Exemplo n.º 1
    void init(fpsent *d, int at, int ocn, int sk, int bn, int pm, const char *name, const char *team)

        fpsent *o = newclient(ocn);

        d->aitype = at;

        bool resetthisguy = false;
            if(aidebug) conoutf("%s assigned to %s at skill %d", colorname(d, name), o ? colorname(o) : "?", sk);
            else conoutf("connected: %s", colorname(d, name));
            resetthisguy = true;
            if(d->ownernum != ocn)
                if(aidebug) conoutf("%s reassigned to %s", colorname(d, name), o ? colorname(o) : "?");
                resetthisguy = true;
            if(d->skill != sk && aidebug) conoutf("%s changed skill to %d", colorname(d, name), sk);

        copystring(d->name, name, MAXNAMELEN+1);
        copystring(d->team, team, MAXTEAMLEN+1);
        d->ownernum = ocn;
        d->skill = sk;
        d->playermodel = chooserandomplayermodel(pm);

        if(resetthisguy) removeweapons(d);
        if(player1->clientnum == d->ownernum) create(d);
        else if(d->ai) destroy(d);
Exemplo n.º 2
/* This function defines colors for fonts */
static ELVBOOL 
vio_color(int  fontcode,        /* name of font being changed */
          ELVCHAR  *name,       /* name of new color */
          ELVBOOL  isfg,        /* ElvTrue for foreground, ElvFalse for background */
          long  *colorptr,      /* where to store the color number */
          unsigned char rgb[3]) /* color broken down into RGB components */

DPRINTF (("vio_color (%d, %s, %d, %p, %x %x %x)\n", 
  fontcode, name, isfg, colorptr, rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]));

  /* Normal colors must be set first, so we have a way to switch back
   * from specialized colors.
  if (fontcode != COLOR_FONT_NORMAL && !(isfg ? fgcolored : bgcolored))
      colorset (COLOR_FONT_NORMAL, 
        colorname (vio2ansi (VC_FG (vc_term))), ElvTrue);

  /* Set the colors. */
  if (!coloransi (fontcode, name, isfg, colorptr, rgb))
    return ElvFalse;

  /* Success!  Remember if we've set foreground or background */
  if (isfg)
    fgcolored = ElvTrue;
    bgcolored = ElvTrue;
  return ElvTrue;
Exemplo n.º 3
void save_checkpoint(char *filename)
	char *subfn;
	FILE *fd = fopen(filename, "w");
	activealerts_t *awalk;
	unsigned char *pgmsg, *ackmsg;

	if (fd == NULL) return;

	for (awalk = alistBegin(); (awalk); awalk = alistNext()) {
		if (awalk->state == A_DEAD) continue;

		pgmsg = ackmsg = "";

		fprintf(fd, "%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%d|%d|%s|",
			awalk->hostname, awalk->testname, awalk->location, awalk->ip,
			(int) awalk->eventstart,
			(int) awalk->nextalerttime,
		if (awalk->pagemessage) pgmsg = nlencode(awalk->pagemessage);
		fprintf(fd, "%s|", pgmsg);
		if (awalk->ackmessage) ackmsg = nlencode(awalk->ackmessage);
		fprintf(fd, "%s\n", ackmsg);

	subfn = (char *)malloc(strlen(filename)+5);
	sprintf(subfn, "%s.sub", filename);
Exemplo n.º 4
static int statuscolor_by_set(testedhost_t *h, long status, char *okcodes, char *badcodes)
	int result = -1;
	char codestr[10];
	pcre *ptn;

	/* Use code 999 to indicate we could not fetch the URL */
	sprintf(codestr, "%ld", (status ? status : 999));

	if (okcodes) {
		ptn = compileregex(okcodes);
		if (matchregex(codestr, ptn)) result = COL_GREEN; else result = COL_RED;

	if (badcodes) {
		ptn = compileregex(badcodes);
		if (matchregex(codestr, ptn)) result = COL_RED; else result = COL_GREEN;

	if (result == -1) result = statuscolor(h, status);

	dbgprintf("Host %s status %s [%s:%s] -> color %s\n", 
		  h->hostname, codestr, 
		  (okcodes ? okcodes : "<null>"),
		  (badcodes ? badcodes : "<null>"),

	return result;
Exemplo n.º 5
game_t::game_t(Fl_Color color)
    my_color = color;
    printf("My color: %s\n", colorname(color));
    grid_dim = BOARD_DIM;
Exemplo n.º 6
LUALIB_API int lua_client_getDisplayName(lua_State *L)

    lua_pushstring(L, colorname(cref->ci));
    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 7
static int getboard(int mincolor)
	char msg[1024];
	int i;
	sendreturn_t *sres;
	int xymondresult;

	if (!boardmaster) {
		sprintf(msg, "xymondboard acklevel=%d fields=hostname,testname,color,lastchange,logtime,validtime,acklist color=%s", critacklevel,colorname(mincolor));
		for (i=mincolor+1; (i < COL_COUNT); i++) sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), ",%s", colorname(i));

		sres = newsendreturnbuf(1, NULL);
		xymondresult = sendmessage(msg, NULL, XYMON_TIMEOUT, sres);
		if (xymondresult != XYMONSEND_OK) {
			boardmaster = "";
			errormsg("Unable to fetch current status\n");
			return 1;
		else {
			boardmaster = getsendreturnstr(sres, 1);

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 8
static void zvse_paging_report(char *hostname, char *clientclass, enum ostype_t os,
                     void *hinfo, char *fromline, char *timestr, char *pagingstr)
	char *p;
        int ipagerate, pagingyellow, pagingred;
        float fpagerate=0.0;
        char pagingresult[100];

        int pagingcolor = COL_GREEN;
        char msgline[4096];
        strbuffer_t *upmsg;

        if (!pagingstr) return;
         *  Looking for Paging rate in message
         *  Page Rate=0.00 /sec
        *pagingresult = '\0';

	p = strstr(pagingstr, "Page Rate=") + 10; 
	if (p) {
        	if (sscanf(p, "%f", &fpagerate) == 1) {
			ipagerate=fpagerate + 0.5;   /*  Rounding up */
                	sprintf(pagingresult, "z/VSE Paging Rate %d per second\n", ipagerate);
		sprintf(pagingresult, "Can not find page rate value in:\n%s\n", pagingstr);

        get_paging_thresholds(hinfo, clientclass, &pagingyellow, &pagingred);

        upmsg = newstrbuffer(0);

        if (ipagerate > pagingred) {
                pagingcolor = COL_RED;
                addtobuffer(upmsg, "&red Paging Rate is CRITICAL\n");
        else if (ipagerate > pagingyellow) {
                pagingcolor = COL_YELLOW;
                addtobuffer(upmsg, "&yellow Paging Rate is HIGH\n");

        sprintf(msgline, "status %s.paging %s %s %s %s\n",
                commafy(hostname), colorname(pagingcolor),
                (timestr ? timestr : "<no timestamp data>"),
                pagingresult, pagingstr);
        if (STRBUFLEN(upmsg)) {

        if (fromline && !localmode) addtostatus(fromline);

Exemplo n.º 9
    void init(fpsent *d, int at, int ocn, int sk, int bn, int pm, int pc, const char *name, const char *team)

        fpsent *o = newclient(ocn);

        d->aitype = at;

        bool resetthisguy = false;
            if(aidebug) conoutf("%s assigned to %s at skill %d", colorname(d, name), o ? colorname(o) : "?", sk);
            else conoutf("\f0join:\f7 %s", colorname(d, name));
            resetthisguy = true;
            if(d->ownernum != ocn)
                if(aidebug) conoutf("%s reassigned to %s", colorname(d, name), o ? colorname(o) : "?");
                resetthisguy = true;
            if(d->skill != sk && aidebug) conoutf("%s changed skill to %d", colorname(d, name), sk);

        copystring(d->name, name, MAXNAMELEN+1);
        copystring(d->team, team, MAXTEAMLEN+1);
        d->ownernum = ocn;
        d->skill = sk;
        d->playermodel = chooserandomplayermodel(pm);
		if(pc < NUMPCS) d->pclass = pc;
		else conoutf("ERROR: %d", pc);

        if(resetthisguy) removeweapons(d);
        if(d->ownernum >= 0 && player1->clientnum == d->ownernum)
                d->ai->views[0] = viewfieldx(d->skill);
                d->ai->views[1] = viewfieldy(d->skill);
                d->ai->views[2] = viewdist(d->skill);
        else if(d->ai) destroy(d);
Exemplo n.º 10
void print_header(void)
        /* It's ok with these hardcoded values, as they are not used for this page */
        sethostenv("", "", "", colorname(COL_BLUE), NULL);
	printf("Content-Type: %s\n\n", xgetenv("HTMLCONTENTTYPE"));
        headfoot(stdout, "findhost", "", "header", COL_BLUE);
	printf("<br><br><CENTER><TABLE CELLPADDING=5 SUMMARY=\"Hostlist\">\n");
	printf("<tr><th align=left>Hostname (DisplayName)</th><th align=left>Location (Group Name)</th></tr>\n");
Exemplo n.º 11
void game_t::print_order()
    int i;
    printf("order: {");
    for (i = 0; i < num_in_order; i++) {
        printf("%s,", colorname(order[i]));
Exemplo n.º 12
static void generate_histlog_table(FILE *htmlrep,
		char *hostname, char *service, int entrycount, replog_t *loghead)
	char *bgcols[2] = { "\"#000000\"", "\"#000033\"" };
	int curbg = 0;
	replog_t *walk;

	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TABLE BORDER=0 BGCOLOR=\"#333333\" CELLSPACING=3 SUMMARY=\"History logs\">\n");
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TR>\n");
	if (entrycount) {
		fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD COLSPAN=3 ALIGN=CENTER><B>Last %d log entries</B> ", entrycount);
		fprintf(htmlrep, "<A HREF=\"%s&amp;ENDTIME=%u&amp;PIXELS=%d&amp;ENTRIES=all\">(Full HTML log)</A></TD>\n", 
			selfurl, (unsigned int)req_endtime, (usepct ? 0 : pixels));
	else {
		fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD COLSPAN=3 ALIGN=CENTER><B>All log entries</B></TD>\n");
	fprintf(htmlrep, "</TR>\n");
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TR BGCOLOR=\"#333333\">\n");
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER><FONT %s><B>Date</B></FONT></TD>\n", xgetenv("MKBBCOLFONT"));
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER><FONT %s><B>Status</B></FONT></TD>\n", xgetenv("MKBBCOLFONT"));
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER><FONT %s><B>Duration</B></FONT></TD>\n", xgetenv("MKBBCOLFONT"));
	fprintf(htmlrep, "</TR>\n");

	for (walk = loghead; (walk); walk = walk->next) {
		char start[30];

		strftime(start, sizeof(start), "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", localtime(&walk->starttime));

		fprintf(htmlrep, "<TR BGCOLOR=%s>\n", bgcols[curbg]); curbg = (1-curbg);
		fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=LEFT NOWRAP>%s</TD>\n", start);
		fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR=\"#000000\">");
		fprintf(htmlrep, "<A HREF=\"%s\">", histlogurl(hostname, service, 0, walk->timespec));
		fprintf(htmlrep, "<IMG SRC=\"%s/%s\" ALT=\"%s\" TITLE=\"%s\" HEIGHT=%s WIDTH=%s BORDER=0>", 
			xgetenv("BBSKIN"), dotgiffilename(walk->color, 0, 1), colorname(walk->color), colorname(walk->color),
			xgetenv("DOTHEIGHT"), xgetenv("DOTWIDTH"));
		fprintf(htmlrep, "</A></TD>\n");

		fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER>%s</TD>\n", durationstr(walk->duration));
		fprintf(htmlrep, "</TR>\n\n");

	fprintf(htmlrep, "</TABLE>\n");
Exemplo n.º 13
Arquivo: zvm.c Projeto: tjyang/abmon
static void zvm_paging_report(char *hostname, char *clientclass, enum ostype_t os,
                     void *hinfo, char *fromline, char *timestr, char *cpuutilstr)
        char *p;
        int pagerate, pagingyellow, pagingred;
        char pagingresult[100];

        int pagingcolor = COL_GREEN;
        char msgline[256];
        strbuffer_t *upmsg;

        if (!cpuutilstr) return;
         *  Looking for Paging rate info in 'IND' command response
         *  PAGING-0000/SEC
        *pagingresult = '\0';
	/*  Skip past three newlines in message to the PAGING text  */
	p=strstr(cpuutilstr,"PAGING-") + 7;
	if (sscanf(p, "%d/SEC", &pagerate) == 1) {
               	sprintf(pagingresult, "z/VM Paging Rate %d per second\n", pagerate);

        get_paging_thresholds(hinfo, clientclass, &pagingyellow, &pagingred);

        upmsg = newstrbuffer(0);

        if (pagerate > pagingred) {
                pagingcolor = COL_RED;
                addtobuffer(upmsg, "&red Paging Rate is CRITICAL\n");
        else if (pagerate > pagingyellow) {
                pagingcolor = COL_YELLOW;
                addtobuffer(upmsg, "&yellow Paging Rate is HIGH\n");

        sprintf(msgline, "status %s.paging %s %s %s %s\n",
                commafy(hostname), colorname(pagingcolor),
                (timestr ? timestr : "<no timestamp data>"),
        if (STRBUFLEN(upmsg)) {

        if (fromline && !localmode) addtostatus(fromline);

Exemplo n.º 14
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int argi;
	char *envarea = NULL;

	for (argi = 1; (argi < argc); argi++) {
		if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--env=")) {
			char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '=');
			loadenv(p+1, envarea);
		else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--area=")) {
			char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '=');
			envarea = strdup(p+1);
		else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--debug") == 0) {
			debug = 1;

	load_hostnames(xgetenv("BBHOSTS"), NULL, get_fqdn());

	fprintf(stdout, "Content-type: %s\n\n", xgetenv("HTMLCONTENTTYPE"));

	cgidata = cgi_request();
	if (cgidata == NULL) {
		/* Present the query form */
		sethostenv("", "", "", colorname(COL_BLUE), NULL);
		showform(stdout, "notify", "notify_form", COL_BLUE, getcurrenttime(NULL), NULL, NULL);
		return 0;


	/* Now generate the webpage */
	headfoot(stdout, "notify", "", "header", COL_GREEN);
	fprintf(stdout, "<center>\n");
	do_notifylog(stdout, maxcount, maxminutes, fromtime, totime, 
			pageregex, expageregex, 
			hostregex, exhostregex, 
			testregex, extestregex,
			rcptregex, exrcptregex);
	fprintf(stdout, "</center>\n");
	headfoot(stdout, "notify", "", "footer", COL_GREEN);

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 15
QMenu* EventCanvas::genItemPopup(CItem* item)/*{{{*/
    QMenu* notePopup = new QMenu(this);
    QMenu* colorPopup = notePopup->addMenu(tr("Part Color"));

    QMenu* colorSub;
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PARTCOLORS; ++i)
        QString colorname(config.partColorNames[i]);
        if(colorname.contains("menu:", Qt::CaseSensitive))
            colorSub = colorPopup->addMenu(colorname.replace("menu:", ""));
            if(item->part()->colorIndex() == i)
                colorname = QString(config.partColorNames[i]);
                colorPopup->setTitle(colorSub->title()+": "+colorname);

                colorname = QString("* "+config.partColorNames[i]);
                QAction *act_color = colorSub->addAction(partColorIcons.at(i), colorname);
                act_color->setData(20 + i);
                colorname = QString("     "+config.partColorNames[i]);
                QAction *act_color = colorSub->addAction(partColorIcons.at(i), colorname);
                act_color->setData(20 + i);

