Exemplo n.º 1
bool ConstraintBSpline::reduceVariableRanges() const
    // Update bound of y in f(x) - y = 0
    auto cp = bspline.getControlPoints();
    DenseVector minControlPoints = cp.colwise().minCoeff();
    DenseVector maxControlPoints = cp.colwise().maxCoeff();

    for (unsigned int i = variables.size()-numConstraints; i < variables.size(); i++)
        assert(minControlPoints(i) <= maxControlPoints(i));

        // Fix for B-splines with collapsed bounds
        double xlb = variables.at(i)->getLowerBound();
        double xub = variables.at(i)->getUpperBound();

        if (assertNear(xlb, xub))

        double newlb = std::max(xlb, minControlPoints(i));
        double newub = std::min(xub, maxControlPoints(i));

        // Detect constraint infeasibility or update bounds
        if (!variables.at(i)->updateBounds(newlb, newub))
            return false;

    // Compute and check variable bounds
    return controlPointBoundsDeduction();
Exemplo n.º 2
    RowVectorXi findDelaunayTriangulation(Eigen::Ref<const RowVectorX> ileavedPoints)
        auto points = toSeparatedViewConst<Scalar>(ileavedPoints);
        eigen_assert(points.cols() == 2);

        // Find min max.
        RowVector2 minC = points.colwise().minCoeff();
        RowVector2 maxC = points.colwise().maxCoeff();

        // Don't make the bounds too tight.
        cv::Rect_<float> bounds(
            std::floor(minC.x() - aam::Scalar(1)), 
            std::floor(minC.y() - aam::Scalar(1)), 
            std::ceil(maxC.x() - minC.x() + aam::Scalar(2)), 
            std::ceil(maxC.y() - minC.y() + aam::Scalar(2)));

        cv::Subdiv2D subdiv(bounds);

        std::vector<cv::Point2f> controlPoints;

        for (MatrixX::Index i = 0; i < points.rows(); ++i) {
            cv::Point2f c(points(i, 0), points(i, 1));

        std::vector<cv::Vec6f> triangleList;
        RowVectorXi triangleIds(triangleList.size() * 3);

        int validTris = 0;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < triangleList.size(); i++)
            cv::Vec6f t = triangleList[i];

            cv::Point2f p0(t[0], t[1]);
            cv::Point2f p1(t[2], t[3]);
            cv::Point2f p2(t[4], t[5]);

            if (bounds.contains(p0) && bounds.contains(p1) && bounds.contains(p2)) {

                auto iter0 = std::find(controlPoints.begin(), controlPoints.end(), p0);
                auto iter1 = std::find(controlPoints.begin(), controlPoints.end(), p1);
                auto iter2 = std::find(controlPoints.begin(), controlPoints.end(), p2);

                triangleIds(validTris * 3 + 0) = (int)std::distance(controlPoints.begin(), iter0);
                triangleIds(validTris * 3 + 1) = (int)std::distance(controlPoints.begin(), iter1);
                triangleIds(validTris * 3 + 2) = (int)std::distance(controlPoints.begin(), iter2);


        return triangleIds.leftCols(validTris * 3);
Exemplo n.º 3
MatrixXd individualSupportCOPs(RigidBodyManipulator* r, const std::vector<SupportStateElement,Eigen::aligned_allocator<SupportStateElement>>& active_supports,
    const MatrixXd& normals, const MatrixXd& B, const VectorXd& beta)
  const int n_basis_vectors_per_contact = static_cast<int>(B.cols() / normals.cols());
  const int n = static_cast<int>(active_supports.size());

  int normals_start = 0;
  int beta_start = 0;

