Exemplo n.º 1
dmz::QtPluginIconPalletTool::_init (Config &local) {

   RuntimeContext *context (get_plugin_runtime_context ());

   _showMsg = config_create_message (

   subscribe_to_message (_showMsg);

   _useSession = config_to_boolean ("use-session.value", local, _useSession);

   if (_useSession && context) {

      Config session (get_session_config (get_plugin_name (), context));

      QByteArray geometry (config_to_qbytearray ("geometry", session, saveGeometry ()));
      restoreGeometry (geometry);

      if (config_to_boolean ("window.visible", session, False)) { show (); }

   _ui.iconView->setModel (&_model);

   _add_type (Definitions (context).get_root_object_type ());
Exemplo n.º 2
dmz::QtPluginAppUpdater::_init (Config &local) {

    setObjectName (get_plugin_name ().get_buffer ());
    RuntimeContext *context (get_plugin_runtime_context ());

    _mainWindowModuleName = config_to_string ("module.mainWindow.name", local);
    _forceUpdate = config_to_boolean ("force-update.value", local, _forceUpdate);
    _downloadToTemp = config_to_boolean ("download-to-temp.value", local, _downloadToTemp);
    _releaseChannel = config_to_string ("release.channel", local, _releaseChannel);

    // _updateUrl = "latest/{system_name}-{release_channel}/{app_name}.xml";
    // _downloadUrl = "downloads/{app_name}-{major}-{minor}-{bug}-{build_number}";

    String host = config_to_string ("update.host", local);
    String path = config_to_string ("update.path", local);

    if (host && path) {

        _updateUrl = host + path;

        host = config_to_string ("download.host", local, host);
        path = config_to_string ("download.path", local);

        if (host && path) {
            _downloadUrl = host + path;

    if (_updateUrl) {
        _log.debug << "Update URL: " << _updateUrl << endl;
    else {
        _log.debug << "Update URL not specified." << endl;

    if (_downloadUrl) {
        _log.debug << "Download URL: " << _downloadUrl << endl;
    else {
        _log.debug << "Download URL not specified." << endl;

    _valueAttrHandle = config_to_named_handle (

    _updateMessageName = config_to_string ("update.message", local, _updateMessageName);
    _channelMessageName = config_to_string ("channel.message", local, _channelMessageName);
Exemplo n.º 3
dmz::QtPluginAppUpdater::_slot_get_version_finished () {

    QNetworkReply *reply (qobject_cast<QNetworkReply *>(sender ()));

    if (reply) {

        if (reply->error () == QNetworkReply::NoError) {

            if (_updateDialog) {

                QString data (reply->readAll ());

                const String XMLData (qPrintable (data));

                Config cd ("global");

                if (xml_string_to_config (XMLData, cd)) {

                    _updateVersion = Version (cd);

                    if (!_forceUpdate) {

                        _forceUpdate = config_to_boolean ("dmz.update.force.value", cd);

                    if (_forceUpdate || (_updateVersion > _version)) {

                        _get_changelog ();

                        const QString Name (_updateVersion.get_name ().get_buffer ());
                        const QString Build (_updateVersion.get_build ().get_buffer ());
                        const QString Version (_updateVersion.get_version ().get_buffer ());
                        const QString CVersion (_version.get_version ().get_buffer ());
                        const QString CBuild (_version.get_build ().get_buffer ());

                        QPixmap pix (_updateVersion.get_image_name ().get_buffer());
                        if (!pix.isNull ()) {
                            _ui.iconLabel->setPixmap (pix);

                        QString message = _ui.textLabel->text ();
                        message.replace ("{app_name}", Name);
                        message.replace ("{version}", Version);
                        message.replace ("{build_number}", Build);
                        message.replace ("{cversion}", CVersion);
                        message.replace ("{cbuild_number}", CBuild);
                        _ui.textLabel->setText (message);

                        _ui.stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget (_ui.startPage);
                        _updateDialog->open ();

        reply->deleteLater ();
        reply = 0;
dmz::QtPluginCanvasObjectBasic::_init (Config &local) {

   _canvasModuleName = config_to_string ("module.canvas.name", local);

   _defaultAttributeHandle = activate_default_object_attribute (
      ObjectCreateMask | ObjectDestroyMask);

   const String StateAttrName (
      config_to_string ("attribute.state.name", local, ObjectAttributeDefaultName));