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
        if ((_canvasTools & (1 << i)) == 0)
        QAction* act = notePopup->addAction(QIcon(*toolList[i].icon), tr(toolList[i].tip));
        act->setData(1 << i);

    return notePopup;
Exemplo n.º 16
static void dump_criteria(criteria_t *crit, int isrecip)
	if (crit->pagespec) printf("PAGE=%s ", crit->pagespec);
	if (crit->expagespec) printf("EXPAGE=%s ", crit->expagespec);
	if (crit->dgspec) printf("DISPLAYGROUP=%s ", crit->dgspec);
	if (crit->exdgspec) printf("EXDISPLAYGROUP=%s ", crit->exdgspec);
	if (crit->hostspec) printf("HOST=%s ", crit->hostspec);
	if (crit->exhostspec) printf("EXHOST=%s ", crit->exhostspec);
	if (crit->svcspec) printf("SERVICE=%s ", crit->svcspec);
	if (crit->exsvcspec) printf("EXSERVICE=%s ", crit->exsvcspec);
	if (crit->classspec) printf("CLASS=%s ", crit->classspec);
	if (crit->exclassspec) printf("EXCLASS=%s ", crit->exclassspec);
	if (crit->groupspec) printf("GROUP=%s ", crit->groupspec);
	if (crit->exgroupspec) printf("EXGROUP=%s ", crit->exgroupspec);
	if (crit->colors) {
		int i, first = 1;

		for (i = 0; (i < COL_COUNT); i++) {
			if ((1 << i) & crit->colors) {
				dbgprintf("first=%d, i=%d\n", first, i);
				printf("%s%s", (first ? "" : ","), colorname(i));
				first = 0;
		printf(" ");

	if (crit->timespec) printf("TIME=%s ", crit->timespec);
	if (crit->minduration) printf("DURATION>%d ", (crit->minduration / 60));
	if (crit->maxduration) printf("DURATION<%d ", (crit->maxduration / 60));
	if (isrecip) {
		switch (crit->sendrecovered) {
		  case SR_UNKNOWN: break;
		  case SR_WANTED: printf("RECOVERED "); break;
		  case SR_NOTWANTED: printf("NORECOVERED "); break;
		switch (crit->sendnotice) {
		  case SR_UNKNOWN: break;
		  case SR_WANTED: printf("NOTICE "); break;
		  case SR_NOTWANTED: printf("NONOTICE "); break;
Exemplo n.º 17
void egoresult(int color, char *egocolumn)
	char msgline[1024];
	char *timestamps = NULL;


	sprintf(msgline, "status %s.%s %s snmpcollect %s\n\n", 
		xgetenv("MACHINE"), egocolumn, colorname(color), timestamp);

	sprintf(msgline, "Variables  : %d\n", varcount);
	sprintf(msgline, "PDUs       : %d\n", pducount);
	sprintf(msgline, "Responses  : %d\n", okcount);
	sprintf(msgline, "Timeouts   : %d\n", timeoutcount);
	sprintf(msgline, "Too big    : %d\n", toobigcount);
	sprintf(msgline, "Errors     : %d\n", errorcount);

	if (timestamps) {


Exemplo n.º 18
static void dump_eventtree(void)
	void *hwalk;
	elist_t *lwalk;
	ed_t *ewalk;

	for (hwalk = first_host(); (hwalk); hwalk = next_host(hwalk, 0)) {
		printf("%s\n", xmh_item(hwalk, XMH_HOSTNAME));
		lwalk = (elist_t *)xmh_item(hwalk, XMH_DATA);
		while (lwalk) {
			printf("\t%s\n", lwalk->svc->name);
			ewalk = lwalk->head;
			while (ewalk) {
				printf("\t\t%ld->%ld = %6ld %s\n",
					(long) ewalk->event->changetime,
					(long) ewalk->event->eventtime,
					(long) ewalk->event->duration,
				ewalk = ewalk->next;
			lwalk = lwalk->next;
Exemplo n.º 19
int do_request(void)
	int color = 0;
	char timesincechange[100];
	time_t logtime = 0, acktime = 0, disabletime = 0;
	char *log = NULL, *firstline = NULL, *sender = NULL, *clientid = NULL, *flags = NULL;	/* These are free'd */
	char *restofmsg = NULL, *ackmsg = NULL, *dismsg = NULL, *acklist=NULL;	/* These are just used */
	int ishtmlformatted = 0;
	int clientavail = 0;
	char *ip, *displayname;

	if (parse_query() != 0) return 1;

		char *s;
		s = xgetenv("CLIENTLOGS"); 
		if (s) {
			hostdatadir = (char *)malloc(strlen(s) + strlen(hostname) + 12);
			sprintf(hostdatadir, "%s/%s", s, hostname);
		else {
			s = xgetenv("BBVAR");
			hostdatadir = (char *)malloc(strlen(s) + strlen(hostname) + 12);
			sprintf(hostdatadir, "%s/hostdata/%s", s, hostname);

	if (outform == FRM_CLIENT) {
		if (source == SRC_HOBBITD) {
			char *hobbitdreq;
			int hobbitdresult;

			hobbitdreq = (char *)malloc(1024 + strlen(hostname) + (service ? strlen(service) : 0));
			sprintf(hobbitdreq, "clientlog %s", hostname);
			if (service && *service) sprintf(hobbitdreq + strlen(hobbitdreq), " section=%s", service);

			hobbitdresult = sendmessage(hobbitdreq, NULL, NULL, &log, 1, BBTALK_TIMEOUT);
			if (hobbitdresult != BB_OK) {
				char errtxt[4096];
				sprintf(errtxt, "Status not available: Req=%s, result=%d\n", hobbitdreq, hobbitdresult);
				return 1;
		else if (source == SRC_HISTLOGS) {
			char logfn[PATH_MAX];
			FILE *fd;

			sprintf(logfn, "%s/%s", hostdatadir, tstamp);
			fd = fopen(logfn, "r");
			if (fd) {
				struct stat st;
				int n;

				fstat(fileno(fd), &st);
				log = (char *)malloc(st.st_size + 1);
				n = fread(log, 1, st.st_size, fd);
				if (n >= 0) *(log+n) = '\0'; else *log = '\0';

		restofmsg = (log ? log : strdup("<No data>\n"));
	else if ((strcmp(service, xgetenv("TRENDSCOLUMN")) == 0) || (strcmp(service, xgetenv("INFOCOLUMN")) == 0)) {
		loadhostdata(hostname, &ip, &displayname);
		ishtmlformatted = 1;
		sethostenv(displayname, ip, service, colorname(COL_GREEN), hostname);
		color = COL_GREEN;
		logtime = time(NULL);
		strcpy(timesincechange, "0 minutes");

		if (strcmp(service, xgetenv("TRENDSCOLUMN")) == 0) {
			log = restofmsg = generate_trends(hostname);
		else if (strcmp(service, xgetenv("INFOCOLUMN")) == 0) {
			log = restofmsg = generate_info(hostname);
	else if (source == SRC_HOBBITD) {
		char hobbitdreq[1024];
		int hobbitdresult;
		char *items[20];
		int icount;
		time_t logage, clntstamp;
		char *sumline, *msg, *p;

		sprintf(hobbitdreq, "hobbitdlog host=%s test=%s fields=hostname,testname,color,flags,lastchange,logtime,validtime,acktime,disabletime,sender,cookie,ackmsg,dismsg,client,acklist,BBH_IP,BBH_DISPLAYNAME,clntstamp", hostname, service);
		hobbitdresult = sendmessage(hobbitdreq, NULL, NULL, &log, 1, BBTALK_TIMEOUT);
		if ((hobbitdresult != BB_OK) || (log == NULL) || (strlen(log) == 0)) {
			errormsg("Status not available\n");
			return 1;

		sumline = log; p = strchr(log, '\n'); *p = '\0';
		msg = (p+1); p = strchr(msg, '\n');
		if (!p) {
			firstline = strdup(msg);
			restofmsg = NULL;
		else { 
			*p = '\0'; 
			firstline = strdup(msg); 
			restofmsg = (p+1);
			*p = '\n'; 

		memset(items, 0, sizeof(items));
		p = gettok(sumline, "|"); icount = 0;
		while (p && (icount < 20)) {
			items[icount++] = p;
			p = gettok(NULL, "|");

		 * hostname,		[0]
		 * testname,		[1]
		 * color,		[2]
		 * flags,		[3]
		 * lastchange,		[4]
		 * logtime,		[5]
		 * validtime,		[6]
		 * acktime,		[7]
		 * disabletime,		[8]
		 * sender,		[9]
		 * cookie,		[10]
		 * ackmsg,		[11]
		 * dismsg,		[12]
		 * client,		[13]
		 * acklist		[14]
		 * BBH_IP		[15]
		 * clienttstamp         [17]
		color = parse_color(items[2]);
		flags = strdup(items[3]);
		logage = time(NULL) - atoi(items[4]);
		timesincechange[0] = '\0'; p = timesincechange;
		if (logage > 86400) p += sprintf(p, "%d days,", (int) (logage / 86400));
		p += sprintf(p, "%d hours, %d minutes", (int) ((logage % 86400) / 3600), (int) ((logage % 3600) / 60));
		logtime = atoi(items[5]);
		if (items[7] && strlen(items[7])) acktime = atoi(items[7]);
		if (items[8] && strlen(items[8])) disabletime = atoi(items[8]);
		sender = strdup(items[9]);

		if (items[11] && strlen(items[11])) ackmsg = items[11];
		if (ackmsg) nldecode(ackmsg);

		if (items[12] && strlen(items[12])) dismsg = items[12];
		if (dismsg) nldecode(dismsg);

		if (items[13]) clientavail = (*items[13] == 'Y');

		acklist = ((items[14] && *items[14]) ? strdup(items[14]) : NULL);

		ip = (items[15] ? items[15] : "");
		displayname = ((items[16]  && *items[16]) ? items[16] : hostname);
		clntstamp = ((items[17]  && *items[17]) ? atol(items[17]) : 0);

		sethostenv(displayname, ip, service, colorname(COL_GREEN), hostname);
	else if (source == SRC_HISTLOGS) {
		char logfn[PATH_MAX];
		struct stat st;
		int fd;
		 * Some clients (Unix disk reports) dont have a newline before the
		 * "Status unchanged in ..." text. Most do, but at least Solaris and
		 * AIX do not. So just look for the text, not the newline.
		char *statusunchangedtext = "Status unchanged in ";
		char *receivedfromtext = "Message received from ";
		char *clientidtext = "Client data ID ";
		char *p, *unchangedstr, *receivedfromstr, *clientidstr, *hostnamedash;
		int n;

		if (!tstamp) errormsg("Invalid request");

		loadhostdata(hostname, &ip, &displayname);
		hostnamedash = strdup(hostname);
		p = hostnamedash; while ((p = strchr(p, '.')) != NULL) *p = '_';
		p = hostnamedash; while ((p = strchr(p, ',')) != NULL) *p = '_';
		sprintf(logfn, "%s/%s/%s/%s", xgetenv("BBHISTLOGS"), hostnamedash, service, tstamp);
		p = tstamp; while ((p = strchr(p, '_')) != NULL) *p = ' ';

		if (stat(logfn, &st) == -1) {
			errormsg("Historical status log not available\n");
			return 1;

		fd = open(logfn, O_RDONLY);
		if (fd < 0) {
			errormsg("Unable to access historical logfile\n");
			return 1;
		log = (char *)malloc(st.st_size+1);
		n = read(fd, log, st.st_size);
		if (n >= 0) *(log+n) = '\0'; else *log = '\0';

		p = strchr(log, '\n'); 
		if (!p) {
			firstline = strdup(log);
			restofmsg = NULL;
		else { 
			*p = '\0'; 
			firstline = strdup(log); 
			restofmsg = (p+1);
			*p = '\n'; 

		color = parse_color(log);

		p = strstr(log, "<!-- [flags:"); 
		if (p) {
			p += strlen("<!-- [flags:");
			n = strspn(p, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ");
			flags = (char *)malloc(n+1);
			strncpy(flags, p, n);
			*(flags + n) = '\0';

		timesincechange[0] = '\0';

		p = clientidstr = strstr(restofmsg, clientidtext);
		if (p) {
			p += strlen(clientidtext);
			n = strspn(p, "0123456789");
			clientid = (char *)malloc(n+1);
			strncpy(clientid, p, n);
			*(clientid+n) = '\0';

		p = unchangedstr = strstr(restofmsg, statusunchangedtext);
		if (p) {
			p += strlen(statusunchangedtext);
			n = strcspn(p, "\n"); if (n >= sizeof(timesincechange)) n = sizeof(timesincechange);
			strncpy(timesincechange, p, n);
			timesincechange[n] = '\0';

		p = receivedfromstr = strstr(restofmsg, receivedfromtext); 
		if (p) {
			p += strlen(receivedfromtext);
			n = strspn(p, "0123456789.");
			sender = (char *)malloc(n+1);
			strncpy(sender, p, n);
			*(sender+n) = '\0';

		/* Kill the "Status unchanged ..." and "Message received ..." lines */
		if (unchangedstr) *unchangedstr = '\0';
		if (receivedfromstr) *receivedfromstr = '\0';

	if (outform == FRM_CLIENT) {
		fprintf(stdout, "Content-type: text/plain\n\n");
		fprintf(stdout, "%s", restofmsg);
	else {
		if (clientid && (source == SRC_HISTLOGS)) {
			char logfn[PATH_MAX];
			struct stat st;

			sprintf(logfn, "%s/%s", hostdatadir, clientid);
			clientavail = (stat(logfn, &st) == 0);

			if (clientavail) {
				sprintf(clienturi + strlen(clienturi), "&amp;TIMEBUF=%s", clientid);

		fprintf(stdout, "Content-type: %s\n\n", xgetenv("HTMLCONTENTTYPE"));
			  (sender ? sender : "Hobbit"), 
			  (flags ? flags : ""),
		          logtime, timesincechange, 
		          (firstline ? firstline : ""), 
			  (restofmsg ? restofmsg : ""), 
			  acktime, ackmsg, acklist,
			  disabletime, dismsg,
		          (source == SRC_HISTLOGS), 
			  (source == SRC_HOBBITD),
			  multigraphs, (clientavail ? clienturi : NULL),
			  nkprio, nkttgroup, nkttextra,

	/* Cleanup CGI params */
	if (hostname) xfree(hostname);
	if (service) xfree(service);
	if (tstamp) xfree(tstamp);

	/* Cleanup main vars */
	if (clientid) xfree(clientid);
	if (sender) xfree(sender);
	if (flags) xfree(flags);
	if (firstline) xfree(firstline);
	if (log) xfree(log);

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 20
void send_summaries(summary_t *sumhead)
	summary_t *s;

	for (s = sumhead; (s); s = s->next) {
		char *suburl;
		int summarycolor = -1;
		char *summsg;

		/* Decide which page to pick the color from for this summary. */
		suburl = s->url;
		if (strncmp(suburl, "http://", 7) == 0) {
			char *p;

