Exemplo n.º 1
void SaveDumpConfig( FILE *fp, Conf * conf ) {
	fprintf( fp, "MASTER_PASSWORD=%s\n", MASTER_PASSWORD ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "[[PuTTY structure configuration]]\n" ) ;
	/* Basic options */
	fprintf( fp, "host=%s\n", 			conf_get_str(conf,CONF_host) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "port=%d\n", 			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_port) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "protocol=%d\n", 			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_protocol) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "addressfamily=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_addressfamily) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "close_on_exit=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_close_on_exit) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "warn_on_close=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_warn_on_close) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "ping_interval=%d\n", 		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_ping_interval) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "tcp_nodelay=%d\n", 		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_tcp_nodelay) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "tcp_keepalives=%d\n", 		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_tcp_keepalives) ) ;
	/* Proxy options */
	fprintf( fp, "proxy_exclude_list=%s\n",		conf_get_str(conf,CONF_proxy_exclude_list) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "proxy_dns=%d\n", 			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_proxy_dns) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "even_proxy_localhost=%d\n",	conf_get_int(conf,CONF_even_proxy_localhost) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "proxy_type=%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_proxy_type) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "proxy_host=%s\n", 		conf_get_str(conf,CONF_proxy_host) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "proxy_port=%d\n", 		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_proxy_port) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "proxy_username=%s\n", 		conf_get_str(conf,CONF_proxy_username) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "proxy_password=%s\n", 		conf_get_str(conf,CONF_proxy_password) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "proxy_telnet_command=%s\n", 	conf_get_str(conf,CONF_proxy_telnet_command) ) ;

	/* PERSOPORT Options */
		// fprintf( fp, "bcdelay=%d\n", 			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_bcdelay) ) ;		// Non présent systématiquement
		// fprintf( fp, "initdelay=%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_initdelay) ) ;		// Non présent systématiquement
	fprintf( fp, "transparencynumber=%d\n", 	conf_get_int(conf,CONF_transparencynumber) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "sendtotray=%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_sendtotray) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "maximize=%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_maximize) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "icone =%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_icone) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "folder=%s\n", 			conf_get_str(conf,CONF_folder) ) ;

	char bufpass[256] ; 
	strcpy( bufpass, conf_get_str(conf,CONF_password) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "password=%s\n",			bufpass ) ;

	fprintf( fp, "sessionname=%s\n", 		conf_get_str(conf,CONF_sessionname) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "antiidle=%s\n",			conf_get_str(conf,CONF_antiidle) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "autocommand=%s\n",		conf_get_str(conf,CONF_autocommand) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "autocommandout=%s\n",		conf_get_str(conf,CONF_autocommandout) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "scriptfile=%s\n",			conf_get_filename(conf,CONF_scriptfile)->path ) ;

