int   loadSettings()
    int res = 0;

    char	iniFilePath[MAX_FILE_NAME_LEN];

    // Load the configuration data
    strcat(iniFilePath, "Resources\\plugins\\" PLUGIN_NAME "\\" PLUGIN_NAME ".ini");

    // Read data from ini file
    CIniReader configReader(iniFilePath);
    logMessageEx("--- Configuration data loaded");

    g_pos_x = configReader.ReadInteger(INI_SECTION_POSITION, "x", 0);
    g_pos_y = configReader.ReadInteger(INI_SECTION_POSITION, "y", 0);
    g_zoom = configReader.ReadFloat(INI_SECTION_POSITION, "zoom", 100);

    logMessageEx("--- x=%d", g_pos_x);
    logMessageEx("--- y=%d", g_pos_y);
    logMessageEx("--- zoom=%f", g_zoom);

    return res;

Exemplo n.º 2
// Read the configuration file
// return: -1 failed; 1 succeed
int configureReader::ReadConfigFile( string fileName )
	ifstream configReader( fileName.c_str() );

	if( configReader == NULL )
		cout<<"error reading configuration file"<<endl;
		return -1;
	string line;					
	while( getline( configReader, line ) )
		if( line.size() > 0 && 0 ) != '#' )
			// analyze the parameters
			if( line == "[LIB]" )

			if( AnalyzeParameters( line ) == -1 )
				return -1;

	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 3
// TODO Change api of  set_IP4_address to support const string.
void RTPSAsSocketReader::init(std::string &ip, uint32_t port, uint16_t nmsgs)
	RTPSParticipantAttributes pattr;
	pattr.builtin.use_SIMPLE_RTPSParticipantDiscoveryProtocol = false;
	pattr.builtin.use_WriterLivelinessProtocol = false;
    pattr.builtin.domainId = (uint32_t)GET_PID() % 230;
    pattr.participantID = 1;
	participant_ = RTPSDomain::createParticipant(pattr);

	//Create readerhistory
	HistoryAttributes hattr;
	hattr.payloadMaxSize = 255;
	history_ = new ReaderHistory(hattr);

	//Create reader
	ReaderAttributes rattr;
	Locator_t loc;
	loc.port = port;
	reader_ = RTPSDomain::createRTPSReader(participant_, rattr, history_, &listener_);

	//Add remote writer (in this case a reader in the same machine)
    GUID_t guid = participant_->getGuid();
    addRemoteWriter(reader_, ip, port, guid);

    // Initialize list of msgs
    for(uint16_t count = 0; count < nmsgs; ++count)

    text_ = getText();
    domainId_ = (uint32_t)GET_PID();
    hostname_ = asio::ip::host_name();

    std::ostringstream word;
    word << text_ << "_" << hostname_ << "_" << domainId_;
    word_ = word.str();

    initialized_ = true;
Exemplo n.º 4
// TODO Change api of  set_IP4_address to support const string.
void RTPSAsSocketReader::init(std::string &ip, uint32_t port, uint16_t nmsgs)
	RTPSParticipantAttributes pattr;
	pattr.builtin.use_SIMPLE_RTPSParticipantDiscoveryProtocol = false;
	pattr.builtin.use_WriterLivelinessProtocol = false;
    pattr.participantID = 1;
	participant_ = RTPSDomain::createParticipant(pattr);
    ASSERT_NE(participant_, nullptr);

	//Create readerhistory
	HistoryAttributes hattr;
	hattr.payloadMaxSize = 255;
	history_ = new ReaderHistory(hattr);
    ASSERT_NE(history_, nullptr);

	//Create reader
	ReaderAttributes rattr;
	Locator_t loc;
	loc.port = port;
	reader_ = RTPSDomain::createRTPSReader(participant_, rattr, history_, &listener_);
    ASSERT_NE(reader_, nullptr);

	//Add remote writer (in this case a reader in the same machine)
    GUID_t guid = participant_->getGuid();
    addRemoteWriter(reader_, ip, port, guid);

    // Initialize list of msgs
    for(uint16_t count = 0; count < nmsgs; ++count)

    initialized_ = true;
IIterativeClosestPointPtr IterativeClosestPointFactory::createIterativeClosestPoint(std::string configurationFile) {
    if ((("")) == 0) || ("default") == 0)) {
        return createIterativeClosestPoint();

    ConfigurationFileHandler configReader(configurationFile);
    if (configReader.getErrorsOccured()) {
        cout << "WARNING: Errors during parsing configuration file. Factory fill provide default configuration." << endl;
        return createIterativeClosestPoint();

    std::stringstream summary;
    summary << "#################### ICP Configuration ####################" << endl << "#" <<endl;

