Exemplo n.º 1
complex_float complex_cos(complex_float c1){
	complex_float exp1 = complex_pow( complex_make(exp(1)), complex_i(c1) );
	complex_float exp2 = complex_pow( complex_make(exp(1)), complex_mul(complex_make(-1.0f),complex_i(c1)) );
	complex_float sum  = complex_add(exp1,exp2);
	complex_float r = complex_div( sum, complex_make(2.0f) );
	return r;
Exemplo n.º 2
complex_float complex_sin(complex_float c1){
	// So... Euler said: exp(i*t) = cos(t) + i*sin(t) 
	// and then: sin(t) = (exp(i*t) - exp(-i*t)) / 2i 
	// and also: cos(t) = (exp(i*t) + exp(-i*t)) / 2  
	// Hm... I already have functions that raise complex numbers
	// to complex numbers so I'll use those for sin/code.
	complex_float exp1 = complex_pow( complex_make(exp(1)), complex_i(c1) );
	complex_float exp2 = complex_pow( complex_make(exp(1)), complex_mul(complex_make(-1.0f),complex_i(c1)) );
	complex_float diff = complex_sub(exp1,exp2);
	complex_float r = complex_div( diff, complex_i(complex_make(2.0f)) );
	return r;
Exemplo n.º 3
Big<amplitude_t> DMetalWavefunction::Amplitude::psi_ (void) const
    if (m_partial_update_step != 0)
        return Big<amplitude_t>();

    const DMetalWavefunction *wf_ = boost::polymorphic_downcast<const DMetalWavefunction *>(wf.get());

    return (complex_pow(m_cmat_d1.get_determinant(), wf_->d1_exponent)
            * complex_pow(m_cmat_d2.get_determinant(), wf_->d2_exponent)
            * complex_pow(m_cmat_f_up.get_determinant(), wf_->f_up_exponent)
            * complex_pow(m_cmat_f_dn.get_determinant(), wf_->f_dn_exponent));
Exemplo n.º 4
complex_float complex_arccos(complex_float c1){
	// arccos(z) = (pi/2) + i * log(i*z + sqrt(1 - z*z))
	complex_float zz = complex_mul(c1,c1);
	complex_float a = complex_make(1.0f);
	a = complex_sub(a,zz);                 // 1 - z*z
	a = complex_pow(a,complex_make(0.5f)); // sqrt(...)
	complex_float iz = complex_i(c1);      // i*z
	a = complex_add(iz,a);                 // i*z + sqrt(...)
	a = complex_ln(a);                     // log(...)
	a = complex_mul(complex_i(complex_make( 1.0f )),a); // i * log(...)
	complex_float r = complex_add( complex_make(1.57079632f), a); // pi/2 + ...
	return r;
Exemplo n.º 5
complex_gamma (complex_t *dst, complex_t const *src)
	if (complex_real_p (src)) {
		complex_init (dst, gnm_gamma (src->re), 0);
	} else if (src->re < 0) {
		/* Gamma(z) = pi / (sin(pi*z) * Gamma(-z+1)) */
		complex_t a, b, mz;

		complex_init (&mz, -src->re, -src->im);
		complex_fact (&a, &mz);

		complex_init (&b,
			      M_PIgnum * gnm_fmod (src->re, 2),
			      M_PIgnum * src->im);
		/* Hmm... sin overflows when b.im is large.  */
		complex_sin (&b, &b);

		complex_mul (&a, &a, &b);

		complex_init (&b, M_PIgnum, 0);

		complex_div (dst, &b, &a);
	} else {
		complex_t zmh, zmhd2, zmhpg, f, f2, p, q, pq;
		int i;

		i = G_N_ELEMENTS(lanczos_num) - 1;
		complex_init (&p, lanczos_num[i], 0);
		complex_init (&q, lanczos_denom[i], 0);
		while (--i >= 0) {
			complex_mul (&p, &p, src);
			p.re += lanczos_num[i];
			complex_mul (&q, &q, src);
			q.re += lanczos_denom[i];
		complex_div (&pq, &p, &q);

		complex_init (&zmh, src->re - 0.5, src->im);
		complex_init (&zmhpg, zmh.re + lanczos_g, zmh.im);
		complex_init (&zmhd2, zmh.re * 0.5, zmh.im * 0.5);
		complex_pow (&f, &zmhpg, &zmhd2);

		zmh.re = -zmh.re; zmh.im = -zmh.im;
		complex_exp (&f2, &zmh);
		complex_mul (&f2, &f, &f2);
		complex_mul (&f2, &f2, &f);