   _stateAttributeHandle = activate_object_attribute (StateAttrName, ObjectStateMask);
   _zValue = config_to_int32 ("defaults.zValue", local, _zValue);

   _itemIgnoresTransformations = config_to_boolean (

   Config templ;
   if (local.lookup_all_config ("template", templ)) {

      ConfigIterator it;
      Config objTemplate;
      while (templ.get_next_config (it, objTemplate)) {

         String templateName = config_to_string ("name", objTemplate, "");
         Config *config = new Config (objTemplate);
         if (templateName != "" && config && *config &&
            _templateConfigTable.store (templateName, config)) {}
         else { delete config; config = 0; }
Exemplo n.º 5
dmz::RenderPluginStaticTerrainOSG::_init (Config &local) {

   Config list;

   if (local.lookup_all_config ("model", list)) {

      ConfigIterator it;
      Config model;

      while (list.get_next_config (it, model)) {

         const String ResourceName = config_to_string ("resource", model);

         if (ResourceName) {

            const String FileName = _rc.find_file (ResourceName);
            const Boolean Isect = config_to_boolean ("isect", model, True);

            if (FileName) {

               ModelStruct *ms = new ModelStruct (Isect);

               if (ms) {

                  ms->model = osgDB::readNodeFile (FileName.get_buffer ());

                  if (ms->model.valid ()) { 

                  osg::BoundingSphere bound = ms->model->computeBound ();
                  _log.info << FileName << " center: ["
                     << bound.center ().x () << ", "
                     << bound.center ().y () << ", "
                     << bound.center ().z () << "]" << endl;

                     ms->next = _modelList;
                     _modelList = ms;

                     _log.info << "Loaded model: " << FileName
                       << " (" << ResourceName << ")" << endl;
                  else {

                     delete ms; ms = 0;
                     _log.error << "Failed loading model: " << FileName
                        << " (" << ResourceName << ")" << endl;
         else {

            _log.error << "No resource name specified for static terrain." << endl;
Exemplo n.º 6
dmz::RenderExtViewerOSG::_init (const Config &Local) {

   osg::DisplaySettings *ds = osg::DisplaySettings::instance ();
   if (ds) { ds->setNumMultiSamples (config_to_int32 ("aa.samples", Local, 0)); }

   _viewerName = config_to_string ("portal.name", Local, _viewerName);

   _title = config_to_string ("window-title.value", Local, _title);

   const Boolean Fullscreen = config_to_boolean ("window.fullscreen", Local, False);
   const Boolean Centered = config_to_boolean ("window.center", Local, True);
   Int32 windowLeft = config_to_uint32 ("window.left", Local, 100);
   Int32 windowTop = config_to_uint32 ("window.top", Local, 100);
   const UInt32 WindowWidth = config_to_uint32 ("window.width", Local, 800);
   const UInt32 WindowHeight = config_to_uint32 ("window.height", Local, 600);
   const UInt32 Screen = config_to_uint32 ("window.screen", Local, 0);

   if (Fullscreen) { __init_viewer_fullscreen (Screen); }
   else {
      if (Centered) {

         __init_centered (Screen, WindowWidth, WindowHeight, windowLeft, windowTop);

      __init_viewer_window (windowLeft, windowTop, WindowWidth, WindowHeight, Screen);

   _log.info << "Viewer Info: ";

   if (Fullscreen) { _log.info << "Full Screen: "; }
   else {

      _log.info << WindowWidth << "x" << WindowHeight;

      if (Centered) { _log.info << " [Centered]"; }

      _log.info << " Corner: " << windowLeft << ", " << windowTop << " Screen: ";

   _log.info << Screen << endl;
Exemplo n.º 7
dmz::QtLogObserver::load_session () {

   if (_context) {

      Config session (get_session_config (DefaultName, _context));

      QByteArray geometry (config_to_qbytearray ("geometry", session, saveGeometry ()));
      restoreGeometry (geometry);

      if (config_to_boolean ("window.visible", session, False)) { show (); }
// Object Observer Interface
dmz::RenderPluginDisableObjectIsect::create_object (
      const UUID &Identity,
      const Handle ObjectHandle,
      const ObjectType &Type,
      const ObjectLocalityEnum Locality) {

   if (_isect) {

      Boolean *value (0);