	/* SSH options */
	fprintf( fp, "remote_cmd=%s\n",			conf_get_str(conf,CONF_remote_cmd) ) ;
	//char *remote_cmd_ptr;	       /* might point to a larger command but never for loading/saving */
	//char *remote_cmd_ptr2;	       /* might point to a larger command but never for loading/saving */
	fprintf( fp, "nopty=%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_nopty) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "compression=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_compression) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "ssh_rekey_time=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_ssh_rekey_time) ) ;
	//int ssh_kexlist[KEX_MAX];
	fprintf( fp, "ssh_rekey_data=%s\n",		conf_get_str(conf,CONF_ssh_rekey_data) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "tryagent=%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_tryagent) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "agentfwd=%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_agentfwd) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "change_username=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_change_username) ) ;
	//int ssh_cipherlist[CIPHER_MAX];
	fprintf( fp, "keyfile=%s\n",			conf_get_filename(conf,CONF_keyfile)->path ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "sshprot=%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_sshprot) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "ssh2_des_cbc=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_ssh2_des_cbc) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "ssh_no_userauth=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_ssh_no_userauth) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "ssh_show_banner=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_ssh_show_banner) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "try_tis_auth=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_try_tis_auth) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "try_ki_auth=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_try_ki_auth) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "try_gssapi_auth=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_try_gssapi_auth) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "gssapifwd=%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_gssapifwd) ) ;
	//fprintf( fp, "ssh_gsslist=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_ssh_gsslist) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "ssh_gss_custom=%s\n",		conf_get_filename(conf,CONF_ssh_gss_custom)->path ) ;
	//fprintf( fp, "ssh_subsys=%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_ssh_subsys) ) ;
	//fprintf( fp, "ssh_subsys2=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_ssh_subsys2) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "ssh_no_shell=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_ssh_no_shell) ) ;
	//fprintf( fp, "ssh_nc_host=%s\n",		conf_get_str(conf,CONF_ssh_nc_host) ) ;
	//fprintf( fp, "ssh_nc_port=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_ssh_nc_port) ) ;
#ifdef SCPORT
	fprintf( fp, "try_write_syslog=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_try_write_syslog) ) ; 
	fprintf( fp, "try_pkcs11_auth=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_try_pkcs11_auth) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "pkcs11_token_label=%s\n",		conf_get_str(conf,CONF_pkcs11_token_label) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "pkcs11_cert_label=%s\n",		conf_get_str(conf,CONF_pkcs11_cert_label) ) ;
	/* Telnet options */
	fprintf( fp, "termtype=%s\n",			conf_get_str(conf,CONF_termtype ) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "termspeed=%s\n",			conf_get_str(conf,CONF_termspeed ) ) ;
	//fprintf( fp, "ttymodes=%s\n",			conf_get_str(conf,CONF_ttymodes ) ) ;
	//fprintf( fp, "environmt=%s\n",			conf_get_str(conf,CONF_environmt ) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "username=%s\n",			conf_get_str(conf,CONF_username ) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "localusername=%s\n",		conf_get_str(conf,CONF_localusername ) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "rfc_environ=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_rfc_environ) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "passive_telnet=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_passive_telnet) ) ;
	/* Serial port options */
	fprintf( fp, "serline=%s\n", 			conf_get_str(conf,CONF_serline) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "serspeed=%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_serspeed) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "serdatabits=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_serdatabits) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "serstopbits=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_serstopbits) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "serparity=%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_serparity) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "serflow=%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_serflow) ) ;
	/* Cygterm options */
	fprintf( fp, "cygcmd=%s\n", 			conf_get_str(conf,CONF_cygcmd) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "alt_metabit=%d\n", 		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_alt_metabit) ) ;
	/* Keyboard options */
	fprintf( fp, "bksp_is_delete=%d\n", 		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_bksp_is_delete) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "rxvt_homeend=%d\n", 		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_rxvt_homeend) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "funky_type=%d\n", 		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_funky_type) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "no_applic_c=%d\n", 		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_no_applic_c) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "no_applic_k=%d\n", 		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_no_applic_k) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "no_mouse_rep=%d\n", 		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_no_mouse_rep) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "no_remote_resize=%d\n", 		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_no_remote_resize) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "no_alt_screen=%d\n", 		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_no_alt_screen) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "no_remote_wintitle=%d\n", 	conf_get_int(conf,CONF_no_remote_wintitle) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "no_dbackspace=%d\n", 		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_no_dbackspace) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "no_remote_charset=%d\n", 		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_no_remote_charset) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "remote_qtitle_action=%d\n", 	conf_get_int(conf,CONF_remote_qtitle_action) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "app_cursor=%d\n", 		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_app_cursor) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "app_keypad=%d\n", 		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_app_keypad) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "nethack_keypad=%d\n", 		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_nethack_keypad) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "telnet_keyboard=%d\n", 		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_telnet_keyboard) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "telnet_newline=%d\n", 		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_telnet_newline) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "alt_f4=%d\n", 			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_alt_f4) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "alt_space=%d\n", 			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_alt_space) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "alt_only=%d\n", 			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_alt_only) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "localecho=%d\n", 			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_localecho) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "localedit=%d\n", 			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_localedit) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "alwaysontop=%d\n", 		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_alwaysontop) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "fullscreenonaltenter=%d\n", 	conf_get_int(conf,CONF_fullscreenonaltenter) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "scroll_on_key=%d\n", 		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_scroll_on_key) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "scroll_on_disp=%d\n", 		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_scroll_on_disp) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "erase_to_scrollback=%d\n",	conf_get_int(conf,CONF_erase_to_scrollback) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "compose_key=%d\n", 		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_compose_key) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "ctrlaltkeys=%d\n", 		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_ctrlaltkeys) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "wintitle=%s\n",			conf_get_str(conf,CONF_wintitle) ) ;
	/* Terminal options */
