static void drawVertices(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jint modeHandle, jint vertexCount, jfloatArray jverts, jint vertIndex, jfloatArray jtexs, jint texIndex, jintArray jcolors, jint colorIndex, jshortArray jindices, jint indexIndex, jint indexCount, jlong paintHandle) { AutoJavaFloatArray vertA(env, jverts, vertIndex + vertexCount); AutoJavaFloatArray texA(env, jtexs, texIndex + vertexCount); AutoJavaIntArray colorA(env, jcolors, colorIndex + vertexCount); AutoJavaShortArray indexA(env, jindices, indexIndex + indexCount); const float* verts = vertA.ptr() + vertIndex; const float* texs = texA.ptr() + vertIndex; const int* colors = NULL; const uint16_t* indices = NULL; if (jcolors != NULL) { colors = colorA.ptr() + colorIndex; } if (jindices != NULL) { indices = (const uint16_t*)(indexA.ptr() + indexIndex); } SkCanvas::VertexMode mode = static_cast<SkCanvas::VertexMode>(modeHandle); const Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle); get_canvas(canvasHandle)->drawVertices(mode, vertexCount, verts, texs, colors, indices, indexCount, *paint); }
static void drawVertices(JNIEnv* env, jobject, SkCanvas* canvas, SkCanvas::VertexMode mode, int vertexCount, jfloatArray jverts, int vertIndex, jfloatArray jtexs, int texIndex, jintArray jcolors, int colorIndex, jshortArray jindices, int indexIndex, int indexCount, const SkPaint* paint) { AutoJavaFloatArray vertA(env, jverts, vertIndex + vertexCount); AutoJavaFloatArray texA(env, jtexs, texIndex + vertexCount); AutoJavaIntArray colorA(env, jcolors, colorIndex + vertexCount); AutoJavaShortArray indexA(env, jindices, indexIndex + indexCount); const int ptCount = vertexCount >> 1; SkPoint* verts; SkPoint* texs = NULL; #ifdef SK_SCALAR_IS_FLOAT verts = (SkPoint*)(vertA.ptr() + vertIndex); if (jtexs != NULL) { texs = (SkPoint*)(texA.ptr() + texIndex); } #else int count = ptCount; // for verts if (jtexs != NULL) { count += ptCount; // += for texs } SkAutoMalloc storage(count * sizeof(SkPoint)); verts = (SkPoint*)storage.get(); const float* src = vertA.ptr() + vertIndex; for (int i = 0; i < ptCount; i++) { verts[i].set(SkFloatToFixed(src[0]), SkFloatToFixed(src[1])); src += 2; } if (jtexs != NULL) { texs = verts + ptCount; src = texA.ptr() + texIndex; for (int i = 0; i < ptCount; i++) { texs[i].set(SkFloatToFixed(src[0]), SkFloatToFixed(src[1])); src += 2; } } #endif const SkColor* colors = NULL; const uint16_t* indices = NULL; if (jcolors != NULL) { colors = (const SkColor*)(colorA.ptr() + colorIndex); } if (jindices != NULL) { indices = (const uint16_t*)(indexA.ptr() + indexIndex); } canvas->drawVertices(mode, ptCount, verts, texs, colors, NULL, indices, indexCount, *paint); }
void text::render() const{ const char * p = this->m_text.c_str(); glDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST ) ; // also disable the depth test so renders on top glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(this->m_origin.x(), this->m_origin.y(), this->m_origin.layer()); glScalef(m_size, m_size, 1); //font size //glRotatef(10.0, 0, 0, 1); glColor4f(colorR(), colorG(), colorB(), colorA()); do glutStrokeCharacter( GLUT_STROKE_ROMAN, *p ); while( *(++p) ) ; //GLUT_STROKE_MONO_ROMAN fix width glPopMatrix(); glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST ) ; // Turn depth testing back on }
