Exemplo n.º 1
static bool clipTriangleAgainstNearplane(const mat<4,3,float>& triangleIn, b3AlignedObjectArray<mat<4,3,float> >& clippedTrianglesOut)

	//discard triangle if all vertices are behind near-plane
	if (triangleIn[3][0]<0 && triangleIn[3][1] <0 && triangleIn[3][2] <0)
		return true;

	//accept triangle if all vertices are in front of the near-plane
	if (triangleIn[3][0]>=0 && triangleIn[3][1] >=0 && triangleIn[3][2] >=0)
		return false;

	Vec4f vtxCache[5];

	b3AlignedObjectArray<Vec4f> vertices;

	if (vertices.size()<3)
		return true;
	if (equals(vertices[0],vertices[vertices.size()-1]))

	//create a fan of triangles
	for (int i=1;i<vertices.size()-1;i++)
		mat<4,3,float>& vtx = clippedTrianglesOut.expand();
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
QwtPointArray QwtRect::clip(const QwtPointArray &pa) const
    if ( contains( pa.boundingRect() ) )
        return pa;

    QwtPointArray cpa(pa.size());

    clipEdge((Edge)0, pa, cpa);

    for ( uint edge = 1; edge < NEdges; edge++ ) 
        const QwtPointArray rpa = cpa;
#if QT_VERSION < 0x040000
        clipEdge((Edge)edge, rpa, cpa);

    return cpa;
Exemplo n.º 3
//! Sutherland-Hodgman polygon clipping
QwtPolygonF QwtPolygonClipperF::clipPolygon(const QwtPolygonF &pa) const
    if ( contains( ::boundingRect(pa) ) )
        return pa;

    QwtPolygonF cpa(pa.size());

    clipEdge((Edge)0, pa, cpa);

    for ( uint edge = 1; edge < NEdges; edge++ ) 
        const QwtPolygonF rpa = cpa;
#if QT_VERSION < 0x040000
        clipEdge((Edge)edge, rpa, cpa);

    return cpa;
Exemplo n.º 4
	void Clipper::clipFar(Polygon &polygon)
		const float4 **V = polygon.P[polygon.i];
		const float4 **T = polygon.P[polygon.i + 1];

		int t = 0;

		for(int i = 0; i < polygon.n; i++)
			int j = i == polygon.n - 1 ? 0 : i + 1;

			float di = V[i]->w - V[i]->z;
			float dj = V[j]->w - V[j]->z;

			if(di >= 0)
				T[t++] = V[i];

				if(dj < 0)
					clipEdge(polygon.B[polygon.b], *V[i], *V[j], di, dj);
					T[t++] = &polygon.B[polygon.b++];
				if(dj > 0)
					clipEdge(polygon.B[polygon.b], *V[j], *V[i], dj, di);
					T[t++] = &polygon.B[polygon.b++];

		polygon.n = t;
		polygon.i += 1;
Exemplo n.º 5
bool GPSGrid::Preprocess( IImporter* importer, QString dir )
	QString filename = fileInDirectory( dir, "GPSGrid" );

	QFile gridFile( filename + "_grid" );
	QFile configFile( filename + "_config" );

	if ( !openQFile( &gridFile, QIODevice::WriteOnly ) )
		return false;
	if ( !openQFile( &configFile, QIODevice::WriteOnly ) )
		return false;

	std::vector< IImporter::RoutingNode > inputNodes;
	std::vector< IImporter::RoutingEdge > inputEdges;
	std::vector< unsigned > nodeIDs;
	std::vector< unsigned > edgeIDs;
	std::vector< IImporter::RoutingNode > edgePaths;

	if ( !importer->GetRoutingNodes( &inputNodes ) )
		return false;
	if ( !importer->GetRoutingEdges( &inputEdges ) )
		return false;
	if ( !importer->GetIDMap( &nodeIDs ) )
		return false;
	if ( !importer->GetEdgeIDMap( &edgeIDs ) )
		return false;
	if ( !importer->GetRoutingEdgePaths( &edgePaths ) )
		return false;

	static const int width = 32 * 32 * 32;

	std::vector< GridImportEdge > grid;

	Timer time;
	for ( std::vector< IImporter::RoutingEdge >::const_iterator i = inputEdges.begin(); i != inputEdges.end(); ++i ) {
		std::vector< UnsignedCoordinate > path;
		path.push_back( inputNodes[i->source].coordinate );
		for ( unsigned pathID = 0; pathID < i->pathLength; pathID++ )
			path.push_back( edgePaths[pathID + i->pathID].coordinate );
		path.push_back( inputNodes[i->target].coordinate );

		std::vector< std::pair< unsigned, unsigned > > gridCells;
		for ( unsigned segment = 1; segment < path.size(); segment++ ) {
			ProjectedCoordinate sourceCoordinate = path[segment - 1].ToProjectedCoordinate();
			ProjectedCoordinate targetCoordinate = path[segment].ToProjectedCoordinate();
			sourceCoordinate.x *= width;
			sourceCoordinate.y *= width;
			targetCoordinate.x *= width;
			targetCoordinate.y *= width;

