Exemplo n.º 1
 * @brief Returns the best known value for indicator_name matching the given key if the key is found, and
 * throws a coco_error otherwise.
static double suite_biobj_get_best_value(const char *indicator_name, const char *key) {

  size_t i, count;
  double best_value = 0;
  char *curr_key;

  if (strcmp(indicator_name, "hyp") == 0) {

    curr_key = coco_allocate_string(COCO_PATH_MAX);
    count = sizeof(suite_biobj_best_values_hyp) / sizeof(char *);
    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      sscanf(suite_biobj_best_values_hyp[i], "%s %lf", curr_key, &best_value);
      if (strcmp(curr_key, key) == 0) {
        return best_value;

    coco_warning("suite_biobj_get_best_value(): best value of %s could not be found; set to 1.0", key);
    return 1.0;

  } else {
    coco_error("suite_biobj_get_best_value(): indicator %s not supported", indicator_name);
    return 0; /* Never reached */

  coco_error("suite_biobj_get_best_value(): unexpected exception");
  return 0; /* Never reached */
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Wraps the observer around the problem if the observer is not NULL and invokes initialization of the
 * corresponding logger.
 * @param problem The given COCO problem.
 * @param observer The COCO observer that will wrap the problem.
 * @returns The observed problem in the form of a new COCO problem instance or the same problem if the
 * observer is NULL.
coco_problem_t *coco_problem_add_observer(coco_problem_t *problem, coco_observer_t *observer) {

  if ((observer == NULL) || (observer->is_active == 0)) {
    coco_warning("The problem will not be observed. %s", observer == NULL ? "(observer == NULL)" : "(observer not active)");
    return problem;

  return observer->logger_initialize_function(observer, problem);
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Layer added to the transformed-problem evaluate_function by the logger
static void logger_bbob2009_evaluate(coco_problem_t *self, const double *x, double *y) {
  logger_bbob2009_t *data = coco_transformed_get_data(self);
  coco_problem_t * inner_problem = coco_transformed_get_inner_problem(self);

  if (!data->is_initialized) {
    logger_bbob2009_initialize(data, inner_problem);
  if (bbob2009_logger_verbosity > 2 && data->number_of_evaluations == 0) {
    if (inner_problem->suite_dep_index >= 0) {
      printf("%4ld: ", inner_problem->suite_dep_index);
    printf("on problem %s ... ", coco_problem_get_id(inner_problem));
  coco_evaluate_function(inner_problem, x, y);
  data->last_fvalue = y[0];
  data->written_last_eval = 0;
  if (data->number_of_evaluations == 0 || y[0] < data->best_fvalue) {
    size_t i;
    data->best_fvalue = y[0];
    for (i = 0; i < self->number_of_variables; i++)
      data->best_solution[i] = x[i];

  /* Add sanity check for optimal f value */
  /* assert(y[0] >= data->optimal_fvalue); */
  if (!bbob2009_raisedOptValWarning && y[0] < data->optimal_fvalue) {
    coco_warning("Observed fitness is smaller than supposed optimal fitness.");
    bbob2009_raisedOptValWarning = 1;

  /* Add a line in the .dat file for each logging target reached. */
  if (y[0] - data->optimal_fvalue <= data->f_trigger) {

    logger_bbob2009_write_data(data->fdata_file, data->number_of_evaluations, y[0], data->best_fvalue,
        data->optimal_fvalue, x, self->number_of_variables);
    logger_bbob2009_update_f_trigger(data, y[0]);

  /* Add a line in the .tdat file each time an fevals trigger is reached. */
  if (data->number_of_evaluations >= data->t_trigger) {
    data->written_last_eval = 1;
    logger_bbob2009_write_data(data->tdata_file, data->number_of_evaluations, y[0], data->best_fvalue,
        data->optimal_fvalue, x, self->number_of_variables);
    logger_bbob2009_update_t_trigger(data, self->number_of_variables);