      ObjectType current (Type);

      while (current && !value) {

         value = _isectTable.lookup (current.get_handle ());

         if (!value) {

            Config data;

            if (current.get_config ().lookup_config ("render.isect", data)) {

               Boolean disable = config_to_boolean ("disable", data, False);

               value = new Boolean (disable);

               if (!_isectTable.store (current.get_handle () , value)) {

                  delete value; value = 0;

         current.become_parent ();

      if (value && *value) {

         if (_isect->disable_isect (ObjectHandle) == 0) {

            *value = False;

            _log.error << "Unable to disable intersection for type: " << Type.get_name ()
               << endl;
Exemplo n.º 9
dmz::AudioPluginObject::_init_sound_struct (Config &data, SoundDefStruct &ss) {

   ss.activateName = _rc.find_file (config_to_string ("activate-resource", data));
   ss.deactivateName = _rc.find_file (config_to_string ("deactivate-resource", data));
   ss.loopName = _rc.find_file (config_to_string ("looped-resource", data));

   _lookup_sound_handles (ss);

   const String ScalarName (config_to_string ("scalar", data));

   if (ScalarName) {

      ss.scalarAttributeHandle = activate_object_attribute (ScalarName, ObjectScalarMask);

   ss.offset = config_to_float64 ("offset", data, ss.offset);
   ss.scale = config_to_float64 ("scale", data, ss.scale);
   ss.relative = config_to_boolean ("relative", data, ss.relative);
Exemplo n.º 10
dmz::RenderModuleCoreOgreBasic::_init_resources (Config &local) {

   Config resourceList;
   if (local.lookup_all_config ("resources.resource", resourceList)) {

      ConfigIterator it;
      Config cd;

      Boolean done (!resourceList.get_first_config (it, cd));
      while (!done)  {

         String name;
         if (cd.lookup_attribute ("name", name)) {

            String type = config_to_string ("type", cd, "FileSystem");
            String group = config_to_string ("group", cd, "General");
            Boolean recursive = config_to_boolean ("recursive", cd, False);

            try {

               Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton ().addResourceLocation (
                  name.get_buffer (),
                  type.get_buffer (),
                  group.get_buffer (),
            catch (Ogre::Exception e) {

               _log.error << e.getFullDescription ().c_str () << endl;

         done = !resourceList.get_next_config (it, cd);
Exemplo n.º 11
dmz::QtPluginGraph::_init (Config &local) {

    RuntimeContext *context (get_plugin_runtime_context ());
    Definitions defs (context);

    _scene = new QGraphicsScene;
    _view = new QGraphicsView (_scene);
    _view->setAlignment (Qt::AlignLeft); // | Qt::AlignBottom);

    _typeSet = config_to_object_type_set ("set", local, context);

    if (_typeSet.get_count () == 0) {

        _log.info << "No object types specified. Using root type." << endl;
        _typeSet.add_object_type (defs.get_root_object_type ());

    activate_default_object_attribute (ObjectCreateMask | ObjectDestroyMask);

    Config attrList;

    if (local.lookup_all_config ("attribute", attrList)) {

        ConfigIterator it;

        Config attr;

        while (attrList.get_next_config (it, attr)) {

            const String Type = config_to_string ("type", attr).get_lower ();
            const String AttrName = config_to_string ("name", attr);

            if (AttrName) {

                if (Type == "link") {

                    activate_object_attribute (AttrName, ObjectLinkMask | ObjectUnlinkMask);
                else if (Type == "counter") {

                    activate_object_attribute (AttrName, ObjectCounterMask);
                else {

                    _log.error << "Unknown attribute type: " << Type << endl;
            else {

                _log.error << "Attribute missing name." << endl;

    _ascendingOrder = config_to_boolean ("ascending.value", local, _ascendingOrder);

    _maxCount = config_to_int32 ("start.value", local, _maxCount);

    _showPowerLaw = config_to_boolean ("power-law.show", local, _showPowerLaw);
    _powerStroke = config_to_qpen ("power-law.stroke", local, _powerStroke);
    _barStroke = config_to_qpen ("bar.stroke", local, _barStroke);
    _barFill = config_to_qbrush ("bar.fill", local, _barFill);
    _barWidth = config_to_int32 ("bar.width", local, _barWidth);
    _barHeight = config_to_int32 ("bar.height", local, _barHeight);
    _spaceWidth = config_to_int32 ("bar.space", local, _spaceWidth);
    _steps = config_to_int32 ("bar.steps", local, _steps);

