Exemplo n.º 1
// Constructor for rendering to the audio hardware.
AudioContext::AudioContext(Document& document)
    : ActiveDOMObject(&document)
    , m_isStopScheduled(false)
    , m_isInitialized(false)
    , m_isAudioThreadFinished(false)
    , m_destinationNode(0)
    , m_isDeletionScheduled(false)
    , m_automaticPullNodesNeedUpdating(false)
    , m_connectionCount(0)
    , m_audioThread(0)
    , m_graphOwnerThread(UndefinedThreadIdentifier)
    , m_isOfflineContext(false)
    , m_activeSourceCount(0)
    , m_restrictions(NoRestrictions)

    m_destinationNode = DefaultAudioDestinationNode::create(this);

    // This sets in motion an asynchronous loading mechanism on another thread.
    // We can check m_hrtfDatabaseLoader->isLoaded() to find out whether or not it has been fully loaded.
    // It's not that useful to have a callback function for this since the audio thread automatically starts rendering on the graph
    // when this has finished (see AudioDestinationNode).
    m_hrtfDatabaseLoader = HRTFDatabaseLoader::createAndLoadAsynchronouslyIfNecessary(sampleRate());
// Constructor for rendering to the audio hardware.
AudioContext::AudioContext(Document* document)
    : ActiveDOMObject(document, this)
    , m_isInitialized(false)
    , m_isAudioThreadFinished(false)
    , m_document(document)
    , m_destinationNode(0)
    , m_connectionCount(0)
    , m_audioThread(0)
    , m_graphOwnerThread(UndefinedThreadIdentifier)
    , m_isOfflineContext(false)

    m_destinationNode = DefaultAudioDestinationNode::create(this);

    // This sets in motion an asynchronous loading mechanism on another thread.
    // We can check m_hrtfDatabaseLoader->isLoaded() to find out whether or not it has been fully loaded.
    // It's not that useful to have a callback function for this since the audio thread automatically starts rendering on the graph
    // when this has finished (see AudioDestinationNode).
    m_hrtfDatabaseLoader = HRTFDatabaseLoader::createAndLoadAsynchronouslyIfNecessary(sampleRate());

    // FIXME: for now default AudioContext does not need an explicit startRendering() call.
    // We may want to consider requiring it for symmetry with OfflineAudioContext
Exemplo n.º 3
// Constructor for offline (non-realtime) rendering.
AudioContext::AudioContext(Document& document, unsigned numberOfChannels, size_t numberOfFrames, float sampleRate)
    : ActiveDOMObject(&document)
    , m_isOfflineContext(true)
    , m_mediaSession(PlatformMediaSession::create(*this))
    , m_eventQueue(std::make_unique<GenericEventQueue>(*this))
    , m_graphOwnerThread(UndefinedThreadIdentifier)

    // Create a new destination for offline rendering.
    m_renderTarget = AudioBuffer::create(numberOfChannels, numberOfFrames, sampleRate);
    m_destinationNode = OfflineAudioDestinationNode::create(this, m_renderTarget.get());
Exemplo n.º 4
// Constructor for rendering to the audio hardware.
AudioContext::AudioContext(Document& document)
    : ActiveDOMObject(&document)
    , m_mediaSession(PlatformMediaSession::create(*this))
    , m_eventQueue(std::make_unique<GenericEventQueue>(*this))
    , m_graphOwnerThread(UndefinedThreadIdentifier)

    m_destinationNode = DefaultAudioDestinationNode::create(this);

    // Initialize the destination node's muted state to match the page's current muted state.
Exemplo n.º 5
// Constructor for offline (non-realtime) rendering.
AudioContext::AudioContext(Document* document, unsigned numberOfChannels, size_t numberOfFrames, double sampleRate)
    : ActiveDOMObject(document, this)
    , m_isInitialized(false)
    , m_isAudioThreadFinished(false)
    , m_document(document)
    , m_destinationNode(0)
    , m_connectionCount(0)
    , m_audioThread(0)
    , m_graphOwnerThread(UndefinedThreadIdentifier)
    , m_isOfflineContext(true)

    // FIXME: the passed in sampleRate MUST match the hardware sample-rate since HRTFDatabaseLoader is a singleton.
    m_hrtfDatabaseLoader = HRTFDatabaseLoader::createAndLoadAsynchronouslyIfNecessary(sampleRate);

    // Create a new destination for offline rendering.
    m_renderTarget = AudioBuffer::create(numberOfChannels, numberOfFrames, sampleRate);
    m_destinationNode = OfflineAudioDestinationNode::create(this, m_renderTarget.get());