			NodeID minYGrid = floor( sourceCoordinate.y );
			NodeID minXGrid = floor( sourceCoordinate.x );
			NodeID maxYGrid = floor( targetCoordinate.y );
			NodeID maxXGrid = floor( targetCoordinate.x );

			if ( minYGrid > maxYGrid )
				std::swap( minYGrid, maxYGrid );
			if ( minXGrid > maxXGrid )
				std::swap( minXGrid, maxXGrid );

			for ( NodeID yGrid = minYGrid; yGrid <= maxYGrid; ++yGrid ) {
				for ( NodeID xGrid = minXGrid; xGrid <= maxXGrid; ++xGrid ) {
					if ( !clipEdge( sourceCoordinate, targetCoordinate, ProjectedCoordinate( xGrid, yGrid ), ProjectedCoordinate( xGrid + 1, yGrid + 1 ) ) )

					gridCells.push_back( std::pair< unsigned, unsigned >( xGrid, yGrid ) );
		std::sort( gridCells.begin(), gridCells.end() );
		gridCells.resize( std::unique( gridCells.begin(), gridCells.end() ) - gridCells.begin() );

		GridImportEdge clippedEdge;
		clippedEdge.edge = i - inputEdges.begin();

		for ( unsigned cell = 0; cell < gridCells.size(); cell++ ) {
			clippedEdge.x = gridCells[cell].first;
			clippedEdge.y = gridCells[cell].second;
			grid.push_back( clippedEdge );
	qDebug() << "GPS Grid: distributed edges:" << time.restart() << "ms";
	qDebug() << "GPS Grid: overhead:" << grid.size() - inputEdges.size() << "duplicated edges";
	qDebug() << "GPS Grid: overhead:" << ( grid.size() - inputEdges.size() ) * 100 / inputEdges.size() << "% duplicated edges";

	std::sort( grid.begin(), grid.end() );
	qDebug() << "GPS Grid: sorted edges:" << time.restart() << "ms";

	std::vector< gg::GridIndex > tempIndex;
	qint64 position = 0;
	for ( std::vector< GridImportEdge >::const_iterator edge = grid.begin(); edge != grid.end(); ) {
		gg::Cell cell;
		gg::GridIndex entry;
		entry.x = edge->x;
		entry.y = edge->y;
		entry.position = position;

		tempIndex.push_back( entry );
		do {
			const IImporter::RoutingEdge& originalEdge = inputEdges[edge->edge];
			gg::Cell::Edge newEdge;
			newEdge.source = nodeIDs[originalEdge.source];
			newEdge.target = nodeIDs[originalEdge.target];
			newEdge.edgeID = edgeIDs[edge->edge];
			newEdge.bidirectional = originalEdge.bidirectional;
			newEdge.pathID = cell.coordinates.size();
			newEdge.pathLength = 2 + originalEdge.pathLength;
			cell.coordinates.push_back( inputNodes[originalEdge.source].coordinate );
			for ( unsigned pathID = 0; pathID < originalEdge.pathLength; pathID++ )
				cell.coordinates.push_back( edgePaths[pathID + originalEdge.pathID].coordinate );
			cell.coordinates.push_back( inputNodes[originalEdge.target].coordinate );
			cell.edges.push_back( newEdge );
		} while ( edge != grid.end() && edge->x == entry.x && edge->y == entry.y );

		ProjectedCoordinate min( ( double ) entry.x / width, ( double ) entry.y / width );
		ProjectedCoordinate max( ( double ) ( entry.x + 1 ) / width, ( double ) ( entry.y + 1 ) / width );

		unsigned maxSize = cell.edges.size() * sizeof( gg::Cell::Edge ) * 2 + cell.coordinates.size() * sizeof( UnsignedCoordinate ) * 2 + 100;
		unsigned char* buffer = new unsigned char[maxSize];
		memset( buffer, 0, maxSize );
		int size = cell.write( buffer, UnsignedCoordinate( min ), UnsignedCoordinate( max ) );
		assert( size < ( int ) maxSize );

#ifndef NDEBUG
		gg::Cell unpackCell;
		unpackCell.read( buffer, UnsignedCoordinate( min ), UnsignedCoordinate( max ) );
		assert( unpackCell == cell );

		gridFile.write( ( const char* ) &size, sizeof( size ) );
		gridFile.write( ( const char* ) buffer, size );

		delete[] buffer;
		position += size + sizeof( size );
	qDebug() << "GPS Grid: wrote cells:" << time.restart() << "ms";

	gg::Index::Create( filename + "_index", tempIndex );
	qDebug() << "GPS Grid: created index:" << time.restart() << "ms";

	return true;