  /* Flush output so that impatient users can see progress. */
Exemplo n.º 4
 * @brief Creates the transformation.
static coco_problem_t *transform_vars_asymmetric(coco_problem_t *inner_problem, const double beta) {
  transform_vars_asymmetric_data_t *data;
  coco_problem_t *problem;

  data = (transform_vars_asymmetric_data_t *) coco_allocate_memory(sizeof(*data));
  data->x = coco_allocate_vector(inner_problem->number_of_variables);
  data->beta = beta;
  problem = coco_problem_transformed_allocate(inner_problem, data, transform_vars_asymmetric_free, "transform_vars_asymmetric");
  problem->evaluate_function = transform_vars_asymmetric_evaluate;
  if (coco_problem_best_parameter_not_zero(inner_problem)) {
    coco_warning("transform_vars_asymmetric(): 'best_parameter' not updated, set to NAN");
    coco_vector_set_to_nan(inner_problem->best_parameter, inner_problem->number_of_variables);
  return problem;
Exemplo n.º 5
static coco_problem_t *logger_bbob2009(coco_problem_t *inner_problem, const char *alg_name) {
  logger_bbob2009_t *data;
  coco_problem_t *self;
  data = coco_allocate_memory(sizeof(*data));
  data->alg_name = coco_strdup(alg_name);
  if (bbob2009_logger_is_open)
    coco_error("The current bbob2009_logger (observer) must be closed before a new one is opened");
  /* This is the name of the folder which happens to be the algName */
  data->path = coco_strdup(alg_name);
  data->index_file = NULL;
  data->fdata_file = NULL;
  data->tdata_file = NULL;
  data->rdata_file = NULL;
  data->number_of_variables = inner_problem->number_of_variables;
  if (inner_problem->best_value == NULL) {
    /* coco_error("Optimal f value must be defined for each problem in order for the logger to work properly"); */
    /* Setting the value to 0 results in the assertion y>=optimal_fvalue being susceptible to failure */
    coco_warning("undefined optimal f value. Set to 0");
    data->optimal_fvalue = 0;
  } else {
    data->optimal_fvalue = *(inner_problem->best_value);
  bbob2009_raisedOptValWarning = 0;

  data->idx_f_trigger = INT_MAX;
  data->idx_t_trigger = 0;
  data->idx_tdim_trigger = 0;
  data->f_trigger = DBL_MAX;
  data->t_trigger = 0;
  data->number_of_evaluations = 0;
  data->best_solution = coco_allocate_vector(inner_problem->number_of_variables);
  /* TODO: the following inits are just to be in the safe side and
   * should eventually be removed. Some fields of the bbob2009_logger struct
   * might be useless
  data->function_id = coco_problem_get_suite_dep_function_id(inner_problem);
  data->instance_id = coco_problem_get_suite_dep_instance_id(inner_problem);
  data->written_last_eval = 1;
  data->last_fvalue = DBL_MAX;
  data->is_initialized = 0;

  self = coco_transformed_allocate(inner_problem, data, logger_bbob2009_free);
  self->evaluate_function = logger_bbob2009_evaluate;
  bbob2009_logger_is_open = 1;
  return self;
Exemplo n.º 6
 * Initializes the toy logger.
static coco_problem_t *logger_toy(coco_observer_t *observer, coco_problem_t *problem) {

  logger_toy_t *logger;
  coco_problem_t *self;
  FILE *output_file;

  if (problem->number_of_objectives != 1) {
    coco_warning("logger_toy(): The toy logger shouldn't be used to log a problem with %d objectives", problem->number_of_objectives);

  logger = coco_allocate_memory(sizeof(*logger));
  logger->observer = observer;
  logger->next_target = 0;
  logger->number_of_evaluations = 0;

  output_file = ((observer_toy_t *) logger->observer->data)->log_file;
  fprintf(output_file, "\n%s, %s\n", coco_problem_get_id(problem), coco_problem_get_name(problem));

