static tree parse_comment (string s, int& i) { string comment= parse_delimited (s, i, "(*", "*)", false); if (is_star_rule (comment, 0)) return compound ("hrule"); return compound ("coq-comment", from_verbatim (comment, false)); }
TEST(ReferenceDataTest, HandlesUpdateChangedWithoutChanges) { { TestReferenceData data(gmx::test::erefdataUpdateAll); TestReferenceChecker checker(data.rootChecker()); checker.checkInteger(1, "int"); checker.checkString("Test", "string"); TestReferenceChecker compound(checker.checkCompound("Compound", "Compound")); compound.checkInteger(2, "int"); } { TestReferenceData data(gmx::test::erefdataUpdateChanged); TestReferenceChecker checker(data.rootChecker()); checker.checkInteger(1, "int"); checker.checkString("Test", "string"); TestReferenceChecker compound(checker.checkCompound("Compound", "Compound")); compound.checkInteger(2, "int"); } { TestReferenceData data(gmx::test::erefdataCompare); TestReferenceChecker checker(data.rootChecker()); checker.checkInteger(1, "int"); checker.checkString("Test", "string"); TestReferenceChecker compound(checker.checkCompound("Compound", "Compound")); compound.checkInteger(2, "int"); } }
void MemberAccessOperator::doPrint(PrintContext &context) const { bool braces = compound()->is<UnaryOperator>() || compound()->is<BinaryOperator>() || compound()->is<Typecast>(); if (braces) { context.out() << "("; } compound_->print(context); if (braces) { context.out() << ")"; } switch (accessKind()) { case ARROW: context.out() << "->"; break; case DOT: context.out() << '.'; break; default: unreachable(); break; } context.out() << member_->identifier(); }
static void make_entry (tree& D, tree t) { // cout << "Make entry " << t << "\n"; int i, j, n= N(t); for (i=0; i<n; i++) if (is_func (t[i], TUPLE, 1)) { bool flag= true; for (j=0; j<n; j++) if (is_func (t[j], TUPLE, 2) && (t[i][0] == t[j][0])) flag= false; if (flag) D << t[i][0]; } for (i=0; i<n; i++) if (is_func (t[i], TUPLE, 2) && is_tuple (t[i][1], "range", 2)) { bool flag= true; for (j=i+1; j<n; j++) if (is_func (t[j], TUPLE, 2) && is_tuple (t[j][1], "range", 2)) if ((t[i][0] == t[j][0]) && (t[i][1][1] == t[j][1][1])) { t[i][1]= tree (CONCAT, t[i][1][2], "--", t[j][1][2]); t[j]= ""; flag= false; break; } if (flag) t[i][1]= tree (CONCAT, t[i][1][2], "--?"); } hashmap<tree,tree> h (""); for (i=0; i<n; i++) if (is_func (t[i], TUPLE, 2)) { tree l= t[i][0], r= t[i][1]; if (!h->contains (l)) h (l)= r; else { tree rr= h[l]; if (rr == "") rr= r; else if (r != "") { if (!is_concat (rr)) rr= tree (CONCAT, rr); rr << ", " << r; } h (l)= rr; } } for (i=0; i<n; i++) if (is_func (t[i], TUPLE, 2)) { tree l= t[i][0]; if (h->contains (l)) { int k= N(l); tree e= compound ("index-" * as_string (k), copy (l[k-1]), h[l]); if (h[l] == "") e= compound ("index-" * as_string (k) * "*", copy (l[k-1])); D << e; h->reset (l); } } }
void edit_select_rep::selection_paste (string key) { tree t; string s; (void) ::get_selection (key, t, s, selection_import); if (inside_active_graphics ()) { if (is_tuple (t, "texmacs", 3)) call ("graphics-paste", t[1]); return; } if (is_tuple (t, "extern", 1)) { string mode= get_env_string (MODE); string lan = get_env_string (MODE_LANGUAGE (mode)); if ((selection_import == "latex") && (mode == "prog")) mode= "verbatim"; if ((selection_import == "latex") && (mode == "math")) mode= "latex-math"; if ((selection_import == "html") && (mode == "prog")) mode= "verbatim"; string fm= selection_import * "-snippet"; tree doc= generic_to_tree (selection_decode(lan, as_string(t[1])), fm); if (is_func (doc, DOCUMENT, 1)) doc= doc[0]; // temporary fix insert_tree (doc); } if (is_tuple (t, "texmacs", 3)) { string mode= get_env_string (MODE); string lan = get_env_string (MODE_LANGUAGE (mode)); if (is_compound (t[1], "text", 1) && mode == "text") t= tuple ("texmacs", t[1][0], "text", lan); if (is_compound (t[1], "math", 1) && mode == "math") t= tuple ("texmacs", t[1][0], "math", lan); if (mode == "math" && t[2] == "text") set_message ("Error: invalid paste of text into a formula", "paste"); else if (mode == "prog" && t[2] == "math") { tree in= tuple (lan, t[1]); tree r= stree_to_tree (call ("plugin-math-input", tree_to_stree (in))); insert_tree (r); } else { if ((t[2] != mode) && (t[2] != "src") && (mode != "src") && ((t[2] == "math") || (mode == "math"))) { if (t[2] == "math") insert_tree (compound ("math", ""), path (0, 0)); else if (t[2] == "text") insert_tree (compound ("text", ""), path (0, 0)); else insert_tree (tree (WITH, copy (MODE), copy (t[2]), ""), path (2, 0)); } if (is_func (t[1], TFORMAT) || is_func (t[1], TABLE)) { int row, col; path fp= search_format (row, col); if (is_nil (fp)) insert_tree (compound (copy (TABULAR), t[1])); else table_write_subtable (fp, row, col, t[1]); } else insert_tree (t[1]); } } }
tree texmacs_invarianted (tree t, tree p, int c, string src, hashmap<tree,tree> corr, hashmap<tree,tree> pred, hashmap<tree,tree> succ) { if (corr->contains (t)) { tree oids= corr[t], ids (TUPLE); for (int i=0; i<N(oids); i++) { int b, e; if (get_range (oids[i], b, e, src)) ids << oids[i]; } if (N(ids) >= 1) { tree id= texmacs_best_match (ids, p, c, corr, pred, succ); if (id != tree (UNINIT)) return compound ("ilx", id); } } if (is_atomic (t)) return t; else { int i, n= N(t); tree r (t, n); for (i=0; i<n; i++) r[i]= texmacs_invarianted (t[i], t, i, src, corr, pred, succ); return r; } }
tree tree_translate (tree t, string from, string to) { //cout << "Translating " << t << " from " << from << " into " << to << "\n"; if (is_atomic (t)) return translate (t->label, from, to); else if (is_compound (t, "replace")) { if (!is_atomic (t[0])) { //cout << "tree_translate() ERROR: first child should be a string\n"; return t; } t[0]->label= translate_as_is (t[0]->label, from, to); return translate_replace (t, from, to); } else if (is_compound (t, "verbatim", 1)) return t[0]; else if (is_compound (t, "localize", 1)) return tree_translate (t[0], "english", out_lan); else if (is_compound (t, "render-key", 1)) return compound ("render-key", tree_translate (t[0], from, to)); else { tree r (t, N(t)); for (int i=0; i<N(t); i++) if (!the_drd->is_accessible_child (t, i)) r[i]= t[i]; else r[i]= tree_translate (t[i], from, to); return r; } }
void SyntaxAnalyzer::statement() { if (currentToken.lexeme() == "{") { cout << "<Statement> -> <Compound>" << endl; compound(); } else if (currentToken.type() == "identifier") { cout << "<Statement> -> <Assign>" << endl; assign(); } else if (currentToken.lexeme() == "if") { cout << "<Statement> -> <If>" << endl; ifProcedure(); } else if (currentToken.lexeme() == "return") { cout << "<Statement> -> <Return>" << endl; returnProcedure(); } else if (currentToken.lexeme() == "write") { cout << "<Statement> -> <Write>" << endl; write(); } else if (currentToken.lexeme() == "read") { cout << "<Statement> -> <Write>" << endl; read(); } else if (currentToken.lexeme() == "while") { cout << "<Statement> -> <While>" << endl; whileProcedure(); } else { errorMessage("}\", <Identifer>, \"if\", \"return\", \"write\", \"read\", or \"while"); } }
