Exemplo n.º 1
/* Gateway routine */
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
                  int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[] )
	mxArray *cell_array_ptr, *rhs[1];
	mwIndex i;

	cell_array_ptr = mxCreateCellMatrix((mwSize)nrhs,1);

/* To computations */



	plhs[0] = cell_array_ptr;
Exemplo n.º 2
epoint* computeLL(miracl* mip, epoint** elements, big* exponents, int n, int field){
	big bigExp =  mirvar(mip, 0);
	big two = mirvar(mip, 2);
	big zero = mirvar(mip, 0);
	int t = 0, w, h, i, j;
	epoint*** preComp;
	epoint* result;

	//get the biggest exponent
	for (i=0; i<n; i++)
		if (mr_compare(bigExp, exponents[i]) < 0)
			bigExp = exponents[i];
	//num of bitf in the biggest exponent
	t = logb2(mip, bigExp);

	//choose w according to the value of t
	w = getLLW(t);
	//h = n/w
	if ((n % w) == 0){
		h = n / w;
	} else{
		h = ((int) (n / w)) + 1;
	//printf("n is: %d\n", n);
	//printf("t is: %d\n", t);
	//printf("w is: %d\n", w);
	//printf("h is: %d\n", h);

	//creates pre computation table
	preComp = createLLPreCompTable(mip, elements, w, h, n, field);
	result = getIdentity(mip, field); //holds the computation result		
	//computes the loop of the computation
	result = computeLoop(mip, exponents, w, h, preComp, result, t-1, n, field);
	//third part of computation
	for (j=t-2; j>=0; j--){
		//operate y^2 differently. depends on the field type
		if (field==1)
			ecurve_mult(mip, two, result, result);
			ecurve2_mult(mip, two, result, result);
		//computes the loop of the computation
		result = computeLoop(mip, exponents, w, h, preComp, result, j, n, field);
	//free the allocated memeory

	for (i=0; i<h; i++){
		for (j=0; j<pow((double)2, w); j++){

	return result;