  self = coco_transformed_allocate(problem, logger, NULL);
  self->evaluate_function = logger_toy_evaluate;
  return self;
Exemplo n.º 7
 * @brief Computes the instance number of the second problem/objective so that the resulting bi-objective
 * problem has more than a single optimal solution.
 * Starts by setting instance2 = instance1 + 1 and increases this number until an appropriate instance has
 * been found (or until a maximum number of tries has been reached, in which case it throws a coco_error).
 * An appropriate instance is the one for which the resulting bi-objective problem (in any considered
 * dimension) has the ideal and nadir points apart enough in the objective space and the extreme optimal
 * points apart enough in the decision space. When the instance has been found, it is output through
 * coco_warning, so that the user can see it and eventually manually add it to suite_biobj_instances.
static size_t suite_biobj_get_new_instance(coco_suite_t *suite,
                                           const size_t instance,
                                           const size_t instance1,
                                           const size_t num_bbob_functions,
                                           const size_t *bbob_functions) {
  size_t instance2 = 0;
  size_t num_tries = 0;
  const size_t max_tries = 1000;
  const double apart_enough = 1e-4;
  int appropriate_instance_found = 0, break_search, warning_produced = 0;
  coco_problem_t *problem1, *problem2, *problem = NULL;
  size_t d, f1, f2, i;
  size_t function1, function2, dimension;
  double norm;

  suite_biobj_t *data;
  data = (suite_biobj_t *) suite->data;

  while ((!appropriate_instance_found) && (num_tries < max_tries)) {
    instance2 = instance1 + num_tries;
    break_search = 0;

    /* An instance is "appropriate" if the ideal and nadir points in the objective space and the two
     * extreme optimal points in the decisions space are apart enough for all problems (all dimensions
     * and function combinations); therefore iterate over all dimensions and function combinations  */
    for (f1 = 0; (f1 < num_bbob_functions) && !break_search; f1++) {
      function1 = bbob_functions[f1];
      for (f2 = f1; (f2 < num_bbob_functions) && !break_search; f2++) {
        function2 = bbob_functions[f2];
        for (d = 0; (d < suite->number_of_dimensions) && !break_search; d++) {
          dimension = suite->dimensions[d];

          if (dimension == 0) {
            if (!warning_produced)
              coco_warning("suite_biobj_get_new_instance(): remove filtering of dimensions to get generally acceptable instances!");
            warning_produced = 1;

          problem1 = coco_get_bbob_problem(function1, dimension, instance1);
          problem2 = coco_get_bbob_problem(function2, dimension, instance2);
          if (problem) {
            problem = NULL;
          problem = coco_problem_stacked_allocate(problem1, problem2);

          /* Check whether the ideal and nadir points are too close in the objective space */
          norm = mo_get_norm(problem->best_value, problem->nadir_value, 2);
          if (norm < 1e-1) { /* TODO How to set this value in a sensible manner? */
                "suite_biobj_get_new_instance(): The ideal and nadir points of %s are too close in the objective space",
            coco_debug("norm = %e, ideal = %e\t%e, nadir = %e\t%e", norm, problem->best_value[0],
                problem->best_value[1], problem->nadir_value[0], problem->nadir_value[1]);
            break_search = 1;

          /* Check whether the extreme optimal points are too close in the decision space */
          norm = mo_get_norm(problem1->best_parameter, problem2->best_parameter, problem->number_of_variables);
          if (norm < apart_enough) {
                "suite_biobj_get_new_instance(): The extremal optimal points of %s are too close in the decision space",
            coco_debug("norm = %e", norm);
            break_search = 1;
    /* Clean up */
    if (problem) {
      problem = NULL;

    if (break_search) {
      /* The search was broken, continue with next instance2 */
    } else {
      /* An appropriate instance was found */
      appropriate_instance_found = 1;
      coco_info("suite_biobj_set_new_instance(): Instance %lu created from instances %lu and %lu", instance,
          instance1, instance2);

