void Synthesizer::updateObjectScores()
    for (UINT objectIndex = 0; objectIndex < scene.objects.size(); objectIndex++)
        ObjectScoreEntry &entry = objectScores[objectIndex];
        ObjectInstance &instance = scene.objects[objectIndex];

        // rotation is not meaningful for placed objects
        entry.rotation = -1.0f;

        auto agentIndices = scene.agentsFromObjectIndex(objectIndex);
        for (UINT agentIndex = 0; agentIndex < agentIndices.size(); agentIndex++)
            entry.agents[agentIndex].agentIndex = agentIndices[agentIndex];

        if (objectIndex != 0)
            if (agentIndices.size() == 0)
                cout << "Terminating scene -- object not bound to any agents found: " << instance.categoryName() << endl;
                earlyTermination = true;
            computeAllTerms(instance.object, scene.objects[instance.parentObjectInstanceIndex], instance.modelToWorld, instance.contactPosition, entry);
Exemplo n.º 2
 static void computeAllTerms_proxy(const ModelHandler & model,
                                   DataHandler & data,
                                   const VectorXd_fx & q,
                                   const VectorXd_fx & v)
   = data->M.transpose().triangularView<Eigen::StrictlyLower>();
Exemplo n.º 3
 /// \brief Compute the forward dynamics with contact constraints.
 /// \note It computes the following problem: <BR>
 ///       <CENTER> \f$ \begin{eqnarray} \underset{\ddot{q}}{\min} & & \| \ddot{q} - \ddot{q}_{\text{free}} \|_{M(q)} \\
 ///           \text{s.t.} & & J (q) \ddot{q} + \gamma (q, \dot{q}) = 0 \end{eqnarray} \f$ </CENTER> <BR>
 ///       where \f$ \ddot{q}_{\text{free}} \f$ is the free acceleration (i.e. without constraints),
 ///       \f$ M \f$ is the mass matrix, \f$ J \f$ the constraint Jacobian and \f$ \gamma \f$ is the constraint drift.
 /// \param[in] model The model structure of the rigid body system.
 /// \param[in] data The data structure of the rigid body system.
 /// \param[in] q The joint configuration (vector dim model.nq).
 /// \param[in] v The joint velocity (vector dim model.nv).
 /// \param[in] tau The joint torque vector (dim model.nv).
 /// \param[in] J The Jacobian of the constraints (dim nb_constraints*model.nv).
 /// \param[in] gamma The drift of the constraints (dim nb_constraints).
 /// \param[in] updateKinematics If true, the algorithm calls first se3::computeAllTerms. Otherwise, it uses the current dynamic values stored in data.
 /// \return A reference to the joint acceleration stored in data.ddq. The Lagrange Multipliers linked to the contact forces are available throw data.lambda_c vector.
 inline const Eigen::VectorXd & forwardDynamics(const Model & model,
                                                Data & data,
                                                const Eigen::VectorXd & q,
                                                const Eigen::VectorXd & v,
                                                const Eigen::VectorXd & tau,
                                                const Eigen::MatrixXd & J,
                                                const Eigen::VectorXd & gamma,
                                                const bool updateKinematics = true
   assert(q.size() == model.nq);
   assert(v.size() == model.nv);
   assert(tau.size() == model.nv);
   assert(J.cols() == model.nv);
   assert(J.rows() == gamma.size());
   Eigen::VectorXd & a = data.ddq;
   Eigen::VectorXd & lambda_c = data.lambda_c;
   if (updateKinematics)
     computeAllTerms(model, data, q, v);
   // Compute the UDUt decomposition of data.M
   cholesky::decompose(model, data);
   // Compute the dynamic drift (control - nle)
   data.torque_residual = tau - data.nle;
   cholesky::solve(model, data, data.torque_residual);
   data.sDUiJt = J.transpose();
   // Compute U^-1 * J.T
   cholesky::Uiv(model, data, data.sDUiJt);
   for(int k=0;k<model.nv;++k) data.sDUiJt.row(k) /= sqrt(data.D[k]);
   data.JMinvJt.noalias() = data.sDUiJt.transpose() * data.sDUiJt;
   // Compute the Lagrange Multipliers
   lambda_c = -gamma -J*data.torque_residual;
   data.llt_JMinvJt.solveInPlace (lambda_c);
   // Compute the joint acceleration
   a = J.transpose() * lambda_c;
   cholesky::solve (model, data, a);
   a += data.torque_residual;
   return a;