			/* Skip hostname part */
			suburl += 7;			/* Skip "http://" */
			p = strchr(suburl, '/');	/* Find next '/' */
			if (p) suburl = p;
		if (strncmp(suburl, xgetenv("XYMONWEB"), strlen(xgetenv("XYMONWEB"))) == 0) 
			suburl += strlen(xgetenv("XYMONWEB"));
		if (*suburl == '/') suburl++;

		dbgprintf("summ1: s->url=%s, suburl=%s\n", s->url, suburl);

		if      (strcmp(suburl, "xymon.html") == 0) summarycolor = xymon_color;
		else if (strcmp(suburl, "index.html") == 0) summarycolor = xymon_color;
		else if (strcmp(suburl, "") == 0) summarycolor = xymon_color;
		else if (strcmp(suburl, "nongreen.html") == 0) summarycolor = nongreen_color;
		else if (strcmp(suburl, "critical.html") == 0) summarycolor = critical_color;
		else {
			 * Specific page - find it in the page tree.
			char *p, *pg;
			xymongen_page_t *pgwalk;
			xymongen_page_t *sourcepg = NULL;
			char *urlcopy = strdup(suburl);

			 * Walk the page tree
			pg = urlcopy; sourcepg = pagehead;
			do {
				p = strchr(pg, '/');
				if (p) *p = '\0';

				dbgprintf("Searching for page %s\n", pg);
				for (pgwalk = sourcepg->subpages; (pgwalk && (strcmp(pgwalk->name, pg) != 0)); pgwalk = pgwalk->next);
				if (pgwalk != NULL) {
					sourcepg = pgwalk;

					if (p) { 
						*p = '/'; pg = p+1; 
					else pg = NULL;
				else pg = NULL;
			} while (pg);

			dbgprintf("Summary search for %s found page %s (title:%s), color %d\n",
				suburl, sourcepg->name, sourcepg->title, sourcepg->color);
			summarycolor = sourcepg->color;

		if (summarycolor == -1) {
			errprintf("Could not determine sourcepage for summary %s\n", s->url);
			summarycolor = pagehead->color;

		/* Send the summary message */
		summsg = (char *)malloc(1024 + strlen(s->name) + strlen(s->url) + strlen(timestamp));
		sprintf(summsg, "summary summary.%s %s %s %s",
			s->name, colorname(summarycolor), s->url, timestamp);
		sendmessage(summsg, s->receiver, XYMON_TIMEOUT, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 21
void do_wml_cards(char *webdir)
	FILE		*nongreenfd, *hostfd;
	char		nongreenfn[PATH_MAX], hostfn[PATH_MAX];
	hostlist_t	*h;
	entry_t		*t;
	int		nongreenwapcolor;
	long		wmlmaxchars = 1500;
	int		nongreenpart = 1;

	/* Determine where the WML files go */
	sprintf(wmldir, "%s/wml", webdir);

	/* Make sure the WML directory exists */
	if (chdir(wmldir) != 0) mkdir(wmldir, 0755);
	if (chdir(wmldir) != 0) {
		errprintf("Cannot access or create the WML output directory %s\n", wmldir);

	/* Make sure this is set sensibly */
	if (xgetenv("WMLMAXCHARS")) {
		wmlmaxchars = atol(xgetenv("WMLMAXCHARS"));

	 * Cleanup cards that are too old.

	 * Find all the test entries that belong on the WAP page,
	 * and calculate the color for the nongreen wap page.
	 * We want only tests that have the "onwap" flag set, i.e.
	 * tests given in the "WAP:test,..." for this host (of the
	 * "NK:test,..." if no WAP list).
	 * At the same time, generate the WML card for the tests,
	 * corresponding to the HTML file for the test logfile.
	nongreenwapcolor = COL_GREEN;
	for (h = hostlistBegin(); (h); h = hostlistNext()) {
		h->hostentry->wapcolor = COL_GREEN;
		for (t = h->hostentry->entries; (t); t = t->next) {
			if (t->onwap && ((t->color == COL_RED) || (t->color == COL_YELLOW))) {
				generate_wml_statuscard(h->hostentry, t);
				h->hostentry->anywaps = 1;
			else {
				/* Clear the onwap flag - makes testing later a bit simpler */
				t->onwap = 0;

			if (t->onwap && (t->color > h->hostentry->wapcolor)) h->hostentry->wapcolor = t->color;

		/* Update the nongreenwapcolor */
		if ( (h->hostentry->wapcolor == COL_RED) || (h->hostentry->wapcolor == COL_YELLOW) ) {
			if (h->hostentry->wapcolor > nongreenwapcolor) nongreenwapcolor = h->hostentry->wapcolor;

	/* Start the non-green WML card */
	sprintf(nongreenfn, "%s/nongreen.wml.tmp", wmldir);
	nongreenfd = fopen(nongreenfn, "w");
	if (nongreenfd == NULL) {
		errprintf("Cannot open non-green WML file %s\n", nongreenfn);

	/* Standard non-green wap header */
	wml_header(nongreenfd, "card", nongreenpart);
	fprintf(nongreenfd, "<p align=\"center\" mode=\"nowrap\">\n");
	fprintf(nongreenfd, "%s</p>\n", timestamp);
	fprintf(nongreenfd, "<p align=\"center\" mode=\"nowrap\">\n");
	fprintf(nongreenfd, "Summary Status<br/><b>%s</b><br/><br/>\n", colorname(nongreenwapcolor));

	/* All green ? Just say so */
	if (nongreenwapcolor == COL_GREEN) {
		fprintf(nongreenfd, "All is OK<br/>\n");

	/* Now loop through the hostlist again, and generate the nongreen WAP links and host pages */
	for (h = hostlistBegin(); (h); h = hostlistNext()) {
		if (h->hostentry->anywaps) {

			/* Create the host WAP card, with links to individual test results */
			sprintf(hostfn, "%s/%s.wml", wmldir, h->hostentry->hostname);
			hostfd = fopen(hostfn, "w");
			if (hostfd == NULL) {
				errprintf("Cannot create file %s\n", hostfn);

			wml_header(hostfd, "name", 1);
			fprintf(hostfd, "<p align=\"center\">\n");
			fprintf(hostfd, "<anchor title=\"XYMON\">Overall<go href=\"nongreen.wml\"/></anchor><br/>\n");
			fprintf(hostfd, "%s</p>\n", timestamp);
			fprintf(hostfd, "<p align=\"left\" mode=\"nowrap\">\n");
			fprintf(hostfd, "<b>%s</b><br/><br/>\n", h->hostentry->hostname);

			for (t = h->hostentry->entries; (t); t = t->next) {
				if (t->onwap) {
					fprintf(hostfd, "<b><anchor title=\"%s\">%s%s<go href=\"%s.%s.wml\"/></anchor></b> %s<br/>\n", 
						(t->acked ? "x" : ""),
						h->hostentry->hostname, t->column->name,
			fprintf(hostfd, "\n</p> </card> </wml>\n");

			/* Create the link from the nongreen wap card to the host card */
			fprintf(nongreenfd, "<b><anchor title=\"%s\">%s<go href=\"%s.wml\"/></anchor></b> %s<br/>\n", 
				h->hostentry->hostname, wml_colorname(h->hostentry->wapcolor), 
				h->hostentry->hostname, h->hostentry->hostname);

			 * Gross hack. Some WAP phones cannot handle large cards. 
			 * So if the card grows larger than WMLMAXCHARS, split it into 
			 * multiple files and link from one file to the next.
			if (ftello(nongreenfd) >= wmlmaxchars) {
				char oldnongreenfn[PATH_MAX];

				/* WML link is from the nongreenfd except leading wmldir+'/' */
				strcpy(oldnongreenfn, nongreenfn+strlen(wmldir)+1);


				fprintf(nongreenfd, "<br /><b><anchor title=\"Next\">Next<go href=\"nongreen-%d.wml\"/></anchor></b>\n", nongreenpart);
				fprintf(nongreenfd, "</p> </card> </wml>\n");

				/* Start a new Nongreen WML card */
				sprintf(nongreenfn, "%s/nongreen-%d.wml", wmldir, nongreenpart);
				nongreenfd = fopen(nongreenfn, "w");
				if (nongreenfd == NULL) {
					errprintf("Cannot open Nongreen WML file %s\n", nongreenfd);
				wml_header(nongreenfd, "card", nongreenpart);
				fprintf(nongreenfd, "<p align=\"center\">\n");
				fprintf(nongreenfd, "<anchor title=\"Prev\">Previous<go href=\"%s\"/></anchor><br/>\n", oldnongreenfn);
				fprintf(nongreenfd, "%s</p>\n", timestamp);
				fprintf(nongreenfd, "<p align=\"center\" mode=\"nowrap\">\n");
				fprintf(nongreenfd, "Summary Status<br/><b>%s</b><br/><br/>\n", colorname(nongreenwapcolor));

	fprintf(nongreenfd, "</p> </card> </wml>\n");

	if (chdir(wmldir) == 0) {
		/* Rename the top-level file into place now */
		rename("nongreen.wml.tmp", "nongreen.wml");

		/* Make sure there is the index.wml file pointing to nongreen.wml */
		if (!symlink("nongreen.wml", "index.wml")) {
			errprintf("symlink nongreen.xml->index.wml failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));

Exemplo n.º 22
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	char dirid[PATH_MAX];
	char outdir[PATH_MAX];
	char xymonwebenv[PATH_MAX];
	char xymongencmd[PATH_MAX];
	char xymongentimeopt[100];
	char csvdelimopt[100];
	char *xymongen_argv[20];
	pid_t childpid;
	int childstat;
	char htmldelim[100];
	char startstr[30], endstr[30];
	int cleanupoldreps = 1;
	int argi, newargi;
	char *envarea = NULL;
	char *useragent = NULL;
	int usemultipart = 1;

	newargi = 0;
	xymongen_argv[newargi++] = xymongencmd;
	xymongen_argv[newargi++] = xymongentimeopt;

	for (argi=1; (argi < argc); argi++) {
		if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--env=")) {
			char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '=');
			loadenv(p+1, envarea);
		else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--area=")) {
			char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '=');
			envarea = strdup(p+1);
		else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--noclean") == 0) {
			cleanupoldreps = 0;
		else {
			xymongen_argv[newargi++] = argv[argi];


	cgidata = cgi_request();
	if (cgidata == NULL) {
		/* Present the query form */
		sethostenv("", "", "", colorname(COL_BLUE), NULL);
		printf("Content-type: %s\n\n", xgetenv("HTMLCONTENTTYPE"));
		showform(stdout, "report", "report_form", COL_BLUE, getcurrenttime(NULL)-86400, NULL, NULL);
		return 0;

	useragent = getenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT");
	if (useragent && strstr(useragent, "KHTML")) {
		/* KHTML (Konqueror, Safari) cannot handle multipart documents. */
		usemultipart = 0;


	 * We need to set these variables up AFTER we have put them into the xymongen_argv[] array.
	 * We cannot do it before, because we need the environment that the command-line options 
	 * might provide.
	if (xgetenv("XYMONGEN")) sprintf(xymongencmd, "%s", xgetenv("XYMONGEN"));
	else sprintf(xymongencmd, "%s/bin/xymongen", xgetenv("XYMONHOME"));

	snprintf(xymongentimeopt, sizeof(xymongentimeopt)-1,"--reportopts=%u:%u:1:%s", (unsigned int)starttime, (unsigned int)endtime, style);

	sprintf(dirid, "%u-%u", (unsigned int)getpid(), (unsigned int)getcurrenttime(NULL));
	if (!csvoutput) {
		sprintf(outdir, "%s/%s", xgetenv("XYMONREPDIR"), dirid);
		mkdir(outdir, 0755);
		xymongen_argv[newargi++] = outdir;
		sprintf(xymonwebenv, "XYMONWEB=%s/%s", xgetenv("XYMONREPURL"), dirid);
	else {
		sprintf(outdir, "--csv=%s/%s.csv", xgetenv("XYMONREPDIR"), dirid);
		xymongen_argv[newargi++] = outdir;
		sprintf(csvdelimopt, "--csvdelim=%c", csvdelim);
		xymongen_argv[newargi++] = csvdelimopt;

	xymongen_argv[newargi++] = NULL;

	if (usemultipart) {
		/* Output the "please wait for report ... " thing */
		snprintf(htmldelim, sizeof(htmldelim)-1, "xymonrep-%u-%u", (int)getpid(), (unsigned int)getcurrenttime(NULL));
		printf("Content-type: multipart/mixed;boundary=%s\n", htmldelim);
		printf("--%s\n", htmldelim);
		printf("Content-type: %s\n\n", xgetenv("HTMLCONTENTTYPE"));

		/* It's ok with these hardcoded values, as they are not used for this page */
		sethostenv("", "", "", colorname(COL_BLUE), NULL);
		sethostenv_report(starttime, endtime, 97.0, 99.995);
		headfoot(stdout, "repnormal", "", "header", COL_BLUE);

		strftime(startstr, sizeof(startstr), "%b %d %Y", localtime(&starttime));
		strftime(endstr, sizeof(endstr), "%b %d %Y", localtime(&endtime));
		printf("<CENTER><A NAME=begindata>&nbsp;</A>\n");
		printf("<H3>Generating report for the period: %s", htmlquoted(startstr));
		printf(" - %s ", htmlquoted(endstr));
		printf("(%s)<BR>\n", htmlquoted(style));

	/* Go do the report */
	childpid = fork();
	if (childpid == 0) {
		execv(xymongencmd, xymongen_argv);
	else if (childpid > 0) {

		/* Ignore SIGHUP so we dont get killed during cleanup of XYMONREPDIR */
		signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);

		if (WIFEXITED(childstat) && (WEXITSTATUS(childstat) != 0) ) {
			char msg[4096];

			if (usemultipart) printf("--%s\n\n", htmldelim);
			sprintf(msg, "Could not generate report.<br>\nCheck that the %s/www/rep/ directory has permissions '-rwxrwxr-x' (775)<br>\n and that is is set to group %d", xgetenv("XYMONHOME"), (int)getgid());
		else {
			/* Send the browser off to the report */
			if (usemultipart) {
				printf("Done...Report is <A HREF=\"%s/%s/%s\">here</a>.</P></BODY></HTML>\n", xgetenv("XYMONREPURL"), dirid, suburl);
				printf("--%s\n\n", htmldelim);
			printf("Content-Type: %s\n\n", xgetenv("HTMLCONTENTTYPE"));
			if (!csvoutput) {
				printf("<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"REFRESH\" CONTENT=\"0; URL=%s/%s/%s\"\n", 
					xgetenv("XYMONREPURL"), dirid, suburl);
				printf("</HEAD><BODY>Report is available <a href=\"%s/%s/%s\">here</a></BODY></HTML>\n",
					xgetenv("XYMONREPURL"), dirid, suburl);
			else {
				printf("<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"REFRESH\" CONTENT=\"0; URL=%s/%s.csv\"\n", 
					xgetenv("XYMONREPURL"), dirid);
				printf("</HEAD><BODY>Report is available <a href=\"%s/%s.csv\">here</a></BODY></HTML>\n",
					xgetenv("XYMONREPURL"), dirid);
			if (usemultipart) printf("\n--%s\n", htmldelim);

		if (cleanupoldreps) cleandir(xgetenv("XYMONREPDIR"));
	else {
		if (usemultipart) printf("--%s\n\n", htmldelim);
		printf("Content-Type: %s\n\n", xgetenv("HTMLCONTENTTYPE"));
		errormsg("Fork failed");