      /* Save the instance to new_instances */
      for (i = 0; i < data->max_new_instances; i++) {
        if (data->new_instances[i][0] == 0) {
          data->new_instances[i][0] = instance;
          data->new_instances[i][1] = instance1;
          data->new_instances[i][2] = instance2;

  if (!appropriate_instance_found) {
    coco_error("suite_biobj_get_new_instance(): Could not find suitable instance %lu in $lu tries", instance, num_tries);
    return 0; /* Never reached */

  return instance2;
Exemplo n.º 8
 * @brief Returns the numbers defined by the ranges.
 * Reads ranges from a string of positive ranges separated by commas. For example: "-3,5-6,8-". Returns the
 * numbers that are defined by the ranges if min and max are used as their extremes. If the ranges with open
 * beginning/end are not allowed, use 0 as min/max. The returned string has an appended 0 to mark its end.
 * A maximum of max_count values is returned. If there is a problem with one of the ranges, the parsing stops
 * and the current result is returned. The memory of the returned object needs to be freed by the caller.
static size_t *coco_string_parse_ranges(const char *string,
                                        const size_t min,
                                        const size_t max,
                                        const char *name,
                                        const size_t max_count) {

  char *ptr, *dash = NULL;
  char **ranges, **numbers;
  size_t i, j, count;
  size_t num[2];

  size_t *result;
  size_t i_result = 0;

  char *str = coco_strdup(string);

  /* Check for empty string */
  if ((str == NULL) || (strlen(str) == 0)) {
    coco_warning("coco_string_parse_ranges(): cannot parse empty ranges");
    return NULL;

  ptr = str;
  /* Check for disallowed characters */
  while (*ptr != '\0') {
    if ((*ptr != '-') && (*ptr != ',') && !isdigit((unsigned char )*ptr)) {
      coco_warning("coco_string_parse_ranges(): problem parsing '%s' - cannot parse ranges with '%c'", str,
      return NULL;
    } else

  /* Check for incorrect boundaries */
  if ((max > 0) && (min > max)) {
    coco_warning("coco_string_parse_ranges(): incorrect boundaries");
    return NULL;

  result = coco_allocate_vector_size_t(max_count + 1);

  /* Split string to ranges w.r.t commas */
  ranges = coco_string_split(str, ',');

  if (ranges) {
    /* Go over the current range */
    for (i = 0; *(ranges + i); i++) {

      ptr = *(ranges + i);
      /* Count the number of '-' */
      count = 0;
      while (*ptr != '\0') {
        if (*ptr == '-') {
          if (count == 0)
            /* Remember the position of the first '-' */
            dash = ptr;
      /* Point again to the start of the range */
      ptr = *(ranges + i);

      /* Check for incorrect number of '-' */
      if (count > 1) {
        coco_warning("coco_string_parse_ranges(): problem parsing '%s' - too many '-'s", string);
        /* Cleanup */
        for (j = i; *(ranges + j); j++)
          coco_free_memory(*(ranges + j));
        if (i_result == 0) {
          return NULL;
        result[i_result] = 0;
        return result;
      } else if (count == 0) {
        /* Range is in the format: n (no range) */
        num[0] = (size_t) strtol(ptr, NULL, 10);
        num[1] = num[0];
      } else {
        /* Range is in one of the following formats: n-m / -n / n- / - */

        /* Split current range to numbers w.r.t '-' */
        numbers = coco_string_split(ptr, '-');
        j = 0;
        if (numbers) {
          /* Read the numbers */
          for (j = 0; *(numbers + j); j++) {
            assert(j < 2);
            num[j] = (size_t) strtol(*(numbers + j), NULL, 10);
            coco_free_memory(*(numbers + j));