    _yDivisions = config_to_int32 ("bar.divisions", local, _yDivisions);

    _yLabels = new QGraphicsTextItem*[_yDivisions];

    for (Int32 ix = 0; ix < _yDivisions; ix++) {

        const Float32 Offset (-_barHeight * ((Float32)(ix + 1)) / (Float32)_yDivisions);

        _yLabels[ix] = new QGraphicsTextItem;

        _yLabels[ix]->setPlainText (
            QString::number (100 * (ix +1) / _yDivisions) + QString ("%"));
        _yLabels[ix]->setZValue (1.0f);

        QRectF rect = _yLabels[ix]->boundingRect ();

        _yLabels[ix]->setPos (-5.0 - rect.width (), Offset - (rect.height () * 0.5f));

        _scene->addItem (_yLabels[ix]);

        QGraphicsLineItem *line = new QGraphicsLineItem (-4.0, Offset, 0.0f, Offset);
        line->setZValue (1.0f);

        _scene->addItem (line);
Exemplo n.º 12
dmz::AudioModuleFMOD::_init (const Config &Local) {

    // Create a System object
   FMOD_RESULT createResult = FMOD::System_Create(&_system);
   _error_check ("Enabling FMOD", createResult);

   _dopplerScale = config_to_float32 ("dopplerScale.value", Local, _dopplerScale);
   _distanceFactor = config_to_float32 ("distanceFactor.value", Local, _distanceFactor);
   _rollOffScale = config_to_float32 ("rollOffScale.value", Local, _rollOffScale);
   _maxChannels = config_to_int32 ("maxChannels.value", Local, _maxChannels);

   _rightHandedCoordinates =
      config_to_boolean ("rightHandedCoordinate.value", Local, _rightHandedCoordinates);

   _forceFullDirectSoundHRTF = config_to_boolean (

   if (_system) {

      unsigned int version;
      FMOD_RESULT result =_system->getVersion (&version);

      FMOD_CAPS caps;
      FMOD_SPEAKERMODE speakermode;
      result = _system->getDriverCaps (0, &caps, 0, 0, &speakermode);
      _error_check ("Getting driver caps", result);

      result = _system->setSpeakerMode (speakermode);
      _error_check ("Setting speaker mode", result);


         result = _system->setDSPBufferSize (1024, 10);
         _error_check ("Setting speaker mode", result);
         _log.warn << "Audio hardware is being emulated" << endl;


      if (_rightHandedCoordinates) { flags |= FMOD_INIT_3D_RIGHTHANDED; }

      // Only enable Software HRTF emulation if we are on windows (and therefore
      // DirectSound is available)
      #ifdef _WIN32
      if (_forceFullDirectSoundHRTF) { flags |= FMOD_INIT_DSOUND_HRTFFULL; }

      result = _system->init (_maxChannels, flags, 0);

      if (result == FMOD_ERR_OUTPUT_CREATEBUFFER) {

        result = _system->setSpeakerMode(FMOD_SPEAKERMODE_STEREO);
        _error_check ("Setting speaker mode to stereo", result);
        result = _system->init(_maxChannels, flags, 0);
        _error_check ("Initializing FMOD Sound System", result);

//      _system->set3DSettings (_dopplerScale, _distanceFactor, _rollOffScale);

      set_mute_all_state (True); // Mute all sounds for now (creating the first listener
                                 // will unmute them)

   _log.info << "AudioModuleFMOD Initialized" << endl;
dmz::QtCanvasObjectText *
dmz::QtPluginCanvasObjectBasic::_create_text_item (
      ObjectStruct &os,
      QGraphicsItem *parent,
      const Config &Data) {

   QtCanvasObjectText *item (new QtCanvasObjectText (parent));

   ConfigIterator it;
   Config cd;

   while (Data.get_next_config (it, cd)) {

      const String DataName (cd.get_name ().to_lower ());

      if (DataName == "text") {

         String text (config_to_string (cd));
         item->set_text (text.get_buffer ());
      else if (DataName == "textcolor") {

         item->set_text_color (config_to_qcolor (cd));
      else if (DataName == "outlinecolor") {

         item->set_outline_color (config_to_qcolor (cd));
      else if (DataName == "backgroundcolor") {

         item->set_background_color (config_to_qcolor (cd));
      else if (DataName == "enablebackground") {

         item->enable_background (config_to_boolean ("value", cd, true));
      else if (DataName == "alignment") {