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 23
void generate_replog(FILE *htmlrep, FILE *textrep, char *textrepurl,
		     char *hostname, char *service, int color, int style,
		     char *ip, char *displayname,
		     time_t st, time_t end, double reportwarnlevel, double reportgreenlevel, int reportwarnstops, 
		     reportinfo_t *repinfo)
	replog_t *walk;
	char *bgcols[2] = { "\"#000000\"", "\"#000033\"" };
	int curbg = 0;

	if (!displayname) displayname = hostname;
	sethostenv(displayname, ip, service, colorname(color), hostname);
	sethostenv_report(st, end, reportwarnlevel, reportgreenlevel);

	headfoot(htmlrep, "replog", "", "header", color);

	fprintf(htmlrep, "\n");

	fprintf(htmlrep, "<CENTER>\n");
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<BR><FONT %s>", xgetenv("XYMONPAGEROWFONT"));
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<B>%s - ", htmlquoted(displayname));
	fprintf(htmlrep, "%s</B></FONT>\n", htmlquoted(service));
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TABLE BORDER=0 BGCOLOR=\"#333333\" CELLPADDING=3 SUMMARY=\"Availability percentages\">\n");
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TR>\n");

	if (repinfo->withreport) {
		fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD COLSPAN=3><CENTER><BR><B>Availability (24x7): %.2f%%</B></CENTER></TD>\n", repinfo->fullavailability);
		fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD>&nbsp;</TD>\n");
		fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD COLSPAN=3><CENTER><B>Availability (SLA): %.2f%%</B></CENTER></TD>\n", repinfo->reportavailability);
	else {
		fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD COLSPAN=7><CENTER><B><BR>Availability: %.2f%%</B></CENTER></TD>\n", repinfo->fullavailability);
	fprintf(htmlrep, "</TR>\n");

	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TR BGCOLOR=\"#000033\">\n");
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD>&nbsp;</TD>\n");
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER><IMG SRC=\"%s/%s\" ALT=\"%s\" TITLE=\"%s\" HEIGHT=%s WIDTH=%s BORDER=0></TD>\n", 
		xgetenv("XYMONSKIN"), dotgiffilename(COL_GREEN, 0, 1), colorname(COL_GREEN), colorname(COL_GREEN), xgetenv("DOTHEIGHT"), xgetenv("DOTWIDTH"));
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER><IMG SRC=\"%s/%s\" ALT=\"%s\" TITLE=\"%s\" HEIGHT=%s WIDTH=%s BORDER=0></TD>\n", 
		xgetenv("XYMONSKIN"), dotgiffilename(COL_YELLOW, 0, 1), colorname(COL_YELLOW), colorname(COL_YELLOW), xgetenv("DOTHEIGHT"), xgetenv("DOTWIDTH"));
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER><IMG SRC=\"%s/%s\" ALT=\"%s\" TITLE=\"%s\" HEIGHT=%s WIDTH=%s BORDER=0></TD>\n", 
		xgetenv("XYMONSKIN"), dotgiffilename(COL_RED, 0, 1), colorname(COL_RED), colorname(COL_RED), xgetenv("DOTHEIGHT"), xgetenv("DOTWIDTH"));
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER><IMG SRC=\"%s/%s\" ALT=\"%s\" TITLE=\"%s\" HEIGHT=%s WIDTH=%s BORDER=0></TD>\n", 
		xgetenv("XYMONSKIN"), dotgiffilename(COL_PURPLE, 0, 1), colorname(COL_PURPLE), colorname(COL_PURPLE), xgetenv("DOTHEIGHT"), xgetenv("DOTWIDTH"));
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER><IMG SRC=\"%s/%s\" ALT=\"%s\" TITLE=\"%s\" HEIGHT=%s WIDTH=%s BORDER=0></TD>\n", 
		xgetenv("XYMONSKIN"), dotgiffilename(COL_CLEAR, 0, 1), colorname(COL_CLEAR), colorname(COL_CLEAR), xgetenv("DOTHEIGHT"), xgetenv("DOTWIDTH"));
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER><IMG SRC=\"%s/%s\" ALT=\"%s\" TITLE=\"%s\" HEIGHT=%s WIDTH=%s BORDER=0></TD>\n", 
		xgetenv("XYMONSKIN"), dotgiffilename(COL_BLUE, 0, 1), colorname(COL_BLUE), colorname(COL_BLUE), xgetenv("DOTHEIGHT"), xgetenv("DOTWIDTH"));
	fprintf(htmlrep, "</TR>\n");
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TR BGCOLOR=\"#000033\">\n");
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=LEFT><B>24x7</B></TD>\n");
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER><B>%.2f%%</B></TD>\n", repinfo->fullpct[COL_GREEN]);
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER><B>%.2f%%</B></TD>\n", repinfo->fullpct[COL_YELLOW]);
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER><B>%.2f%%</B></TD>\n", repinfo->fullpct[COL_RED]);
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER><B>%.2f%%</B></TD>\n", repinfo->fullpct[COL_PURPLE]);
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER><B>%.2f%%</B></TD>\n", repinfo->fullpct[COL_CLEAR]);
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER><B>%.2f%%</B></TD>\n", repinfo->fullpct[COL_BLUE]);
	fprintf(htmlrep, "</TR>\n");
	if (repinfo->withreport) {
		fprintf(htmlrep, "<TR BGCOLOR=\"#000033\">\n");
		fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=LEFT><B>SLA (%.2f)</B></TD>\n", reportwarnlevel);
		fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER><B>%.2f%%</B></TD>\n", repinfo->reportpct[COL_GREEN]);
		fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER><B>%.2f%%</B></TD>\n", repinfo->reportpct[COL_YELLOW]);
		fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER><B>%.2f%%</B></TD>\n", repinfo->reportpct[COL_RED]);
		fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER>-</TD>\n");
		fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER><B>%.2f%%</B></TD>\n", repinfo->reportpct[COL_CLEAR]);
		fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER>-</TD>\n");
		fprintf(htmlrep, "</TR>\n");
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TR BGCOLOR=\"#000000\">\n");
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER COLSPAN=2><B>Event count</B></TD>\n");
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER><B>%d</B></TD>\n", repinfo->count[COL_YELLOW]);
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER><B>%d</B></TD>\n", repinfo->count[COL_RED]);
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER><B>%d</B></TD>\n", repinfo->count[COL_PURPLE]);
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER><B>%d</B></TD>\n", repinfo->count[COL_CLEAR]);
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER><B>%d</B></TD>\n", repinfo->count[COL_BLUE]);
	fprintf(htmlrep, "</TR>\n");
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TR BGCOLOR=\"#000000\">\n");
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD COLSPAN=7 ALIGN=CENTER>\n");
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<FONT %s><B>[Total may not equal 100%%]</B></FONT></TD> </TR>\n", xgetenv("XYMONPAGECOLFONT"));

	if (strcmp(repinfo->fstate, "NOTOK") == 0) {
		fprintf(htmlrep, "<TR BGCOLOR=\"#000000\">\n");
		fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD COLSPAN=7 ALIGN=CENTER>\n");
		fprintf(htmlrep, "<FONT %s><B>[History file contains invalid entries]</B></FONT></TD></TR>\n", 

	fprintf(htmlrep, "</TABLE>\n");
	fprintf(htmlrep, "</CENTER>\n");

	/* Text-based report start */
	if (textrep) {
		char text_starttime[20], text_endtime[20];

		fprintf(textrep, "Availability Report\n");

		strftime(text_starttime, sizeof(text_starttime), "%b %d %Y", localtime(&st));
		strftime(text_endtime, sizeof(text_endtime), "%b %d %Y", localtime(&end));
		if (strcmp(text_starttime, text_endtime) == 0)
			fprintf(textrep, "%s\n", text_starttime);
			fprintf(textrep, "%s - %s\n", text_starttime, text_endtime);

		fprintf(textrep, "\n");
		fprintf(textrep, "\n");
		fprintf(textrep, "				%s - %s\n", displayname, service);
		fprintf(textrep, "\n");
		if (repinfo->withreport) {
			fprintf(textrep, "			Availability (24x7) :	%.2f%%\n", repinfo->fullavailability);
			fprintf(textrep, "			Availability (SLA)  :	%.2f%%\n", repinfo->reportavailability);
		else {
			fprintf(textrep, "				Availability:	%.2f%%\n", repinfo->fullavailability);
		fprintf(textrep, "			Green	Yellow	Red	Purple	Clear	Blue\n");
		fprintf(textrep, "		24x7	%.2f%%	%.2f%%	%.2f%%	%.2f%%	%.2f%%	%.2f%%\n",
			repinfo->fullpct[COL_GREEN], repinfo->fullpct[COL_YELLOW], repinfo->fullpct[COL_RED], 
			repinfo->fullpct[COL_PURPLE], repinfo->fullpct[COL_CLEAR], repinfo->fullpct[COL_BLUE]);
		if (repinfo->withreport) {
			fprintf(textrep, "		SLA	%.2f%%	%.2f%%	%.2f%%	   -  	%.2f%%	   -  \n",
				repinfo->reportpct[COL_GREEN], repinfo->reportpct[COL_YELLOW], 
				repinfo->reportpct[COL_RED], repinfo->reportpct[COL_CLEAR]);
		fprintf(textrep, "		Events	%d	%d	%d	%d	%d	%d\n",
			repinfo->count[COL_GREEN], repinfo->count[COL_YELLOW], repinfo->count[COL_RED], 
			repinfo->count[COL_PURPLE], repinfo->count[COL_CLEAR], repinfo->count[COL_BLUE]);
		fprintf(textrep, "\n");
		fprintf(textrep, "\n");
		fprintf(textrep, "				Event logs for the given period\n");
		fprintf(textrep, "\n");
		fprintf(textrep, "Event Start			Event End			Status	Duration	(Seconds)	Cause\n");
		fprintf(textrep, "\n");
		fprintf(textrep, "\n");

	fprintf(htmlrep, "<BR><BR>\n");

	fprintf(htmlrep, "<CENTER>\n");
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TABLE BORDER=0 BGCOLOR=\"#333333\" CELLSPACING=3 SUMMARY=\"Event table\">\n");
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TR>\n");
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD COLSPAN=5><CENTER>Event logs for the given period</CENTER></TD>\n");
	fprintf(htmlrep, "</TR>\n");
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TR BGCOLOR=\"#333333\">\n");
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER><FONT %s><B>Event Start</B></FONT></TD>\n", xgetenv("XYMONPAGECOLFONT"));
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER><FONT %s><B>Event End</B></FONT></TD>\n", xgetenv("XYMONPAGECOLFONT"));
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER><FONT %s><B>Status</B></FONT></TD>\n", xgetenv("XYMONPAGECOLFONT"));
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER><FONT %s><B>Duration</B></FONT></TD>\n", xgetenv("XYMONPAGECOLFONT"));
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER><FONT %s><B>Cause</B></FONT></TD>\n", xgetenv("XYMONPAGECOLFONT"));
	fprintf(htmlrep, "</TR>\n");

	for (walk = reploghead; (walk); walk = walk->next) {
		int wanted = 0;

		switch (style) {
		  case STYLE_CRIT: wanted = (walk->color == COL_RED); break;
		  case STYLE_NONGR: wanted = (walk->color != COL_GREEN); break;
		  case STYLE_OTHER: wanted = 1;

		if (wanted) {
			char start[30];
			char end[30];
			time_t endtime;
			int angrygif = (repinfo->withreport && walk->affectssla);

			strftime(start, sizeof(start), "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", localtime(&walk->starttime));
			endtime = walk->starttime + walk->duration;
			strftime(end, sizeof(end), "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", localtime(&endtime));

			fprintf(htmlrep, "<TR BGCOLOR=%s>\n", bgcols[curbg]); curbg = (1-curbg);
			fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=LEFT NOWRAP>%s</TD>\n", start);
			fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=RIGHT NOWRAP>%s</TD>\n", end);
			fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR=\"#000000\">");
			fprintf(htmlrep, "<A HREF=\"%s\">", 
				histlogurl(hostname, service, 0, walk->timespec));
			fprintf(htmlrep, "<IMG SRC=\"%s/%s\" ALT=\"%s\" TITLE=\"%s\" HEIGHT=%s WIDTH=%s BORDER=0>", 
				xgetenv("XYMONSKIN"), dotgiffilename(walk->color, 0, !angrygif), colorname(walk->color), colorname(walk->color),
				xgetenv("DOTHEIGHT"), xgetenv("DOTWIDTH"));
			fprintf(htmlrep, "</A></TD>\n");

			fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER>%s</TD>\n", durationstr(walk->duration));
			fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD>%s</TD>\n", walk->cause);
			fprintf(htmlrep, "</TR>\n\n");

			/* And the text-report */
			if (textrep) {
				fprintf(textrep, "%s	%s	%s	%s		%u		",
					start, end, colorname(walk->color), 
					durationstr(walk->duration), (unsigned int)walk->duration);
				if (walk->cause) {
					char *p;

                        		for (p=walk->cause; (p && *p); ) {
						if (*p == '<') {
							p = strchr(p, '>');
							if (p) p++;
						else if (*p != '\n') {
							fprintf(textrep, "%c", *p);
						else p++;
					fprintf(textrep, "\n");

	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT BGCOLOR=\"#000033\" COLSPAN=3>\n");
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<B>Time Critical/Offline (24x7):</B></TD>\n");
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=LEFT NOWRAP COLSPAN=2>%s</TD></TR>\n", 

	if (style != STYLE_CRIT) {
		fprintf(htmlrep, "<TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT BGCOLOR=\"#000033\" COLSPAN=3>\n");
		fprintf(htmlrep, "<B>Time Non-Critical (24x7):</B></TD>\n");
		fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=LEFT NOWRAP COLSPAN=2>%s</TD></TR>\n", 
			durationstr(repinfo->fullduration[COL_YELLOW] + repinfo->fullduration[COL_PURPLE] +
				    repinfo->fullduration[COL_CLEAR]  + repinfo->fullduration[COL_BLUE]));

	if (repinfo->withreport) {
		fprintf(htmlrep, "<TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT BGCOLOR=\"#000033\" COLSPAN=3>\n");
		fprintf(htmlrep, "<B>Time Critical/Offline (SLA):</B></TD>\n");
		fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=LEFT NOWRAP COLSPAN=2>%s</TD></TR>\n", 

		if (style != STYLE_CRIT) {
			fprintf(htmlrep, "<TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT BGCOLOR=\"#000033\" COLSPAN=3>\n");
			fprintf(htmlrep, "<B>Time Non-Critical (SLA):</B></TD>\n");
			fprintf(htmlrep, "<TD ALIGN=LEFT NOWRAP COLSPAN=2>%s</TD></TR>\n", 