    /* set up icp */
    IIterativeClosestPointPtr icp; //abstract interface to ICP
//	IIterativeClosestPointSetupPtr icpConfigurator; //setup interface

    string icpImplementation;
    configReader.getAttribute("IterativeClosestPoint", "implementation", &icpImplementation);

    if ("IterativeClosestPoint") == 0) {
        IPointCorrespondence* assigner;
        IRigidTransformationEstimation* estimator;
        string subalgorithm;
        summary << "# Implementation: IterativeClosestPoint" << endl;

        /* process assigner */
        if(configReader.getSubAlgorithm("IterativeClosestPoint", "PointCorrespondence", &subalgorithm)) {
            if ("PointCorrespondenceKDTree") == 0) {
                assigner = new PointCorrespondenceKDTree();
                summary << "#  Subalgorithm: " << subalgorithm << endl;
//			} else if (...) {	//add more implemetation here

            } else {
                cout << "WARNING: PointCorrespondence implementation not found. Factory fill provide default configuration: PointCorrespondenceKDTree" << endl;
                assigner = new PointCorrespondenceKDTree();
                summary << "#  Subalgorithm: PointCorrespondenceKDTree (DEFAULT)" << endl;
        } else {
            cout << "WARNING: PointCorrespondence implementation not found. Factory fill provide default configuration: PointCorrespondenceKDTree" << endl;
            assigner = new PointCorrespondenceKDTree();
            summary << "#  Subalgorithm: PointCorrespondenceKDTree (DEFAULT)" << endl;

        /* process estimator */
        if(configReader.getSubAlgorithm("IterativeClosestPoint", "RigidTransformationEstimation", &subalgorithm)) {
            if ("RigidTransformationEstimationSVD") == 0) {
                estimator = new RigidTransformationEstimationSVD();
                summary << "#  Subalgorithm: " << subalgorithm << endl;

            } else if ("RigidTransformationEstimationAPX") == 0) {
                estimator = new RigidTransformationEstimationAPX();
                summary << "#  Subalgorithm: " << subalgorithm << endl;

            } else if ("RigidTransformationEstimationHELIX") == 0) {
                estimator = new RigidTransformationEstimationHELIX();
                summary << "#  Subalgorithm: " << subalgorithm << endl;

            } else if ("RigidTransformationEstimationQUAT") == 0) {
                estimator = new RigidTransformationEstimationQUAT();
                summary << "#  Subalgorithm: " << subalgorithm << endl;

            } else if ("RigidTransformationEstimationORTHO") == 0) {
                estimator = new RigidTransformationEstimationORTHO();
                summary << "#  Subalgorithm: " << subalgorithm << endl;

//			} else if (...) {	//add more implementation here

            } else {
                cout << "WARNING: RigidTransformationEstimation implementation not found. Factory fill provide default configuration: RigidTransformationEstimationSVD" << endl;
                estimator = new RigidTransformationEstimationSVD();
                summary << "#  Subalgorithm: RigidTransformationEstimationSVD (DEFAULT)" << endl;

        } else {
            cout << "WARNING: RigidTransformationEstimation implementation not found. Factory fill provide default configuration: RigidTransformationEstimationSVD" << endl;
            estimator = new RigidTransformationEstimationSVD();
            summary << "#  Subalgorithm: RigidTransformationEstimationSVD (DEFAULT)" << endl;

        icp = IIterativeClosestPointPtr(new IterativeClosestPoint(assigner, estimator));
        boost::shared_ptr<IterativeClosestPoint> icpTmpHandle = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<IterativeClosestPoint>(icp); //downcast
        icpConfigurator = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<IIterativeClosestPointSetup>(icp); //upcast to setup interface

    } else { //Neither IterativeClosestPoint6DSLAM nor IterativeClosestPoint
        cout << "WARNING: Errors during parsing configuration file. Factory fill provide default configuration." << endl;
        return createIterativeClosestPoint();

     * process parameters of icp
//	IIterativeClosestPointSetup* icpConfigurator;

//	std::tr1::shared_ptr<Basesp0(new Derived); //
//	std::tr1::shared_ptr<Derivedsp1 = dynamic_pointer_cast<Derived>(sp0);
//	boost::shared_ptr<Derived> dp=boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Derived>(bp);

    assert(icpConfigurator != 0); //cast worked => icp implementation implements IIterativeClosestPointSetup interface

    int maxIterations;
    if (configReader.getAttribute("IterativeClosestPoint", "maxIterations", &maxIterations)) {

    double convergenceThreshold;
    if (configReader.getAttribute("IterativeClosestPoint", "convergenceThreshold", &convergenceThreshold)) {

    summary << "#" << endl << "# Parameters:" << endl;
    summary << "#  maxIterations = " << icpConfigurator->getMaxIterations() << endl;
    summary << "#  convergenceThreshold = " << icpConfigurator->getConvergenceThreshold() << endl;
    summary << "#" << endl << "###########################################################" << endl;

    LOG(INFO) << "Summary: " << std::endl << summary.str();

    return icp;
