Exemplo n.º 1
gen_args ( char * dirname , int sw )
  FILE * fp ;
  char  fname[NAMELEN] ;
  char * fn = "_args.inc" ;
  char * p ;
  int linelen ;
  char outstr[64*4096] ;

  if ( dirname == NULL ) return(1) ;
  if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) 
   { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s%s%s",dirname,
             (sw==ACTUAL||sw==ACTUAL_NEW)?"actual":"dummy",(sw==ACTUAL_NEW||sw==DUMMY_NEW)?"_new":"",fn) ; }
   { sprintf(fname,"%s%s%s",
             (sw==ACTUAL||sw==ACTUAL_NEW)?"actual":"dummy",(sw==ACTUAL_NEW||sw==DUMMY_NEW)?"_new":"",fn) ; }

  if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ;
  print_warning(fp,fname) ;
  linelen = 0 ;
  strcpy(outstr,",") ;
  gen_args1 ( fp , outstr, (sw==ACTUAL||sw==ACTUAL_NEW)?"grid%":"",
              &Domain , &linelen , sw , 0 ) ;
  /* remove trailing comma */
  if ((p=rindex(outstr,','))!=NULL) *p = '\0' ;
  fputs(outstr,fp);fputs(" &\n",fp) ;
  close_the_file( fp ) ;
  return(0) ;
scalar_derefs ( char * dirname )
  FILE * fp ;
  char  fname[NAMELEN] ;
  char * fn = "scalar_derefs.inc" ;
  char * p ;
  int linelen ;
  char outstr[64*4096] ;

  if ( dirname == NULL ) return(1) ;
  if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) 
   { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn) ; }
   { sprintf(fname,"%s",fn) ; }

  if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ;
  print_warning(fp,fname) ;
  fprintf(fp,"! BEGIN SCALAR DEREFS\n") ;
  linelen = 0 ;
  if ( sw_limit_args ) {
    fprintf(fp,"#undef CPY\n") ;
    fprintf(fp,"#undef CPYC\n") ;
    fprintf(fp,"#ifdef COPY_OUT\n") ;
    scalar_derefs1 ( fp , &Domain, DIR_COPY_OUT ) ;
    fprintf(fp,"#else\n") ;
    scalar_derefs1 ( fp , &Domain, DIR_COPY_IN ) ;
    fprintf(fp,"#endif\n") ;
  fprintf(fp,"! END SCALAR DEREFS\n") ;
  close_the_file( fp ) ;
  return(0) ;
Exemplo n.º 3
   This one is special; it gets called before the registry actually runs and produces a file
   that defines a lot of per-stream variables, mostly rconfig but also the oid state variables
   for each stream.  This file is then included by the registry.io_boilerplate file when the
   registry actually runs.  As with the other mods above, this allows a variable, compile-time
   number of io streams. Note that this one is self contained and dirname is hard-coded.
gen_io_boilerplate ()
  FILE * fp ;
  char * dirname = "Registry" ;
  char  fname[NAMELEN] ;
  char * fn ;
  char * aux , *streamtype , streamno[5]  ;
  char * howset = "namelist,time_control" ;
  char * maxd   = "max_domains" ;
  int i, j ;

  fn = "io_boilerplate_temporary.inc" ;
  if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn) ; }
  else                       { sprintf(fname,"%s",fn) ; }
  if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ;
  print_warning(fp,fname) ;

