Exemplo n.º 1
//Returns true if the triangle is visible
bool DepthBuffer::testTriangle2x2(const vec4f& v0,const vec4f& v1,const vec4f& v2){
	VecS32 colOffset(0, 1, 0, 1);
	VecS32 rowOffset(0, 0, 1, 1);

	vec2i vertex[3];
	vertex[0] = vec2i(int32(v0.x),int32(v0.y));
	vertex[1] = vec2i(int32(v1.x),int32(v1.y));
	vertex[2] = vec2i(int32(v2.x),int32(v2.y));

	// Reject the triangle if any of its verts is behind the nearclip plane
	if(v0.w == 0.0f || v1.w == 0.0f || v2.w == 0.0f) return true;

	float minZ = std::min(v0.z,std::min(v1.z,v2.z));
	VecF32 fixedDepth(minZ);

	// Fab(x, y) =     Ax       +       By     +      C              = 0
	// Fab(x, y) = (ya - yb)x   +   (xb - xa)y + (xa * yb - xb * ya) = 0
	// Compute A = (ya - yb) for the 3 line segments that make up each triangle
	auto A0 = vertex[1].y - vertex[2].y;
	auto A1 = vertex[2].y - vertex[0].y;
	auto A2 = vertex[0].y - vertex[1].y;

	// Compute B = (xb - xa) for the 3 line segments that make up each triangle
	auto B0 = vertex[2].x - vertex[1].x;
	auto B1 = vertex[0].x - vertex[2].x;
	auto B2 = vertex[1].x - vertex[0].x;

	// Compute C = (xa * yb - xb * ya) for the 3 line segments that make up each triangle
	auto C0 = vertex[1].x * vertex[2].y - vertex[2].x * vertex[1].y;
	auto C1 = vertex[2].x * vertex[0].y - vertex[0].x * vertex[2].y;
	auto C2 = vertex[0].x * vertex[1].y - vertex[1].x * vertex[0].y;

	// Use bounding box traversal strategy to determine which pixels to rasterize 
	auto minx = std::max(std::min(std::min(vertex[0].x,vertex[1].x),vertex[2].x),0) & (~1);
	auto maxx = std::min(std::max(std::max(vertex[0].x,vertex[1].x),vertex[2].x),size_.x-2);
	auto miny = std::max(std::min(std::min(vertex[0].y,vertex[1].y),vertex[2].y),0) & (~1);
	auto maxy = std::min(std::max(std::max(vertex[0].y,vertex[1].y),vertex[2].y),size_.y-2);

	VecS32 a0(A0);
	VecS32 a1(A1);
	VecS32 a2(A2);
	VecS32 b0(B0);
	VecS32 b1(B1);
	VecS32 b2(B2);

	VecS32 col = VecS32(minx) + colOffset;
	VecS32 row = VecS32(miny) + rowOffset;
	auto rowIdx = miny*size_.x + 2 * minx;
	VecS32 w0_row  = a0 * col + b0 * row + VecS32(C0);
	VecS32 w1_row  = a1 * col + b1 * row + VecS32(C1);
	VecS32 w2_row  = a2 * col + b2 * row + VecS32(C2);

	//Multiply each weight by two(rasterize 2x2 quad at once).
	a0 = shiftl<1>(a0);
	a1 = shiftl<1>(a1);
	a2 = shiftl<1>(a2);
	b0 = shiftl<1>(b0);
	b1 = shiftl<1>(b1);
	b2 = shiftl<1>(b2);

	for(int32 y = miny;y<=maxy;y+=2,rowIdx += 2 * size_.x){
		auto w0 = w0_row;
		auto w1 = w1_row;
		auto w2 = w2_row;

