::readMetadata()
#ifdef DEBUG
        std::cerr << "Reading TIFF file " << io_->path() << "\n";
        if (io_->open() != 0) {
            throw Error(9, io_->path(), strError());
        IoCloser closer(*io_);
        // Ensure that this is the correct image type
        if (!isThisType(*io_, false)) {
            if (io_->error() || io_->eof()) throw Error(14);
            throw Error(33);

        // Read the image into a memory buffer
        long len = io_->size();
        DataBuf buf(len);
        io_->read(buf.pData_, len);
        if (io_->error() || io_->eof()) throw Error(14);

        TiffParser::decode(this, buf.pData_, buf.size_, TiffCreator::create);
    } // TiffImage::readMetadata
Exemplo n.º 13
Arquivo: main.c Projeto: unizeto/bmd
long makeArchPack( const char* const confPath, \
		   bmdDatagram_t* const bmdDatagram_tParam, \
                   GenBuf_t* const bufor, \
                   transmission_t transmission, \
                   char** const archPackDir, \
                   char** const archPackFile )


    /* ---------------------------------------------- */

       long                  longRet          =    0;
       static int            fileout          =    0;
       static metadata_t*    metadane         = NULL;
       char*                 fileName         = NULL;
       char*                 archPath         = NULL;
       char*		     archPackPath     = NULL;
       char*                 fileMetadata     = NULL;
       char*                 stringTmp        = NULL;
       char*                 fileCases        = NULL;
       char**                zip_list         = NULL;
       long                  zip_list_size    =    0;
       static Config_t                archPackParams;
       long                  i                =    0;
       char                  curr_dir[256]    =  {0};

    /* ---------------------------------------------- */

    if ( confPath == NULL )
        PRINT_ERROR("Nieprawidłowy pierwszy parametr. Error = %d\n", BMD_ERR_PARAM1);
        return BMD_ERR_PARAM1;

    if (  bmdDatagram_tParam == NULL )
         PRINT_ERROR("Nieprawidłowy drugi parametr. Error = %d\n", BMD_ERR_PARAM2);
         return BMD_ERR_PARAM2;

    if ( archPackDir == NULL )
         PRINT_ERROR("Nieprawidłowy czwarty parametr. Error = %d\n", BMD_ERR_PARAM4);
         return BMD_ERR_PARAM4;

    if ( archPackFile == NULL )
         PRINT_ERROR("Nieprawidłowy piąty parametr. Error = %d\n", BMD_ERR_PARAM5);
         return BMD_ERR_PARAM5;

    switch ( transmission )

      case startblk :

       longRet = getArchPackConfiguration( confPath, &archPackParams );

       if ( longRet != BMD_OK )
           PRINT_ERROR("Błąd odczytu konfiguracji paczki archiwalnej. Error = %d\n", BMD_ERR_OP_FAILED);
           return BMD_ERR_OP_FAILED;

       longRet = composeMetadataStruct( &metadane, &archPackParams, bmdDatagram_tParam );

       if ( longRet != BMD_OK )
           PRINT_ERROR("Błąd przy generowaniu pliku metadanych. Error = %d\n", BMD_ERR_OP_FAILED);
           return BMD_ERR_OP_FAILED;

       longRet = openArchPackFile( &archPackParams, (char*)bmdDatagram_tParam->protocolDataFilename->buf, &fileout);

       if ( longRet != BMD_OK )
           PRINT_ERROR("Błąd tworzenia struktury paczki archiwalnej. Error = %d\n", BMD_ERR_OP_FAILED);
           return BMD_ERR_OP_FAILED;

       asprintf( &fileName, "%s/%s_%d/metadane/%s", archPackParams.repository, \
                 archPackParams.tmp_dir, (int)getpid(), (char*)bmdDatagram_tParam->protocolDataFilename->buf );

       longRet = composeXMLDocument( metadane, fileName );

       if ( longRet != BMD_OK )
           PRINT_ERROR("Błąd błąd zapisu metadanych paczki archiwalnej. Error = %d\n", BMD_ERR_OP_FAILED);
           return BMD_ERR_OP_FAILED;

       clearMetadata( &metadane );

       longRet = addData2ArchpackFile(bufor, fileout);

       if ( longRet != BMD_OK )
           PRINT_ERROR("Błąd zapisu zawartości paczki archiwalnej. Error = %d\n", BMD_ERR_OP_FAILED);
           return BMD_ERR_OP_FAILED;


