Exemplo n.º 1
 * calcChecksum
 * Calculate checksum on a received data buffer.
 * Note: The last two bytes, which contain the received checksum,
 *       are not included in the calculation.
 * parameters:  buffer : pointer to the start of the received buffer.
 *              length - the length (in chars) of the buffer.
 * returns:     the calculated checksum.
int calcChecksum( unsigned char* buffer, int length) {
	int checkSum, i;

	if (length<4)
		return -1;

	checkSum = buffer[0] & LSB_MASK;
	for (i=1; i<length-2; i = i+2) {
		checkSum += convert2short(&buffer[i]);
	return(checkSum & CHECKSUM_MASK);
Exemplo n.º 2
int i3dmgx3_getFirmwareVersion(int portNum, char *firmware) {
    unsigned char cmd = (char) CMD_FIRWARE_VERSION;
    unsigned char Bresponse[7] = {0}; 
	unsigned short wChecksum = 0;
    unsigned short wCalculatedCheckSum = 0;
	short firmwareNum=0;
    short majorNum, minorNum, buildNum;
    int status;
	int responseLength = 7; 
    status = sendBuffData(portNum, &cmd, 1);
    if (DEBUG) printf("FirmWare_send: tx status : %d\n", status);
	if (status == I3DMGX3_COMM_OK) {
		if (responseLength>0) {
    		status = receiveData(portNum, &Bresponse[0], responseLength);
            if (DEBUG) printf("FirmWare i3dmgx3_send: rx status : %d and responseLength %d\n", status, responseLength);
    		if (status==I3DMGX3_COMM_OK) {
                wChecksum = convert2ushort(&Bresponse[responseLength-2]);
	            wCalculatedCheckSum = i3dmgx3_Checksum(&Bresponse[0], responseLength-2); //calculate the checkusm, 29 = 31-2 don't include the checksum bytes
					if(wChecksum != wCalculatedCheckSum)
						return	status = I3DMGX3_CHECKSUM_ERROR;
					return status = I3DMGX3_COMM_READ_ERROR;

		firmwareNum = convert2short(&Bresponse[3]);
		if (firmwareNum > 0) {
			/* format for firmware number is #.#.## */
	        majorNum = firmwareNum / 1000;
		    minorNum = (firmwareNum % 1000) / 100;
			buildNum = firmwareNum % 100;
		    sprintf(firmware, "%d.%d.%d", majorNum, minorNum, buildNum);
		return I3DMGX3_OK;
	}else return status;
Exemplo n.º 3
// SetSampleSetting
// Description: Allows user to set one of the optional Sample Settings
// Return: Confirmation that selection was set.
int SetSampleSetting(int portNum, BYTE byteOne, BYTE byteTwo, unsigned char *Bresponse, short FW_Check)
    int status = 0;
    unsigned char DR3_write_buff[21];
    int responseLength = 19;
    unsigned short wChecksum = 0;
    unsigned short wCalculatedCheckSum = 0;
    unsigned short Decimation = (1000/100);         //m_DRvalue);
    unsigned short DigFilter = 20;
    int ytrewq=0;  
	unsigned char cmd = ( unsigned char) CMD_FIRWARE_VERSION;  //0xE9
	BYTE FWbuff[7] = {0}; 
	short firmwareNum=0;
	int northComp=0, upComp=0;
	int NCval =0, Value=0;
	//char Jjunk[20];
	int ncOption = 0;


	if(FW_Check >= 1){  //include case 8 and 9
       //this feature requires firmware version of 1.1.27 or greater		  	
       status = sendBuffData(portNum, &cmd, 1);
	   if (status == I3DMGX3_COMM_OK) {
           status = receiveData(portNum, &FWbuff[0], 7);
	       firmwareNum = convert2short(&FWbuff[3]);
	       if (firmwareNum < 1127){
		       printf("Firmware version must be 1.1.27 or greater to perfom this selection\n");
		       return -1;

	if(FW_Check == 8){ //North Compensation
		while(Value == 0){
	         printf("Would you like to Modify the North Compensation? (Y)es or (N)o \n");
		switch (ncOption){
			case 'n':
			case 'N': northComp = 10; Value = 1; break;

			case 'y':
			case 'Y':  while (NCval == 0){
			              northComp = 0;
			              printf("Enter a value between 1 and 1000 to set:");
			              scanf("%d", &northComp);
			              if ((northComp < 1 )|| (northComp > 1000) ){
				              printf(" Invalid entry: out of range  \n\n");
				              NCval = 0;
				              //scanf("%s", Jjunk);
				              northComp = 0;
						  else NCval = 1;
					  Value =1;

			default:printf("Invalid selection\n");
				           Value =0;

	if(FW_Check == 9){ //Up Compensation
		Value = 0;
		NCval = 0;
		while(Value == 0){
	         printf("Would you like to Modify the Up Compensation value? (Y)es or (N)o \n");
		switch (ncOption){
			case 'n':
			case 'N': upComp = 10; Value = 1; break;

			case 'y':
			case 'Y':  while (NCval == 0){
			              upComp = 0;
			              printf("Enter a value between 1 and 1000 to set:");
			              scanf("%d", &upComp);
			              if ((upComp < 1 )|| (upComp > 1000) ){
				              printf(" Invalid entry: out of range  \n\n");
				              NCval = 0;
				              upComp = 0;
						  else NCval = 1; 
					   Value =1;
					   //return;   //remove after validation

			default:printf("Invalid selection\n");
				           Value =0;

    DR3_write_buff[0] = 0xDB;    //Command identifier for Write to Data-Rate
    DR3_write_buff[1] = 0xA8;	 //Required identifier for Data-Rate Write  was C1
    DR3_write_buff[2] = 0xB9;    //Required identifier for Data-Rate Write  was 29
    DR3_write_buff[3] = 0x01;    //Identifies an update to data rate, 0 == no update
                                     // 1 == change the parameters to new values
                                     // 2 == change and write to non-volatile memory
                                     // 3 == same as 2 but does not send a reply

    DR3_write_buff[4]  = (Decimation & MSB_MASK) >> 8;  //1st byte of Decimation value to write
    DR3_write_buff[5]  = Decimation & LSB_MASK;         //2ond byte of Decimation value to write
    DR3_write_buff[6]  = byteOne;                       //First Byte of Data Conditioning Function Selector      //0xC0;
    DR3_write_buff[7]  = byteTwo;                       //Second Byte of Data Conditioning Function Selector //0x00;
    DR3_write_buff[8]  = 0x0F;                          //Gyro and Accel digital filter window size default is 15
    DR3_write_buff[9]  = 0x1E;                          //Mag digital filter window size default is 17
    if(FW_Check == 9){
		DR3_write_buff[10]  = (upComp & MSB_MASK) >> 8;
        DR3_write_buff[11]  = upComp & LSB_MASK; 