Exemplo n.º 1
boolean opbestfind (hdlheadrecord hfirst, bigstring bs, hdlheadrecord *hnode) {
	find the best approximation of the string in the siblings of hfirst.
	register hdlheadrecord nomad, nextnomad;
	bigstring bsnomad;
	bigstring bsfind;
	bigstring bsbest;
	register hdlheadrecord hbest = nil; /*no candidate found*/
	*hnode = nil; /*default returned value*/
	nomad = op1stsibling (hfirst);
	copystring (bs, bsfind); /*work on a copy*/
	alllower (bsfind); /*unicase*/
	while (true) {
		opgetheadstring (nomad, bsnomad);
		alllower (bsnomad);
		switch (comparestrings (bsnomad, bsfind)) {
			case 0: /*string equal*/
				*hnode = nomad;
				return (true);
			case -1: /*key less than name*/
			case +1: /*key greather than name*/
				if ((hbest == nil) || (comparestrings (bsnomad, bsbest) == -1)) {
					copystring (bsnomad, bsbest);
					hbest = nomad;
			} /*switch*/
		nextnomad = (**nomad).headlinkdown;
		if (nextnomad == nomad)
		nomad = nextnomad;
		} /*while*/
	if (hbest == nil) /*didn't find any item that would follow bsname*/
		hbest = nomad; /*select last name*/
	*hnode = hbest;
	return (false);
	} /*opbestfind*/
Exemplo n.º 2
	static short tablecomparenames (hdlhashtable ht, hdlhashnode hnode1, hdlhashnode hnode2) {

		bigstring bs1, bs2;
		gethashkey (hnode1, bs1);

		gethashkey (hnode2, bs2);
		alllower (bs1); /*comparison is unicase*/
		alllower (bs2);
		return (comparestrings (bs1, bs2));
		} /*tablecomparenames*/
int lookup(const struct entry d[], const char search[] , const int entries)
	int low = 0;
	int high = entries - 1;
	int mid;
	int result;
	while (low <= high) {
		mid = (low + high) / 2;
		result = comparestrings(d[mid].word , search);
		if (result == -1) {
			low = mid + 1;
		} else if (result == 1) {
			high = mid - 1;
		} else {
			return mid;

	return -1;
Exemplo n.º 4
int lookup(const struct entry dictionary[],const char search[],const int entries)
	int low=0;
	int high=entries-1;
	int mid,result;
	int comparestrings(const char s1[], const char s2[]);
		else if(result==1)
			return mid;

	return -1;
Exemplo n.º 5
static boolean opfindhead (hdlheadrecord hfirst, bigstring bs, hdlheadrecord *hnode) {
	search starting with hfirst and step through its siblings looking
	for a headline that exactly matches bs.
	register hdlheadrecord nomad, nextnomad;
	bigstring bsnomad;
	bigstring bsfind;
	bigstring bsbest;
	register hdlheadrecord hbest = nil; /*no candidate found*/
	*hnode = nil; /*default returned value*/
	nomad = op1stsibling (hfirst);
	copystring (bs, bsfind); /*work on a copy*/
	alllower (bsfind); /*unicase*/
	while (true) {
		getheadstring (nomad, bsnomad);
		alllower (bsnomad);
		switch (comparestrings (bsnomad, bsfind)) {
			case 0: /*string equal*/
				*hnode = nomad;
				return (true);
			case -1: /*key less than name*/
			case +1: /*key greather than name*/
				if ((hbest == nil) || (comparestrings (bsnomad, bsbest) == -1)) {
					copystring (bsnomad, bsbest);
					hbest = nomad;
		nextnomad = (**nomad).headlinkdown;
		if (nextnomad == nomad)
		nomad = nextnomad;
		} /*while*/
	if (hbest == nil) /*didn't find any item that would follow bsname*/
		hbest = nomad; /*select last name*/
	*hnode = hbest;
	return (false);
	} /*opfindhead*/