      case continueblk :
         longRet = addData2ArchpackFile(bufor, fileout);

         if ( longRet != BMD_OK )
            PRINT_ERROR("Błąd zapisu zawartości paczki archiwalnej. Error = %d\n", BMD_ERR_OP_FAILED);
            return BMD_ERR_OP_FAILED;


      case stopblk :

         longRet = addData2ArchpackFile(bufor, fileout);

         if ( longRet != BMD_OK )
              PRINT_ERROR("Błąd zapisu zawartości paczki archiwalnej. Error = %d\n", BMD_ERR_OP_FAILED);
              return BMD_ERR_OP_FAILED;

         closeArchpackFile( &fileout );

         asprintf( &archPath, "%s/%s_%d", archPackParams.repository, archPackParams.tmp_dir, (int)getpid());

        if (getcwd(curr_dir,255)==NULL)
             PRINT_ERROR("Błąd odczytu bieżącego katalogu. Error = %d\n", BMD_ERR_OP_FAILED);
             return BMD_ERR_OP_FAILED;

        if ( chdir(archPath) != 0 )
             PRINT_ERROR("Błąd przy zmianie katalogu na tymczasowy. Error = %d\n", BMD_ERR_OP_FAILED);
             return BMD_ERR_OP_FAILED;

         asprintf( &fileName, "dokumenty/%s",(char*)bmdDatagram_tParam->protocolDataFilename->buf );
         asprintf( &fileMetadata, "metadane/%s.xml",(char*)bmdDatagram_tParam->protocolDataFilename->buf );
         asprintf( &fileCases, "sprawy/" );

         /* ---------------- pobrany plik ------------------ */
         zip_list=(char **)realloc(zip_list,sizeof(char *)*zip_list_size);
         memset(zip_list[zip_list_size-1], 0, strlen(fileName)+1);
         memcpy(zip_list[zip_list_size-1], fileName, strlen(fileName));

         /* ---------------- metadane ------------------ */
         zip_list=(char **)realloc(zip_list,sizeof(char *)*zip_list_size);
         memset(zip_list[zip_list_size-1], 0, strlen(fileMetadata)+1);
         memcpy(zip_list[zip_list_size-1], fileMetadata, strlen(fileMetadata));

	 zip_list=(char **)realloc(zip_list,sizeof(char *)*zip_list_size);
	 memset(zip_list[zip_list_size-1], 0, strlen(fileCases)+1);
	 memcpy(zip_list[zip_list_size-1], fileCases, strlen(fileCases));

         asprintf(&archPackPath, "%s/%s.zip", curr_dir, (char*)bmdDatagram_tParam->protocolDataFilename->buf);
         asprintf(archPackDir, "%s", curr_dir);
         asprintf(archPackFile, "%s.zip", (char*)bmdDatagram_tParam->protocolDataFilename->buf );

         longRet = zipPackFile(zip_list, zip_list_size, archPackPath);

         /* porzadki */

         /* porzadki */

         /* porzadki */
         asprintf( &stringTmp, "%s/dokumenty", archPath);

         /* porzadki */
         asprintf(&stringTmp, "%s/metadane", archPath);

	 /* porzadki */
         asprintf(&stringTmp, "%s/sprawy", archPath);

         /* porzadki */

         for (i=0; i<zip_list_size; i++)


         if ( chdir(curr_dir) != 0 )
             PRINT_ERROR("Błąd przy zmianie katalogu na tymczasowy. Error = %d\n", BMD_ERR_OP_FAILED);
             return BMD_ERR_OP_FAILED;

   return BMD_OK;

Exemplo n.º 14
    void JpegBase::readMetadata()
        int rc = 0; // Todo: this should be the return value

        if (io_->open() != 0) throw Error(9, io_->path(), strError());
        IoCloser closer(*io_);
        // Ensure that this is the correct image type
        if (!isThisType(*io_, true)) {
            if (io_->error() || io_->eof()) throw Error(14);
            throw Error(15);
        int search = 5;
        const long bufMinSize = 36;
        long bufRead = 0;
        DataBuf buf(bufMinSize);
        Blob iptcBlob;
        bool foundPsData = false;
        bool foundExifData = false;