static void drawBitmapMesh(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jlong bitmapHandle, jint meshWidth, jint meshHeight, jfloatArray jverts, jint vertIndex, jintArray jcolors, jint colorIndex, jlong paintHandle) { const int ptCount = (meshWidth + 1) * (meshHeight + 1); AutoJavaFloatArray vertA(env, jverts, vertIndex + (ptCount << 1)); AutoJavaIntArray colorA(env, jcolors, colorIndex + ptCount); const SkBitmap* bitmap = reinterpret_cast<SkBitmap*>(bitmapHandle); const Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle); get_canvas(canvasHandle)->drawBitmapMesh(*bitmap, meshWidth, meshHeight, vertA.ptr(), colorA.ptr(), paint); }
void setup() { // Initialize AntTweakBar TwInit(TW_OPENGL_CORE, NULL); bgColor = color(100, 100, 100); rectColor = colorA(255, 0, 0, 200); // Create a tweak bar bar = TwNewBar("TweakBar"); WindowSizeCB(window, width, height); glfwSetWindowSizeCallback(window, WindowSizeCB); glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(window, TwEventMouseButtonGLFW); glfwSetCursorPosCallback(window, TwEvenCursorPosGLFW); glfwSetScrollCallback(window, TwEventScrollGLFW); glfwSetKeyCallback(window, TwEventKeyGLFW); glfwSetCharCallback(window, TwEventCharGLFW); TwDefine(" GLOBAL help='This example shows how to integrate AntTweakBar with GLFW and OpenGL.' "); // Message added to the help bar. // Add 'speed' to 'bar': it is a modifable (RW) variable of type TW_TYPE_DOUBLE. Its key shortcuts are [s] and [S]. TwAddVarRW(bar, "speed", TW_TYPE_DOUBLE, &speed, " label='Rot speed' min=0 max=2 step=0.01 keyIncr=s keyDecr=S help='Rotation speed (turns/second)' "); // Add 'wire' to 'bar': it is a modifable variable of type TW_TYPE_BOOL32 (32 bits boolean). Its key shortcut is [w]. TwAddVarRW(bar, "wire", TW_TYPE_BOOL32, &wire, " label='Wireframe mode' key=w help='Toggle wireframe display mode.' "); // Add 'time' to 'bar': it is a read-only (RO) variable of type TW_TYPE_DOUBLE, with 1 precision digit TwAddVarRO(bar, "time", TW_TYPE_DOUBLE, &time, " label='Time' precision=1 help='Time (in seconds).' "); // Add 'bgColor' to 'bar': it is a modifable variable of type TW_TYPE_COLOR3F (3 floats color) TwAddVarRW(bar, "bgColor", TW_TYPE_COLOR3F, bgColor.rgba, " label='Background color' "); // Add 'rectColor' to 'bar': it is a modifable variable of type TW_TYPE_COLOR32 (32 bits color) with alpha TwAddVarRW(bar, "rectColor", TW_TYPE_COLOR4F, rectColor.rgba, " label='Rect color' alpha help='Color and transparency of the rect.' "); }
void ofApp::update() { kinect.update(); if(kinect.isFrameNew()) { float* distancePixels = kinect.getDistancePixels(); // distance in millimeters unsigned char* resultPixels = result.getPixels(); int n = kinect.getWidth() * kinect.getHeight(); float nearThreshold = panel.getValueF("nearThreshold"); float farThreshold = panel.getValueF("farThreshold"); int nearTarget, farTarget; bool threshold = panel.getValueB("threshold"); int thresholdLevel = (nearTarget + farTarget) / 2; bool nearWhite = panel.getValueB("nearWhite"); if(nearWhite) { nearTarget = 255; farTarget = 0; } else { nearTarget = 0; farTarget = 255; } if(nearThreshold != farThreshold) { for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { float cur = distancePixels[i]; if(cur != 0) { // only remap nonzeros // this code will threshold data to white or black