void checkReference(gmx::test::TestReferenceChecker *checker, const char *id, bool checkDotCoordinates) { gmx::test::TestReferenceChecker compound( checker->checkCompound("SASA", id)); compound.checkReal(area_, "Area"); if (volume_ > 0.0) { compound.checkReal(volume_, "Volume"); } if (atomArea_ != NULL) { compound.checkSequenceArray(index_.size(), atomArea_, "AtomArea"); } if (dots_ != NULL) { if (checkDotCoordinates) { // The algorithm may produce the dots in different order in // single and double precision due to some internal // sorting... std::qsort(dots_, dotCount_, sizeof(rvec), &dotComparer); compound.checkSequenceArray(3*dotCount_, dots_, "Dots"); } else { compound.checkInteger(dotCount_, "DotCount"); } } }
static tree parse_item (string s, int &i, int item_indent) { int text_indent= item_indent, n= N(s); while (i<n && is_blank (s[i])) i++; if (is_new_item (s, i)) { text_indent++; while (s[i] == '-') i++; } while (i<n && is_spacing (s[i])) { if (s[i] == ' ') text_indent++; i++; } tree r (CONCAT); r << compound ("item"); string line= ""; string tmp= parse_line (s, i, text_indent); if (tmp != "") line << tmp; while (can_parse_line (s, i, text_indent)) { tmp= parse_line (s, i, text_indent); if (tmp != "") line << "\n" << tmp; } r << coqdoc_to_tree (line); return r; }
static tree format_proof (tree t) { tree r= compound ("coq-proof", "", "dark grey"); if (!is_document (t) || N(t) == 0) r << "" << ""; else if (N(t) > 0 && is_begin_proof (t[0])) { r << t[0]; if (N(t) > 1) r << t(1,N(t)); else r << ""; } else if (N(t) > 1 && is_compound (t[0], "coq-indent", 1) && is_begin_proof (t[1])) { r << t[1]; if (N(t) > 2) { tree tmp= tree (DOCUMENT, t[0]); tmp << A(t(2,N(t))); r << tmp; } else r << ""; } else r << "Proof." << t; return r; }
pager_rep::pager_rep (path ip2, edit_env env2, array<page_item> l2): ip (ip2), env (env2), style (UNINIT), l (l2) { style (PAGE_THE_PAGE) = tree (MACRO, compound ("page-nr")); style (PAGE_ODD_HEADER) = env->read (PAGE_ODD_HEADER); style (PAGE_ODD_FOOTER) = env->read (PAGE_ODD_FOOTER); style (PAGE_EVEN_HEADER)= env->read (PAGE_EVEN_HEADER); style (PAGE_EVEN_FOOTER)= env->read (PAGE_EVEN_FOOTER); style (PAGE_THIS_HEADER)= ""; style (PAGE_THIS_FOOTER)= ""; int nr_cols= env->get_int (PAR_COLUMNS); paper= (env->get_string (PAGE_MEDIUM) == "paper"); string pbr= env->get_string (PAGE_BREAKING); quality= (pbr == "sloppy"? 0: (pbr == "medium"? 1: 2)); env->get_page_pars (text_width, text_height, width, height, odd, even, top, bot); may_extend= env->get_length (PAGE_EXTEND); may_shrink= env->get_length (PAGE_SHRINK); head_sep = env->get_length (PAGE_HEAD_SEP); foot_sep = env->get_length (PAGE_FOOT_SEP); col_sep = env->get_length (PAR_COLUMNS_SEP); fn_sep = env->get_vspace (PAR_FNOTE_SEP); fnote_sep = env->get_vspace (PAGE_FNOTE_SEP) + (2*env->fn->sep); fnote_bl = env->get_length (PAGE_FNOTE_BARLEN); float_sep = env->get_vspace (PAGE_FLOAT_SEP); mnote_sep = env->get_length (PAGE_MNOTE_SEP); show_hf = env->get_bool (PAGE_SHOW_HF) && paper; if (nr_cols > 1) text_width = (text_width+col_sep+1) * nr_cols - col_sep; page_offset= 0; cur_top= 0; }