	fprintf( fp, "savelines=%d\n", 			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_savelines) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "dec_om=%d\n", 			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_dec_om) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "wrap_mode=%d\n", 			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_wrap_mode) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "lfhascr=%d\n", 			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_lfhascr) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "cursor_type=%d\n", 		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_cursor_type) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "blink_cur=%d\n", 			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_blink_cur) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "beep=%d\n", 			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_beep) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "beep_ind=%d\n", 			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_beep_ind) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "bellovl=%d\n", 			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_bellovl) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "bellovl_n=%d\n", 			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_bellovl_n) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "bellovl_t=%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_bellovl_t) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "bellovl_s=%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_bellovl_s) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "scrollbar=%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_scrollbar) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "scrollbar_in_fullscreen=%d\n",	conf_get_int(conf,CONF_scrollbar_in_fullscreen) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "resize_action=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_resize_action) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "bce=%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_bce) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "blinktext=%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_blinktext) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "win_name_always=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_win_name_always) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "width=%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_width) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "height=%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_height) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "font_quality=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_font_quality) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "logtype=%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_logtype) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "logxfovr=%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_logxfovr) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "logflush=%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_logflush) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "logomitpass=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_logomitpass) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "logomitdata=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_logomitdata) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "hide_mouseptr=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_hide_mouseptr) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "sunken_edge=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_sunken_edge) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "window_border=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_window_border) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "saveonexit=%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_saveonexit) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "XPos=%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_xpos) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "YPos=%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_ypos) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "fullscreen=%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_fullscreen) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "foreground_on_bell=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_foreground_on_bell) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "bell_wavefile=%s\n",		conf_get_filename(conf,CONF_bell_wavefile)->path ) ;
	//FontSpec font;
	fprintf( fp, "logfilename=%s\n",		conf_get_filename(conf,CONF_logfilename)->path ) ;
#if (defined IMAGEPORT) && (!defined FDJ)
	/* IMAGEPORT Options */
	fprintf( fp, "bg_opacity=%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_bg_opacity) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "bg_slideshow=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_bg_slideshow) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "bg_type=%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_bg_type) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "bg_image_style=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_bg_image_style) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "bg_image_abs_x=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_bg_image_abs_x) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "bg_image_abs_y=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_bg_image_abs_y) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "bg_image_abs_fixed=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_bg_image_abs_fixed) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "bg_image_filename=%s\n",		conf_get_filename(conf,CONF_bg_image_filename)->path ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "answerback=%s\n",			conf_get_str(conf,CONF_answerback) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "printer=%s\n",			conf_get_str(conf,CONF_printer) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "arabicshaping=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_arabicshaping) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "bidi=%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_bidi) ) ;
	/* Colour options */
	fprintf( fp, "ansi_colour=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_ansi_colour) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "xterm_256_colour=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_xterm_256_colour) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "system_colour=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_system_colour) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "try_palette%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_try_palette) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "bold_style=%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_bold_style) ) ;
	//unsigned char colours[22][3];
	/* Selection options */
	fprintf( fp, "mouse_is_xterm=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_mouse_is_xterm) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "rect_select=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_rect_select) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "rawcnp=%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_rawcnp) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "rtf_paste=%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_rtf_paste) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "mouse_override=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_mouse_override) ) ;
	//short wordness[256];
	/* translations */
	fprintf( fp, "vtmode=%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_vtmode) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "line_codepage=%s\n",		conf_get_str(conf,CONF_line_codepage) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "cjk_ambig_wide=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_cjk_ambig_wide) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "utf8_override=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_utf8_override) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "xlat_capslockcyr=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_xlat_capslockcyr) ) ;
	/* X11 forwarding */
	fprintf( fp, "x11_forward=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_x11_forward) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "x11_auth=%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_x11_auth) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "x11_display=%s\n",		conf_get_str(conf,CONF_x11_display) ) ;
	/* port forwarding */
	fprintf( fp, "lport_acceptall=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_lport_acceptall) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "rport_acceptall=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_rport_acceptall) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "portfwd=\n") ;
	char *key, *val;
	for (val = conf_get_str_strs(conf, CONF_portfwd, NULL, &key);
	val != NULL;
	val = conf_get_str_strs(conf, CONF_portfwd, key, &key)) {
		if (!strcmp(val, "D")) fprintf( fp, "	D%s\t\n", key+1 ) ;
		else fprintf( fp, "	%s\t%s\n", key, val);
	/* SSH bug compatibility modes */
	fprintf( fp, "sshbug_ignore1=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_sshbug_ignore1) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "sshbug_plainpw1=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_sshbug_plainpw1) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "sshbug_rsa1=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_sshbug_rsa1) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "sshbug_hmac2=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_sshbug_hmac2) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "sshbug_derivekey2=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_sshbug_derivekey2) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "sshbug_rsapad2=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_sshbug_rsapad2) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "sshbug_pksessid2=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_sshbug_pksessid2) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "sshbug_rekey2=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_sshbug_rekey2) ) ;
	/* Options for pterm. Should split out into platform-dependent part. */
	fprintf( fp, "stamp_utmp=%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_stamp_utmp) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "login_shell=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_login_shell) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "scrollbar_on_left=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_scrollbar_on_left) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "shadowbold=%d\n",			conf_get_int(conf,CONF_shadowbold) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "shadowboldoffset=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_shadowboldoffset) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "wakeup_reconnect=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_wakeup_reconnect) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "failure_reconnect=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_failure_reconnect) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "url_ctrl_click=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_url_ctrl_click) ) ; 
	fprintf( fp, "url_underline=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_url_underline) ) ; 
	fprintf( fp, "url_defbrowser=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_url_defbrowser) ) ; 
	fprintf( fp, "url_defregex=%d\n",		conf_get_int(conf,CONF_url_defregex) ) ; 
	fprintf( fp, "url_browser=%s\n",		conf_get_filename(conf,CONF_url_browser)->path ) ; 
	fprintf( fp, "url_regex=%s\n",			conf_get_str(conf,CONF_url_regex) ) ; 
	fprintf( fp, "rzcommand=%s\n",			conf_get_filename(conf,CONF_rzcommand)->path ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "rzoptions=%s\n",			conf_get_str(conf,CONF_rzoptions) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "szcommand=%s\n",			conf_get_filename(conf,CONF_szcommand)->path ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "szoptions=%s\n",			conf_get_str(conf,CONF_szoptions) ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "zdownloaddir=%s\n",		conf_get_str(conf,CONF_zdownloaddir) ) ;
	//FontSpec boldfont; //FontSpec widefont; //FontSpec wideboldfont;