         String alignmentName (config_to_string (cd).to_lower ());
         if (alignmentName == "center") {  item->set_alignment (Qt::AlignCenter); }
         else if (alignmentName == "right") {  item->set_alignment (Qt::AlignRight); }
         else {  item->set_alignment (Qt::AlignLeft); }
      else if (DataName == "max-length") {

         item->set_max_length (config_to_int32 ("value", cd));
      else if (DataName == "translate") {

         Vector vec (config_to_vector (cd));
         String itemName = config_to_string ("name", cd);

         if (itemName) {

            QGraphicsItem *img = os.itemTable.lookup (itemName);
            if (img) {

               QRectF rect = img->boundingRect ();
               Vector rectVec;
               if (vec.get_x () == 0) { rectVec.set_x (0); }
               else if (vec.get_x() > 0) { rectVec.set_x (rect.center ().x ()); }
               else { rectVec.set_x (-rect.center ().x ()); }

               if (vec.get_y () == 0) { rectVec.set_y (0); }
               else if (vec.get_y () > 0) { rectVec.set_y (rect.center ().y ()); }
               else { rectVec.set_y (-rect.center ().y ()); }

               vec += rectVec;
               item->setPos (vec.get_x (), vec.get_y ());
         else { item->translate (vec.get_x (), vec.get_y ()); }
      else if (DataName == "scale") {

         Vector vec (config_to_vector (cd));

         if (vec.get_x () && vec.get_y ()) {

            item->scale (vec.get_x (), vec.get_y ());

   return item;
dmz::QtCanvasObjectGroup *
dmz::QtPluginCanvasObjectBasic::_create_item (
      ObjectStruct &os,
      QGraphicsItem *parent,
      const Config &ItemList,
      HashTableStringTemplate<String> &table) {

   QtCanvasObjectGroup *group (0);

   if (parent) {

      group = new QtCanvasObjectGroup (parent);

      QGraphicsItem *item (0);

      ConfigIterator it;
      Config cd;
      Float32 z (1.0);

      while (ItemList.get_next_config (it, cd)) {

         const String DataName (cd.get_name ().to_lower ());
         const String ItemName (config_to_string ("name", cd));
         const Boolean Isect (config_to_boolean ("isect", cd, True));

         if (DataName == "image") {

            item = _create_image_item (os, group, cd, table);

            if (Isect) {

               item->setData (QtCanvasObjectHandleIndex, (quint64)os.ObjHandle);
         else if (DataName == "text") {

            item =  _create_text_item (os, group, cd);

            if (Isect) {

               item->setData (QtCanvasObjectHandleIndex, (quint64)os.ObjHandle);
         else if (DataName == "group") {

            item = _create_item (os, group, cd, table);

         if (item) {

            item->setFlag (QGraphicsItem::ItemIgnoresParentOpacity, true);
            item->setFlag (QGraphicsItem::ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren, true);

            item->setZValue (z++);

            if (ItemName) {

               String name (ItemName);
               name << "." << os.ObjHandle;

               item->setData (QtCanvasObjectNameIndex, name.get_buffer ());

               os.itemTable.store (ItemName, item);

   return group;
Exemplo n.º 15
dmz::RenderPluginObjectOSG::DefStruct *
dmz::RenderPluginObjectOSG::_create_def_struct (const ObjectType &Type) {

   DefStruct *result = _defTable.lookup (Type.get_handle ());

   Config modelList;

   if (!result && Type.get_config ().lookup_all_config ("render.model", modelList)) {

      result = new DefStruct;

      if (_defTable.store (Type.get_handle (), result)) {

         _typeTable.store (Type.get_handle (), result);

         ConfigIterator it;
         Config model;

         unsigned int place (1);