		complex_mul (dst, &f2, &pq);
Exemplo n.º 6
complex_float complex_arcsin(complex_float c1){
	// Hopefully I got this right, from a paper called:
	// "Implementing the Complex Arcsine and Arccosine Functions Using Exception Handling"
	// arcsin(z) = -i* log(i*z + sqrt(1 - z*z))
	complex_float zz = complex_mul(c1,c1);
	complex_float a = complex_make(1.0f);
	a = complex_sub(a,zz);                 // 1 - z*z
	a = complex_pow(a,complex_make(0.5f)); // sqrt(...)
	complex_float iz = complex_i(c1);      // i*z
	a = complex_add(iz,a);                 // i*z + sqrt(...)
	a = complex_ln(a);                     // log(...)
	complex_float r = complex_mul(complex_i(complex_make( -1.0f )),a); // -i * log(...)
	return r;
Exemplo n.º 7
/* do the iterations
 * if binary is true, check halfplane of last iteration.
 * if demrange is non zero, estimate lower bound of dist(c, M)
 * DEM - Distance Estimator Method
 *      Based on Peitgen & Saupe's "The Science of Fractal Images"
 * ALPHA - level sets of closest return.
 * INDEX - index of ALPHA.
 *      Based on Peitgen & Richter's "The Beauty of Fractals" (Fig 33,34)
 * LYAPUNOV - lyapunov exponent estimate
 *      Based on an idea by Jan Thor
static int
reps(complex c, double p, int r, Bool binary, interior_t interior, double demrange, Bool zpow, Bool zsin)
	int         rep;
	int         escaped = 0;
	complex     t;
	int escape = (int) ((demrange == 0) ? ESCAPE :
		ESCAPE*ESCAPE*ESCAPE*ESCAPE); /* 2 more iterations */
	complex     t1;
	complex     dt;
	double      L = 0.0;
	double      l2;
	double      dl2 = 1.0;
	double      alpha2 = ESCAPE;
	int         index = 0;
#if defined(USE_LOG)
	double      log_top = log((double) r);

	t = c;
	dt.real = 1; dt.imag = 0;
	for (rep = 0; rep < r; rep++) {
	    t1 = t;
		ipow(&t, (int) p);
		add(&t, c);
		if (zpow)
			add(&t, complex_pow(t1, t1));
		if (zsin)
			add(&t, complex_sin(t1));
		l2 = t.real * t.real + t.imag * t.imag;
		if (l2 <= alpha2) { 
			alpha2 = l2;
			index = rep;
		if (l2 >= escape) {
			escaped = 1;
			} else if (interior == LYAPUNOV) {
		    /* Crude estimate of Lyapunov exponent.  The stronger the
			   attractor, the more negative the exponent will be. */
			/*                     n=N
			L = lim        1/N *  Sum    log(abs(dx(n+1)/dx(n)))/ln(2)
                   N->inf          n=1     
		    L += log(sqrt(l2));
		if (demrange){
			/* compute dt/dc
			 *               p-1
			 * dt    =  p * t  * dt + 1
			 *   k+1         k     k
			/* Note this is incorrect for zpow or zsin, but a correct
			   implementation is too slow to be useful. */
			dt.real *= p; dt.imag *= p;
			if(p > 2) ipow(&t1, (int) (p - 1));
			mult(&dt, t1);
			dt.real += 1;
			dl2 = dt.real * dt.real + dt.imag * dt.imag;			
			if (dl2 >= 1e300) {
				escaped = 2;
	if (escaped) {
		if(demrange) {
			double mt = sqrt(t1.real * t1.real + t1.imag * t1.imag);
			 /* distance estimate */
			double dist = 0.5 * mt * log(mt) / sqrt(dl2);
			/* scale for viewing.  Allow black when showing interior. */
			rep = (int) (((interior > NONE)?0:1) + 10*r*dist/demrange);
			if(rep > r-1) rep = r-1; /* chop into color range */
		if(binary && t.imag > 0)
		    rep = (r + rep / 2) % r; /* binary decomp */
#ifdef USE_LOG
		if ( rep > 0 )
		    rep = (int) (r * log((double) rep)/log_top); /* Log Scale */
		return rep;
	} else if (interior == LYAPUNOV) {
		return -(int)(L/M_LN2) % r;
	} else if (interior == INDEX) {
		return 1 + index;
	} else if (interior == ALPHA) {
		return (int) (r * sqrt(alpha2));
	} else
		return r;
Exemplo n.º 8
// expect wavelength in m
int SetReflectivity(struct ElementType *ep, double wavelength)
  double f1, f2, a, rho, energy, nt, delta, beta, ac, sinag, cosag, Rs, Rp;
  int    z, myreturn;
  COMPLEX cn, cn2, cwu, crs, cts, crp, ctp, c1, c2, c3, csinag;
  char    *material;
  struct ReflecType *rp;

  material= ep->MDat.material;
  rp= (struct ReflecType *)&ep->reflec;

