Exemplo n.º 1
int main()
    char str[] = "7DE"; //enter Hex number in UPPERCASE

    //perform convert function & print result
    printf("hex number: %d", convertHexToInt(str));

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
void fetchKey(char* key, unsigned char keyBytes[16])
	int i=0;
	for(i=0; i<=30; i+=2)
		char next[3] = {key[i], key[i+1], '\0'};
		keyBytes[i/2] = convertHexToInt(next);
Exemplo n.º 3
void computeModprod(char* poly1, char* poly2)
	//check if length of hexstring is 8
	if(strlen(poly1) != 8 || strlen(poly2) != 8)
		fprintf(stderr, "Either poly1 or poly2 or both are not represented by a hexstring of length 8.\n");
		int k=0;
		for(k=0; k<8; k++) //check if poly1 contains valid hex symbols
			if(poly1[k] < 48 || (poly1[k] > 57 && poly1[k] < 97) || poly1[k] > 102)
				fprintf(stderr, "poly1 is not in hexstring format.\n");

		for(k=0; k<8; k++) //check if poly2 contains valid hex symbols
			if(poly2[k] < 48 || (poly2[k] > 57 && poly2[k] < 97) || poly2[k] > 102)
				fprintf(stderr, "poly2 is not in hexstring format.\n");

	//convert hexstring to int
	unsigned int a = convertHexToInt(poly1);
	unsigned int b = convertHexToInt(poly2);

	unsigned result = circleX(a, b);

	//print results
	unsigned char d3 = (result & (255<<24)) >> 24;
	unsigned char d2 = (result & (255<<16)) >> 16;
	unsigned char d1 = (result & (255<<8)) >> 8;
	unsigned char d0 = (result & 255);
	printf("{%c%c}{%c%c}{%c%c}{%c%c} CIRCLEX {%c%c}{%c%c}{%c%c}{%c%c} = {%02x}{%02x}{%02x}{%02x}\n", poly1[0], poly1[1], poly1[2], poly1[3], poly1[4], poly1[5], poly1[6], poly1[7], poly2[0], poly2[1], poly2[2], poly2[3], poly2[4], poly2[5], poly2[6], poly2[7], d3, d2, d1, d0);
Exemplo n.º 4
void fetchFromTable(char* tablefileName, unsigned char S[16][16], unsigned int* P, unsigned int* INVP)
	FILE *tableFile = fopen(tablefileName, "rb");

	char line[600];
	char *keyword;

	while(fgets(line, 600, tableFile) != NULL) //Read 1 line at a time
		//Get table name
		keyword = strtok(line, "=");

		//Get values
		char *value;
		value = strtok(NULL, "=");

		if(strcmp(keyword, "S") == 0)
			int j=0;
			for(j=0; j<=510; j+=2)
				char next[3] = {value[j], value[j+1], '\0'};
				S[j/32][(j%32)/2] = convertHexToInt(next);

		if(strcmp(keyword, "P") == 0 || strcmp(keyword, "INVP") == 0)
			value[8] = '\0'; //eliminate \n at the end so that convertHexToInt() will work properly

			//P (or INVP) is valid
			if(strcmp(keyword, "P") == 0)
				*P = convertHexToInt(value);
				*INVP = convertHexToInt(value);
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
  ui(new Ui::MainWindow)

  QString n = "(?:[0-1]?[0-9]?[0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])";
  ipValidator = new QRegExpValidator(QRegExp("^" + n + "\\." + n + "\\." + n + "\\." + n + "$"));
  intValidator = new QRegExpValidator(QRegExp("[0-9]+"));
  hexValidator = new QRegExpValidator(QRegExp("[0-9a-fA-F]+"));
  base64Validator = new QRegExpValidator(QRegExp("^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=)?$"));


  machine = new QStateMachine(this);

  QState *ipToInt = new QState();
  QState *intToHex = new QState();
  QState *hexToBase64 = new QState();
  QState *base64ToHex = new QState();
  QState *hexToInt = new QState();
  QState *intToIp = new QState();

  ipToInt->addTransition(ui->pushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), intToHex);
  intToHex->addTransition(ui->pushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), hexToBase64);
  hexToBase64->addTransition(ui->pushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), base64ToHex);
  base64ToHex->addTransition(ui->pushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), hexToInt);
  hexToInt->addTransition(ui->pushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), intToIp);
  intToIp->addTransition(ui->pushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), ipToInt);