	/* And the text report ... */
	if (textrep) {
		fprintf(textrep, "\n");
		fprintf(textrep, "\n");
		fprintf(textrep, "			%s %s	(%lu secs)\n",
			"Time Critical/Offline (24x7):", durationstr(repinfo->fullduration[COL_RED]), repinfo->fullduration[COL_RED]);

		if (style != STYLE_CRIT) {
			fprintf(textrep, "			%s %s	(%lu secs)\n",
				"Time Non-Critical (24x7):", 
				durationstr(repinfo->fullduration[COL_YELLOW] + repinfo->fullduration[COL_PURPLE] +
					    repinfo->fullduration[COL_CLEAR]  + repinfo->fullduration[COL_BLUE]),
				(repinfo->fullduration[COL_YELLOW] + repinfo->fullduration[COL_PURPLE] + 
				 repinfo->fullduration[COL_CLEAR] + repinfo->fullduration[COL_BLUE]));

		if (repinfo->withreport) {
			fprintf(textrep, "\n");
			fprintf(textrep, "\n");
			fprintf(textrep, "			%s %s	(%lu secs)\n",
				"Time Critical/Offline (SLA) :", durationstr(repinfo->reportduration[COL_RED]), repinfo->reportduration[COL_RED]);

			if (style != STYLE_CRIT) {
				fprintf(textrep, "			%s %s	(%lu secs)\n",
					"Time Non-Critical (SLA) :", 
					durationstr(repinfo->reportduration[COL_YELLOW]), repinfo->fullduration[COL_YELLOW]);

	fprintf(htmlrep, "</TABLE>\n");

	fprintf(htmlrep, "<BR><BR>\n");
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<BR><BR><CENTER><FONT COLOR=yellow>\n");
	fprintf(htmlrep, "<A HREF=\"%s\">Click here for text-based availability report</A>\n", textrepurl);
	fprintf(htmlrep, "</FONT></CENTER><BR><BR>\n");

	/* XYMONREPEXT extensions */
	do_extensions(htmlrep, "XYMONREPEXT", "rep");

	fprintf(htmlrep, "</CENTER>\n");

	headfoot(htmlrep, "replog", "", "footer", color);
Exemplo n.º 24
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int argi, hosti, testi;
    char *pagepattern = NULL, *hostpattern = NULL;
    char *envarea = NULL, *cookie = NULL, *nexthost;
    char *hobbitcmd, *procscmd, *svcscmd;
    int alertcolors, alertinterval;
    char configfn[PATH_MAX];
    char *respbuf = NULL, *procsbuf = NULL, *svcsbuf = NULL;
    hostlist_t *hwalk;
    htnames_t *twalk;
    hostlist_t **allhosts = NULL;
    htnames_t **alltests = NULL;
    int hostcount = 0, maxtests = 0;
    time_t now = getcurrenttime(NULL);
    sendreturn_t *sres;

    for (argi=1; (argi < argc); argi++) {
        if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--env=")) {
            char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '=');
            loadenv(p+1, envarea);
        else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--area=")) {
            char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '=');
            envarea = strdup(p+1);
        else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--debug") == 0) {
            debug = 1;
        else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--delimiter=")) {
            char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '=');
            coldelim = strdup(p+1);
        else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--critical") == 0) {
            nkonly = 1;
        else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--old-nk-config") == 0) {
            newnkconfig = 0;


    load_hostnames(xgetenv("BBHOSTS"), NULL, get_fqdn());

    /* Setup the filter we use for the report */
    cookie = get_cookie("pagepath");
    if (cookie && *cookie) pagepattern = strdup(cookie);
    cookie = get_cookie("host");
    if (cookie && *cookie) hostpattern = strdup(cookie);

    /* Fetch the list of host+test statuses we currently know about */
    if (pagepattern) {
        hobbitcmd = (char *)malloc(2*strlen(pagepattern) + 1024);
        procscmd = (char *)malloc(2*strlen(pagepattern) + 1024);
        svcscmd = (char *)malloc(2*strlen(pagepattern) + 1024);

        sprintf(hobbitcmd, "hobbitdboard page=^%s$|^%s/.+ fields=hostname,testname",
                pagepattern, pagepattern);
        sprintf(procscmd,  "hobbitdboard page=^%s$|^%s/.+ test=procs fields=hostname,msg",
                pagepattern, pagepattern);
        sprintf(svcscmd,   "hobbitdboard page=^%s$|^%s/.+ test=svcs fields=hostname,msg",
                pagepattern, pagepattern);
    else if (hostpattern) {
        hobbitcmd = (char *)malloc(strlen(hostpattern) + 1024);
        procscmd = (char *)malloc(strlen(hostpattern) + 1024);
        svcscmd = (char *)malloc(strlen(hostpattern) + 1024);

        sprintf(hobbitcmd, "hobbitdboard host=^%s$ fields=hostname,testname", hostpattern);
        sprintf(procscmd,  "hobbitdboard host=^%s$ test=procs fields=hostname,msg", hostpattern);
        sprintf(svcscmd,   "hobbitdboard host=^%s$ test=svcs fields=hostname,msg", hostpattern);
    else {
        hobbitcmd = (char *)malloc(1024);
        procscmd = (char *)malloc(1024);
        svcscmd = (char *)malloc(1024);

        sprintf(hobbitcmd, "hobbitdboard fields=hostname,testname");
        sprintf(procscmd,  "hobbitdboard test=procs fields=hostname,msg");
        sprintf(svcscmd,   "hobbitdboard test=svcs fields=hostname,msg");

    sres = newsendreturnbuf(1, NULL);

    if (sendmessage(hobbitcmd, NULL, BBTALK_TIMEOUT, sres) != BB_OK) {
        errormsg("Cannot contact the Hobbit server\n");
        return 1;
    respbuf = getsendreturnstr(sres, 1);
    if (sendmessage(procscmd, NULL, BBTALK_TIMEOUT, sres) != BB_OK) {
        errormsg("Cannot contact the Hobbit server\n");
        return 1;
    procsbuf = getsendreturnstr(sres, 1);
    if (sendmessage(svcscmd, NULL, BBTALK_TIMEOUT, sres) != BB_OK) {
        errormsg("Cannot contact the Hobbit server\n");
        return 1;
    svcsbuf = getsendreturnstr(sres, 1);


    if (!respbuf) {
        errormsg("Unable to find host information\n");
        return 1;

    /* Parse it into a usable list */
    nexthost = respbuf;
    do {
        char *hname, *tname, *eoln;
        int wanted = 1;

        eoln = strchr(nexthost, '\n');
        if (eoln) *eoln = '\0';
        hname = nexthost;
        tname = strchr(nexthost, '|');
        if (tname) {
            *tname = '\0';

        if (nkonly) {
            void *hinfo = hostinfo(hname);
            char *nkalerts = bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_NK);

            if (newnkconfig) {
                if (strcmp(nkval(hname, tname, nkalerts), "No") == 0 ) wanted = 0;
            } else {
                if (!nkalerts) wanted = 0;

        if (wanted && hname && tname && strcmp(hname, "summary") && strcmp(tname, xgetenv("INFOCOLUMN")) && strcmp(tname, xgetenv("TRENDSCOLUMN"))) {
            htnames_t *newitem = (htnames_t *)malloc(sizeof(htnames_t));

            for (hwalk = hosthead; (hwalk && strcmp(hwalk->hostname, hname)); hwalk = hwalk->next);
            if (!hwalk) {
                hwalk = (hostlist_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(hostlist_t));
                hwalk->hostname = strdup(hname);
                hwalk->procs = get_proclist(hname, procsbuf);
                hwalk->svcs  = get_proclist(hname, svcsbuf);
                hwalk->next = hosthead;
                hosthead = hwalk;

            newitem->name = strdup(tname);
            newitem->next = hwalk->tests;
            hwalk->tests = newitem;

        if (eoln) {
            nexthost = eoln+1;
            if (*nexthost == '\0') nexthost = NULL;
    } while (nexthost);

    allhosts = (hostlist_t **) malloc(hostcount * sizeof(hostlist_t *));
    for (hwalk = hosthead, hosti=0; (hwalk); hwalk = hwalk->next, hosti++) {
        allhosts[hosti] = hwalk;
        if (hwalk->testcount > maxtests) maxtests = hwalk->testcount;
    alltests = (htnames_t **) malloc(maxtests * sizeof(htnames_t *));
    qsort(&allhosts[0], hostcount, sizeof(hostlist_t **), host_compare);

    /* Get the static info */
    pingcolumn = xgetenv("PINGCOLUMN");
    pingplus = (char *)malloc(strlen(pingcolumn) + 2);
    sprintf(pingplus, "%s=", pingcolumn);

    /* Load alert config */
    alertcolors = colorset(xgetenv("ALERTCOLORS"), ((1 << COL_GREEN) | (1 << COL_BLUE)));
    alertinterval = 60*atoi(xgetenv("ALERTREPEAT"));
    sprintf(configfn, "%s/etc/hobbit-alerts.cfg", xgetenv("BBHOME"));
    load_alertconfig(configfn, alertcolors, alertinterval);

    printf("Content-Type: %s\n\n", xgetenv("HTMLCONTENTTYPE"));
    sethostenv("", "", "", colorname(COL_BLUE), NULL);
    headfoot(stdout, "confreport", "", "header", COL_BLUE);

    fprintf(stdout, "<table width=\"100%%\" border=0>\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "<tr><th align=center colspan=2><font size=\"+2\">Hobbit configuration Report</font></th></tr>\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "<tr><th valign=top align=left>Date</th><td>%s</td></tr>\n", ctime(&now));
    fprintf(stdout, "<tr><th valign=top align=left>%d hosts included</th><td>\n", hostcount);
    for (hosti=0; (hosti < hostcount); hosti++) {
        fprintf(stdout, "%s ", allhosts[hosti]->hostname);
    fprintf(stdout, "</td></tr>\n");
    if (nkonly) {
        fprintf(stdout, "<tr><th valign=top align=left>Filter</th><td>Only data for the &quot;Critical Systems&quot; view reported</td></tr>\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "</table>\n");

    headfoot(stdout, "confreport", "", "front", COL_BLUE);

    for (hosti=0; (hosti < hostcount); hosti++) {
        for (twalk = allhosts[hosti]->tests, testi = 0; (twalk); twalk = twalk->next, testi++) {
            alltests[testi] = twalk;
        qsort(&alltests[0], allhosts[hosti]->testcount, sizeof(htnames_t **), test_compare);

        print_host(allhosts[hosti], alltests, allhosts[hosti]->testcount);

    headfoot(stdout, "confreport", "", "back", COL_BLUE);

    headfoot(stdout, "confreport", "", "footer", COL_BLUE);

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 25
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	char dirid[PATH_MAX];
	char outdir[PATH_MAX];
	char xymongencmd[PATH_MAX];
	char xymonwebenv[PATH_MAX];
	char xymongentimeopt[100];
	char *xymongen_argv[20];
	pid_t childpid;
	int childstat;
	char htmldelim[100];
	char startstr[20];
	int argi, newargi;
	char *envarea = NULL;
	char *useragent;
	int usemultipart = 1;

	newargi = 0;
	xymongen_argv[newargi++] = xymongencmd;
	xymongen_argv[newargi++] = xymongentimeopt;

	for (argi=1; (argi < argc); argi++) {
		if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--env=")) {
			char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '=');
			loadenv(p+1, envarea);
		else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--area=")) {
			char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '=');
			envarea = strdup(p+1);
		else {
			xymongen_argv[newargi++] = argv[argi];
	xymongen_argv[newargi++] = outdir;
	xymongen_argv[newargi++] = NULL;


	cgidata = cgi_request();
	if (cgidata == NULL) {
		/* Present the query form */
		sethostenv("", "", "", colorname(COL_BLUE), NULL);
		printf("Content-type: %s\n\n", xgetenv("HTMLCONTENTTYPE"));
		showform(stdout, "snapshot", "snapshot_form", COL_BLUE, getcurrenttime(NULL), NULL, NULL);
		return 0;


	useragent = getenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT");
	if (useragent && strstr(useragent, "KHTML")) {
		/* KHTML (Konqueror, Safari) cannot handle multipart documents. */
		usemultipart = 0;

	 * Need to set these up AFTER putting them into xymongen_argv, since we
	 * need to have option parsing done first.
	if (xgetenv("XYMONGEN")) sprintf(xymongencmd, "%s", xgetenv("XYMONGEN"));
	else sprintf(xymongencmd, "%s/bin/xymongen", xgetenv("XYMONHOME"));

	snprintf(xymongentimeopt, sizeof(xymongentimeopt), "--snapshot=%u", (unsigned int)starttime);

	sprintf(dirid, "%lu-%u", (unsigned long)getpid(), (unsigned int)getcurrenttime(NULL));
	sprintf(outdir, "%s/%s", xgetenv("XYMONSNAPDIR"), dirid);
	if (mkdir(outdir, 0755) == -1) errormsg("Cannot create output directory");

	sprintf(xymonwebenv, "XYMONWEB=%s/%s", xgetenv("XYMONSNAPURL"), dirid);

	if (usemultipart) {
		/* Output the "please wait for report ... " thing */
		snprintf(htmldelim, sizeof(htmldelim)-1, "xymonrep-%lu-%u", (unsigned long)getpid(), (unsigned int)getcurrenttime(NULL));
		printf("Content-type: multipart/mixed;boundary=%s\n", htmldelim);
		printf("%s\n", htmldelim);
		printf("Content-type: %s\n\n", xgetenv("HTMLCONTENTTYPE"));

		/* It's ok with these hardcoded values, as they are not used for this page */
		sethostenv("", "", "", colorname(COL_BLUE), NULL);
		sethostenv_report(starttime, starttime, 97.0, 99.995);
		headfoot(stdout, "snapshot", "", "header", COL_BLUE);

		strftime(startstr, sizeof(startstr), "%b %d %Y", localtime(&starttime));
		printf("<CENTER><A NAME=begindata>&nbsp;</A>\n");
		printf("<H3>Generating snapshot: %s<BR>\n", htmlquoted(startstr));

	/* Go do the report */
	childpid = fork();
	if (childpid == 0) {
		execv(xymongencmd, xymongen_argv);
	else if (childpid > 0) {

		/* Ignore SIGHUP so we don't get killed during cleanup of XYMONSNAPDIR */
		signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);

		if (WIFEXITED(childstat) && (WEXITSTATUS(childstat) != 0) ) {
			if (usemultipart) printf("%s\n\n", htmldelim);
			printf("Content-Type: %s\n\n", xgetenv("HTMLCONTENTTYPE"));
			errormsg("Could not generate report");
		else {
			/* Send the browser off to the report */
			if (usemultipart) {
				printf("%s\n\n", htmldelim);
			printf("Content-Type: %s\n\n", xgetenv("HTMLCONTENTTYPE"));
			printf("<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"REFRESH\" CONTENT=\"0; URL=%s/%s/\"\n", 
					xgetenv("XYMONSNAPURL"), dirid);
			printf("</HEAD><BODY BGCOLOR=\"000000\"></BODY></HTML>\n");
			if (usemultipart) printf("\n%s\n", htmldelim);

	else {
		if (usemultipart) printf("%s\n\n", htmldelim);
		printf("Content-Type: %s\n\n", xgetenv("HTMLCONTENTTYPE"));
		errormsg("Fork failed");

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 26
void do_eventlog(FILE *output, int maxcount, int maxminutes, char *fromtime, char *totime, 
		char *pageregex, char *expageregex,
		char *hostregex, char *exhostregex,
		char *testregex, char *extestregex,
		char *colrregex, int ignoredialups,
		f_hostcheck hostcheck,
		event_t **eventlist, countlist_t **hostcounts, countlist_t **servicecounts,
		countsummary_t counttype, eventsummary_t sumtype, char *periodstring)
	FILE *eventlog;
	char eventlogfilename[PATH_MAX];
	time_t firstevent = 0;
	time_t lastevent = getcurrenttime(NULL);
	event_t	*eventhead = NULL;
	struct stat st;
	char l[MAX_LINE_LEN];
	char title[200];