	fprintf( fp, "\n[[KiTTY specific configuration]]\n" ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "internal_delay=%d\ninit_delay=%g\nautocommand_delay=%g\nbetween_char_delay=%d\nProtectFlag=%d\nIniFileFlag=%d\n"
	,internal_delay,init_delay,autocommand_delay,between_char_delay,ProtectFlag,IniFileFlag );
	if( AutoCommand!= NULL ) fprintf( fp, "AutoCommand=%s\n", AutoCommand ) ;
	if( ScriptCommand!= NULL ) fprintf( fp, "ScriptCommand=%s\n", ScriptCommand ) ;
	if( PasteCommand!= NULL ) fprintf( fp, "PasteCommand=%s\n", PasteCommand ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "PasteCommandFlag=%d\n", PasteCommandFlag );
	if( ScriptFileContent!= NULL ) {
		char * pst = ScriptFileContent ;
		fprintf( fp, "ScriptFileContent=" ) ;
		while( strlen(pst) > 0 ) { fprintf( fp, "%s|", pst ) ; pst=pst+strlen(pst)+1 ; }
		fprintf( fp, "\n" )  ;
	if( IconFile!= NULL ) fprintf( fp, "IconFile=%s\n", IconFile ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "DirectoryBrowseFlag=%d\nVisibleFlag=%d\nShortcutsFlag=%d\nIconeFlag=%d\nNumberOfIcons=%d\nSizeFlag=%d\nCapsLockFlag=%d\nTitleBarFlag=%d\n"
	//static HINSTANCE hInstIcons =  NULL ;
	fprintf( fp, "WinHeight=%d\nAutoSendToTray=%d\nNoKittyFileFlag=%d\nConfigBoxHeight=%d\nConfigBoxWindowHeight=%d\nPuttyFlag=%d\n",WinHeight,AutoSendToTray,NoKittyFileFlag,ConfigBoxHeight,ConfigBoxWindowHeight,PuttyFlag);
#if (defined IMAGEPORT) && (!defined FDJ)
	fprintf( fp,"BackgroundImageFlag=%d\n",BackgroundImageFlag );
	fprintf( fp,"CygTermFlag=%d\n",cygterm_get_flag() );
	if( PasswordConf!= NULL ) fprintf( fp, "PasswordConf=%s\n", PasswordConf ) ;
	fprintf( fp, "SessionFilterFlag=%d\nImageViewerFlag=%d\nImageSlideDelay=%d\nPrintCharSize=%d\nPrintMaxLinePerPage=%d\nPrintMaxCharPerLine=%d\n"
	fprintf( fp, "AntiIdleCount=%d\nAntiIdleCountMax=%d\nIconeNum=%d\n"
	fprintf( fp, "AntiIdleStr=%s\nInitialDirectory=%s\nConfigDirectory=%s\nBuildVersionTime=%s\n",AntiIdleStr,InitialDirectory,ConfigDirectory,BuildVersionTime);
	if( WinSCPPath!= NULL ) fprintf( fp, "WinSCPPath=%s\n", WinSCPPath ) ;
	if( PSCPPath!= NULL ) fprintf( fp, "PSCPPath=%s\n", PSCPPath ) ;
	if( KittyIniFile!= NULL ) fprintf( fp, "KittyIniFile=%s\n", KittyIniFile ) ;
	if( KittySavFile!= NULL ) fprintf( fp, "KittySavFile=%s\n", KittySavFile ) ;
	if( CtHelperPath!= NULL ) fprintf( fp, "CtHelperPath=%s\n", CtHelperPath ) ;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Called to set up the pty.
 * Returns an error message, or NULL on success.
 * Also places the canonical host name into `realhost'. It must be
 * freed by the caller.
static const char *pty_init(void *frontend, void **backend_handle, Conf *conf,
			    char *host, int port, char **realhost, int nodelay,
			    int keepalive)
    int slavefd;
    pid_t pid, pgrp;
#ifndef NOT_X_WINDOWS		       /* for Mac OS X native compilation */
    long windowid;
    Pty pty;