  MatrixXd individual_cops(3, n);

  for (size_t j = 0; j < active_supports.size(); j++) {
    auto active_support = active_supports[j];
    auto contact_pts = active_support.contact_pts;

    int ncj = static_cast<int>(contact_pts.size());
    int active_support_length = n_basis_vectors_per_contact * ncj;
    auto normalsj = normals.middleCols(normals_start, ncj);
    Vector3d normal = normalsj.col(0);
    bool normals_identical = (normalsj.colwise().operator-(normal)).squaredNorm() < 1e-15;

    if (normals_identical) { // otherwise computing a COP doesn't make sense
      const auto& Bj = B.middleCols(beta_start, active_support_length);
      const auto& betaj = beta.segment(beta_start, active_support_length);

      const auto& contact_positions = r->bodies[active_support.body_idx]->contact_pts;
      Vector3d force = Vector3d::Zero();
      Vector3d torque = Vector3d::Zero();

      for (size_t k = 0; k < contact_pts.size(); k++) {
      // for (auto k = contact_pts.begin(); k!= contact_pts.end(); k++) { 
        const auto& Bblock = Bj.middleCols(k * n_basis_vectors_per_contact, n_basis_vectors_per_contact);
        const auto& betablock = betaj.segment(k * n_basis_vectors_per_contact, n_basis_vectors_per_contact);
        Vector3d point_force = Bblock * betablock;
        force += point_force;
        Vector3d contact_pt = contact_pts[k].head(3);
        auto torquejk = contact_pt.cross(point_force);
        torque += torquejk;

      Vector3d point_on_contact_plane = contact_positions.col(0);
      std::pair<Vector3d, double> cop_and_normal_torque = resolveCenterOfPressure(torque, force, normal, point_on_contact_plane);
      Vector4d cop_body;
      cop_body << cop_and_normal_torque.first, 1.0;
      Vector3d cop_world;
      r->forwardKin(active_support.body_idx, cop_body, 0, cop_world);
      individual_cops.col(j) = cop_world;

    normals_start += ncj;
    beta_start += active_support_length;
  return individual_cops;
Exemplo n.º 4
ConstraintPtr ConstraintBSpline::computeRelaxationHyperrectangle()
     * Hyperrectangle model:
     * X =   [x' y']'
     * A =   [-I ]   b = [-lb ]
     *       [ I ]       [ ub ]
     * AX <= b

    int dim = bspline.getNumVariables() + 1;
    assert(dim == (int)variables.size());

    auto cp = bspline.getControlPoints();
    DenseVector minControlPoints = cp.colwise().minCoeff();
    DenseVector maxControlPoints = cp.colwise().maxCoeff();

    DenseMatrix Idim;

    DenseMatrix A(2*dim, dim);
    A.block(0,0, dim, dim) = - Idim;
    A.block(dim,0, dim, dim) = Idim;

    DenseVector b(2*dim);

    b.block(0, 0, dim, 1) = - minControlPoints;
    b.block(dim, 0, dim, 1) = maxControlPoints;

    ConstraintPtr relaxedConstraint = std::make_shared<ConstraintLinear>(variables, A ,b, false);
    relaxedConstraint->setName("B-spline hypercube relaxation (linear)");

    return relaxedConstraint;
Exemplo n.º 5
static void CalculateFeatures(
  mitk::GreyLevelSizeZoneMatrixHolder &holder,
  mitk::GreyLevelSizeZoneFeatures & results
  auto SgzMatrix = holder.m_Matrix;
  auto pgzMatrix = holder.m_Matrix;
  auto pgMatrix = holder.m_Matrix;
  auto pzMatrix = holder.m_Matrix;

  double Ns = pgzMatrix.sum();
  pgzMatrix /= Ns;

  for (int i = 0; i < holder.m_NumberOfBins; ++i)
    for (int j = 0; j < holder.m_NumberOfBins; ++j)
      if (pgzMatrix(i, j) != pgzMatrix(i, j))
        pgzMatrix(i, j) = 0;
      if (pgMatrix(i, j) != pgMatrix(i, j))
        pgMatrix(i, j) = 0;
      if (pzMatrix(i, j) != pzMatrix(i, j))
        pzMatrix(i, j) = 0;

