Exemplo n.º 1
/* XXX: not sure how to keep the frame data on screen during
 * fade out, so just have a solid idle material for now. */
static void
set_idle_material (ClutterGstVideoTexture *video_texture)
  CoglColor transparent;
  CoglHandle material;

  cogl_color_init_from_4ub (&transparent, 0, 0, 0, 0);
  material = cogl_material_new ();
  cogl_material_set_color (material, &transparent);
  clutter_gst_video_texture_set_idle_material (video_texture, material);
  cogl_handle_unref (material);
Exemplo n.º 2
static void
aisleriot_slot_renderer_set_material_for_card (AisleriotSlotRenderer *srend,
                                               CoglHandle tex,
                                               gboolean show_highlight)
  AisleriotSlotRendererPrivate *priv = srend->priv;
  guint8 opacity = clutter_actor_get_paint_opacity (CLUTTER_ACTOR (srend));

  if (priv->material == COGL_INVALID_HANDLE)
    priv->material = cogl_material_new ();

  if (show_highlight)
      CoglColor color;

      /* The previous code for drawing the highlight rendered the
         normal card texture and then rendered the card again
         multiplied by the highlight color but with 50%
         transparency. The blend function is alpha*src+(1-alpha*dst)
         where src is effectively the tex times the highlight color
         and the dst is the original tex. Therefore the final color is
         0.5*tex+0.5*tex*highlight which is the same as
         (0.5+highlight/2)*tex. We can precompute that value to avoid
         having to draw the card twice */
      cogl_color_set_from_4ub (&color,
                               MIN (priv->highlight_color.red
                                    / 2 + 128, 0xff),
                               MIN (priv->highlight_color.green
                                    / 2 + 128, 0xff),
                               MIN (priv->highlight_color.blue
                                    / 2 + 128, 0xff),
      cogl_color_premultiply (&color);
      cogl_material_set_color (priv->material, &color);
    cogl_material_set_color4ub (priv->material,
                                opacity, opacity, opacity, opacity);

  cogl_material_set_layer (priv->material, 0, tex);
  cogl_set_source (priv->material);
static void
st_drawing_area_paint (ClutterActor *self)
  StDrawingArea *area = ST_DRAWING_AREA (self);
  StDrawingAreaPrivate *priv = area->priv;
  StThemeNode *theme_node = st_widget_get_theme_node (ST_WIDGET (self));
  ClutterActorBox allocation_box;
  ClutterActorBox content_box;
  int width, height;
  CoglColor color;
  guint8 paint_opacity;

  (CLUTTER_ACTOR_CLASS (st_drawing_area_parent_class))->paint (self);

  clutter_actor_get_allocation_box (self, &allocation_box);
  st_theme_node_get_content_box (theme_node, &allocation_box, &content_box);

  width = (int)(0.5 + content_box.x2 - content_box.x1);
  height = (int)(0.5 + content_box.y2 - content_box.y1);

  if (priv->material == COGL_INVALID_HANDLE)
    priv->material = cogl_material_new ();

  if (priv->texture != COGL_INVALID_HANDLE &&
      (width != cogl_texture_get_width (priv->texture) ||
       height != cogl_texture_get_height (priv->texture)))
      cogl_handle_unref (priv->texture);
      priv->texture = COGL_INVALID_HANDLE;

  if (width > 0 && height > 0)
      if (priv->texture == COGL_INVALID_HANDLE)
          priv->texture = cogl_texture_new_with_size (width, height,
          priv->needs_repaint = TRUE;

      if (priv->needs_repaint)
          cairo_surface_t *surface;

          surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height);
          priv->context = cairo_create (surface);
          priv->in_repaint = TRUE;
          priv->needs_repaint = FALSE;

          g_signal_emit ((GObject*)area, st_drawing_area_signals[REPAINT], 0);

          priv->in_repaint = FALSE;
          cairo_destroy (priv->context);
          priv->context = NULL;

          cogl_texture_set_region (priv->texture, 0, 0, 0, 0, width, height, width, height,
                                   cairo_image_surface_get_stride (surface),
                                   cairo_image_surface_get_data (surface));

          cairo_surface_destroy (surface);

  cogl_material_set_layer (priv->material, 0, priv->texture);

  if (priv->texture)
      paint_opacity = clutter_actor_get_paint_opacity (self);
      cogl_color_set_from_4ub (&color,
                               paint_opacity, paint_opacity, paint_opacity, paint_opacity);
      cogl_material_set_color (priv->material, &color);

      cogl_set_source (priv->material);
      cogl_rectangle_with_texture_coords (content_box.x1, content_box.y1,
                                          width, height,
                                          0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
Exemplo n.º 4
static void
paint_legacy (TestState *state)
  CoglHandle material = cogl_material_new ();
  CoglTexture *tex;
  CoglColor color;
  CoglError *error = NULL;
  CoglHandle shader, program;

  cogl_color_init_from_4ub (&color, 0, 0, 0, 255);
  cogl_clear (&color, COGL_BUFFER_BIT_COLOR);

  /* Set the primary vertex color as red */
  cogl_color_set_from_4ub (&color, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff);
  cogl_material_set_color (material, &color);

  /* Override the vertex color in the texture environment with a
     constant green color provided by a texture */
  tex = create_dummy_texture ();
  cogl_material_set_layer (material, 0, tex);
  cogl_object_unref (tex);
  if (!cogl_material_set_layer_combine (material, 0,
      g_warning ("Error setting layer combine: %s", error->message);
      g_assert_not_reached ();

  /* Set up a dummy vertex shader that does nothing but the usual
     fixed function transform */
  shader = cogl_create_shader (COGL_SHADER_TYPE_VERTEX);
  cogl_shader_source (shader,
                      "main ()\n"
                      "  cogl_position_out = "
                      "cogl_modelview_projection_matrix * "
                      "  cogl_color_out = cogl_color_in;\n"
                      "  cogl_tex_coord_out[0] = cogl_tex_coord_in;\n"
  cogl_shader_compile (shader);
  if (!cogl_shader_is_compiled (shader))
      char *log = cogl_shader_get_info_log (shader);
      g_warning ("Shader compilation failed:\n%s", log);
      g_free (log);
      g_assert_not_reached ();

  program = cogl_create_program ();
  cogl_program_attach_shader (program, shader);
  cogl_program_link (program);

  cogl_handle_unref (shader);

  /* Draw something using the material */
  cogl_set_source (material);
  cogl_rectangle (0, 0, 50, 50);

  /* Draw it again using the program. It should look exactly the same */
  cogl_program_use (program);
  cogl_rectangle (50, 0, 100, 50);
  cogl_program_use (COGL_INVALID_HANDLE);

  cogl_handle_unref (material);
  cogl_handle_unref (program);