        // Read section marker
        int marker = advanceToMarker();
        if (marker < 0) throw Error(15);

        while (marker != sos_ && marker != eoi_ && search > 0) {
            // Read size and signature (ok if this hits EOF)
            std::memset(buf.pData_, 0x0, buf.size_);
            bufRead = io_->read(buf.pData_, bufMinSize);
            if (io_->error()) throw Error(14);
            if (bufRead < 2) throw Error(15);
            uint16_t size = getUShort(buf.pData_, bigEndian);

            if (foundPsData && marker != app13_) {
                // For IPTC, decrement search only after all app13 segments are
                // loaded, assuming they all appear in sequence. But decode IPTC
                // data after the loop, in case an app13 is the last segment
                // before sos or eoi.
                foundPsData = false;
                if (--search == 0) break;

            if (   !foundExifData
                && marker == app1_ && memcmp(buf.pData_ + 2, exifId_, 6) == 0) {
                if (size < 8) {
                    rc = 1;
                // Seek to beginning and read the Exif data
                io_->seek(8 - bufRead, BasicIo::cur);
                DataBuf rawExif(size - 8);
                io_->read(rawExif.pData_, rawExif.size_);
                if (io_->error() || io_->eof()) throw Error(14);
                ByteOrder bo = ExifParser::decode(exifData_, rawExif.pData_, rawExif.size_);
                if (rawExif.size_ > 0 && byteOrder() == invalidByteOrder) {
                    std::cerr << "Warning: Failed to decode Exif metadata.\n";
                foundExifData = true;
            else if (marker == app1_ && memcmp(buf.pData_ + 2, xmpId_, 29) == 0) {
                if (size < 31) {
                    rc = 6;
                // Seek to beginning and read the XMP packet
                io_->seek(31 - bufRead, BasicIo::cur);
                DataBuf xmpPacket(size - 31);
                io_->read(xmpPacket.pData_, xmpPacket.size_);
                if (io_->error() || io_->eof()) throw Error(14);
                xmpPacket_.assign(reinterpret_cast<char*>(xmpPacket.pData_), xmpPacket.size_);
                if (xmpPacket_.size() > 0 && XmpParser::decode(xmpData_, xmpPacket_)) {
                    std::cerr << "Warning: Failed to decode XMP metadata.\n";
            else if (   marker == app13_
                     && memcmp(buf.pData_ + 2, Photoshop::ps3Id_, 14) == 0) {
                if (size < 16) {
                    rc = 2;
                // Read the rest of the APP13 segment
                io_->seek(16 - bufRead, BasicIo::cur);
                DataBuf psData(size - 16);
                io_->read(psData.pData_, psData.size_);
                if (io_->error() || io_->eof()) throw Error(14);
                const byte *record = 0;
                uint32_t sizeIptc = 0;
                uint32_t sizeHdr = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
                std::cerr << "Found app13 segment, size = " << size << "\n";
                //hexdump(std::cerr, psData.pData_, psData.size_);
                // Find actual IPTC data within the APP13 segment
                const byte* pEnd = psData.pData_ + psData.size_;
                const byte* pCur = psData.pData_;
                while (   pCur < pEnd
                       && 0 == Photoshop::locateIptcIrb(pCur,
                                                        static_cast<long>(pEnd - pCur),
                                                        &sizeIptc)) {
                    if (sizeIptc) {
#ifdef DEBUG
                        std::cerr << "Found IPTC IRB, size = " << sizeIptc << "\n";
                        append(iptcBlob, record + sizeHdr, sizeIptc);
                    pCur = record + sizeHdr + sizeIptc;
                    pCur += (sizeIptc & 1);
                foundPsData = true;
            else if (marker == com_ && comment_.empty())
                if (size < 2) {
                    rc = 3;
                // JPEGs can have multiple comments, but for now only read
                // the first one (most jpegs only have one anyway). Comments
                // are simple single byte ISO-8859-1 strings.
                io_->seek(2 - bufRead, BasicIo::cur);
                DataBuf comment(size - 2);
                io_->read(comment.pData_, comment.size_);
                if (io_->error() || io_->eof()) throw Error(14);
                comment_.assign(reinterpret_cast<char*>(comment.pData_), comment.size_);
                while (   comment_.length()
                       && comment_.at(comment_.length()-1) == '\0') {
            else if (   pixelHeight_ == 0
                     && (   marker == sof0_  || marker == sof1_  || marker == sof2_
                         || marker == sof3_  || marker == sof5_  || marker == sof6_
                         || marker == sof7_  || marker == sof9_  || marker == sof10_
                         || marker == sof11_ || marker == sof13_ || marker == sof14_
                         || marker == sof15_)) {
                // We hit a SOFn (start-of-frame) marker
                if (size < 8) {
                    rc = 7;
                pixelHeight_ = getUShort(buf.pData_ + 3, bigEndian);
                pixelWidth_ = getUShort(buf.pData_ + 5, bigEndian);
                if (pixelHeight_ != 0) --search;
                // Skip the remainder of the segment
                io_->seek(size-bufRead, BasicIo::cur);
            else {
                if (size < 2) {
                    rc = 4;
                // Skip the remainder of the unknown segment
                if (io_->seek(size - bufRead, BasicIo::cur)) throw Error(14);
            // Read the beginning of the next segment
            marker = advanceToMarker();
            if (marker < 0) {
                rc = 5;
        } // while there are segments to process