if(threshold) { if(cur > thresholdLevel) { if(nearWhite) { cur = 0; } else { cur = 255; } } else { if(nearWhite) { cur = 255; } else { cur = 0; } } } // alternatively, just remap between 0 and 255 else { cur = ofMap(cur, nearThreshold, farThreshold, nearTarget, farTarget, true); } } resultPixels[i] = cur; } } result.update(); } //////////////////////////////////////cv////////////////////////////////////////////// // ofBackground(100,100,100); grayImage.setFromPixels(result.getPixels(), 640,480); // grayBg = grayImage; // the = sign copys the pixels from grayImage into grayBg // take the abs value of the difference between background and incoming and then threshold: grayDiff.absDiff(grayBg, grayImage); grayDiff.threshold(threshold); grayDiff.blur(5); // find contours which are between the size of 20 pixels and 1/3 the w*h pixels. // also, find holes is set to true so we will get interior contours as well.... contourFinder.findContours(grayDiff, 20, (640,480)/3, 10, true); // find holes // we are dealing with 4 images // image a, b, // image mix // and the greysacale image: // get the pixels unsigned char * grayPixels = grayDiff.getPixels(); unsigned char * colorPixelsA = back.getPixels(); unsigned char * colorPixelsB = vidPlayer.getPixels(); unsigned char * mixPixels = mix.getPixels(); for (int i = 0; i < 640*480; i++){ // get the color from each color image. ofColor colorA( colorPixelsA[i * 3], colorPixelsA[i * 3 + 1], colorPixelsA[i * 3 + 2]); ofColor colorB( colorPixelsB[i * 3], colorPixelsB[i * 3 + 1], colorPixelsB[i * 3 + 2]); // turn grayscale into a pct: float pct = ofMap(grayPixels[i], 0, 255, 0,1); // mix the two colors based on pct: ofColor colorMix = colorA * (1-pct) + colorB * pct; // set the color of the pixel in the mix image to the new mixed color mixPixels[i * 3] = colorMix.r; mixPixels[i * 3+1] = colorMix.g; mixPixels[i * 3+2] = colorMix.b; } // update the mix image mix.update(); }
static void drawBitmapMesh(JNIEnv* env, jobject, SkCanvas* canvas, const SkBitmap* bitmap, int meshWidth, int meshHeight, jfloatArray jverts, int vertIndex, jintArray jcolors, int colorIndex, const SkPaint* paint) { const int ptCount = (meshWidth + 1) * (meshHeight + 1); const int indexCount = meshWidth * meshHeight * 6; AutoJavaFloatArray vertA(env, jverts, vertIndex + (ptCount << 1)); AutoJavaIntArray colorA(env, jcolors, colorIndex + ptCount); /* Our temp storage holds 2 or 3 arrays. texture points [ptCount * sizeof(SkPoint)] optionally vertex points [ptCount * sizeof(SkPoint)] if we need a copy to convert from float to fixed indices [ptCount * sizeof(uint16_t)] */ ssize_t storageSize = ptCount * sizeof(SkPoint); // texs[] #ifdef SK_SCALAR_IS_FIXED storageSize += ptCount * sizeof(SkPoint); // storage for verts #endif storageSize += indexCount * sizeof(uint16_t); // indices[] SkAutoMalloc storage(storageSize); SkPoint* texs = (SkPoint*)storage.get(); SkPoint* verts; uint16_t* indices; #ifdef SK_SCALAR_IS_FLOAT verts = (SkPoint*)(vertA.ptr() + vertIndex); indices = (uint16_t*)(texs + ptCount); #else verts = texs + ptCount; indices = (uint16_t*)(verts + ptCount); // convert floats to fixed { const float* src = vertA.ptr() + vertIndex; for (int i = 0; i < ptCount; i++) { verts[i].set(SkFloatToFixed(src[0]), SkFloatToFixed(src[1])); src += 2; } } #endif // cons up texture coordinates