    if (single_pty) {
	pty = single_pty;
        assert(pty->conf == NULL);
    } else {
	pty = snew(struct pty_tag);
	pty->master_fd = pty->slave_fd = -1;
#ifndef OMIT_UTMP
	pty_stamped_utmp = FALSE;

    pty->frontend = frontend;
    *backend_handle = NULL;	       /* we can't sensibly use this, sadly */

    pty->conf = conf_copy(conf);
    pty->term_width = conf_get_int(conf, CONF_width);
    pty->term_height = conf_get_int(conf, CONF_height);

    if (pty->master_fd < 0)

     * Set the backspace character to be whichever of ^H and ^? is
     * specified by bksp_is_delete.
	struct termios attrs;
	tcgetattr(pty->master_fd, &attrs);
	attrs.c_cc[VERASE] = conf_get_int(conf, CONF_bksp_is_delete)
	    ? '\177' : '\010';
	tcsetattr(pty->master_fd, TCSANOW, &attrs);

#ifndef OMIT_UTMP
     * Stamp utmp (that is, tell the utmp helper process to do so),
     * or not.
    if (pty_utmp_helper_pipe >= 0) {   /* if it's < 0, we can't anyway */
        if (!conf_get_int(conf, CONF_stamp_utmp)) {
            close(pty_utmp_helper_pipe);   /* just let the child process die */
            pty_utmp_helper_pipe = -1;
        } else {
            char *location = get_x_display(pty->frontend);
            int len = strlen(location)+1, pos = 0;   /* +1 to include NUL */
            while (pos < len) {
                int ret = write(pty_utmp_helper_pipe, location+pos, len - pos);
                if (ret < 0) {
                    perror("pterm: writing to utmp helper process");
                    close(pty_utmp_helper_pipe);   /* arrgh, just give up */
                    pty_utmp_helper_pipe = -1;
                pos += ret;

#ifndef NOT_X_WINDOWS		       /* for Mac OS X native compilation */
    windowid = get_windowid(pty->frontend);

     * Fork and execute the command.
    pid = fork();
    if (pid < 0) {

    if (pid == 0) {
	 * We are the child.

	slavefd = pty_open_slave(pty);
	if (slavefd < 0) {
	    perror("slave pty: open");

	dup2(slavefd, 0);
	dup2(slavefd, 1);
	dup2(slavefd, 2);
	ioctl(0, TIOCSCTTY, 1);
	pgrp = getpid();
	tcsetpgrp(0, pgrp);
	setpgid(pgrp, pgrp);
            int ptyfd = open(pty->name, O_WRONLY, 0);
            if (ptyfd >= 0)
	setpgid(pgrp, pgrp);
	    char *term_env_var = dupprintf("TERM=%s",
					   conf_get_str(conf, CONF_termtype));
	    /* We mustn't free term_env_var, as putenv links it into the
	     * environment in place.
#ifndef NOT_X_WINDOWS		       /* for Mac OS X native compilation */
	    char *windowid_env_var = dupprintf("WINDOWID=%ld", windowid);
	    /* We mustn't free windowid_env_var, as putenv links it into the
	     * environment in place.
	    char *key, *val;

	    for (val = conf_get_str_strs(conf, CONF_environmt, NULL, &key);
		 val != NULL;
		 val = conf_get_str_strs(conf, CONF_environmt, key, &key)) {
		char *varval = dupcat(key, "=", val, NULL);
		 * We must not free varval, since putenv links it
		 * into the environment _in place_. Weird, but
		 * there we go. Memory usage will be rationalised
		 * as soon as we exec anyway.

