Exemplo n.º 1
double compute_area_for_x(const QVector<XTrapezoid> &traps)
    double area = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < traps.size(); ++i) {
        XTrapezoid trap = traps[i];
        area += compute_area(&trap);
    return area;
Exemplo n.º 2
// Fill the MatchData array for lossless compression
static void
compute_matchdata_lossless(JB2Image *jimg, MatchData *lib)
  int i;
  int nshapes = jimg->get_shape_count();
  for (i=0; i<nshapes; i++)
      JB2Shape &jshp = jimg->get_shape(i);
      lib[i].bits = 0;
      lib[i].area = 0;
      lib[i].match = -1;
      if (! jshp.bits) continue;
      if (jshp.userdata & JB2SHAPE_SPECIAL) continue;
      lib[i].bits = jshp.bits;
      lib[i].area = compute_area(jshp.bits);
Exemplo n.º 3
void Bubble:: raw_initialize()
    Tracer *p = root;
    for( size_t i=size;i>0;--i,p=p->next )
        const Tracer *q = p->next; assert(q!=NULL);
        Vertex        pq(p->vertex,q->vertex);
        p->edge = pq;
        p->s2   = p->edge.norm2();
        p->s    = Sqrt( p->s2 );
    content = pressure * area;
Exemplo n.º 4
// Compute MatchData array for lossy compression.
static void
compute_matchdata_lossy(JB2Image *jimg, MatchData *lib,
                        int dpi, mdjvu_matcher_options_t options)
  int i;
  int nshapes = jimg->get_shape_count();
  // Prepare MatchData
  GTArray<mdjvu_pattern_t> handles(nshapes);
  for (i=0; i<nshapes; i++)
      JB2Shape &jshp = jimg->get_shape(i);
      lib[i].bits = 0;
      lib[i].area = 0;
      lib[i].match = -1;
      handles[i] = 0;
      if (! jshp.bits) continue;
      if (jshp.userdata & JB2SHAPE_SPECIAL) continue;
      lib[i].bits = jshp.bits;
      lib[i].area = compute_area(jshp.bits);
      handles[i] = compute_comparable_image(jshp.bits);
  // Run Ilya's pattern matcher.
  GTArray<int> tags(nshapes);  
  int maxtag = mdjvu_classify_patterns(handles, tags, nshapes, dpi, options);
  // Extract substitutions
  GTArray<int> reps(maxtag);
  for (i=0; i<=maxtag; i++)
    reps[i] = -1;
  for (i=0; i<nshapes; i++)
    if (handles[i])
        int r = reps[tags[i]];
        lib[i].match = r;
        if (r < 0) 
          reps[tags[i]] = i;
  // Free Ilya's data structures.
  for (i=0; i<nshapes; i++)
    if (handles[i])
Exemplo n.º 5
/// constructor
/// @param image input image, is considered as a binary image ( all non-zero pixels are 1 )
region_properties::region_properties ( const cv::Mat& image, double minArea ):
    m_minArea( minArea )
    cv::Mat binary;
    if( image.channels() == 3 )
        cv::cvtColor( image, binary, CV_RGB2GRAY );
    else if( image.channels() == 1 )
        binary = image;
        COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "incorrect number of channels, should be 1 or 3, not " << image.channels() );
//     cv::Mat closed;
//     cv::morphologyEx( binary, closed, cv::MORPH_CLOSE, cv::Mat::ones( 3, 3, CV_8U) );
    std::vector< std::vector<cv::Point> > contours;
    cv::findContours( binary, contours, CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE );
    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++ )
        binary = cv::Scalar(0);
        cv::drawContours( binary, contours, i, cv::Scalar(0xFF), CV_FILLED );
        cv::Rect rect = cv::boundingRect( cv::Mat( contours[i]) );
        cv::Moments moments = cv::moments( binary( rect ), true );
        double x = moments.m10/moments.m00;
        double y = moments.m01/moments.m00;
        double area = moments.m00; // cv::countNonZero( binary( rect ) )
        if( area > m_minArea )
            // see wikipedia, image moments
            double diff = moments.nu20 - moments.nu02;
            double a = 0.5 * ( moments.nu20 + moments.nu02 );
            double b = 0.5 * std::sqrt( 4 * moments.nu11 * moments.nu11 + diff * diff );
            double minEigenValue = a - b;
            double maxEigenValue = a + b;
    //         std::cerr << " min " << minEigenValue << " max " << maxEigenValue << std::endl;
            double theta = 0.5 * std::atan2( 2 * moments.nu11, diff );
            double eccentricity = 1;
            if( std::fabs( maxEigenValue ) > 1e-15 )
                eccentricity = std::sqrt( 1 - minEigenValue / maxEigenValue );

            double polygonArea;
            double convexArea;
            compute_area( contours[i], polygonArea, convexArea );
    //         std::cerr << " area " << area << " polygon " << polygonArea << " convex " << convexArea << std::endl;

            blob blob;
            blob.majorAxis = 2 * std::sqrt( moments.m00 * maxEigenValue );
            blob.minorAxis = 2 * std::sqrt( moments.m00 * minEigenValue );
            blob.orientation = theta;
            blob.centroid = cv::Point( x + rect.x, y + rect.y );
            blob.area = area;
            blob.eccentricity = eccentricity;
            blob.solidity = 0;
            if( std::fabs( convexArea ) > 1e-15 )
                blob.solidity = polygonArea / convexArea;
            m_blobs.push_back( blob );