        if (   iptcBlob.size() > 0
            && IptcParser::decode(iptcData_,
                                  static_cast<uint32_t>(iptcBlob.size()))) {
            std::cerr << "Warning: Failed to decode IPTC metadata.\n";

        if (rc != 0) {
            std::cerr << "Warning: JPEG format error, rc = " << rc << "\n";
    } // JpegBase::readMetadata
Exemplo n.º 15
void ExplorerPane::clear()
Exemplo n.º 16
    void PsdImage::readMetadata()
#ifdef DEBUG
        std::cerr << "Exiv2::PsdImage::readMetadata: Reading Photoshop file " << io_->path() << "\n";
        if (io_->open() != 0)
            throw Error(9, io_->path(), strError());
        IoCloser closer(*io_);
        // Ensure that this is the correct image type
        if (!isPsdType(*io_, false))
            if (io_->error() || io_->eof()) throw Error(14);
            throw Error(3, "Photoshop");

          The Photoshop header goes as follows -- all numbers are in big-endian byte order:

          offset  length   name       description
          ======  =======  =========  =========
           0      4 bytes  signature  always '8BPS'
           4      2 bytes  version    always equal to 1
           6      6 bytes  reserved   must be zero
          12      2 bytes  channels   number of channels in the image, including alpha channels (1 to 24)
          14      4 bytes  rows       the height of the image in pixels
          18      4 bytes  columns    the width of the image in pixels
          22      2 bytes  depth      the number of bits per channel
          24      2 bytes  mode       the color mode of the file; Supported values are: Bitmap=0; Grayscale=1; Indexed=2; RGB=3; CMYK=4; Multichannel=7; Duotone=8; Lab=9
        byte buf[26];
        if (io_->read(buf, 26) != 26)
            throw Error(3, "Photoshop");
        pixelWidth_ = getLong(buf + 18, bigEndian);
        pixelHeight_ = getLong(buf + 14, bigEndian);

        // immediately following the image header is the color mode data section,
        // the first four bytes of which specify the byte size of the whole section
        if (io_->read(buf, 4) != 4)
            throw Error(3, "Photoshop");

        // skip it
        uint32_t colorDataLength = getLong(buf, bigEndian);
        if (io_->seek(colorDataLength, BasicIo::cur))
            throw Error(3, "Photoshop");

        // after the color data section, comes a list of resource blocks, preceeded by the total byte size
        if (io_->read(buf, 4) != 4)
            throw Error(3, "Photoshop");
        uint32_t resourcesLength = getLong(buf, bigEndian);
        while (resourcesLength > 0)
            if (io_->read(buf, 8) != 8)
                throw Error(3, "Photoshop");

            // read resource type and ID
            uint32_t resourceType = getLong(buf, bigEndian);
            uint16_t resourceId = getShort(buf + 4, bigEndian);

            if (resourceType != kPhotoshopResourceType)
                break; // bad resource type
            uint32_t resourceNameLength = buf[6] & ~1;

            // skip the resource name, plus any padding
            io_->seek(resourceNameLength, BasicIo::cur);

            // read resource size
            if (io_->read(buf, 4) != 4)
                throw Error(3, "Photoshop");
            uint32_t resourceSize = getLong(buf, bigEndian);
            uint32_t curOffset = io_->tell();

            processResourceBlock(resourceId, resourceSize);
            resourceSize = (resourceSize + 1) & ~1;        // pad to even
            io_->seek(curOffset + resourceSize, BasicIo::beg);
            resourcesLength -= (12 + resourceNameLength + resourceSize);