and indices { const SkScalar w = SkIntToScalar(bitmap->width()); const SkScalar h = SkIntToScalar(bitmap->height()); const SkScalar dx = w / meshWidth; const SkScalar dy = h / meshHeight; SkPoint* texsPtr = texs; SkScalar y = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= meshHeight; i++) { if (i == meshHeight) { y = h; // to ensure numerically we hit h exactly } SkScalar x = 0; for (int j = 0; j < meshWidth; j++) { texsPtr->set(x, y); texsPtr += 1; x += dx; } texsPtr->set(w, y); texsPtr += 1; y += dy; } SkASSERT(texsPtr - texs == ptCount); } // cons up indices { uint16_t* indexPtr = indices; int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < meshHeight; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < meshWidth; j++) { // lower-left triangle *indexPtr++ = index; *indexPtr++ = index + meshWidth + 1; *indexPtr++ = index + meshWidth + 2; // upper-right triangle *indexPtr++ = index; *indexPtr++ = index + meshWidth + 2; *indexPtr++ = index + 1; // bump to the next cell index += 1; } // bump to the next row index += 1; } SkASSERT(indexPtr - indices == indexCount); SkASSERT((char*)indexPtr - (char*)storage.get() == storageSize); } // double-check that we have legal indices #ifdef SK_DEBUG { for (int i = 0; i < indexCount; i++) { SkASSERT((unsigned)indices[i] < (unsigned)ptCount); } } #endif // cons-up a shader for the bitmap SkPaint tmpPaint; if (paint) { tmpPaint = *paint; } SkShader* shader = SkShader::CreateBitmapShader(*bitmap, SkShader::kClamp_TileMode, SkShader::kClamp_TileMode); tmpPaint.setShader(shader)->safeUnref(); canvas->drawVertices(SkCanvas::kTriangles_VertexMode, ptCount, verts, texs, (const SkColor*)colorA.ptr(), NULL, indices, indexCount, tmpPaint); }
/* region<int> getDiffer( trackDocument * doc, int areaIndex, int start, int end, int time ) { boundaryArea & area = doc->areas[areaIndex]; boundaryCurve & curve = area.divisions.first(); boundaryCurveIndex index; index.curve = 0; index.size = curve.points.size; index.start = start; index.end = end; static array2<bool> flag; flag.allocate( doc->width, doc->height ); region<int> result; if ( ! time ) return result; area.update( time - 1 ); area.update( time ); region<int> prevShape, nowShape; { list< point2<int> > segments; bool checkStart = true; for ( boundaryCurveIndex::iterator iti( index ); iti; ++iti ) { curve.segment( segments, iti(), time - 1 ); } memset(, 0, sizeof( bool ) * flag.size ); for ( list< point2<int> >::iterator itp( segments ); itp; ++itp ) { flag( clamp( 0, itp->x, doc->width - 1 ), clamp( 0, itp->y, doc->height - 1 ) ) = true; } prevShape.set( flag, 0, 0 ); } { list< point2<int> > segments; bool checkStart = true; for ( boundaryCurveIndex::iterator iti( index ); iti; ++iti ) { curve.segment( segments, iti(), time ); } memset(, 0, sizeof( bool ) * flag.size ); for ( list< point2<int> >::iterator itp( segments ); itp; ++itp ) { flag( clamp( 0, itp->x, doc->width - 1 ), clamp( 0, itp->y, doc->height - 1 ) ) = true; } nowShape.set( flag, 0, 0 ); } region<int> round; round = nowShape | prevShape; { region<int> line; point2<int> p1 = curve.points[start]( time - 1 ); point2<int> p2 = curve.points[start]( time ); line.line( p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y ); round |= line; } { region<int> line; point2<int> p1 = curve.points[end]( time - 1 ); point2<int> p2 = curve.points[end]( time ); line.line( p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y ); round |= line; } round.fill( result ); return result; } */ void stateDocument::paint() { trackDocument * doc = trackDocument::get(); trackView * view = trackView::get(); if ( ! doc ) return; if ( ! view ) return; static image viewImage;//画面表示用画像 viewImage.topdown = false; double maxValue = doc->maxValues[doc->currentViewImageIndex]; double windowLevel = windowLevelBar->get(); double windowSize = windowSizeBar->get(); decimal rate = 255.0 / windowSize; decimal offset = windowLevel - windowSize / 2; imageInterface< pixelLuminance<int16> > * img = & doc->originalImages[doc->currentViewImageIndex]; switch ( view->mode & trackView::baseImageMask ) { case trackView::original: break; case trackView::vertEdge: img = & doc->verticalEdgeImages[doc->currentViewImageIndex]; break; case trackView::horzEdge: img = & doc->horizontalEdgeImages[doc->currentViewImageIndex]; break; default: offset = 0; rate = 0; break; } viewImage.create( img->width, img->height ); pixel p( 0, 0, 0, 255 ); if ( rate ) { for ( int y = 0; y < img->height; ++y ) { for ( int x = 0; x < img->width; ++x ) { p.r = p.g = p.b = static_cast<int8>( clamp<decimal>( 0, ( img->getInternal( x, y ).y - offset ) * rate, 255.0 ) ); viewImage.setInternal( x, y, p ); } } } else { for ( int y = 0; y < img->height; ++y ) { for ( int x = 0; x < img->width; ++x ) { viewImage.setInternal( x, y, p ); } } } //波の表示用の色 pixel colorV( 0, 0, 255, 255 ); pixel colorH( 0, 255, 0, 255 ); pixel colorA( 255, 255, 0, 255 ); pixel colorD( 255, 0, 255, 255 ); //論文投稿用の表示 if ( false && ( ( view->mode & trackView::baseImageMask ) == trackView::none ) ) { p.r = p.g = p.b = 0; for ( int y = 0; y < img->height; ++y ) { for ( int x = 0; x < img->width; ++x ) { viewImage.setInternal( x, y, p ); } } for ( int t = 0; t < doc->sizeTime(); ++t ) { pixel c; if ( view->mode & trackView::vertical ) { for ( array< list<link> >::iterator ita( doc->verticalLinks ); ita; ++ita ) { for ( list<link>::iterator it( ita() ); it; ++it ) { c.r = c.g = c.b = clamp<int>( 0, it->reliability * 255, 255 ); int x = it->cx * doc->wave[t] + it->bx; int y = it->cy * doc->wave[t] + it->by; viewImage.set( x, y, blendMax( viewImage.get( x, y ), c ) ); } } } if ( view->mode & trackView::horizontal ) { for ( array< list<link> >::iterator ita( doc->horizontalLinks ); ita; ++ita ) { for ( list<link>::iterator it( ita() ); it; ++it ) { c.r = c.g = c.b = clamp<int>( 0, it->reliability * 255, 255 ); int x = it->cx * doc->wave[t] + it->bx; int y = it->cy * doc->wave[t] + it->by; viewImage.set( x, y, blendMax( viewImage.get( x, y ), c ) ); } } } if ( view->mode & trackView::ascent ) { for ( array< list<link> >::iterator ita( doc->ascentLinks ); ita; ++ita ) { for ( list<link>::iterator it( ita() ); it; ++it ) { c.r = c.g = c.b = clamp<int>( 0, it->reliability * 255, 255 ); int x = it->cx * doc->wave[t] + it->bx; int y = it->cy * doc->wave[t] + it->by; viewImage.set( x, y, blendMax( viewImage.get( x, y ), c ) ); } } } if ( view->mode & trackView::descent ) { for ( array< list<link> >::iterator ita( doc->descentLinks ); ita; ++ita ) { for ( list<link>::iterator it( ita() ); it; ++it ) { c.r = c.g = c.b = clamp<int>( 0, it->reliability * 255, 255 ); int x = it->cx * doc->wave[t] + it->bx; int