Exemplo n.º 1
int commandhandler(BIO *cbio, int cl)
   BIO *bbody = NULL, *bbase64 = NULL, *bcrypt = NULL;
   int ret = -1;
   char buf[100 * 1024];
   json_object *config = NULL;
   unsigned char iv[16];
   BIO *bmem = NULL;
   char *bptr = NULL, *c = NULL;
   long blen = 0;
   char *command = NULL;

   logme(LOGMSG_DEBUG, "commandhandler (cl=%d)", cl);

   do {
      if(!(bmem = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()))) break;
      if(!(bbody = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()))) break;
      if(!(bbase64 = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64()))) break;
      BIO_set_flags(bbase64, BIO_FLAGS_BASE64_NO_NL);
      if(!(bcrypt = BIO_new(BIO_f_cipher()))) break;
      memset(iv, 0x00, sizeof(iv));
      BIO_set_cipher(bcrypt, EVP_get_cipherbyname("aes-128-cbc"), (unsigned char *)conf.key, iv, 0);
      BIO_push(bbase64, bbody);
      BIO_push(bcrypt, bmem);

      while(blen < cl) {
         if((ret = BIO_read(cbio, buf, ((cl - blen) > sizeof(buf)) ? sizeof(buf) : (cl - blen))) <= 0) break;
         blen += ret;

         while((c = memchr(buf, '\n', ret)) || (c = memchr(buf, '\r', ret))) memmove(c, c + 1, --ret - (c - buf));

         if(BIO_write(bbody, buf, ret) != ret) {
            logme(LOGMSG_DEBUG, "BIO_write error");

      do {
         blen = BIO_read(bbase64, buf, sizeof(buf));
         if(blen > 0) {
            BIO_write(bcrypt, buf, blen);
      } while(blen > 0);
      blen = BIO_get_mem_data(bmem, &bptr);

      if(!(config = json_tokener_parse(bptr))) break;
      if(!(command = (char *)json_object_get_string(json_object_object_get(config, "command")))) break;

      logme(LOGMSG_DEBUG, "command: %s", command);
      if(!strcasecmp(command, "FORWARD")) {
         ret = command_forward(config, cbio);
      } else if(!strcasecmp(command, "CONFIG")) {
         ret = command_config(config, cbio);
      } else if(!strcasecmp(command, "UPGRADE")) {
         ret = command_upgrade(config, cbio);
      } else if(!strcasecmp(command, "CHECK")) {
         ret = command_check(config, cbio);
   } while(0);
   if(bbody) BIO_free(bbody);
   if(bbase64) BIO_free(bbase64);
   if(bcrypt) BIO_free(bcrypt);
   if(bmem) BIO_free(bmem);
   if(config) json_object_put(config);

   return ret;
Exemplo n.º 2
int main (int argc, const char** argv)
  int status = 0;

  // Create a vector of args.
  std::vector <std::string> args;
  for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
    args.push_back (argv[i]);

  Config config;
  config.set ("verbose", "1");

  // Some options are hard-coded.
  if (args.size ())
    if (args[0] == "-h" || closeEnough ("--help", args[0], 3))
      command_help (args);

    else if (args[0] == "-v" || closeEnough ("--version", args[0], 3))
      Color bold ("bold");
      std::cout << "\n"
                << bold.colorize (PACKAGE_STRING)
                << " "
                << COMMIT
                << " built for "

#if defined (DARWIN)
                << "darwin"
#elif defined (SOLARIS)
                << "solaris"
#elif defined (CYGWIN)
                << "cygwin"
#elif defined (HAIKU)
                << "haiku"
#elif defined (OPENBSD)
                << "openbsd"
#elif defined (FREEBSD)
                << "freebsd"
#elif defined (NETBSD)
                << "netbsd"
#elif defined (LINUX)
                << "linux"
#elif defined (KFREEBSD)
                << "GNU/kFreeBSD"
#elif defined (GNUHURD)
                << "GNU/Hurd"
                << "unknown"

          << "\n"
          << "Copyright (C) 2010 - 2015 Göteborg Bit Factory."
          << "\n"
          << "\n"
          << "Taskd may be copied only under the terms of the MIT license, "
          << "which may be found in the taskd source kit."
          << "\n"
          << "Documentation for taskd can be found using 'man taskd' or at "
          << "http://taskwarrior.org"
          << "\n"
          << "\n";
        // Some defaults come from the environment.
        char* root_env = getenv ("TASKDDATA");
        if (root_env)
          config.set ("root", root_env);

        // Process all the options.
        std::vector <std::string> positionals;
        std::vector <std::string>::iterator arg;
        for (arg = args.begin (); arg != args.end (); ++arg)
          if (closeEnough ("--data", *arg, 3))
            if (arg == args.end () || (*arg)[0] == '-')
              throw std::string (STRING_TASKD_DATA);

            config.set ("root", *arg);
          else if (closeEnough ("--quiet",  *arg, 3))  config.set ("verbose",      0);
          else if (closeEnough ("--debug",  *arg, 3))  config.set ("debug",        1);
          else if (closeEnough ("--force",  *arg, 3))  config.set ("confirmation", 0);
          else if (closeEnough ("--daemon", *arg, 3))  config.set ("daemon",       1);
          else if (taskd_applyOverride (config, *arg)) ;
          else                                         positionals.push_back (*arg);

        // A database object interfaces to the data.
        Database db (&config);

        // The highest-level commands are hard-coded:
             if (closeEnough ("init",        args[0], 3)) command_init     (db, positionals);
        else if (closeEnough ("config",      args[0], 3)) command_config   (db, positionals);
        else if (closeEnough ("status",      args[0], 3)) command_status   (db, positionals);
        else if (closeEnough ("help",        args[0], 3)) command_help     (    positionals);
        else if (closeEnough ("diagnostics", args[0], 3)) command_diag     (db, positionals);
        else if (closeEnough ("server",      args[0], 3)) command_server   (db, positionals);
        else if (closeEnough ("add",         args[0], 3)) command_add      (db, positionals);
        else if (closeEnough ("remove",      args[0], 3)) command_remove   (db, positionals);
        else if (closeEnough ("suspend",     args[0], 3)) command_suspend  (db, positionals);
        else if (closeEnough ("resume",      args[0], 3)) command_resume   (db, positionals);
        else if (closeEnough ("client",      args[0], 3)) command_client   (db, positionals);
        else if (closeEnough ("validate",    args[0], 3)) command_validate (db, positionals);
          throw format (STRING_TASKD_BAD_COMMAND, args[0]);

      catch (std::string& error)
        if (error == "usage")
          std::vector <std::string> no_args;
          command_help (no_args);
          std::cout << error << "\n";
        status = -1;

      catch (std::bad_alloc& error)
        std::cerr << "Error: Memory allocation failed: " << error.what () << "\n";
        status = -3;

      catch (...)
        std::cerr << STRING_ERROR_UNKNOWN
                  << "\n";
        status = -2;
    command_help (args);

  return status;