        if (j == 0) {
          /* Range is in the format - (open ends) */
          if ((min == 0) || (max == 0)) {
            coco_warning("coco_string_parse_ranges(): '%s' ranges cannot have an open ends; some ranges ignored", name);
            /* Cleanup */
            for (j = i; *(ranges + j); j++)
              coco_free_memory(*(ranges + j));
            if (i_result == 0) {
              return NULL;
            result[i_result] = 0;
            return result;
          num[0] = min;
          num[1] = max;
        } else if (j == 1) {
          if (dash - *(ranges + i) == 0) {
            /* Range is in the format -n */
            if (min == 0) {
              coco_warning("coco_string_parse_ranges(): '%s' ranges cannot have an open beginning; some ranges ignored", name);
              /* Cleanup */
              for (j = i; *(ranges + j); j++)
                coco_free_memory(*(ranges + j));
              if (i_result == 0) {
                return NULL;
              result[i_result] = 0;
              return result;
            num[1] = num[0];
            num[0] = min;
          } else {
            /* Range is in the format n- */
            if (max == 0) {
              coco_warning("coco_string_parse_ranges(): '%s' ranges cannot have an open end; some ranges ignored", name);
              /* Cleanup */
              for (j = i; *(ranges + j); j++)
                coco_free_memory(*(ranges + j));
              if (i_result == 0) {
                return NULL;
              result[i_result] = 0;
              return result;
            num[1] = max;
        /* if (j == 2), range is in the format n-m and there is nothing to do */

      /* Make sure the boundaries are taken into account */
      if ((min > 0) && (num[0] < min)) {
        num[0] = min;
        coco_warning("coco_string_parse_ranges(): '%s' ranges adjusted to be >= %lu", name,
        		(unsigned long) min);
      if ((max > 0) && (num[1] > max)) {
        num[1] = max;
        coco_warning("coco_string_parse_ranges(): '%s' ranges adjusted to be <= %lu", name,
        		(unsigned long) max);
      if (num[0] > num[1]) {
        coco_warning("coco_string_parse_ranges(): '%s' ranges not within boundaries; some ranges ignored", name);
        /* Cleanup */
        for (j = i; *(ranges + j); j++)
          coco_free_memory(*(ranges + j));
        if (i_result == 0) {
          return NULL;
        result[i_result] = 0;
        return result;

      /* Write in result */
      for (j = num[0]; j <= num[1]; j++) {
        if (i_result > max_count - 1)
        result[i_result++] = j;

      coco_free_memory(*(ranges + i));
      *(ranges + i) = NULL;


  if (i_result == 0) {
    return NULL;

  result[i_result] = 0;
  return result;
Exemplo n.º 9
 * Currently, three observers are supported:
 * - "bbob" is the observer for single-objective (both noisy and noiseless) problems with known optima, which
 * creates *.info, *.dat, *.tdat and *.rdat files and logs the distance to the optimum.
 * - "bbob-biobj" is the observer for bi-objective problems, which creates *.info and *.dat files for the
 * given indicators, as well as an archive folder with *.dat files containing nondominated solutions.
 * - "toy" is a simple observer that logs when a target has been hit.
 * @param observer_name A string containing the name of the observer. Currently supported observer names are
 * "bbob", "bbob-biobj", "toy". "no_observer", "" or NULL return NULL.
 * @param observer_options A string of pairs "key: value" used to pass the options to the observer. Some
 * observer options are general, while others are specific to some observers. Here we list only the general
 * options, see observer_bbob, observer_biobj and observer_toy for options of the specific observers.
 * - "result_folder: NAME" determines the output folder. If the folder with the given name already exists,
 * first NAME_001 will be tried, then NAME_002 and so on. The default value is "results".
 * - "algorithm_name: NAME", where NAME is a short name of the algorithm that will be used in plots (no
 * spaces are allowed). The default value is "ALG".
 * - "algorithm_info: STRING" stores the description of the algorithm. If it contains spaces, it must be
 * surrounded by double quotes. The default value is "" (no description).
 * - "precision_x: VALUE" defines the precision used when outputting variables and corresponds to the number
 * of digits to be printed after the decimal point. The default value is 8.
 * - precision_f: VALUE defines the precision used when outputting f values and corresponds to the number of
 * digits to be printed after the decimal point. The default value is 15.
 * @return The constructed observer object or NULL if observer_name equals NULL, "" or "no_observer".
coco_observer_t *coco_observer(const char *observer_name, const char *observer_options) {

  coco_observer_t *observer;
  char *result_folder, *algorithm_name, *algorithm_info;
  int precision_x, precision_f;

  if (0 == strcmp(observer_name, "no_observer")) {
    return NULL;
  } else if (strlen(observer_name) == 0) {
    coco_warning("Empty observer_name has no effect. To prevent this warning use 'no_observer' instead");
    return NULL;

