Exemplo n.º 1
/*	editStudent
	edit an existing student, and display details
	as defaults for input
	in:  pointer to a student to edit
	out: none
void editStudent(struct STUDENT *s)
	char firstName[32];		// store input first name
	char lastName[32];		// store input last name
	int completedCredits;	// store input credits
	struct DATE enrollmentDate;	// store input enrollment date
	// store an "empty date" to compare with entered date to indicate no change
	struct DATE noDate = {0};
	do {
		// display what # student we're editing
		printf("\nEditing Student #%d\n", numStudents + 1);
		// input first name & update only if input not empty
		printf("First name: [%s] ", s->firstName);
		strcpy(firstName, inputString("", 32));
		if (strcmp(firstName, "") == 0) strcpy(firstName, s->firstName);
		// input last name & update only if input not empty
		printf("Last name: [%s] ", s->lastName);
		strcpy(lastName, inputString("", 32));
		if (strcmp(lastName, "") == 0) strcpy(lastName, s->lastName);
		// input completed credits & update only if input not empty
		printf("Completed credits: [%d] ", s->completedCredits);
		completedCredits = inputInteger("");
		if (completedCredits == 0) completedCredits = s->completedCredits;
		// input enrollment date & update only if input not empty
		printf("Enrollment date (mm/dd/yyyy): [%s] ", formatDate(s->enrollmentDate));
		enrollmentDate = inputDate("");
		// since inputDate returns a struct DATE, we must check against an "empty" date
		if (compDates(enrollmentDate, noDate) == 0) enrollmentDate = s->enrollmentDate;
		// print details entered
		printf("\nFirst name: %s\n"
			"Last name: %s\n"
			"Completed credits: %d\n"
			"Enrollment date: %s\n",
		// confirm with user whether info correct, repeat input if not
	} while (!confirm("\nInfo correct (y/n) ?"));
	// store entered data back into the record pointed to by s
	strcpy(s->firstName, firstName);
	strcpy(s->lastName, lastName);
	s->completedCredits = completedCredits;
	s->enrollmentDate = enrollmentDate;
Exemplo n.º 2
void Box::SetProgramRecorded()
	string name;
	int aux=-1;
	int i = 0;
	cout << "Insert a Program's name: ";
	getline(cin, name);
	cout << endl << endl << endl;
	int existInRecord = false;
	for (int j = 0; j < recordList.size(); j++)
		if (string_to_upper(name) == string_to_upper(recordList[j].getName()))
			existInRecord = true;
			cout << "The program \"" << name << "\", is in the list of recorded programs." << endl << endl << endl << endl;
	if (!existInRecord)
		for (i; i < channels.size(); i++)
			aux = searchProgram(string_to_upper(name), channels[i]);
			if (aux >= 0)

		if (aux >= 0)

			if (compDates(GetCurrentDate(), channels[i].getPrograms()[aux].getDate()))
				cout << "The program \"" << channels[i].getPrograms()[aux].getName();
				cout << "\", from the channel \"" << channels[i].getName() << "\", was sucefully\n";
				cout << "set to be recorded." << endl << endl << endl << endl;
				cout << "The program \"" << channels[i].getPrograms()[aux].getName();
				cout << "\", from the channel \"" << channels[i].getName() << "\", has been reproduced." << endl << endl << endl << endl;
			cout << "The program \"" << name << "\" doesn't exist." << endl << endl << endl << endl;
Exemplo n.º 3
void Box::updateProgramState(string &programn)
	cout << "     _       _                               _ " << endl;
	cout << "    / \\   __| |_   ____ _ _ __   ___ ___  __| |" << endl;
	cout << "   / _ \\ / _` \\ \\ / / _` | '_ \\ / __/ _ \\/ _` |" << endl;
	cout << "  / ___ \\ (_| |\\ V / (_| | | | | (_|  __/ (_| |" << endl;
	cout << " /_/   \\_\\__,_| \\_/ \\__,_|_| |_|\\___\\___|\\__,_|" << endl << endl;