    } // PsdImage::readMetadata
Exemplo n.º 17
    void JpegBase::readMetadata()
        int rc = 0; // Todo: this should be the return value

        if (io_->open() != 0) throw Error(9, io_->path(), strError());
        IoCloser closer(*io_);
        // Ensure that this is the correct image type
        if (!isThisType(*io_, true)) {
            if (io_->error() || io_->eof()) throw Error(14);
            throw Error(15);
        int search = 3;
        const long bufMinSize = 16;
        long bufRead = 0;
        DataBuf buf(bufMinSize);

        // Read section marker
        int marker = advanceToMarker();
        if (marker < 0) throw Error(15);

        while (marker != sos_ && marker != eoi_ && search > 0) {
            // Read size and signature (ok if this hits EOF)
            bufRead = io_->read(buf.pData_, bufMinSize);
            if (io_->error()) throw Error(14);
            uint16_t size = getUShort(buf.pData_, bigEndian);

            if (marker == app1_ && memcmp(buf.pData_ + 2, exifId_, 6) == 0) {
                if (size < 8) {
                    rc = 1;
                // Seek to beginning and read the Exif data
                io_->seek(8-bufRead, BasicIo::cur);
                long sizeExifData = size - 8;
                DataBuf rawExif(sizeExifData);
                io_->read(rawExif.pData_, sizeExifData);
                if (io_->error() || io_->eof()) throw Error(14);
                if (exifData_.load(rawExif.pData_, sizeExifData)) {
                    std::cerr << "Warning: Failed to decode Exif metadata.\n";
            else if (   marker == app13_
                     && memcmp(buf.pData_ + 2, Photoshop::ps3Id_, 14) == 0) {
                if (size < 16) {
                    rc = 2;
                // Read the rest of the APP13 segment
                // needed if bufMinSize!=16: io_->seek(16-bufRead, BasicIo::cur);
                DataBuf psData(size - 16);
                io_->read(psData.pData_, psData.size_);
                if (io_->error() || io_->eof()) throw Error(14);
                const byte *record = 0;
                uint32_t sizeIptc = 0;
                uint32_t sizeHdr = 0;
                // Find actual Iptc data within the APP13 segment
                if (!Photoshop::locateIptcIrb(psData.pData_, psData.size_,
                                              &record, &sizeHdr, &sizeIptc)) {
                    if (sizeIptc) {
                        if (iptcData_.load(record + sizeHdr, sizeIptc)) {
                            std::cerr << "Warning: Failed to decode IPTC metadata.\n";
            else if (marker == com_ && comment_.empty())
                if (size < 2) {
                    rc = 3;
                // Jpegs can have multiple comments, but for now only read
                // the first one (most jpegs only have one anyway). Comments
                // are simple single byte ISO-8859-1 strings.
                io_->seek(2-bufRead, BasicIo::cur);
                io_->read(buf.pData_, size-2);
                if (io_->error() || io_->eof()) throw Error(14);
                comment_.assign(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf.pData_), size-2);
                while (   comment_.length()
                       && comment_.at(comment_.length()-1) == '\0') {
            else {
                if (size < 2) {
                    rc = 4;
                // Skip the remainder of the unknown segment
                if (io_->seek(size-bufRead, BasicIo::cur)) throw Error(14);
            // Read the beginning of the next segment
            marker = advanceToMarker();
            if (marker < 0) {
                rc = 5;
        } // while there are segments to process
        if (rc != 0) {
            std::cerr << "Warning: JPEG format error, rc = " << rc << "\n";
    } // JpegBase::readMetadata
Exemplo n.º 18
patternMetadata::patternMetadata(int pdfWidth, int titleFontSize,
                                 int patternByFontSize, int photoByFontSize,
                                 QWidget* parent)
  : cancelAcceptDialogBase(parent),
    widgetLayout_(new QVBoxLayout),
    metadataBox_(new QGroupBox(tr("Pattern information (all fields are optional, all text will be centered in the pdf)"))),
    metadataLayout_(new QVBoxLayout),
    titleLabel_(new QLabel(tr("<u><b>Pattern title</b></u> (only the first line will be used):"))),
    titleEdit_(new fixedWidthTextEdit(pdfWidth, 1, this)),
    patternByLabel_(new QLabel(tr("<u><b>Pattern information</b></u> (only the first four lines will be used):"))),
    patternByEdit_(new fixedWidthTextEdit(pdfWidth, linesToKeep_, this)),
    patternByLicenseLayout_(new QHBoxLayout),
    patternByLicenseButton_(new QPushButton(tr("Insert"))),
    patternByLicenses_(new QComboBox),
    photoByLabel_(new QLabel(tr("<u><b>Photo information</b></u> (only the first four lines will be used):"))),
    photoByEdit_(new fixedWidthTextEdit(pdfWidth, linesToKeep_, this)),
    photoByLicenseLayout_(new QHBoxLayout),
    photoByLicenseButton_(new QPushButton(tr("Insert"))),
    photoByLicenses_(new QComboBox),
    clearMetadataButton_(new QPushButton(tr("Clear all information"))),
    symbolSizeBox_(new QGroupBox(tr("Pdf symbol size"))),
    symbolSizeLayout_(new QVBoxLayout),
    symbolSizeTitleLayout_(new QHBoxLayout),
    symbolSizeTitle_(new QLabel("Set the pdf symbol size (from " +
                                QString::number(MIN_SYMBOL_SIZE) + " to " +
                                QString::number(MAX_SYMBOL_SIZE) + "): ")),
    symbolSizeSpinBox_(new QSpinBox),
    symbolPreviewLayout_(new QHBoxLayout),
    symbolPreview_(new QLabel) {