  fprintf(fp,"rconfig logical override_restart_timers namelist,time_control 1 .false.\n") ;
  for ( j = 0 ; j < 2 ; j++ ) {  /* j=0 is hist, j=1 is input */
    streamtype = (j==0)?"hist":"input" ;
    for ( i = 1 ; i < MAX_HISTORY ; i++ )
      fprintf(fp,"state integer aux%s%d_oid         - - - - - \"\" \"\" \"\"\n",streamtype,i) ;
      fprintf(fp,"rconfig character aux%s%d_inname %s %s \"aux%s%d_d<domain>_<date>\"\n",streamtype,i,howset,"1",streamtype,i) ;
      fprintf(fp,"rconfig character aux%s%d_outname %s %s \"aux%s%d_d<domain>_<date>\"\n",streamtype,i,howset,"1",streamtype,i) ;
      fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer aux%s%d_interval_y %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ;
      fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer aux%s%d_interval_d %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ;
      fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer aux%s%d_interval_h %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ;
      fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer aux%s%d_interval_m %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ;
      fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer aux%s%d_interval_s %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ;
      fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer aux%s%d_interval   %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ;
      fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer aux%s%d_begin_y %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ;
      fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer aux%s%d_begin_d %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ;
      fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer aux%s%d_begin_h %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ;
      fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer aux%s%d_begin_m %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ;
      fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer aux%s%d_begin_s %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ;
      fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer aux%s%d_begin   %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ;
      fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer aux%s%d_end_y %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ;
      fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer aux%s%d_end_d %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ;
      fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer aux%s%d_end_h %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ;
      fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer aux%s%d_end_m %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ;
      fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer aux%s%d_end_s %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ;
      fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer aux%s%d_end   %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ;
      fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer io_form_aux%s%d %s %s 0\n",streamtype,i,howset,"1") ;
      fprintf(fp,"rconfig integer frames_per_aux%s%d %s %s 999999\n",streamtype,i,howset,maxd) ;

  close_the_file( fp ) ;
Exemplo n.º 4
add_warning ( char * fname )
    FILE * fp ;
    char tempfile[NAMELEN] ;
    char tempfile1[NAMELEN] ;
    char commline[4096] ;
    sprintf(tempfile,"regtmp1%d",getpid()) ;
    sprintf(tempfile1,"regtmp2%d",getpid()) ;
    if (( fp = fopen( tempfile, "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ;
    print_warning(fp,tempfile) ;
    close_the_file(fp) ;
    sprintf(commline,"%s %s %s > %s ; %s %s %s ; %s %s ",
            RMCOMM,tempfile) ;
    return(system(commline)) ;
Exemplo n.º 5
gen_scalar_indices ( char * dirname )
  FILE * fp, *fp5[7] ;
  char  fname[NAMELEN], fname5[NAMELEN] ;
  char * fn = "scalar_indices.inc" ;
  char * fn2 = "scalar_tables.inc" ;
  char * fn3 = "scalar_tables_init.inc" ;
  char * fn4 = "scalar_indices_init.inc" ;
  int i ;

  char fn5[7][NAMELEN] ;

  strcpy( fn5[0], "in_use_for_config_ac.inc" ) ;   /* hashing to make the run time function being generated faster */
  strcpy( fn5[1], "in_use_for_config_df.inc" ) ; 
  strcpy( fn5[2], "in_use_for_config_gk.inc" ) ;
  strcpy( fn5[3], "in_use_for_config_ln.inc" ) ;
  strcpy( fn5[4], "in_use_for_config_os.inc" ) ;
  strcpy( fn5[5], "in_use_for_config_tw.inc" ) ;
  strcpy( fn5[6], "in_use_for_config_xz.inc" ) ;

  strcpy( fname, fn ) ;
  if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn) ; }
  if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ;
  print_warning(fp,fname) ;

  for ( i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i++ ) {
    strcpy( fname5, fn5[i] ) ;
    if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname5,"%s/%s",dirname,fn5[i]) ; }
    if ((fp5[i] = fopen( fname5 , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ;
    print_warning(fp5[i],fname5) ;
  gen_scalar_indices1 ( fp, fp5 ) ;
  close_the_file( fp ) ;
  for ( i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i++ ) {
    close_the_file( fp5[i] ) ;

  strcpy( fname, fn2 ) ;
  if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn2) ; }
  if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr,"returning\n") ; return(1) ; }
  print_warning(fp,fname) ;
  gen_scalar_tables ( fp ) ;
  close_the_file( fp ) ;

  strcpy( fname, fn3 ) ;
  if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn3) ; }
  if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr,"returning\n") ; return(1) ; }
  print_warning(fp,fname) ;
  gen_scalar_tables_init ( fp ) ;
  close_the_file( fp ) ;

  strcpy( fname, fn4 ) ;
  if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn4) ; }
  if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr,"returning\n") ; return(1) ; }
  print_warning(fp,fname) ;
  gen_scalar_indices_init ( fp ) ;
  close_the_file( fp ) ;

  return(0) ;
Exemplo n.º 6
int gen_streams(  char * dirname ) 
  FILE * fp ;
  char  fname[NAMELEN] ;
  char * fn ;
  if ( dirname == NULL ) return(1) ;