void edit_interface_rep::key_press (string gkey) { string zero= "a"; zero[0]= '\0'; string key= replace (gkey, "<#0>", zero); if (pre_edit_mark != 0) { ASSERT (sh_mark == 0, "invalid shortcut during pre-edit"); mark_cancel (pre_edit_mark); pre_edit_s= ""; pre_edit_mark= 0; } if (starts (key, "pre-edit:") ) { interrupt_shortcut (); string s= key (9, N(key)); if (s == "") return; int i, n= N(s), pos= N(s); for (i=0; i<n; i++) if (s[i] == ':' && is_int (s (0, i))) { int k= as_int (s (0, i)); s= s (i+1, n); pos= 0; for (int j=0; j<k && pos<N(s); j++) tm_char_forwards (s, pos); break; } pre_edit_s= s; pre_edit_mark= new_marker (); mark_start (pre_edit_mark); archive_state (); insert_tree (compound ("pre-edit", s), path (0, pos)); return; } string new_sh= N(sh_s)==0? key: sh_s * " " * key; if (try_shortcut (new_sh)) return; if (new_sh != key) { interrupt_shortcut (); if (try_shortcut (key)) return; } string rew= sv->kbd_post_rewrite (key); if (N(rew) == 1) { int i ((unsigned char) rew[0]); if ((i >= 32 && i <= 127) || (i >= 128 && i <= 255) || (i == 25)) if (!inside_active_graphics ()) { archive_state (); call ("kbd-insert", rew); } interrupt_shortcut (); } else if (contains_unicode_char (rew)) { archive_state (); call ("kbd-insert", key); interrupt_shortcut (); } else if (DEBUG_KEYBOARD) debug_keyboard << "unrecognized key " << key << ". " << "Undefined shortcut or key missing in the encoding files.\n"; }
static tree parse_list (string s, int &i) { int item_indent= get_list_depth (s, i); tree r (DOCUMENT); while (can_parse_item (s, i, item_indent)) r << parse_item (s, i, item_indent); return compound ("itemize", r); }
static tree parse_vernac_command (string s, bool wrap= false) { tree r (CONCAT); array<string> a= split_command (s); if (N(a) == 1) return compound ("coq-command", "", "dark grey", parse_subcommand (a[0], wrap)); else if (N(a) > 0) { for (int i=0; i<N(a)-1; i++) r << compound ("coq-command", "", "dark grey", ensure_inline (parse_subcommand (a[i], wrap))) << " "; r << compound ("coq-command", "", "dark grey", ensure_inline (parse_subcommand (a[N(a)-1], wrap))); } return r; }
long long compound(double rate,int serv,int time,long long pr) { long long net=0; if (time==0) return pr; else return (compound(rate,serv,time-1,pr-serv+(int)(pr*rate))); }
void link_announce (observer obs, modification mod) { //cout << "Link event " << mod << "\n"; for (list<string> ids= pointer_resolve [obs]; !is_nil (ids); ids= ids->next) for (list<tree> lns= get_links (compound ("id", ids->item)); !is_nil (lns); lns= lns->next) link_announce (lns->item, ids->item, mod); }
void write() { Abc::OArchive archive( Alembic::AbcCoreHDF5::WriteArchive(), "" ); Abc::OObject root(archive, Abc::kTop); //BEGIN Manually create and test schemas and compounds { Abc::OObject obj(root, "an_object"); Mat::OMaterialSchema mat(Mat::OMaterialSchema(obj.getProperties(), ".byanyothername")); mat.setShader("prman", "surface", "ambocc"); { Abc::OCompoundProperty compound(obj.getProperties(), "butnotbythisone"); Abc::OStringProperty sprop(compound, "value"); sprop.set("hello"); } { //add a .material but not created with the schema Abc::OCompoundProperty compound(obj.getProperties(), ".material"); Abc::OStringProperty sprop(compound, "value"); sprop.set("world"); } //END Manually create and test schemas and compounds } //BEGIN Test assignment and has-a mechanisms { { Abc::OObject anotherObj(root, "another_object"); Mat::addMaterialAssignment(anotherObj, "/some/material"); Mat::OMaterialSchema mat = Mat::addMaterial(anotherObj); mat.setShader("prman", "surface", "carpet"); } //END Test assignment and has-a mechanisms } }
int statement (INTPTR_T func) { if ((ch () == 0) & feof (input)) return (0); lastst = 0; if (func) { if (match ("{")) { compound (YES); return (lastst); } else error ("function requires compound statement"); } if (match ("{")) compound (NO); else stst (); return (lastst); }