		auto idx = rowIdx;
		for(int32 x = minx;x<=maxx;x+=2,idx+=4){
			auto mask = w0|w1|w2;
			auto masks = _mm_movemask_ps(bits2float(mask).simd);
			if(masks != 0xF){
				VecF32 previousDepth = VecF32::load(data_+idx);
				auto cmpMask = ((~masks)&0xF)& _mm_movemask_ps(cmple(fixedDepth,previousDepth).simd);
					return true;
		w0_row += b0;
		w1_row += b1;
		w2_row += b2;
	return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
typename vector<T,D>::bools vector<T,D>::cmpngt( const_ref vec ) const {
	return cmple( vec );
Exemplo n.º 3
bool DepthBuffer::testAABB(vec3f min,vec3f max){
	vec4f vertices[8];
	ScreenSpaceQuad faces[6];
	auto faceCount = extractBoxQuads(faces,vertices,aabbFrontFaceMask);
	for(uint32 i = 0;i<faceCount;++i){
		if(testTriangle2x2(faces[i].v[0],faces[i].v[1],faces[i].v[2])) return true;
		if(testTriangle2x2(faces[i].v[2],faces[i].v[3],faces[i].v[0])) return true;
	return false;

	//Transform the AABB vertices to Homogenous clip space
	//vec4f vertices[8];
	vertices[0] = vec4f(min.x,min.y,min.z,1);
	vertices[1] = vec4f(max.x,min.y,min.z,1);
	vertices[2] = vec4f(max.x,max.y,min.z,1);
	vertices[3] = vec4f(min.x,max.y,min.z,1);
	vertices[4] = vec4f(min.x,min.y,max.z,1);
	vertices[5] = vec4f(max.x,min.y,max.z,1);
	vertices[6] = vec4f(max.x,max.y,max.z,1);
	vertices[7] = vec4f(min.x,max.y,max.z,1);
	vec4f clipMin,clipMax;
	for(uint32 i =0;i<8;++i){
		vertices[i] = viewProjection_ * vertices[i]; 
		vertices[i] = vertices[i] * (1.0f/vertices[i].w);
		//Homogenous coordinates => non-homogenous coordinates
		//Determine the min/max for the screen aabb
		clipMin = vec4f::min(vertices[i],clipMin);
		clipMax = vec4f::max(vertices[i],clipMax);
	//Determine the screen aabb which covers the box
	//Clip space coordinates => screen coordinates [-1,1] -> [-320,320] -> [0,640]
	clipMin = vec4f::max(clipMin,vec4f(-1.0f,-1.0f,-1.0f,-1.0f))*clipSpaceToScreenSpaceMultiplier;
	clipMax = vec4f::min(clipMax,vec4f(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f))*clipSpaceToScreenSpaceMultiplier;
	vec2i screenMin = vec2i(int32(clipMin.x),int32(clipMin.y))+center_;
	screenMin.x &= (~1);screenMin.y &= (~1);
	vec2i screenMax = vec2i(int32(clipMax.x),int32(clipMax.y))+center_;
	auto rowIdx = screenMin.y*size_.x + 2 * screenMin.x;

	float minZ = vertices[0].z;
	for(uint32 i = 1;i< 8;i++){
		minZ = std::min(minZ,vertices[i].z);
	VecF32 flatDepth(minZ);

	//Iterate over the pixels
	for(;screenMin.y < screenMax.y;screenMin.y+=2,rowIdx += 2 * size_.x){
		auto idx = rowIdx;
	for(int32 x = screenMin.x;x<screenMax.x;x+=2,idx+=4){
		//Fetch the distance value for the current pixel.
		auto depth = VecF32::load(data_ + idx);
		vec3f rayo,rayd;
		float dist;
		if(!rayAABBIntersect(min,max,rayo,rayd,dist)) continue;
		dist = ((dist-znear_)/zfar_ ) * 2.0f - 1.0f;
		VecF32 flatDepth(dist);
		auto mask = _mm_movemask_ps(cmple(flatDepth,depth).simd);
		//if(mask != 0)//{
			//return true; //Visible

		//Compute the distance to the aabb (raytrace)
		//vec3f rayo,rayd;
		//float dist;
		//Convert the distance from view space to depth space [-1,1]
		//dist = ((dist-znear_)/zfar_ ) * 2.0f - 1.0f;
		//Compare the values.
		//if(dist <= depth){
			//return true;
		//	data_[idx] = dist;
	} }
	return false;