  QObject::connect(ipToInt, SIGNAL(exited()), this, SLOT(convertIpToInt()));
  QObject::connect(intToHex, SIGNAL(exited()), this, SLOT(convertIntToHex()));
  QObject::connect(hexToBase64, SIGNAL(exited()), this, SLOT(convertHexToBase64()));
  QObject::connect(base64ToHex, SIGNAL(exited()), this, SLOT(convertBase64ToHex()));
  QObject::connect(hexToInt, SIGNAL(exited()), this, SLOT(convertHexToInt()));
  QObject::connect(intToIp, SIGNAL(exited()), this, SLOT(convertIntToIp()));



Exemplo n.º 6
void SerialInterface::readData(float deltaTime) {
#ifdef __APPLE__
    int initialSamples = totalSamples;
    if (USING_INVENSENSE_MPU9150) { 
        unsigned char sensorBuffer[36];
        // ask the invensense for raw gyro data
        write(_serialDescriptor, "RD683B0E\n", 9);
        read(_serialDescriptor, sensorBuffer, 36);
        int accelXRate, accelYRate, accelZRate;
        convertHexToInt(sensorBuffer + 6, accelZRate);
        convertHexToInt(sensorBuffer + 10, accelYRate);
        convertHexToInt(sensorBuffer + 14, accelXRate);
        const float LSB_TO_METERS_PER_SECOND2 = 1.f / 16384.f * GRAVITY_EARTH;
                                                                //  From MPU-9150 register map, with setting on
                                                                //  highest resolution = +/- 2G
        _lastAcceleration = glm::vec3(-accelXRate, -accelYRate, -accelZRate) * LSB_TO_METERS_PER_SECOND2;
        int rollRate, yawRate, pitchRate;
        convertHexToInt(sensorBuffer + 22, rollRate);
        convertHexToInt(sensorBuffer + 26, yawRate);
        convertHexToInt(sensorBuffer + 30, pitchRate);
        //  Convert the integer rates to floats
        const float LSB_TO_DEGREES_PER_SECOND = 1.f / 16.4f;     //  From MPU-9150 register map, 2000 deg/sec.
        glm::vec3 rotationRates;
        rotationRates[0] = ((float) -pitchRate) * LSB_TO_DEGREES_PER_SECOND;
        rotationRates[1] = ((float) -yawRate) * LSB_TO_DEGREES_PER_SECOND;
        rotationRates[2] = ((float) -rollRate) * LSB_TO_DEGREES_PER_SECOND;

        // update and subtract the long term average
        _averageRotationRates = (1.f - 1.f/(float)LONG_TERM_RATE_SAMPLES) * _averageRotationRates +
                1.f/(float)LONG_TERM_RATE_SAMPLES * rotationRates;
        rotationRates -= _averageRotationRates;