  result_folder = (char *) coco_allocate_memory(COCO_PATH_MAX);
  algorithm_name = (char *) coco_allocate_memory(COCO_PATH_MAX);
  algorithm_info = (char *) coco_allocate_memory(5 * COCO_PATH_MAX);
  /* Read result_folder, algorithm_name and algorithm_info from the observer_options and use
   * them to initialize the observer */
  if (coco_options_read_string(observer_options, "result_folder", result_folder) == 0) {
    strcpy(result_folder, "exdata-default");
  coco_info("Results will be output to folder %s", result_folder);

  if (coco_options_read_string(observer_options, "algorithm_name", algorithm_name) == 0) {
    strcpy(algorithm_name, "ALG");

  if (coco_options_read_string(observer_options, "algorithm_info", algorithm_info) == 0) {
    strcpy(algorithm_info, "");

  precision_x = 8;
  if (coco_options_read_int(observer_options, "precision_x", &precision_x) != 0) {
    if ((precision_x < 1) || (precision_x > 32))
      precision_x = 8;

  precision_f = 15;
  if (coco_options_read_int(observer_options, "precision_f", &precision_f) != 0) {
    if ((precision_f < 1) || (precision_f > 32))
      precision_f = 15;

  observer = coco_observer_allocate(result_folder, algorithm_name, algorithm_info, precision_x, precision_f);


  /* Here each observer must have an entry */
  if (0 == strcmp(observer_name, "toy")) {
    observer_toy(observer, observer_options);
  } else if (0 == strcmp(observer_name, "bbob")) {
    observer_bbob(observer, observer_options);
  } else if (0 == strcmp(observer_name, "bbob-biobj")) {
    observer_biobj(observer, observer_options);
  } else {
    coco_warning("Unknown observer!");
    return NULL;

  return observer;
Exemplo n.º 10
int coco_archive_add_solution(coco_archive_t *archive, const double y1, const double y2, const char *text) {

  coco_archive_avl_item_t* insert_item;
  avl_node_t *node, *next_node;
  int update = 0;
  int dominance;

  double *y = coco_allocate_vector(2);
  y[0] = y1;
  y[1] = y2;
  insert_item = coco_archive_node_item_create(y, archive->ideal, archive->nadir,
      archive->number_of_objectives, text);

  /* Find the first point that is not worse than the new point (NULL if such point does not exist) */
  node = avl_item_search_right(archive->tree, insert_item, NULL);

  if (node == NULL) {
    /* The new point is an extreme point */
    update = 1;
    next_node = archive->tree->head;
  } else {
    dominance = mo_get_dominance(insert_item->normalized_y, ((coco_archive_avl_item_t*) node->item)->normalized_y,
    if (dominance > -1) {
      update = 1;
      next_node = node->next;
      if (dominance == 1) {
        /* The new point dominates the next point, remove the next point */
      	assert((node != archive->extreme1) && (node != archive->extreme2));
      	avl_node_delete(archive->tree, node);
    } else {
      /* The new point is dominated or equal to an existing one, ignore */
      update = 0;

  if (!update) {
    coco_archive_node_item_free(insert_item, NULL);
  } else {
    /* Perform tree update */
    while (next_node != NULL) {
      /* Check the dominance relation between the new node and the next node. There are only two possibilities:
       * dominance = 0: the new node and the next node are nondominated
       * dominance = 1: the new node dominates the next node */
      node = next_node;
      dominance = mo_get_dominance(insert_item->normalized_y, ((coco_archive_avl_item_t*) node->item)->normalized_y,
      if (dominance == 1) {
        next_node = node->next;
        /* The new point dominates the next point, remove the next point */
        assert((node != archive->extreme1) && (node != archive->extreme2));
      	avl_node_delete(archive->tree, node);
      } else {

    if(avl_item_insert(archive->tree, insert_item) == NULL) {
      coco_warning("Solution %s did not update the archive", text);
      update = 0;

    archive->is_up_to_date = 0;

  return update;