  Eigen::VectorXd SgVector = SgzMatrix.rowwise().sum();
  Eigen::VectorXd SzVector = SgzMatrix.colwise().sum();

  for (int j = 0; j < SzVector.size(); ++j)
    results.SmallZoneEmphasis += SzVector(j) / (j + 1) / (j + 1);
    results.LargeZoneEmphasis += SzVector(j) * (j + 1.0) * (j + 1.0);
    results.ZoneSizeNonUniformity += SzVector(j) * SzVector(j);
    results.ZoneSizeNoneUniformityNormalized += SzVector(j) * SzVector(j);
  for (int i = 0; i < SgVector.size(); ++i)
    results.LowGreyLevelEmphasis += SgVector(i) / (i + 1) / (i + 1);
    results.HighGreyLevelEmphasis += SgVector(i) * (i + 1) * (i + 1);
    results.GreyLevelNonUniformity += SgVector(i)*SgVector(i);
    results.GreyLevelNonUniformityNormalized += SgVector(i)*SgVector(i);

  for (int i = 0; i < SgzMatrix.rows(); ++i)
    for (int j = 0; j < SgzMatrix.cols(); ++j)
      results.SmallZoneLowGreyLevelEmphasis += SgzMatrix(i, j) / (i + 1) / (i + 1) / (j + 1) / (j + 1);
      results.SmallZoneHighGreyLevelEmphasis += SgzMatrix(i, j) * (i + 1) * (i + 1) / (j + 1) / (j + 1);
      results.LargeZoneLowGreyLevelEmphasis += SgzMatrix(i, j) / (i + 1) / (i + 1) * (j + 1.0) * (j + 1.0);
      results.LargeZoneHighGreyLevelEmphasis += SgzMatrix(i, j) * (i + 1) * (i + 1) * (j + 1.0) * (j + 1.0);
      results.ZonePercentage += SgzMatrix(i, j)*(j + 1);

      results.GreyLevelMean += (i + 1)*pgzMatrix(i, j);
      results.ZoneSizeMean += (j + 1)*pgzMatrix(i, j);
      if (pgzMatrix(i, j) > 0)
        results.ZoneSizeEntropy -= pgzMatrix(i, j) * std::log(pgzMatrix(i, j)) / std::log(2);

  for (int i = 0; i < SgzMatrix.rows(); ++i)
    for (int j = 0; j < SgzMatrix.cols(); ++j)
      results.GreyLevelVariance += (i + 1 - results.GreyLevelMean)*(i + 1 - results.GreyLevelMean)*pgzMatrix(i, j);
      results.ZoneSizeVariance += (j + 1 - results.ZoneSizeMean)*(j + 1 - results.ZoneSizeMean)*pgzMatrix(i, j);

  results.SmallZoneEmphasis /= Ns;
  results.LargeZoneEmphasis /= Ns;
  results.LowGreyLevelEmphasis /= Ns;
  results.HighGreyLevelEmphasis /= Ns;

  results.SmallZoneLowGreyLevelEmphasis /= Ns;
  results.SmallZoneHighGreyLevelEmphasis /= Ns;
  results.LargeZoneLowGreyLevelEmphasis /= Ns;
  results.LargeZoneHighGreyLevelEmphasis /= Ns;
  results.GreyLevelNonUniformity /= Ns;
  results.GreyLevelNonUniformityNormalized /= Ns*Ns;
  results.ZoneSizeNonUniformity /= Ns;
  results.ZoneSizeNoneUniformityNormalized /= Ns*Ns;

  results.ZonePercentage = Ns / results.ZonePercentage;
Exemplo n.º 6
// apply the distmesh algorithm
std::tuple<Eigen::ArrayXXd, Eigen::ArrayXXi> distmesh::distmesh(
    Functional const& distanceFunction, double const initialPointDistance,
    Functional const& elementSizeFunction, Eigen::Ref<Eigen::ArrayXXd const> const boundingBox,
    Eigen::Ref<Eigen::ArrayXXd const> const fixedPoints) {
    // determine dimension of mesh
    unsigned const dimension = boundingBox.cols();