y = it->cy * doc->wave[t] + it->by; viewImage.set( x, y, blendMax( viewImage.get( x, y ), c ) ); } } } } } else if ( view->mode != trackView::original ) { /* if ( view->mode & trackView::vertical ) { checkMaximum<double> mx; for ( array< list<link> >::iterator ita( doc->verticalLinks ); ita; ++ita ) { for ( list<link>::iterator it( ita() ); it; ++it ) { mx( it->intensity ); } } for ( array< list<link> >::iterator ita( doc->verticalLinks ); ita; ++ita ) { for ( list<link>::iterator it( ita() ); it; ++it ) { pixel c = colorV; c.a = clamp<int>( 0, c.a * it->intensity / mx(), 255 ); int x = it->cx * doc->wave[doc->currentViewImageIndex] + it->bx; int y = it->cy * doc->wave[doc->currentViewImageIndex] + it->by; viewImage.set( x, y, blend( viewImage.get( x, y ), c ) ); } } } if ( view->mode & trackView::horizontal ) { checkMaximum<double> mx; for ( array< list<link> >::iterator ita( doc->horizontalLinks ); ita; ++ita ) { for ( list<link>::iterator it( ita() ); it; ++it ) { mx( it->intensity ); } } for ( array< list<link> >::iterator ita( doc->horizontalLinks ); ita; ++ita ) { for ( list<link>::iterator it( ita() ); it; ++it ) { pixel c = colorH; c.a = clamp<int>( 0, c.a * it->intensity / mx(), 255 ); int x = it->cx * doc->wave[doc->currentViewImageIndex] + it->bx; int y = it->cy * doc->wave[doc->currentViewImageIndex] + it->by; viewImage.set( x, y, blend( viewImage.get( x, y ), c ) ); } } } if ( view->mode & trackView::ascent ) { checkMaximum<double> mx; for ( array< list<link> >::iterator ita( doc->ascentLinks ); ita; ++ita ) { for ( list<link>::iterator it( ita() ); it; ++it ) { mx( it->intensity ); } } for ( array< list<link> >::iterator ita( doc->ascentLinks ); ita; ++ita ) { for ( list<link>::iterator it( ita() ); it; ++it ) { pixel c = colorA; c.a = clamp<int>( 0, c.a * it->intensity / mx(), 255 ); int x = it->cx * doc->wave[doc->currentViewImageIndex] + it->bx; int y = it->cy * doc->wave[doc->currentViewImageIndex] + it->by; viewImage.set( x, y, blend( viewImage.get( x, y ), c ) ); } } } if ( view->mode & trackView::descent ) { checkMaximum<double> mx; for ( array< list<link> >::iterator ita( doc->descentLinks ); ita; ++ita ) { for ( list<link>::iterator it( ita() ); it; ++it ) { mx( it->intensity ); } } for ( array< list<link> >::iterator ita( doc->descentLinks ); ita; ++ita ) { for ( list<link>::iterator it( ita() ); it; ++it ) { pixel c = colorD; c.a = clamp<int>( 0, c.a * it->intensity / mx(), 255 ); int x = it->cx * doc->wave[doc->currentViewImageIndex] + it->bx; int y = it->cy * doc->wave[doc->currentViewImageIndex] + it->by; viewImage.set( x, y, blend( viewImage.get( x, y ), c ) ); } } } */ if ( view->mode & trackView::vertical ) { for ( array< list<link> >::iterator ita( doc->verticalLinks ); ita; ++ita ) { for ( list<link>::iterator it( ita() ); it; ++it ) { pixel c = colorV; c.a = clamp<int>( 0, c.a * it->reliability, 255 ); int x = it->cx * doc->wave[doc->currentViewImageIndex] + it->bx; int y = it->cy * doc->wave[doc->currentViewImageIndex] + it->by; viewImage.set( x, y, blend( viewImage.get( x, y ), c ) ); } } } if ( view->mode & trackView::horizontal ) { for ( array< list<link> >::iterator ita( doc->horizontalLinks ); ita; ++ita ) { for ( list<link>::iterator it( ita() ); it; ++it ) { pixel c = colorH; c.a = clamp<int>( 0, c.a * it->reliability, 