	/* For the PCRE matching */
	const char *errmsg = NULL;
	int errofs = 0;
	pcre *pageregexp = NULL;
	pcre *expageregexp = NULL;
	pcre *hostregexp = NULL;
	pcre *exhostregexp = NULL;
	pcre *testregexp = NULL;
	pcre *extestregexp = NULL;
	pcre *colrregexp = NULL;
	countlist_t *hostcounthead = NULL, *svccounthead = NULL;

	if (eventlist) *eventlist = NULL;
	if (hostcounts) *hostcounts = NULL;
	if (servicecounts) *servicecounts = NULL;

	havedoneeventlog = 1;

	if ((maxminutes > 0) && (fromtime || totime)) {
		fprintf(output, "<B>Only one time interval type is allowed!</B>");

	if (fromtime) {
		firstevent = eventreport_time(fromtime);
		if(firstevent < 0) {
			if (output) fprintf(output,"<B>Invalid 'from' time: %s</B>", htmlquoted(fromtime));
	else if (maxminutes == -1) {
		/* Unlimited number of minutes */
		firstevent = 0;
	else if (maxminutes > 0) {
		firstevent = getcurrenttime(NULL) - maxminutes*60;
	else {
		firstevent = getcurrenttime(NULL) - 86400;

	if (totime) {
		lastevent = eventreport_time(totime);
		if (lastevent < 0) {
			if (output) fprintf(output,"<B>Invalid 'to' time: %s</B>", htmlquoted(totime));
		if (lastevent < firstevent) {
			if (output) fprintf(output,"<B>'to' time must be after 'from' time.</B>");

	if (!maxcount) maxcount = 100;

	if (pageregex && *pageregex) pageregexp = pcre_compile(pageregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL);
	if (expageregex && *expageregex) expageregexp = pcre_compile(expageregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL);
	if (hostregex && *hostregex) hostregexp = pcre_compile(hostregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL);
	if (exhostregex && *exhostregex) exhostregexp = pcre_compile(exhostregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL);
	if (testregex && *testregex) testregexp = pcre_compile(testregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL);
	if (extestregex && *extestregex) extestregexp = pcre_compile(extestregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL);
	if (colrregex && *colrregex) colrregexp = pcre_compile(colrregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL);

	sprintf(eventlogfilename, "%s/allevents", xgetenv("XYMONHISTDIR"));
	eventlog = fopen(eventlogfilename, "r");

	if (eventlog && (stat(eventlogfilename, &st) == 0)) {
		time_t curtime;
		int done = 0;
		int unlimited = (maxcount == -1);

		if (unlimited) maxcount = 1000;
		do {
			/* Find a spot in the eventlog file close to where the firstevent time is */
			fseeko(eventlog, 0, SEEK_END);
			do {
				/* Go back maxcount*80 bytes - one entry is ~80 bytes */
				if (ftello(eventlog) > maxcount*80) {
					unsigned int uicurtime;
					fseeko(eventlog, -maxcount*80, SEEK_CUR); 
					if (fgets(l, sizeof(l), eventlog) &&  /* Skip to start of line */
					    fgets(l, sizeof(l), eventlog)) {
						sscanf(l, "%*s %*s %u %*u %*u %*s %*s %*d", &uicurtime);
						curtime = uicurtime;
						done = (curtime < firstevent);
						if (unlimited && !done) maxcount += 1000;
					else {
						if (output) fprintf(output,"Error reading eventlog file %s: %s\n", eventlogfilename, strerror(errno));
				else {
					curtime = 0;
					done = 1;
			} while (!done);

			if (unlimited) unlimited = ((curtime > firstevent) && (ftello(eventlog) > 0));
		} while (unlimited);
	eventhead = NULL;

	while (eventlog && (fgets(l, sizeof(l), eventlog))) {

		time_t eventtime, changetime, duration;
		unsigned int uievt, uicht, uidur;
		char hostname[MAX_LINE_LEN], svcname[MAX_LINE_LEN], newcol[MAX_LINE_LEN], oldcol[MAX_LINE_LEN];
		char *newcolname, *oldcolname;
		int state, itemsfound, colrmatch;
		event_t *newevent;
		void *eventhost;
		struct htnames_t *eventcolumn;
		int ovector[30];
		eventcount_t *countrec;

		itemsfound = sscanf(l, "%s %s %u %u %u %s %s %d",
			hostname, svcname,
			&uievt, &uicht, &uidur, 
			newcol, oldcol, &state);
		eventtime = uievt; changetime = uicht; duration = uidur;
		oldcolname = colorname(eventcolor(oldcol));
		newcolname = colorname(eventcolor(newcol));
		/* For DURATION counts, we must parse all events until now */
		if ((counttype != XYMON_COUNT_DURATION) && (eventtime > lastevent)) break;
		eventhost = hostinfo(hostname);
		eventcolumn = getname(svcname, 1);

		if ( (itemsfound == 8) && 
		     (eventtime >= firstevent) && 
		     (eventhost && !xmh_item(eventhost, XMH_FLAG_NONONGREEN)) && 
		     (wanted_eventcolumn(svcname)) ) {

			if (eventfilter(eventhost, svcname, 
					pageregexp, expageregexp, 
					hostregexp, exhostregexp,
					testregexp, extestregexp,
					ignoredialups, hostcheck) == 0) continue;

			/* For duration counts, record all events. We'll filter out the colors later. */
			if (colrregexp && (counttype != XYMON_COUNT_DURATION)) {
				colrmatch = ( (pcre_exec(colrregexp, NULL, newcolname, strlen(newcolname), 0, 0,
							ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0) ||
					      (pcre_exec(colrregexp, NULL, oldcolname, strlen(oldcolname), 0, 0,
							ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0) );
				colrmatch = 1;
			if (!colrmatch) continue;

			newevent = (event_t *) malloc(sizeof(event_t));
			newevent->host       = eventhost;
			newevent->service    = eventcolumn;
			newevent->eventtime  = eventtime;
			newevent->changetime = changetime;
			newevent->duration   = duration;
			newevent->newcolor   = eventcolor(newcol);
			newevent->oldcolor   = eventcolor(oldcol);
			newevent->next = eventhead;
			eventhead = newevent;

			if (counttype != XYMON_COUNT_DURATION) {
				countrec = (eventcount_t *)xmh_item(eventhost, XMH_DATA);
				while (countrec && (countrec->service != eventcolumn)) countrec = countrec->next;
				if (countrec == NULL) {
					countrec = (eventcount_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(eventcount_t));
					countrec->service = eventcolumn;
					countrec->next = (eventcount_t *)xmh_item(eventhost, XMH_DATA);
					xmh_set_item(eventhost, XMH_DATA, (void *)countrec);

	/* Count the state changes per host */
	svccounthead = hostcounthead = NULL;
	switch (counttype) {
	  case XYMON_COUNT_EVENTS: count_events(&hostcounthead, &svccounthead); break;
	  case XYMON_COUNT_DURATION: count_duration(firstevent, lastevent,
					       pageregexp, expageregexp,
					       hostregexp, exhostregexp,
					       testregexp, extestregexp,
					       ignoredialups, hostcheck,
					       eventhead, &hostcounthead, &svccounthead); break;
	  default: break;

	if (hostcounthead) hostcounthead = msort(hostcounthead, record_compare, record_getnext, record_setnext);
	if (svccounthead)  svccounthead = msort(svccounthead, record_compare, record_getnext, record_setnext);

	if (eventhead && (output != NULL)) {
		char *bgcolors[2] = { "#000000", "#000033" };
		int  bgcolor = 0;
		struct event_t *ewalk, *lasttoshow = eventhead;
		countlist_t *cwalk;
		unsigned long totalcount = 0;

		if (periodstring) fprintf(output, "<p><font size=+1>%s</font></p>\n", htmlquoted(periodstring));

		switch (sumtype) {
			/* Request for a specific service, show breakdown by host */
			for (cwalk = hostcounthead; (cwalk); cwalk = cwalk->next) totalcount += cwalk->total;
			fprintf(output, "<table summary=\"Breakdown by host\" border=0>\n");
			fprintf(output, "<tr><th align=left>Host</th><th colspan=2>%s</th></tr>\n",
				(counttype == XYMON_COUNT_EVENTS) ? "State changes" : "Seconds red/yellow");
			fprintf(output, "<tr><td colspan=3><hr width=\"100%%\"></td></tr>\n");
			for (cwalk = hostcounthead; (cwalk && (cwalk->total > 0)); cwalk = cwalk->next) {
				fprintf(output, "<tr><td align=left>%s</td><td align=right>%lu</td><td align=right>(%6.2f %%)</tr>\n",
					xmh_item(cwalk->src, XMH_HOSTNAME), 
					cwalk->total, ((100.0 * cwalk->total) / totalcount));
			fprintf(output, "</table>\n");

			/* Request for a specific host, show breakdown by service */
			for (cwalk = svccounthead; (cwalk); cwalk = cwalk->next) totalcount += cwalk->total;
			fprintf(output, "<table summary=\"Breakdown by service\" border=0>\n");
			fprintf(output, "<tr><th align=left>Service</th><th colspan=2>%s</th></tr>\n",
				(counttype == XYMON_COUNT_EVENTS) ? "State changes" : "Seconds red/yellow");
			fprintf(output, "<tr><td colspan=3><hr width=\"100%%\"></td></tr>\n");
			for (cwalk = svccounthead; (cwalk && (cwalk->total > 0)); cwalk = cwalk->next) {
				fprintf(output, "<tr><td align=left>%s</td><td align=right>%lu</td><td align=right>(%6.2f %%)</tr>\n",
					((htnames_t *)cwalk->src)->name, 
					cwalk->total, ((100.0 * cwalk->total) / totalcount));
			fprintf(output, "</table>\n");

		  case XYMON_S_NONE:

		if (sumtype == XYMON_S_NONE) {
			int  count;
			do {
				lasttoshow = ewalk;
				ewalk = ewalk->next;
			} while (ewalk && (count<maxcount));
			if (ewalk) ewalk->next = NULL;	/* Terminate list if any items left */

			if (maxminutes > 0)  { 
				sprintf(title, "%d events received in the past %u minutes", 
					count, (unsigned int)((getcurrenttime(NULL) - lasttoshow->eventtime) / 60));
			else {
				sprintf(title, "%d events received.", count);
		else {
			strcpy(title, "Events in summary");

		fprintf(output, "<BR><BR>\n");
		fprintf(output, "<TABLE SUMMARY=\"$EVENTSTITLE\" BORDER=0>\n");
		fprintf(output, "<TR BGCOLOR=\"#333333\">\n");
		fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER COLSPAN=6><FONT SIZE=-1 COLOR=\"#33ebf4\">%s</FONT></TD></TR>\n", htmlquoted(title));

		for (ewalk=eventhead; (ewalk); ewalk=ewalk->next) {
			char *hostname = xmh_item(ewalk->host, XMH_HOSTNAME);

			if ( (counttype == XYMON_COUNT_DURATION) &&
			     (ewalk->oldcolor < COL_YELLOW) &&
			     (ewalk->newcolor < COL_YELLOW) ) continue;

			if ( (counttype == XYMON_COUNT_DURATION) &&
			     (ewalk->eventtime >= lastevent) ) continue;

			fprintf(output, "<TR BGCOLOR=%s>\n", bgcolors[bgcolor]);
			bgcolor = ((bgcolor + 1) % 2);

			fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER>%s</TD>\n", ctime(&ewalk->eventtime));

			if (ewalk->newcolor == COL_CLEAR) {
				fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR=black><FONT COLOR=white>%s</FONT></TD>\n",
			else {
				fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR=%s><FONT COLOR=black>%s</FONT></TD>\n",
					colorname(ewalk->newcolor), hostname);

			fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=LEFT>%s</TD>\n", ewalk->service->name);
			fprintf(output, "<TD><A HREF=\"%s\">\n", 
				histlogurl(hostname, ewalk->service->name, ewalk->changetime, NULL));
			fprintf(output, "<IMG SRC=\"%s/%s\"  HEIGHT=\"%s\" WIDTH=\"%s\" BORDER=0 ALT=\"%s\" TITLE=\"%s\"></A>\n", 
				xgetenv("XYMONSKIN"), dotgiffilename(ewalk->oldcolor, 0, 0), 
				xgetenv("DOTHEIGHT"), xgetenv("DOTWIDTH"), 
				colorname(ewalk->oldcolor), colorname(ewalk->oldcolor));
			fprintf(output, "<IMG SRC=\"%s/arrow.gif\" BORDER=0 ALT=\"From -&gt; To\">\n", 
			fprintf(output, "<TD><A HREF=\"%s\">\n", 
				histlogurl(hostname, ewalk->service->name, ewalk->eventtime, NULL));
			fprintf(output, "<IMG SRC=\"%s/%s\"  HEIGHT=\"%s\" WIDTH=\"%s\" BORDER=0 ALT=\"%s\" TITLE=\"%s\"></A></TD>\n", 
				xgetenv("XYMONSKIN"), dotgiffilename(ewalk->newcolor, 0, 0), 
				xgetenv("DOTHEIGHT"), xgetenv("DOTWIDTH"), 
				colorname(ewalk->newcolor), colorname(ewalk->newcolor));
			fprintf(output, "</TR>\n");

		fprintf(output, "</TABLE>\n");

	else if (output != NULL) {
		/* No events during the past maxminutes */
		if (eventlog)
			sprintf(title, "No events received in the last %d minutes", maxminutes);
			strcpy(title, "No events logged");

		fprintf(output, "<CENTER><BR>\n");
		fprintf(output, "<TABLE SUMMARY=\"%s\" BORDER=0>\n", title);
		fprintf(output, "<TR BGCOLOR=\"#333333\">\n");
		fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER COLSPAN=6><FONT SIZE=-1 COLOR=\"#33ebf4\">%s</FONT></TD>\n", htmlquoted(title));
		fprintf(output, "</TR>\n");
		fprintf(output, "</TABLE>\n");
		fprintf(output, "</CENTER>\n");

	if (eventlog) fclose(eventlog);

	if (pageregexp) pcre_free(pageregexp);
	if (hostregexp) pcre_free(hostregexp);
	if (testregexp) pcre_free(testregexp);
	if (colrregexp) pcre_free(colrregexp);

	/* Return the event- and count-lists, if wanted - or clean them up */
	if (eventlist) {
		*eventlist = eventhead;
	else {
		event_t	*zombie, *ewalk = eventhead;
		while (ewalk) { zombie = ewalk; ewalk = ewalk->next; xfree(zombie); }

	if (hostcounts) {
		*hostcounts = hostcounthead;
	else {
		countlist_t *zombie, *hwalk = hostcounthead;
		while (hwalk) { zombie = hwalk; hwalk = hwalk->next; xfree(zombie); }


	if (servicecounts) {
		*servicecounts = svccounthead;
	else {
		countlist_t *zombie, *swalk = svccounthead;
		while (swalk) { zombie = swalk; swalk = swalk->next; xfree(zombie); }
Exemplo n.º 27
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	void *hostwalk, *clonewalk;
	int argi;
	char *envarea = NULL;

	strbuffer_t *outbuf;
	char msgline[4096];
	char oneurl[10240];
	int gotany = 0;
	enum { OP_INITIAL, OP_YES, OP_NO } gotonepage = OP_INITIAL; /* Tracks if all matches are on one page */
	char *onepage = NULL;	/* If gotonepage==OP_YES, then this is the page */