    // create initial distribution in bounding box
    Eigen::ArrayXXd points = utils::createInitialPoints(distanceFunction,
        initialPointDistance, elementSizeFunction, boundingBox, fixedPoints);

    // create initial triangulation
    Eigen::ArrayXXi triangulation = triangulation::delaunay(points);

    // create buffer to store old point locations to calculate
    // retriangulation and stop criterion
    Eigen::ArrayXXd retriangulationCriterionBuffer = Eigen::ArrayXXd::Constant(
        points.rows(), points.cols(), INFINITY);
    Eigen::ArrayXXd stopCriterionBuffer = Eigen::ArrayXXd::Zero(
        points.rows(), points.cols());

    // main distmesh loop
    Eigen::ArrayXXi edgeIndices;
    for (unsigned step = 0; step < constants::maxSteps; ++step) {
        // retriangulate if point movement is above threshold
        if ((points - retriangulationCriterionBuffer).square().rowwise().sum().sqrt().maxCoeff() >
            constants::retriangulationThreshold * initialPointDistance) {
            // update triangulation
            triangulation = triangulation::delaunay(points);

            // reject triangles with circumcenter outside of the region
            Eigen::ArrayXXd circumcenter = Eigen::ArrayXXd::Zero(triangulation.rows(), dimension);
            for (int point = 0; point < triangulation.cols(); ++point) {
                circumcenter += utils::selectIndexedArrayElements<double>(
                    points, triangulation.col(point)) / triangulation.cols();
            triangulation = utils::selectMaskedArrayElements<int>(triangulation,
                distanceFunction(circumcenter) < -constants::geometryEvaluationThreshold * initialPointDistance);

            // find unique edge indices
            edgeIndices = utils::findUniqueEdges(triangulation);

            // store current points positions
            retriangulationCriterionBuffer = points;

        // calculate edge vectors and their length
        auto const edgeVector = (utils::selectIndexedArrayElements<double>(points, edgeIndices.col(0)) -
            utils::selectIndexedArrayElements<double>(points, edgeIndices.col(1))).eval();
        auto const edgeLength = edgeVector.square().rowwise().sum().sqrt().eval();

        // evaluate elementSizeFunction at midpoints of edges
        auto const desiredElementSize = elementSizeFunction(0.5 *
            (utils::selectIndexedArrayElements<double>(points, edgeIndices.col(0)) +
            utils::selectIndexedArrayElements<double>(points, edgeIndices.col(1)))).eval();

        // calculate desired edge length
        auto const desiredEdgeLength = (desiredElementSize * (1.0 + 0.4 / std::pow(2.0, dimension - 1)) *
            std::pow((edgeLength.pow(dimension).sum() / desiredElementSize.pow(dimension).sum()),
                1.0 / dimension)).eval();

        // calculate force vector for each edge
        auto const forceVector = (edgeVector.colwise() *
            ((desiredEdgeLength - edgeLength) / edgeLength).max(0.0)).eval();

        // store current points positions
        stopCriterionBuffer = points;

        // move points
        for (int edge = 0; edge < edgeIndices.rows(); ++edge) {
            if (edgeIndices(edge, 0) >= fixedPoints.rows()) {
                points.row(edgeIndices(edge, 0)) += constants::deltaT * forceVector.row(edge);
            if (edgeIndices(edge, 1) >= fixedPoints.rows()) {
                points.row(edgeIndices(edge, 1)) -= constants::deltaT * forceVector.row(edge);

        // project points outside of domain to boundary
        utils::projectPointsToBoundary(distanceFunction, initialPointDistance, points);

        // stop, when maximum points movement is below threshold
        if ((points - stopCriterionBuffer).square().rowwise().sum().sqrt().maxCoeff() <
            constants::pointsMovementThreshold * initialPointDistance) {

    return std::make_tuple(points, triangulation);