  fn = "module_io_domain_defs.inc" ;
  if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn) ; }
  else                       { sprintf(fname,"%s",fn) ; }
  if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ;
  print_warning(fp,fname) ;
  gen_io_domain_defs( fp ) ;
  close_the_file( fp ) ;

  fn = "set_timekeeping_defs.inc" ;
  if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn) ; }
  else                       { sprintf(fname,"%s",fn) ; }
  if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ;
  print_warning(fp,fname) ;
  gen_set_timekeeping_defs( fp ) ;
  close_the_file( fp ) ;

  fn = "set_timekeeping_alarms.inc" ;
  if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn) ; }
  else                       { sprintf(fname,"%s",fn) ; }
  if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ;
  print_warning(fp,fname) ;
  gen_set_timekeeping_alarms( fp ) ;
  close_the_file( fp ) ;

  fn = "io_form_for_dataset.inc" ;
  if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn) ; }
  else                       { sprintf(fname,"%s",fn) ; }
  if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ;
  print_warning(fp,fname) ;
  gen_io_form_for_dataset( fp ) ;
  close_the_file( fp ) ;

  fn = "io_form_for_stream.inc" ;
  if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn) ; }
  else                       { sprintf(fname,"%s",fn) ; }
  if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ;
  print_warning(fp,fname) ;
  gen_io_form_for_stream( fp ) ;
  close_the_file( fp ) ;

  fn = "switches_and_alarms.inc" ;
  if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn) ; }
  else                       { sprintf(fname,"%s",fn) ; }
  if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ;
  print_warning(fp,fname) ;
  gen_switches_and_alarms( fp ) ;
  close_the_file( fp ) ;

  fn = "check_auxstream_alarms.inc" ;
  if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn) ; }
  else                       { sprintf(fname,"%s",fn) ; }
  if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ;
  print_warning(fp,fname) ;
  gen_check_auxstream_alarms( fp ) ;
  close_the_file( fp ) ;

  fn = "fine_stream_input.inc" ;
  if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn) ; }
  else                       { sprintf(fname,"%s",fn) ; }
  if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ;
  print_warning(fp,fname) ;
  gen_fine_stream_input( fp ) ;
  close_the_file( fp ) ;

  fn = "med_auxinput_in.inc" ;
  if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn) ; }
  else                       { sprintf(fname,"%s",fn) ; }
  if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ;
  print_warning(fp,fname) ;
  gen_med_auxinput_in( fp ) ;
  close_the_file( fp ) ;

  fn = "med_hist_out_opens.inc" ;
  if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn) ; }
  else                       { sprintf(fname,"%s",fn) ; }
  if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ;
  print_warning(fp,fname) ;
  gen_med_hist_out_opens( fp ) ;
  close_the_file( fp ) ;

  fn = "med_hist_out_closes.inc" ;
  if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn) ; }
  else                       { sprintf(fname,"%s",fn) ; }
  if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ;
  print_warning(fp,fname) ;
  gen_med_hist_out_closes( fp ) ;
  close_the_file( fp ) ;

  fn = "med_auxinput_in_closes.inc" ;
  if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn) ; }
  else                       { sprintf(fname,"%s",fn) ; }
  if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ;
  print_warning(fp,fname) ;
  gen_med_auxinput_in_closes( fp ) ;
  close_the_file( fp ) ;

  fn = "med_last_solve_io.inc" ;
  if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn) ; }
  else                       { sprintf(fname,"%s",fn) ; }
  if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ;
  print_warning(fp,fname) ;
  gen_med_last_solve_io( fp ) ;
  close_the_file( fp ) ;

  fn = "med_open_esmf_calls.inc" ;
  if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn) ; }
  else                       { sprintf(fname,"%s",fn) ; }
  if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ;
  print_warning(fp,fname) ;
  gen_med_open_esmf_calls( fp ) ;
  close_the_file( fp ) ;

  fn = "med_find_esmf_coupling.inc" ;
  if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn) ; }
  else                       { sprintf(fname,"%s",fn) ; }
  if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ;
  print_warning(fp,fname) ;
  gen_med_find_esmf_coupling( fp ) ;
  close_the_file( fp ) ;

  fn = "shutdown_closes.inc" ;
  if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn) ; }
  else                       { sprintf(fname,"%s",fn) ; }
  if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ;
  print_warning(fp,fname) ;
  gen_shutdown_closes( fp ) ;
  close_the_file( fp ) ;

  return(0) ;