	/*[wm] regex support */
	#define BUFSIZE		256
	regex_t re;
	char    re_errstr[BUFSIZE];
	int 	re_status;

	for (argi=1; (argi < argc); argi++) {
		if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--env=")) {
			char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '=');
			loadenv(p+1, envarea);
		else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--area=")) {
			char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '=');
			envarea = strdup(p+1);


	cgidata = cgi_request();
	if (cgidata == NULL) {
		/* Present the query form */
		sethostenv("", "", "", colorname(COL_BLUE), NULL);
		printf("Content-type: %s\n\n", xgetenv("HTMLCONTENTTYPE"));
		showform(stdout, "findhost", "findhost_form", COL_BLUE, getcurrenttime(NULL), NULL, NULL);
		return 0;


	if ( (re_status = regcomp(&re, pSearchPat, re_flag)) != 0 ) {
		regerror(re_status, &re, re_errstr, BUFSIZE);

		printf("<tr><td align=left><font color=red>%s</font></td>\n",  pSearchPat);
		printf("<td align=left><font color=red>%s</font></td></tr>\n", re_errstr);

		return 0;

	outbuf = newstrbuffer(0);
	load_hostnames(xgetenv("HOSTSCFG"), NULL, get_fqdn());
	hostwalk = first_host();
	while (hostwalk) {
		 * [wm] - Allow the search to be done on the hostname
		 * 	also on the "displayname" and the host comment
		 *	Maybe this should be implemented by changing the HTML form, but until than..
		 * we're supposing that hostname will NEVER be null	
		char *hostname, *displayname, *comment, *ip;

		hostname = xmh_item(hostwalk, XMH_HOSTNAME);
		displayname = xmh_item(hostwalk, XMH_DISPLAYNAME);
		comment = xmh_item(hostwalk, XMH_COMMENT);
		ip = xmh_item(hostwalk, XMH_IP);

       		if ( regexec (&re, hostname, (size_t)0, NULL, 0) == 0  ||
			(regexec(&re, ip, (size_t)0, NULL, 0) == 0)    ||
       			(displayname && regexec (&re, displayname, (size_t)0, NULL, 0) == 0) ||
			(comment     && regexec (&re, comment, 	   (size_t)0, NULL, 0) == 0)   ) {
			/*  match */
			addtobuffer(outbuf, "<tr>\n");
			sprintf(msgline, "<td align=left> %s </td>\n", displayname ? displayname : hostname);
			addtobuffer(outbuf, msgline);
			sprintf(oneurl, "%s/%s/#%s",
				xgetenv("XYMONWEB"), xmh_item(hostwalk, XMH_PAGEPATH), hostname);
			sprintf(msgline, "<td align=left> <a href=\"%s\">%s</a>\n",
				oneurl, xmh_item(hostwalk, XMH_PAGEPATHTITLE));
			addtobuffer(outbuf, msgline);

			/* See if all of the matches so far are on one page */
			switch (gotonepage) {
			  case OP_INITIAL:
				gotonepage = OP_YES;
				onepage = xmh_item(hostwalk, XMH_PAGEPATH);

			  case OP_YES:
				if (strcmp(onepage, xmh_item(hostwalk, XMH_PAGEPATH)) != 0) gotonepage = OP_NO;

			  case OP_NO:

			clonewalk = next_host(hostwalk, 1);
			while (clonewalk && (strcmp(xmh_item(hostwalk, XMH_HOSTNAME), xmh_item(clonewalk, XMH_HOSTNAME)) == 0)) {
				sprintf(msgline, "<br><a href=\"%s/%s/#%s\">%s</a>\n",
					xmh_item(clonewalk, XMH_PAGEPATH),
					xmh_item(clonewalk, XMH_HOSTNAME),
					xmh_item(clonewalk, XMH_PAGEPATHTITLE));
				addtobuffer(outbuf, msgline);
				clonewalk = next_host(clonewalk, 1);

			addtobuffer(outbuf, "</td>\n</tr>\n");
			hostwalk = clonewalk;
		else {
			hostwalk = next_host(hostwalk, 0);
	regfree (&re); 	/*[wm] - free regex compiled patern */
	if (dojump) {
		if (gotany == 1) {
			printf("Location: %s%s\n\n", xgetenv("XYMONWEBHOST"), oneurl);
			return 0;
		else if ((gotany > 1) && (gotonepage == OP_YES)) {
			printf("Location: %s%s/%s/\n\n", 
			       xgetenv("XYMONWEBHOST"), xgetenv("XYMONWEB"), onepage);
			return 0;

	if (!gotany) {
		printf("<tr><td align=left>%s</td><td align=left>Not found</td></tr>\n", pSearchPat);
	else {
		printf("%s", grabstrbuffer(outbuf));

	/* [wm] - Free the strdup allocated memory */
	if (pSearchPat) xfree(pSearchPat);

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 28
/* Change attributes.  The VIO interface is ANSI-like anyway, so this
 * code contains mostly OS/2 VIO interface code.
static void 
change(long fg,   /* new foreground color, fgcolored */
       long  bg,  /* new background color, bgcolored */
       int bits)  /* attribute bits */
  static long  currentfg;
  static long  currentbg;
  static int  currentbits;

  int resetting, setting;
  VCOLOR newfg = (VCOLOR)ansi2vio (fg);
  VCOLOR newbg = (VCOLOR)ansi2vio (bg);

DPRINTF (("change (%d, %d, %x) -> %s, %s\n", 
  fg, bg, bits, colorname (fg), colorname (bg)));

DPRINTF (("fg: %d, newfg: %d, bg: %d, newbg: %d\n", fg, newfg, bg, newbg));

  /* Termcap doesn't allow bold & italics to mix.  If attempting to mix,
   * then use plain bold. This makes sense for VIO, too as dimming
   * (italic) and brightening (bold) are a bit contradictory...
      bits &= ~COLOR_ITALIC; 

  /* Okay, we are finally ready to begin outputting escape sequences.
   * This proceeds in three phases: First we turn off any attributes
   * that must be off, then we change colors, and finally we turn on
   * any attributes which should be on.  We do it this way because
   * sometimes turning off an attribute will affect colors or other
   * attributes.

  /* We take care of the colors first as applying styles is being
   * simulating by color manipulations. This is why we handle real
   * color and styles separately.
  if (fgcolored && newfg != currentfg)
      /*DPRINTF (("fg %s to %s\n", 
        colorname (currentfg), colorname(newfg)));*/
      vc_color = (vc_color & 0xf0) | newfg;
      currentfg = newfg;
  if (bgcolored && newbg != currentbg)
      /*DPRINTF (("bg %s to %s\n", 
        colorname (currentbg), colorname (newbg)));*/
      vc_color = (vc_color & 0x0f) | (newbg << 4);
      currentbg = newbg;

  /* Decide which attributes to turn off. */
  resetting = currentbits & ~bits;
  /* Bold is simulated as "brightening" colors. So we "unbright"
   * the Bold filter.
  if (resetting & COLOR_BOLD)
      vc_bold = 0x00;
      currentbits &= ~COLOR_BOLD;
  /* Italic is simulated as "dimming" colors. So now we "undim"
   * the Italic filter.
  if (resetting & COLOR_ITALIC)
      vc_italic = 0xff;
      currentbits &= ~COLOR_ITALIC;
  /* Underlining is simulated as "dimming" colors. So now we "undim"
   * the Underline filter.
  if (resetting & COLOR_UNDERLINED)
      vc_underlined = 0xff;
      currentbits &= ~COLOR_UNDERLINED;
  /* Boxing is simulated as color swapping. This has to be done on
   * the final color, so we don't care about this now.
      currentbits &= ~COLOR_BOXED;

  /* Set attributes */
  setting = bits & ~currentbits;
  /* For bold we bright the current color of, if it is already bright 
   * by choosing bright white.
  if (setting & COLOR_BOLD)
      vc_bold = ((vc_color & 0x08) != 0)? 0x0f: 0x08;

  /* Dimming is only being done if the result will still be visible.
   * Else we use a "neutral" filter.
  if (setting & COLOR_ITALIC)
      vc_italic = 
        (VC_FG (vc_color & 0x77) != VC_BG (vc_color & 0x77))? 0x77: 0xff;
  /* Dimming is only being done if the result will still be visible.
   * Else we use a "neutral" filter.
  if (setting & COLOR_UNDERLINED)
      vc_underlined = 
        (VC_FG (vc_color & 0x77) != VC_BG (vc_color & 0x77))? 0x77: 0xff;
  currentbits = bits;
      vc_current = VC_BG (vc_color) | (VC_FG (vc_color) << 4);
      vc_current = vc_color;
  vc_current = ((vc_current & vc_italic) & vc_underlined) | vc_bold;
Exemplo n.º 29
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	char		*pagedir;
	bbgen_page_t 	*p;
	dispsummary_t	*s;
	int		i;
	char		*pageset = NULL;
	char		*nssidebarfilename = NULL;
	char		*egocolumn = NULL;
	char		*csvfile = NULL;
	char		csvdelim = ',';
	int		embedded = 0;
	int		hobbitddump = 0;
	char		*envarea = NULL;
	int		do_normal_pages = 1;

	/* Setup standard header+footer (might be modified by option pageset) */

	bb_color = bb2_color = bbnk_color = -1;
	pagedir = NULL;
	fqdn = get_fqdn();

	/* Setup values from env. vars that may be overridden via commandline options */
	if (xgetenv("MKBB2COLREPEAT")) {
		int i = atoi(xgetenv("MKBB2COLREPEAT"));

		if (i > 0) maxrowsbeforeheading = i;

	for (i = 1; (i < argc); i++) {
		if ( (strcmp(argv[i], "--hobbitd") == 0)       ||
		     (argnmatch(argv[i], "--purplelifetime=")) ||
		     (strcmp(argv[i], "--nopurple") == 0)      ) {
			/* Deprecated */
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--env=")) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');
			loadenv(lp+1, envarea);
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--area=")) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');
			envarea = strdup(lp+1);
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--hobbitddump")) {
			hobbitddump = 1;

		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--ignorecolumns=")) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');
			ignorecolumns = (char *) malloc(strlen(lp)+2);
			sprintf(ignorecolumns, ",%s,", (lp+1));
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--nk-reds-only")) {
			nkonlyreds = 1;
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--bb2-ignorecolumns=")) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');
			bb2ignorecolumns = (char *) malloc(strlen(lp)+2);
			sprintf(bb2ignorecolumns, ",%s,", (lp+1));
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--bb2-colors=")) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=') + 1;
			bb2colors = colorset(lp, (1 << COL_GREEN));
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--bb2-ignorepurples")) {
			bb2colors = (bb2colors & ~(1 << COL_PURPLE));
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--bb2-ignoredialups")) {
			bb2nodialups = 1;
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--includecolumns=")) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');
			includecolumns = (char *) malloc(strlen(lp)+2);
			sprintf(includecolumns, ",%s,", (lp+1));
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--eventignore=")) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');
			eventignorecolumns = (char *) malloc(strlen(lp)+2);
			sprintf(eventignorecolumns, ",%s,", (lp+1));
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--doccgi=")) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');
			char *url = (char *)malloc(strlen(xgetenv("CGIBINURL"))+strlen(lp+1)+2);
			sprintf(url, "%s/%s", xgetenv("CGIBINURL"), lp+1);
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--docurl=")) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--no-doc-window")) {
			/* This is a no-op now */
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--doc-window")) {
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--htmlextension=")) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');
			htmlextension = strdup(lp+1);
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--htaccess")) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');
			if (lp) htaccess = strdup(lp+1);
			else htaccess = ".htaccess";
		else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "--wml") == 0) || argnmatch(argv[i], "--wml=")) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');

			if (lp) {
				wapcolumns = (char *) malloc(strlen(lp)+2);
				sprintf(wapcolumns, ",%s,", (lp+1));
			enable_wmlgen = 1;
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--nstab=")) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');

			if (strlen(lp+1) > 0) {
				nssidebarfilename = strdup(lp+1);
			else errprintf("--nstab requires a filename\n");
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--nslimit=")) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');
			nssidebarcolorlimit = parse_color(lp+1);
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--rssversion=")) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');

			rssversion = strdup(lp+1);
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--rsslimit=")) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');
			rsscolorlimit = parse_color(lp+1);
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--rss")) {
			wantrss = 1;
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--rssextension=")) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');
			rssextension = strdup(lp+1);
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--reportopts=")) {
			char style[MAX_LINE_LEN];
			unsigned int rstart, rend;

			int count = sscanf(argv[i], "--reportopts=%u:%u:%d:%s", 
					   &rstart, &rend, &dynamicreport, style);
			reportstart = rstart; reportend = rend;

			if (count < 2) {
				errprintf("Invalid --reportopts option: Must have start- and end-times\n");
				return 1;

			if (count < 3) dynamicreport = 1;
			if (count == 4) {
				if (strcmp(style, stylenames[STYLE_CRIT]) == 0) reportstyle = STYLE_CRIT;
				else if (strcmp(style, stylenames[STYLE_NONGR]) == 0) reportstyle = STYLE_NONGR;
				else reportstyle = STYLE_OTHER;

			if (reportstart < 788918400) reportstart = 788918400;
			if (reportend > time(NULL)) reportend = time(NULL);

			if (xgetenv("BBREPWARN")) reportwarnlevel = atof(xgetenv("BBREPWARN"));
			if (xgetenv("BBREPGREEN")) reportgreenlevel = atof(xgetenv("BBREPGREEN"));

			if ((reportwarnlevel < 0.0) || (reportwarnlevel > 100.0)) reportwarnlevel = 97.0;
			if ((reportgreenlevel < 0.0) || (reportgreenlevel > 100.0)) reportgreenlevel = 99.995;

			sethostenv_report(reportstart, reportend, reportwarnlevel, reportgreenlevel);
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--csv="))  {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');
			csvfile = strdup(lp+1);
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--csvdelim="))  {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');
			csvdelim = *(lp+1);
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--snapshot=")) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');

			snapshot = atol(lp+1);

		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--pages-first") == 0) {
			hostsbeforepages = 0;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--pages-last") == 0) {
			hostsbeforepages = 1;
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--subpagecolumns=")) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');

			subpagecolumns = atoi(lp+1);
			if (subpagecolumns < 1) subpagecolumns=1;
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--maxrows=")) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');

			maxrowsbeforeheading = atoi(lp+1);
			if (maxrowsbeforeheading < 0) maxrowsbeforeheading=0;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--recentgifs") == 0) {
			use_recentgifs = 1;
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--recentgifs=")) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');

			use_recentgifs = 1;
			recentgif_limit = 60*durationvalue(lp+1);
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--sort-group-only-items") == 0) {
			sort_grouponly_items = 1;
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--page-title=")) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');

			defaultpagetitle = strdup(lp+1);
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--dialupskin=")) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');

			dialupskin = strdup(lp+1);
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--reverseskin=")) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');

			reverseskin = strdup(lp+1);
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--pagetitle-links") == 0) {
			pagetitlelinks = 1;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--pagetext-headings") == 0) {
			pagetextheadings = 1;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--underline-headings") == 0) {
			underlineheadings = 1;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--no-underline-headings") == 0) {
			underlineheadings = 0;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--no-eventlog") == 0) {
			bb2eventlog = 0;
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--max-eventcount=")) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');

			bb2eventlogmaxcount = atoi(lp+1);
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--max-eventtime=")) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');

			bb2eventlogmaxtime = atoi(lp+1);
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--max-ackcount=")) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');

			bb2acklogmaxcount = atoi(lp+1);
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--max-acktime=")) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');

			bb2acklogmaxtime = atoi(lp+1);
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--no-acklog") == 0) {
			bb2acklog = 0;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--no-pages") == 0) {
			do_normal_pages = 0;