  // TODO this won't quite be right since the textEdit has mystery margins
  const int inputFieldWidth = pdfWidth + ::scrollbarWidth();
  const QFont applicationFont = QApplication::font();
#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
  // Qt-linux bug (4.6.3) for QFontMetrics.lineSpacing()?
  const int linesFudge = 2;
  const int linesFudge = 1;

  // title
  QFont titleFont = applicationFont;
  // TODO these fudges are probably not portable or lasting (then again,
  // what are the correct QT magic incantations to compute all of the
  // paddings, margins, frames, etc, and how often will they change?)
  const int lineHeightFudge = 8;
  const int comboBoxWidthFudge = 100;
  titleEdit_->setFixedHeight(linesFudge*QFontMetrics(titleFont).lineSpacing() +

  // patternBy
  QFont patternByFont = applicationFont;
    setFixedHeight(linesFudge*linesToKeep_*QFontMetrics(patternByFont).lineSpacing() +
  connect(patternByLicenseButton_, SIGNAL(clicked()),
          this, SLOT(insertPatternByLicense()));
  // unfortunately patternByLicenseButton_ doesn't know its width yet,
  // so we have to just approximate
  patternByLicenses_->setFixedWidth(inputFieldWidth - comboBoxWidthFudge);
  loadLicenses(patternByLicenses_, patternByFont, false);
  patternByLicenseLayout_->addWidget(patternByLicenseButton_, 0,
  patternByLicenseLayout_->addWidget(patternByLicenses_, 1, Qt::AlignLeft);

  // photoBy
  QFont photoByFont = applicationFont;
    setFixedHeight(linesFudge*linesToKeep_*QFontMetrics(photoByFont).lineSpacing() +
  connect(photoByLicenseButton_, SIGNAL(clicked()),
          this, SLOT(insertPhotoByLicense()));
  // unfortunately photobyLicenseButton_ doesn't know its width yet,
  // so we have to just approximate
  photoByLicenses_->setFixedWidth(inputFieldWidth - comboBoxWidthFudge);
  loadLicenses(photoByLicenses_, photoByFont, true);
  photoByLicenseLayout_->addWidget(photoByLicenseButton_, 0, Qt::AlignLeft);
  photoByLicenseLayout_->addWidget(photoByLicenses_, 1, Qt::AlignLeft);

  connect(clearMetadataButton_, SIGNAL(clicked()),
          this, SLOT(clearMetadata()));


  // load any saved fields
  const QSettings settings("cstitch", "cstitch");
  loadSettings(settings, titleSettingsKey_, titleEdit_);
  loadSettings(settings, patternBySettingsKey_, patternByEdit_);
  loadSettings(settings, photoBySettingsKey_, photoByEdit_);


  setWindowTitle(tr("Pattern information"));