         StateStruct *currentState (0);

         while (modelList.get_next_config (it, model)) {

            const String ResourceName (config_to_string ("resource", model));
            const Boolean NoModel (config_to_boolean ("none", model));
            Mask state;
            String stateName;
            const Boolean StateNameFound (model.lookup_attribute ("state", stateName));

            if (StateNameFound) { _defs.lookup_state (stateName, state); }

            if (!StateNameFound || state) {

               ModelStruct *ms = (NoModel ? &_noModel : _load_model (ResourceName));

               if (ms) {

                  unsigned int switchPlace (StateNameFound ? place : 0);
                  if (StateNameFound) { place++; }

                  if (((switchPlace + 1) > result->model->getNumChildren ()) ||
                        !result->model->getChild (switchPlace)) {

                     result->model->insertChild (switchPlace, ms->model.get ());

                     if (switchPlace) {

                        StateStruct *ss (new StateStruct (switchPlace, state));

                        if (currentState) {

                           currentState->next = ss;
                           currentState = ss;
                        else { result->stateMap = currentState = ss; }
      else { delete result; result = 0; }

   return result;
Exemplo n.º 16
dmz::QtModuleCanvasBasic::_init (Config &local) {

   qwidget_config_read ("widget", local, this);

   const Int32 MinX = config_to_int32 ("scene.min.x", local, -50000);
   const Int32 MinY = config_to_int32 ("scene.min.y", local, -50000);
   const Int32 MaxX = config_to_int32 ("scene.max.x", local, 100000);
   const Int32 MaxY = config_to_int32 ("scene.max.y", local, 100000);

   _scene.setSceneRect (QRectF (MinX, MinY, MaxX - MinX, MaxY - MinY));
   //_scene.setItemIndexMethod (QGraphicsScene::NoIndex);

   _canvas = new QtCanvasView (this);
   _canvas->setTransformationAnchor (QGraphicsView::AnchorViewCenter);
   _canvas->setResizeAnchor (QGraphicsView::AnchorViewCenter);

   const Boolean ScrollBars = config_to_boolean ("scrollbars.value", local, False);

   if (!ScrollBars) {

      _canvas->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy (Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
      _canvas->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy (Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);

   _canvas->setMouseTracking (true);
   //_canvas->setDragMode (QGraphicsView::ScrollHandDrag);

   setObjectName (get_plugin_name ().get_buffer ());
   _scene.setObjectName (objectName () + "Scene");
   _canvas->setObjectName (objectName () + "View");

   _canvas->setScene (&_scene);

   //_canvas->setBackgroundBrush (QPixmap ("/assets/images/background1.png"));

   QVBoxLayout *layout (new QVBoxLayout ());
   layout->addWidget (_canvas);

   setLayout (layout);
   setMouseTracking (true);
   _inputModuleName = config_to_string ("module.input.name", local);

   if (_canvas) {

      _keyEvent.set_source_handle (get_plugin_handle ());
      _mouseEvent.set_source_handle (get_plugin_handle ());

      String value;

      Boolean enableOpenGL (False);

      if (local.lookup_attribute ("canvas.opengl", value)) {

         if (value.to_lower () == "true") { enableOpenGL = True; }

      Boolean enableAntialiasing (False);
      if (local.lookup_attribute ("canvas.antialiasing", value)) {

         if (value.to_lower () == "true") { enableAntialiasing = True; }

      if (enableOpenGL) {

         _canvas->setViewport (new QGLWidget (QGLFormat  (QGL::SampleBuffers)));
         _log.info << "OpenGL enabled" << endl;

      if (enableAntialiasing) {

         if (enableOpenGL) {

            _canvas->setRenderHint (QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing, true);
            _log.info << "High Quality Antialiasing enabled" << endl;
         else {

            _canvas->setRenderHint (QPainter::Antialiasing, true);
            _log.info << "Antialiasing enabled" << endl;

      if (local.lookup_attribute ("canvas.textantialiasing", value)) {

         if (value.to_lower () == "true") {

            _canvas->setRenderHint (QPainter::TextAntialiasing, true);
            _log.info << "Test Antialiasing enabled" << endl;

      _canvas->setRenderHint (QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform, true);

      set_zoom_min_value (config_to_float32 ("canvas.zoom.min", local, _zoomMin));
      set_zoom_max_value (config_to_float32 ("canvas.zoom.max", local, _zoomMax));
      set_zoom_step_value (config_to_float32 ("canvas.zoom.step", local, _zoomStep));
      set_zoom (config_to_float32 ("canvas.zoom.default", local, _zoomDefault));