		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--noprop=")) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');
			nopropyellowdefault = (char *) malloc(strlen(lp)+2);
			sprintf(nopropyellowdefault, ",%s,", (lp+1));
			errprintf("--noprop is deprecated - use --nopropyellow instead\n");
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--nopropyellow=")) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');
			nopropyellowdefault = (char *) malloc(strlen(lp)+2);
			sprintf(nopropyellowdefault, ",%s,", (lp+1));
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--nopropred=")) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');
			nopropreddefault = (char *) malloc(strlen(lp)+2);
			sprintf(nopropreddefault, ",%s,", (lp+1));
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--noproppurple=")) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');
			noproppurpledefault = (char *) malloc(strlen(lp)+2);
			sprintf(noproppurpledefault, ",%s,", (lp+1));
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--nopropack=")) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');
			nopropackdefault = (char *) malloc(strlen(lp)+2);
			sprintf(nopropackdefault, ",%s,", (lp+1));

		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--bbpageONLY") == 0) {
			/* Deprecated */
			errprintf("--bbpageONLY is deprecated - use --pageset=NAME to generate pagesets\n");
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--embedded") == 0) {
			embedded = 1;
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--pageset=")) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');
			pageset = strdup(lp+1);
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--template=")) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');

		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--purplelog=")) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');
			if (*(lp+1) == '/') purplelogfn = strdup(lp+1);
			else {
				purplelogfn = (char *) malloc(strlen(xgetenv("BBHOME"))+1+strlen(lp+1)+1);
				sprintf(purplelogfn, "%s/%s", xgetenv("BBHOME"), (lp+1));
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--report=") || (strcmp(argv[i], "--report") == 0)) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');
			if (lp) {
				egocolumn = strdup(lp+1);
			else egocolumn = "bbgen";
			timing = 1;
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--nklog=") || (strcmp(argv[i], "--nklog") == 0)) {
			char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=');
			if (lp) {
				lognkstatus = strdup(lp+1);
			else lognkstatus = "nk";
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--timing") == 0) {
			timing = 1;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--debug") == 0) {
			debug = 1;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--no-update") == 0) {
			dontsendmessages = 1;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--version") == 0) {
			printf("bbgen version %s\n", VERSION);

		else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "--help") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[i], "-?") == 0)) {
			printf("bbgen for Hobbit version %s\n\n", VERSION);
			printf("Usage: %s [options] [WebpageDirectory]\n", argv[0]);
			printf("    --ignorecolumns=test[,test] : Completely ignore these columns\n");
			printf("    --nk-reds-only              : Only show red statuses on the NK page\n");
			printf("    --bb2-ignorecolumns=test[,test]: Ignore these columns for the BB2 page\n");
			printf("    --bb2-ignorepurples         : Ignore all-purple hosts on BB2 page\n");
			printf("    --includecolumns=test[,test]: Always include these columns on BB2 page\n");
		        printf("    --max-eventcount=N          : Max number of events to include in eventlog\n");
		        printf("    --max-eventtime=N           : Show events that occurred within the last N minutes\n");
			printf("    --eventignore=test[,test]   : Columns to ignore in bb2 event-log display\n");
			printf("    --no-eventlog               : Do not generate the bb2 eventlog display\n");
			printf("    --no-acklog                 : Do not generate the bb2 ack-log display\n");
			printf("    --no-pages                  : Generate only the bb2 and bbnk pages\n");
			printf("    --docurl=documentation-URL  : Hostnames link to a general (dynamic) web page for docs\n");
			printf("    --no-doc-window             : Open doc-links in same window\n");
			printf("    --htmlextension=.EXT        : Sets filename extension for generated file (default: .html\n");
			printf("    --report[=COLUMNNAME]       : Send a status report about the running of bbgen\n");
			printf("    --reportopts=ST:END:DYN:STL : Run in Hobbit Reporting mode\n");
			printf("    --csv=FILENAME              : For Hobbit Reporting, output CSV file\n");
			printf("    --csvdelim=CHARACTER        : Delimiter in CSV file output (default: comma)\n");
			printf("    --snapshot=TIME             : Snapshot mode\n");
			printf("\nPage layout options:\n");
			printf("    --pages-first               : Put page- and subpage-links before hosts (default)\n");
			printf("    --pages-last                : Put page- and subpage-links after hosts\n");
			printf("    --subpagecolumns=N          : Number of columns for links to pages and subpages\n");
			printf("    --maxrows=N                 : Repeat column headings for every N hosts shown\n");
			printf("    --recentgifs                : Use xxx-recent.gif icons for newly changed tests\n");
			printf("    --sort-group-only-items     : Display group-only items in alphabetical order\n");
			printf("    --page-title=TITLE          : Set a default page title for all pages\n");
			printf("    --dialupskin=URL            : Use a different icon skin for dialup tests\n");
			printf("    --reverseskin=URL           : Use a different icon skin for reverse tests\n");
			printf("    --pagetitle-links           : Make page- and subpage-titles act as links\n");
			printf("    --pagetext-headings         : Use page texts as headings\n");
			printf("    --no-underline-headings     : Do not underline the page headings\n");
			printf("\nStatus propagation control options:\n");
			printf("    --noprop=test[,test]        : Disable upwards status propagation when YELLOW\n");
			printf("    --nopropred=test[,test]     : Disable upwards status propagation when RED or YELLOW\n");
			printf("    --noproppurple=test[,test]  : Disable upwards status propagation when PURPLE\n");
			printf("\nAlternate pageset generation support:\n");
			printf("    --pageset=SETNAME           : Generate non-standard pageset with tag SETNAME\n");
			printf("    --template=TEMPLATE         : template for header and footer files\n");
			printf("\nAlternate output formats:\n");
			printf("    --wml[=test1,test2,...]     : Generate a small (bb2-style) WML page\n");
			printf("    --nstab=FILENAME            : Generate a Netscape Sidebar feed\n");
			printf("    --nslimit=COLOR             : Minimum color to include on Netscape sidebar\n");
			printf("    --rss                       : Generate a RSS/RDF feed of alerts\n");
			printf("    --rssextension=.EXT         : Sets filename extension for RSS files (default: .rss\n");
			printf("    --rssversion={0.91|0.92|1.0|2.0} : Specify RSS/RDF version (default: 0.91)\n");
			printf("    --rsslimit=COLOR            : Minimum color to include on RSS feed\n");
			printf("\nDebugging/troubleshooting options:\n");
			printf("    --timing                    : Collect timing information\n");
			printf("    --debug                     : Debugging information\n");
			printf("    --version                   : Show version information\n");
			printf("    --purplelog=FILENAME        : Create a log of purple hosts and tests\n");
		else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "-")) {
			errprintf("Unknown option : %s\n", argv[i]);

		else {
			/* Last argument is pagedir */
			pagedir = strdup(argv[i]);

	/* In case they changed the name of our column ... */
	if (egocolumn) setup_signalhandler(egocolumn);

	if (debug) {
		int i;
		printf("Command: bbgen");
		for (i=1; (i<argc); i++) printf(" '%s'", argv[i]);
		printf("Environment BBHOSTS='%s'\n", textornull(xgetenv("BBHOSTS")));


	/* Check that all needed environment vars are defined */

	/* Catch a SEGV fault */

	/* Set umask to 0022 so that the generated HTML pages have world-read access */

	if (pagedir == NULL) {
		if (xgetenv("BBWWW")) {
			pagedir = strdup(xgetenv("BBWWW"));
		else {
			pagedir = (char *) malloc(strlen(xgetenv("BBHOME"))+5);
			sprintf(pagedir, "%s/www", xgetenv("BBHOME"));

	if (xgetenv("BBHTACCESS")) bbhtaccess = strdup(xgetenv("BBHTACCESS"));
	if (xgetenv("BBPAGEHTACCESS")) bbpagehtaccess = strdup(xgetenv("BBPAGEHTACCESS"));
	if (xgetenv("BBSUBPAGEHTACCESS")) bbsubpagehtaccess = strdup(xgetenv("BBSUBPAGEHTACCESS"));

	 * When doing alternate pagesets, disable some stuff:
	 * No WML or RSS pages.
	if (pageset || embedded || snapshot) enable_wmlgen = wantrss = 0;
	if (embedded) {
		egocolumn = htaccess = NULL;

		 * Need to have default SIGPIPE handling when doing embedded stuff.
		 * We are probably run from a CGI script or something similar.
		signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL);

	/* Load all data from the various files */
	add_timestamp("Load links done");
	pagehead = load_bbhosts(pageset);
	add_timestamp("Load bbhosts done");

	if (!embedded) {
		/* Remove old acknowledgements */
		add_timestamp("ACK removal done");

	statehead = load_state(&dispsums);
	if (embedded || snapshot) dispsums = NULL;
	add_timestamp("Load STATE done");

	if (hobbitddump) {
		return 0;

	/* Calculate colors of hosts and pages */

	/* Topmost page (background color for bb.html) */
	for (p=pagehead; (p); p = p->next) {
		if (p->color > pagehead->color) pagehead->color = p->color;
	bb_color = pagehead->color;

	if (xgetenv("SUMMARY_SET_BKG") && (strcmp(xgetenv("SUMMARY_SET_BKG"), "TRUE") == 0)) {
		 * Displayed summaries affect the BB page only, 
		 * but should not go into the color we report to
		 * others.
		for (s=dispsums; (s); s = s->next) {
			if (s->color > pagehead->color) pagehead->color = s->color;
	add_timestamp("Color calculation done");

	if (debug) dumpall(pagehead);

	/* Generate pages */
	if (chdir(pagedir) != 0) {
		errprintf("Cannot change to webpage directory %s\n", pagedir);

	if (embedded) {
		/* Just generate that one page */
		do_one_page(pagehead, NULL, 1);
		return 0;

	/* The main page - bb.html and pages/subpages thereunder */
	add_timestamp("Hobbit pagegen start");
	if (reportstart && csvfile) {
		csv_availability(csvfile, csvdelim);
	else if (do_normal_pages) {
		do_page_with_subs(pagehead, dispsums);
	add_timestamp("Hobbit pagegen done");

	if (reportstart) {
		/* Reports end here */
		return 0;

	/* The full summary page - bb2.html */
	bb2_color = do_bb2_page(nssidebarfilename, PAGE_BB2);
	add_timestamp("BB2 generation done");

	/* Reduced summary (alerts) page - bbnk.html */
	bbnk_color = do_bb2_page(NULL, PAGE_NK);
	add_timestamp("BBNK generation done");

	if (snapshot) {
		/* Snapshots end here */
		return 0;

	/* Send summary notices - only once, so not on pagesets */
	if (pageset == NULL) {
		add_timestamp("Summary transmission done");

	/* Generate WML cards */
	if (enable_wmlgen) {
		add_timestamp("WML generation done");

	/* Need to do this before sending in our report */
	add_timestamp("Run completed");

	/* Tell about us */
	if (egocolumn) {
		char msgline[4096];
		char *timestamps;
		long bbsleep = (xgetenv("BBSLEEP") ? atol(xgetenv("BBSLEEP")) : 300);
		int color;

		/* Go yellow if it runs for too long */
		if (total_runtime() > bbsleep) {
			errprintf("WARNING: Runtime %ld longer than BBSLEEP (%ld)\n", total_runtime(), bbsleep);
		color = (errbuf ? COL_YELLOW : COL_GREEN);

		sprintf(msgline, "status %s.%s %s %s\n\n", xgetenv("MACHINE"), egocolumn, colorname(color), timestamp);

		sprintf(msgline, "bbgen for Hobbit version %s\n", VERSION);

		sprintf(msgline, "\nStatistics:\n Hosts               : %5d\n Status messages     : %5d\n Purple messages     : %5d\n Pages               : %5d\n", 
			hostcount, statuscount, purplecount, pagecount);

		if (errbuf) {
			addtostatus("\n\nError output:\n");


	else show_timestamps(NULL);

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 30
void print_hoststatus(FILE *output, hstatus_t *itm, void * statetree, void * columns, int prio, int firsthost, int firsthostever)
	char *key;
	time_t now;
	xtreePos_t colhandle;

	now = getcurrenttime(NULL);

	fprintf(output, "<TR>\n");

	/* Print the priority */
	fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP WIDTH=10%% NOWRAP>");
	if (firsthost) 
		if (prio == 99) {
			if (firsthostever)
				/* Only non-prioritised hosts, so just drop that text */
				fprintf(output, "&nbsp;");
				fprintf(output, "<FONT %s>No priority</FONT>", xgetenv("XYMONPAGEROWFONT"));
		else {
			fprintf(output, "<FONT %s>PRIO %d</FONT>", xgetenv("XYMONPAGEROWFONT"), prio);

		fprintf(output, "&nbsp;");
	fprintf(output, "</TD>\n");

	/* Print the hostname with a link to the critical systems info page */
	fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=LEFT>%s</TD>\n", hostnamehtml(itm->hostname, NULL, usetooltips));

	key = (char *)malloc(1024);
	for (colhandle = xtreeFirst(columns); (colhandle != xtreeEnd(columns)); colhandle = xtreeNext(columns, colhandle)) {
		char *colname;
		xtreePos_t sthandle;

		fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER>");

		colname = (char *)xtreeKey(columns, colhandle);
		key = (char *)realloc(key, 2 + strlen(itm->hostname) + strlen(colname));
		sprintf(key, "%s|%s", itm->hostname, colname);
		sthandle = xtreeFind(statetree, key);
		if (sthandle == xtreeEnd(statetree)) {
			fprintf(output, "-");
		else {
			hstatus_t *column;
			char *htmlalttag;
			char *htmlackstr;

			column = (hstatus_t *)xtreeData(statetree, sthandle);
			if (column->config->priority != prio) 
				fprintf(output, "-");
			else {
				time_t age = now - column->lastchange;
				char *htmlgroupstr;
				char *htmlextrastr;

				htmlalttag = alttag(colname, column->color, 0, 1, agestring(age));
				htmlackstr = (column->ackmsg ? column->ackmsg : "");
				htmlgroupstr = strdup(urlencode(column->config->ttgroup ? column->config->ttgroup : ""));
				htmlextrastr = strdup(urlencode(column->config->ttextra ? column->config->ttextra : ""));
				fprintf(output, "<A HREF=\"%s&amp;NKPRIO=%d&amp;NKTTGROUP=%s&amp;NKTTEXTRA=%s\">",
					hostsvcurl(itm->hostname, colname, 1),
					htmlgroupstr, htmlextrastr);
				fprintf(output, "<IMG SRC=\"%s/%s\" ALT=\"%s\" TITLE=\"%s %s\" HEIGHT=\"%s\" WIDTH=\"%s\" BORDER=0></A>",
					dotgiffilename(column->color, (column->acktime > 0), (age > oldlimit)),
					colorname(column->color), htmlalttag, htmlackstr,
					xgetenv("DOTHEIGHT"), xgetenv("DOTWIDTH"));

		fprintf(output, "</TD>\n");

	fprintf(output, "</TR>\n");