wns::ldk::CompoundPtr SelectiveRepeatFSMTest::createIFrame(int number) { wns::ldk::CompoundPtr compound(fun->createCompound()); SelectiveRepeatCommand* command = arq->activateCommand(compound->getCommandPool()); command->peer.type = SelectiveRepeatCommand::I; command->peer.NS = number; return compound; } // createIFrame
void NoneTest::forwarding() { CompoundPtr compound(getFUN()->createCompound()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(compoundsSent() == 0); getUpperStub()->sendData(compound); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(compoundsSent() == 1); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(getLowerStub()->sent[0] == compound); } // forwarding
wns::ldk::CompoundPtr SelectiveRepeatFSMTest::createACKFrame(wns::ldk::CompoundPtr receivedCompound) { SelectiveRepeatCommand* receivedPCI = arq->getCommand(receivedCompound->getCommandPool()); wns::ldk::CompoundPtr compound(fun->createCompound()); SelectiveRepeatCommand* command = arq->activateCommand(compound->getCommandPool()); command->peer.type = SelectiveRepeatCommand::ACK; command->peer.NS = receivedPCI->peer.NS; return compound; } // createACKFrame
void bridge_argument_rep::my_typeset (int desired_status) { string name; tree value; path valip= decorate_right (ip); tree r= st[0]; if (is_compound (r)) value= tree (ERROR, "arg"); else { name = r->label; if ((!is_nil (env->macro_arg)) && env->macro_arg->item->contains (r->label)) { value= env->macro_arg->item [name]; if (!is_func (value, BACKUP)) { path new_valip= env->macro_src->item [name]; if (is_accessible (new_valip)) valip= new_valip; } } else value= compound ("src-unknown", name); } path prefix; if (N(st) > 1) { int i, n= N(st); for (i=1; i<n; i++) { tree r= env->exec (st[i]); if (!is_int (r)) { prefix= path (); value= tree (ERROR, "arg " * name); valip= decorate_right (ip); break; } int nr= as_int (r); if ((!is_compound (value)) || (nr<0) || (nr>=N(value))) { prefix= path (); value= tree (ERROR, "arg " * name); valip= decorate_right (ip); break; } value = value[nr]; valip = descend (valip, nr); prefix= prefix * nr; } } initialize (name, prefix, attach_here (value, valip)); ttt->insert_marker (body->st, ip); list<hashmap<string,tree> > old_var= env->macro_arg; list<hashmap<string,path> > old_src= env->macro_src; if (!is_nil (env->macro_arg)) env->macro_arg= env->macro_arg->next; if (!is_nil (env->macro_src)) env->macro_src= env->macro_src->next; body->typeset (desired_status); env->macro_arg= old_var; env->macro_src= old_src; }
/* * non-declaration statement */ void stst (void ) { if (amatch ("if", 2)) { doif (); lastst = STIF; } else if (amatch ("while", 5)) { dowhile (); lastst = STWHILE; } else if (amatch ("switch", 6)) { doswitch (); lastst = STSWITCH; } else if (amatch ("do", 2)) { dodo (); ns (); lastst = STDO; } else if (amatch ("for", 3)) { dofor (); lastst = STFOR; } else if (amatch ("return", 6)) { doreturn (); ns (); lastst = STRETURN; } else if (amatch ("break", 5)) { dobreak (); ns (); lastst = STBREAK; } else if (amatch ("continue", 8)) { docont (); ns (); lastst = STCONT; } else if (match (";")) ; else if (amatch ("case", 4)) { docase (); lastst = statement (NO); } else if (amatch ("default", 7)) { dodefault (); lastst = statement (NO); } else if (match ("#asm")) { doasm (); lastst = STASM; } else if (match ("{")) compound (NO); else { expression (YES); /* if (match (":")) { dolabel (); lastst = statement (NO); } else { */ ns (); lastst = STEXP; /* } */ } }