#ifdef DEBUG
  printf("debug: SetReflectivity called, material= >%s<, file= %s\n", material, __FILE__);

  if (!(wavelength > 0.0))
      fprintf(stderr, "error SetReflectivity: wavelength not defined (%f)- return");
      return 0;

  energy= 1240e-9/ wavelength; 
  myreturn=   ReadMaterial(material, &z, &a, &rho);
  myreturn &= ReadHenke(material, energy, &f1, &f2);

  nt= 1e6* rho * NA / a;              // Teilchendichte  (1/m^3), rho is in (g/cm^3)

  delta= RE * pow(wavelength, 2) * nt * f1 / (2.0 * PI);
  beta = RE * pow(wavelength, 2) * nt * f2 / (2.0 * PI);
  ac   = acos(1.0 - delta);            // critical (grazing) angle in rad
  complex_in(&cn, (1.0- delta), beta);  // complex index of refraction

  sinag= ep->geo.cosa;           // sin(grazing angle) grazing angle in rad
  cosag= ep->geo.sina;           // sin <-> cos change for grazing angle

  // we calculate the compex reflectivity and transmission coefficients
  // transmission coefficients not used so far
  complex_x    (&cn,  &cn, &cn2);              // n^2
  complex_in   (&c1,  pow(cosag, 2.0), 0.0);   // cos(theta))^2 saved in c1
  complex_minus(&cn2, &c1, &c2);               // c2= n2- c1
  complex_pow  (&c2,  0.5, &cwu);              // wu= sqrt(c2)

  complex_in   (&csinag, sinag, 0.0);        // sin(theta) saved in csinag
  complex_minus(&csinag, &cwu,  &c1);        // zehler in c1
  complex_plus (&csinag, &cwu,  &c2);        // nenner in c2
  complex_div  (&c1,     &c2,   &crs);       // calc crs

  complex_in (&c1, (2* sinag), 0.0);         // zehler in c1
  complex_div(&c1, &c2,        &cts);        // calc cts

  complex_x    (&cn2, &csinag, &c3);         // c3
  complex_minus(&c3,  &cwu,    &c1);         // zehler in c1  
  complex_plus (&c3,  &cwu,    &c2);         // nenner in c2  
  complex_div  (&c1,  &c2,     &crp);        // calc crp

  complex_in (&c1, 2.0,     0.0);           // 2.0 in c1
  complex_x  (&c1, &cn,     &c3);           // 2n in c3
  complex_x  (&c3, &csinag, &c1);           // zaehler in c1
  complex_div(&c1, &c2,     &ctp);          // calc ctp

  Rs= pow(crs.re, 2)+ pow(crs.im, 2);       // abs()^2
  Rp= pow(crp.re, 2)+ pow(crp.im, 2);       // abs()^2;

  rp->runpol= 0.5 * (Rs + Rp);

  // fill double ryamp, rypha, rzamp, rzpha, runpol;
  switch (ep->GDat.azimut) /* vertikal 0; nach links 1; nach unten 2 ; nach rechts 3 */
    case 0: 
    case 2:
      rp->ryamp= sqrt(pow(crp.re, 2)+ pow(crp.im, 2));
      rp->rypha= atan2(crp.im, crp.re);
      rp->rzamp= sqrt(pow(crs.re, 2)+ pow(crs.im, 2));
      rp->rzpha= atan2(crs.im, crs.re);
    case 1:
    case 3:
      rp->rzamp= sqrt(pow(crp.re, 2)+ pow(crp.im, 2));
      rp->rzpha= atan2(crp.im, crp.re);
      rp->ryamp= sqrt(pow(crs.re, 2)+ pow(crs.im, 2));
      rp->rypha= atan2(crs.im, crs.re);
      fprintf(stderr, "error in file %s- azimut >>%d<<out of range\n", __FILE__, ep->GDat.azimut);

  return myreturn;
} // SetReflectivity