        // compute the angular acceleration
        glm::vec3 angularAcceleration = (deltaTime < EPSILON) ? glm::vec3() : (rotationRates - _lastRotationRates) / deltaTime;
        _lastRotationRates = rotationRates;
        //  Update raw rotation estimates
        glm::quat estimatedRotation = glm::quat(glm::radians(_estimatedRotation)) *
            glm::quat(glm::radians(deltaTime * _lastRotationRates));
        //  Update acceleration estimate: first, subtract gravity as rotated into current frame
        _estimatedAcceleration = (totalSamples < GRAVITY_SAMPLES) ? glm::vec3() :
            _lastAcceleration - glm::inverse(estimatedRotation) * _gravity;
        // update and subtract the long term average
        _averageAcceleration = (1.f - 1.f/(float)LONG_TERM_RATE_SAMPLES) * _averageAcceleration +
                1.f/(float)LONG_TERM_RATE_SAMPLES * _estimatedAcceleration;
        _estimatedAcceleration -= _averageAcceleration;
        //  Consider updating our angular velocity/acceleration to linear acceleration mapping
        if (glm::length(_estimatedAcceleration) > EPSILON &&
                (glm::length(_lastRotationRates) > EPSILON || glm::length(angularAcceleration) > EPSILON)) {
            // compute predicted linear acceleration, find error between actual and predicted
            glm::vec3 predictedAcceleration = _angularVelocityToLinearAccel * _lastRotationRates +
                _angularAccelToLinearAccel * angularAcceleration;
            glm::vec3 error = _estimatedAcceleration - predictedAcceleration;
            // the "error" is actually what we want: the linear acceleration minus rotational influences
            _estimatedAcceleration = error;
            // adjust according to error in each dimension, in proportion to input magnitudes
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                if (fabsf(error[i]) < EPSILON) {
                const float LEARNING_RATE = 0.001f;
                float rateSum = fabsf(_lastRotationRates.x) + fabsf(_lastRotationRates.y) + fabsf(_lastRotationRates.z);
                if (rateSum > EPSILON) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
                        float proportion = LEARNING_RATE * fabsf(_lastRotationRates[j]) / rateSum;
                        if (proportion > EPSILON) {
                            _angularVelocityToLinearAccel[j][i] += error[i] * proportion / _lastRotationRates[j];
                float accelSum = fabsf(angularAcceleration.x) + fabsf(angularAcceleration.y) + fabsf(angularAcceleration.z);
                if (accelSum > EPSILON) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
                        float proportion = LEARNING_RATE * fabsf(angularAcceleration[j]) / accelSum;
                        if (proportion > EPSILON) {
                            _angularAccelToLinearAccel[j][i] += error[i] * proportion / angularAcceleration[j];
        // rotate estimated acceleration into global rotation frame
        _estimatedAcceleration = estimatedRotation * _estimatedAcceleration;
        //  Update estimated position and velocity
        float const DECAY_VELOCITY = 0.975f;
        float const DECAY_POSITION = 0.975f;
        _estimatedVelocity += deltaTime * _estimatedAcceleration;
        _estimatedPosition += deltaTime * _estimatedVelocity;
        _estimatedVelocity *= DECAY_VELOCITY;
        //  Attempt to fuse gyro position with webcam position
        Webcam* webcam = Application::getInstance()->getWebcam();
        if (webcam->isActive()) {
            const float WEBCAM_POSITION_FUSION = 0.5f;
            _estimatedPosition = glm::mix(_estimatedPosition, webcam->getEstimatedPosition(), WEBCAM_POSITION_FUSION);
        } else {
            _estimatedPosition *= DECAY_POSITION;
        //  Accumulate a set of initial baseline readings for setting gravity
        if (totalSamples == 0) {
            _gravity = _lastAcceleration;
        else {
            if (totalSamples < GRAVITY_SAMPLES) {
                _gravity = (1.f - 1.f/(float)GRAVITY_SAMPLES) * _gravity +
                1.f/(float)GRAVITY_SAMPLES * _lastAcceleration;
            } else {
                //  Use gravity reading to do sensor fusion on the pitch and roll estimation
                estimatedRotation = safeMix(estimatedRotation,
                    rotationBetween(estimatedRotation * _lastAcceleration, _gravity) * estimatedRotation,
                    1.0f / SENSOR_FUSION_SAMPLES);
                //  Without a compass heading, always decay estimated Yaw slightly
                const float YAW_DECAY = 0.999f;
                glm::vec3 forward = estimatedRotation * glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
                estimatedRotation = safeMix(glm::angleAxis(glm::degrees(atan2f(forward.x, -forward.z)),
                    glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)) * estimatedRotation, estimatedRotation, YAW_DECAY);
        _estimatedRotation = safeEulerAngles(estimatedRotation); 
    if (initialSamples == totalSamples) {        
        timeval now;
        gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
        if (diffclock(&lastGoodRead, &now) > NO_READ_MAXIMUM_MSECS) {
            printLog("No data - Shutting down SerialInterface.\n");
    } else {
        gettimeofday(&lastGoodRead, NULL);