void edit_process_rep::generate_glossary (string gly) { system_wait ("Generating glossary, ", "please wait"); if (DEBUG_AUTO) debug_automatic << "Generating glossary [" << gly << "]\n"; tree G= copy (buf->data->aux[gly]); if (buf->prj != NULL) G= copy (buf->prj->data->aux[gly]); if (N(G)>0) { int i, n= N(G); tree D (DOCUMENT); for (i=0; i<n; i++) if (is_func (G[i], TUPLE, 1)) D << G[i][0]; else if (is_func (G[i], TUPLE, 3) && (G[i][0] == "normal")) { tree content= G[i][1]; if (is_document (content) && N(content) == 1) content= content[0];; tree L= compound ("glossary-1", content, G[i][2]); D << L; } else if (is_func (G[i], TUPLE, 4) && (G[i][0] == "normal")) { tree content= G[i][1]; if (is_document (content) && N(content) == 1) content= content[0];; tree L= compound ("glossary-2", content, G[i][2], G[i][3]); D << L; } else if (is_func (G[i], TUPLE, 3) && (G[i][0] == "dup")) { int j; for (j=0; j<N(D); j++) if ((is_compound (D[j], "glossary-1") || is_compound (D[j], "glossary-2")) && (D[j][1] == G[i][1])) { tree C= D[j][N(D[j])-1]; if (!is_concat (C)) C= tree (CONCAT, C); C << ", "; C << G[i][2]; D[j][N(D[j])-1]= C; } } insert_tree (remove_labels (D)); } }
static tree parse_enunciation (string s) { int i= 0, n= N(s); string kind= parse_command_name (s, i); while (i<n && is_blank (s[i])) i++; string name= parse_identifier (s, i); while (i<n && is_blank (s[i])) i++; tree body= parse_subcommand (s (i, n)); tree r= compound ("coq-enunciation", "", "dark grey"); r << kind << name << body; return r; }
tree edit_env_rep::rewrite_inactive_var_active ( tree t, tree var, bool block, bool flush) { (void) block; tree r= tree (WITH, MODE, copy (env [MODE]), subvar (var, 0)); if (flush && (src_compact != COMPACT_ALL) && (is_multi_paragraph (t[0]) || (src_compact == COMPACT_NONE))) r= tree (SURROUND, "", compound ("right-flush"), r); return tree (MARK, var, r); }
static array<tree> parse_vernac_proof (string s) { array<tree> r; array<string> a= split_command (s); if (N(a) == 0) return r; r << compound ("coq-command", "", "dark grey", parse_subcommand (a[0])); if (N(a) > 1) { string pf= recompose (range (a, 1, N(a)), " "); r << parse_vernac_command (pf); } return r; }
tree enrich_embedded_document (tree body, tree style) { tree orig= body; if (is_func (body, WITH)) body= body[N(body)-1]; if (!is_func (body, DOCUMENT)) body= tree (DOCUMENT, body); hashmap<string,tree> initial (UNINIT); initial (PAGE_MEDIUM)= "automatic"; initial (PAGE_SCREEN_LEFT)= "4px"; initial (PAGE_SCREEN_RIGHT)= "4px"; initial (PAGE_SCREEN_TOP)= "2px"; initial (PAGE_SCREEN_BOT)= "2px"; if (is_func (orig, WITH)) for (int i=0; i+2<N(orig); i+=2) if (is_atomic (orig[i])) initial (orig[i]->label)= orig[i+1]; tree doc (DOCUMENT); doc << compound ("TeXmacs", TEXMACS_VERSION); doc << style; //compound ("style", style); doc << compound ("body", body); doc << compound ("initial", make_collection (initial)); return doc; }
void testIncoming() { CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<size_t>(0), upper->received.size()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<size_t>(0), inner1->received.size()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<size_t>(0), inner2->received.size()); CompoundPtr compound(fuNet->createCompound()); lower->onData(compound); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<size_t>(1), upper->received.size()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<size_t>(1), inner1->received.size()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<size_t>(1), inner2->received.size()); }