255 ); int x = it->cx * doc->wave[doc->currentViewImageIndex] + it->bx; int y = it->cy * doc->wave[doc->currentViewImageIndex] + it->by; viewImage.set( x, y, blend( viewImage.get( x, y ), c ) ); } } } if ( view->mode & trackView::ascent ) { for ( array< list<link> >::iterator ita( doc->ascentLinks ); ita; ++ita ) { for ( list<link>::iterator it( ita() ); it; ++it ) { pixel c = colorA; c.a = clamp<int>( 0, c.a * it->reliability, 255 ); int x = it->cx * doc->wave[doc->currentViewImageIndex] + it->bx; int y = it->cy * doc->wave[doc->currentViewImageIndex] + it->by; viewImage.set( x, y, blend( viewImage.get( x, y ), c ) ); } } } if ( view->mode & trackView::descent ) { for ( array< list<link> >::iterator ita( doc->descentLinks ); ita; ++ita ) { for ( list<link>::iterator it( ita() ); it; ++it ) { pixel c = colorD; c.a = clamp<int>( 0, c.a * it->reliability, 255 ); int x = it->cx * doc->wave[doc->currentViewImageIndex] + it->bx; int y = it->cy * doc->wave[doc->currentViewImageIndex] + it->by; viewImage.set( x, y, blend( viewImage.get( x, y ), c ) ); } } } } /* for ( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) { for ( array2<flicker>::iterator it( doc->flickers[i] ); it; ++it ) { if ( it->value < 0.25 ) continue; pixel c( 0, 255, 0, 255 ); c.a = clamp<int>( 0, c.a * it->value, 128 ); const point2<int> & pos = it->lnk.position( doc->currentViewImageIndex, doc->wave ); int x = pos.x, y = pos.y; viewImage.set( x, y, blend( viewImage.get( x, y ), c ) ); } } */ for ( list< boundaryArea >::iterator it( doc->areas ); it; ++it ) { it->update( doc->currentViewImageIndex ); } list< point2<int> > points; pixel linecolor( 255, 255, 0, 128 ); pixel pointcolor( 0, 255, 0, 255 ); pixel itnitialpointcolor( 0, 0, 255, 255 ); pixel editedpointcolor( 255, 0, 0, 255 ); /* for ( list< boundaryArea >::iterator it( doc->areas ); it; ++it ) { boundaryArea & area = it(); if ( ! area.enable ) continue; pixel areacolor( 0, 0, 0, 64 ); for ( list< boundaryPart >::iterator ita( ); ita; ++ita ) { areacolor.r = rand() % 256; areacolor.g = rand() % 256; areacolor.b = rand() % 256; areacolor.a = 128; boundaryPart & part = ita(); for ( region<int>::iterator itp( part.shapes[doc->currentViewImageIndex] ); itp; ++itp ) { int x = itp->x; int y = itp->y; viewImage.set( x, y, blend( viewImage.get( x, y ), areacolor ) ); } } } */ for ( list< boundaryArea >::iterator it( doc->areas ); it; ++it ) { //曲線の表示 if ( doc->show_curve ) { for ( list< point2<int> >::iterator itp( it->boundaryCurves[doc->currentViewImageIndex] ); itp; ++itp ) { const point2<int> & p = itp(); int x = p.x; int y = p.y; viewImage.set( x, y, blend( viewImage.get( x, y ), linecolor ) ); } } //制御点の表示 for ( list<boundaryPoint*>::iterator itc( it->controlPoints ); itc; ++itc ) { boundaryPoint & bp = *itc(); const point2<int> & p = bp( doc->currentViewImageIndex ); pixel c; switch ( bp.type( doc->currentViewImageIndex ) ) { case boundaryPointFrame::typeInitial: c = itnitialpointcolor; break; case boundaryPointFrame::typeEdited: c = editedpointcolor; break; case boundaryPointFrame::typeInterpolated: c = pointcolor; break; default: c = pointcolor; break; } for ( int y = p.y - 1; y <= p.y + 1; ++y ) { for ( int x = p.x - 1; x <= p.x + 1; ++x ) { viewImage.set( x, y, blend( viewImage.get( x, y ), c ) ); } } } } paint( viewImage ); }