	 * SIGINT, SIGQUIT and SIGPIPE may have been set to ignored by
	 * our parent, particularly by things like sh -c 'pterm &' and
	 * some window or session managers. SIGCHLD, meanwhile, was
	 * blocked during pt_main() startup. Reverse all this for our
	 * child process.
	putty_signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL);
	putty_signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_DFL);
	putty_signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL);
	block_signal(SIGCHLD, 0);
	if (pty_argv) {
             * Exec the exact argument list we were given.
	    execvp(pty_argv[0], pty_argv);
             * If that fails, and if we had exactly one argument, pass
             * that argument to $SHELL -c.
             * This arranges that we can _either_ follow 'pterm -e'
             * with a list of argv elements to be fed directly to
             * exec, _or_ with a single argument containing a command
             * to be parsed by a shell (but, in cases of doubt, the
             * former is more reliable).
             * A quick survey of other terminal emulators' -e options
             * (as of Debian squeeze) suggests that:
             *  - xterm supports both modes, more or less like this
             *  - gnome-terminal will only accept a one-string shell command
             *  - Eterm, kterm and rxvt will only accept a list of
             *    argv elements (as did older versions of pterm).
             * It therefore seems important to support both usage
             * modes in order to be a drop-in replacement for either
             * xterm or gnome-terminal, and hence for anyone's
             * plausible uses of the Debian-style alias
             * 'x-terminal-emulator'...
            if (pty_argv[1] == NULL) {
                char *shell = getenv("SHELL");
                if (shell)
                    execl(shell, shell, "-c", pty_argv[0], (void *)NULL);
        } else {
	    char *shell = getenv("SHELL");
	    char *shellname;
	    if (conf_get_int(conf, CONF_login_shell)) {
		char *p = strrchr(shell, '/');
		shellname = snewn(2+strlen(shell), char);
		p = p ? p+1 : shell;
		sprintf(shellname, "-%s", p);
	    } else
		shellname = shell;
	    execl(getenv("SHELL"), shellname, (void *)NULL);
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Write a set of name/value pairs in the above format, or just the
 * names if include_values is FALSE.
static void wmap(void *handle, char const *outkey, Conf *conf, int primary,
                 int include_values)
    char *buf, *p, *q, *key, *realkey, *val;
    int len;

    len = 1;			       /* allow for NUL */

    for (val = conf_get_str_strs(conf, primary, NULL, &key);
	 val != NULL;
	 val = conf_get_str_strs(conf, primary, key, &key))
	len += 2 + 2 * (strlen(key) + strlen(val));   /* allow for escaping */

    buf = snewn(len, char);
    p = buf;

    for (val = conf_get_str_strs(conf, primary, NULL, &key);
	 val != NULL;
	 val = conf_get_str_strs(conf, primary, key, &key)) {

        if (primary == CONF_portfwd && !strcmp(val, "D")) {
             * Backwards-compatibility hack, as above: translate from
             * the sensible internal representation of dynamic
             * forwardings (key "L<port>", value "D") to the
             * conceptually incoherent legacy storage format (key
             * "D<port>", value empty).
            char *L;

            realkey = key;             /* restore it at end of loop */
            val = "";
            key = dupstr(key);
            L = strchr(key, 'L');
            if (L) *L = 'D';
        } else {
            realkey = NULL;

	if (p != buf)
	    *p++ = ',';
	for (q = key; *q; q++) {
	    if (*q == '=' || *q == ',' || *q == '\\')
		*p++ = '\\';
	    *p++ = *q;
        if (include_values) {
            *p++ = '=';
            for (q = val; *q; q++) {
                if (*q == '=' || *q == ',' || *q == '\\')
                    *p++ = '\\';
                *p++ = *q;

        if (realkey) {
            key = realkey;
    *p = '\0';
    write_setting_s(handle, outkey, buf);