	cout << "\t \t Update a program" << endl << endl << endl;
	int channel_position = 0;
	int program_position = 0;
	for (channel_position; channel_position < channels.size(); channel_position++)
		program_position = searchProgram(programn, channels[channel_position]);
		if (program_position != -1)
	if (compDates(GetCurrentDate(), channels[channel_position].getPrograms()[program_position].getDate()))
		cout << "The program \"" << channels[channel_position].getPrograms()[program_position].getName() << "\"";
		cout << " wasn't reproduced yet";
		cout << endl << endl << "The record state of the program \"" << channels[channel_position].getPrograms()[program_position].getName() << "\"";
		cout << " was change to \"";
		if (channels[channel_position].getPrograms()[program_position].getState())
			cout << "true";
			cout << "false";
		cout << "\"";
Exemplo n.º 4
/*	sortStudents
	sort the array of students based on user preference
	(uses simple bubble sort algorithm)
	in:  none
	out: none
void sortStudents()
	// declarations
	char sortField;		// user entered field to sort
	char fieldName[20];	// name of the field to sort
	int i = 0;			// loop counter for sorting
	int sorted = 0;		// repeat loop for bubble sort
	int swap = 0;		// whether to swap students[i] & students[i+1]
	int desc = 0;		// if we're sorting in descending order
	struct STUDENT tempStudent;	// temp struct to store student for swapping
	// no need to sort only one or 0 students!
	if (numStudents < 2) return;
	// print menu choices
	printf("Sort by:\t"
		"L) Last Name\n\t\t"
		"F) First Name\n\t\t"
		"E) Enrollment Date\n\t\t"
		"C) Completed Credits ? ");
	// get sort field from user
	sortField = toupper(inputString("", 2)[0]);
	// ask user whether to sort in descending order
	desc = confirm("\nDescending (just hit Enter for ascending) (y/n) ? ");
	// set the fieldName for display back to user
	switch (sortField)
		case 'F':
			strcpy(fieldName, "First name");
		case 'E':
			strcpy(fieldName, "Enrollment date");
		case 'C':
			strcpy(fieldName, "Completed credits");
		case 'L':
			strcpy(fieldName, "Last name");
	// print back to user how we are sorting
	printf("\nSorting by: %s, %s ...\n\n",
		fieldName, desc ? "Descending" : "Ascending");
	while (!sorted)		// repeat loop for bubble sort
		sorted = 1;		// "assume" sorted until we swap
		// loop through all students - 1
		// (because we're swapping [i] with [i+1])
		for (i = 0; i < numStudents - 1; i++)
			swap = 0;	// do not swap unless flagged
			switch (sortField)	// check by field:
				case 'F': // first name
					swap = ((strcmp(students[i+1].firstName, students[i].firstName) < 0)
						|| (strcmp(students[i+1].firstName, students[i].firstName) == 0
						&& strcmp(students[i+1].lastName, students[i].lastName) < 0));
				case 'E': // enrollment date
					swap = (compDates(students[i].enrollmentDate, students[i+1].enrollmentDate) > 0);
				case 'C': // completed credits
					swap = (students[i].completedCredits > students[i+1].completedCredits);
				case 'L': // last name
					swap = ((strcmp(students[i+1].lastName, students[i].lastName) < 0)
						|| (strcmp(students[i+1].lastName, students[i].lastName) == 0
						&& strcmp(students[i+1].firstName, students[i].firstName) < 0));
			/*	XOR desc ^ swap:
				if swap == 1, order must be swapped for ascending;
				if swap == 0, order must be swapped for descending  */
			if (desc ^ swap)
				// swap students[i] and students[i+1] using temp variable
				tempStudent = students[i];
				students[i] = students[i+1];
				students[i+1] = tempStudent;
				sorted = 0;	// we had to swap, so repeat the loop
	// when done sorting, print the sorted student list