Exemplo n.º 1
DOUBLE analyze()

INT **number , i , net , net1 , net2 , num , cell ;
INT *count , different , cnum , c2num , *arraynet ;
INT num_nets , tot_cels ;
DOUBLE C , C1 , C2 , C3 , wireRatio ;
PINBOXPTR pinptr ;
INT comparex() ;
DOUBLE weight_past_runs( /* wireRatio */ ) ;

count  = (INT *) Ysafe_malloc( (1 + numcellsG) * sizeof( INT ) ) ;
number = (INT **) Ysafe_malloc( (1 + numnetsG) * sizeof( INT *) ) ;
howmanyS = (INT *) Ysafe_malloc( (1 + numnetsG) * sizeof( INT ) ) ;
arraynet = (INT *) Ysafe_malloc( (1 + numnetsG) * sizeof( INT ) ) ;
for( net = 0 ; net <= numnetsG ; net++ ) {
    number[net] = (INT *) Ysafe_malloc( (1 + numcellsG) * sizeof(INT) ) ;

for( net = 1 ; net <= numnetsG ; net++ ) {
    for( cell = 0 ; cell <= numcellsG ; cell++ ) {
	count[cell] = 0 ;
	number[net][cell] = 0 ;
    for( pinptr=netarrayG[net]->pins;pinptr; pinptr = pinptr->next ){
	if( pinptr->cell <= numcellsG ) {
	    count[pinptr->cell] = 1 ;
     *  I would like to find the number of distinct nets
    for( cell = 1 ; cell <= numcellsG ; cell++ ) { 
	if( count[cell] == 1 ) {
	    number[net][ ++number[net][0] ] = cell ;
/* ********************************************************** */
num_nets = 0 ;
tot_cels = 0 ;
for( net1 = 1 ; net1 <= numnetsG ; net1++ ) {
    if( number[net1][0] <= 1 ) {
	continue ;
    num_nets++ ;
    tot_cels += number[net1][0] ;

		( (DOUBLE) tot_cels / (DOUBLE) num_nets	)  ) ;
/* ********************************************************** */
for( net1 = 1 ; net1 <= numnetsG ; net1++ ) {
    if( number[net1][0] == 0 ) {
	howmanyS[net1] = 0 ;
	continue ;
    if( number[net1][0] == 1 ) {
	number[net1][0] = 0 ;
	howmanyS[net1] = 0 ;
	continue ;
    howmanyS[net1] = 1 ;
    for( net2 = net1 + 1 ; net2 <= numnetsG ; net2++ ) {
	if( number[net2][0] != number[net1][0] ) {
	    continue ;
	different = 0 ;
	for( i = 1 ; i <= numcellsG ; i++ ) {
	    if( number[net2][i] != number[net1][i] ) {
		different = 1 ;
		break ;
	if( ! different ) {
	    number[net2][0] = 0 ;
	    howmanyS[net1]++ ;

arraynet[0] = 0 ;
for( net = 1 ; net <= numnetsG ; net++ ) {
    if( howmanyS[net] <= 0 ) {
	continue ;
    arraynet[ ++arraynet[0] ] = net ;
num = arraynet[0] ;
arraynet[0] = arraynet[ arraynet[0] ] ;
Yquicksort( (char *) arraynet ,  num , sizeof( INT ), comparex  ) ;
/*  sorted: most occurrences first  */

num = 0 ;
cnum = 0 ;
c2num = 0 ;
for( net = 1 ; net <= numnetsG ; net++ ) {
    if( number[net][0] > 0 ) {
	cnum += number[net][0] - 1 ;
	c2num += number[net][0] ;
	num++ ;

C = (DOUBLE) num / (DOUBLE) numcellsG ;
C1 = (DOUBLE) cnum / (DOUBLE) num ;
C2 = (DOUBLE) c2num / (DOUBLE) num ;
C3 = (DOUBLE) cnum / (DOUBLE)(numcellsG - 1) ;
OUT1("The average number of distinct nets per cell is\n");
OUT2("given by: %6.2f\n\n", C );
OUT1("The average number of cells per net is\n");
OUT2("given by: %6.2f\n\n", C2 );
OUT1("The average number of other cells per net is\n");
OUT2("given by: %6.2f\n\n", C1 );
OUT1("The ratio of total cells specified per net to\n");
OUT2("numcells is given by: %6.2f\n\n", C3 );
OUT1("The average number of cells connected to a cell is\n");
OUT2("given by: %6.2f\n\n", C * C1 );

OUT2("Expected Wire Reduction Relative to Random:%6.2f\n\n",wireRatio);

wireRatio = weight_past_runs( wireRatio ) ;
sprintf( YmsgG,"\n\nWire ratio updated to:%4.2f\n\n", wireRatio ) ;
M( MSG, "analyze", YmsgG ) ;

return( wireRatio );
Exemplo n.º 2
int main (int argc, char * const argv[]) 
    // create all necessary instances
    CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
    assert (storage);
	IplImage * backgroundx=NULL;
	IplImage *  backgrounds=NULL;
	IplImage * current_frame=NULL;
	IplImage * backgroundgray=NULL;
	if (argc!=4) {
		abort ();
	else {
		backgrounds=cvLoadImage(argv[2], 4);
		backgroundx=cvLoadImage(argv[3], 4);
		backgroundgray=cvLoadImage(argv[3], 0);
		if (backgroundx==NULL) {
	//get background
	cvShowImage (WINDOW_NAME, backgrounds);
	//backgroundx=seam(backgroundx, backgrounds->width, backgrounds->height);
    // get an initial frame and duplicate it for later work
    IplImage *  draw_image    = cvCreateImage(cvSize (current_frame->width, current_frame->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
    IplImage *  get_image    = cvCreateImage(cvSize (current_frame->width, current_frame->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
    cvCopy(backgrounds, get_image, NULL);
	int h,w;
    // as long as there are images ...
   		for (w=0; w<=backgrounds->width; w++) {
			for (h=0; h<=backgrounds->height; h++) {
				uchar* p=&CV_IMAGE_ELEM(backgrounds,uchar,h,w*3);
				uchar* x=&CV_IMAGE_ELEM(backgroundx,uchar,h,w*3);
				uchar* q=&CV_IMAGE_ELEM(current_frame,uchar,h,w*3);
				uchar* temp=&CV_IMAGE_ELEM(draw_image,uchar,h,w*3);
				if (comparex(p,q)==1) {
				else {
        // just show the image
        cvShowImage (WINDOW_NAME, draw_image);
        // wait a tenth of a second for keypress and window drawing
        int key = cvWaitKey (0);
        if (key == 'q' || key == 'Q')
    // be nice and return no error
    return 0;