Exemplo n.º 1
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_org_krakenapps_winapi_PerformanceCounter_getCounters(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jstring category, jstring machine, jint detail) {
	jclass clzHashMap = (*env)->FindClass(env, "java/util/HashMap");
	jmethodID hashMapInit = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, clzHashMap, "<init>", "()V");
	jmethodID hashMapPut = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, clzHashMap, "put", "(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;");
	jobject counter = NULL;
	LPTSTR categoryName = (LPTSTR)(*env)->GetStringChars(env, category, JNI_FALSE);
	LPTSTR machineName = machine ? (LPTSTR)(*env)->GetStringChars(env, machine, JNI_FALSE) : NULL;
	jobjectArray counters = NULL;
	jobjectArray instances = NULL;
	LPTSTR lpCounterList = NULL;
	DWORD dwCounterListLength = 0;
	LPTSTR lpInstanceList = NULL;
	DWORD dwInstanceListLength = 0;
	DWORD stat = 0;

	if(machineName) {
		stat = PdhConnectMachine(machineName);
		if(stat != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Error in PdhConnectMachine:, 0x%x\n", stat);
			(*env)->ReleaseStringChars(env, machine, machineName);
			return NULL;

	PdhEnumObjectItems(NULL, machineName, categoryName, NULL, &dwCounterListLength, NULL, &dwInstanceListLength, detail, 0);

	lpCounterList = (LPTSTR)malloc(sizeof(TCHAR)*dwCounterListLength);
	lpInstanceList = (LPTSTR)malloc(sizeof(TCHAR)*dwInstanceListLength);
	stat = PdhEnumObjectItems(NULL, machineName, categoryName, lpCounterList, &dwCounterListLength, lpInstanceList, &dwInstanceListLength, detail, 0);
	(*env)->ReleaseStringChars(env, category, categoryName);
		(*env)->ReleaseStringChars(env, machine, machineName);
	if(stat != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Error in PdhEnumObjectItems\n");
		return NULL;

	counter = counter = (*env)->NewObject(env, clzHashMap, hashMapInit);
	counters = convertStringArray(env, lpCounterList, dwCounterListLength);
	instances = convertStringArray(env, lpInstanceList, dwInstanceListLength);


	(*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, counter, hashMapPut, (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, "counters"), counters);
	(*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, counter, hashMapPut, (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, "instances"), instances);

	return counter;
Exemplo n.º 2
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JNICALL Java_org_krakenapps_winapi_PerformanceCounter_getMachines(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj) {
	jobjectArray machineList = NULL;
	LPTSTR lpMachineNameList = NULL;
	DWORD dwBufferLength = 0;
	PDH_STATUS stat = 0;

	PdhEnumMachines(NULL, NULL, &dwBufferLength);
	if(dwBufferLength == 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Error in PdhEnumMachines\n");
		return NULL;

	lpMachineNameList = (LPTSTR)malloc(sizeof(TCHAR)*dwBufferLength);
	stat = PdhEnumMachines(NULL, lpMachineNameList, &dwBufferLength);
	if(stat != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Error in PdhEnumMachines: 0x%x\n", stat);
		return NULL;

	machineList = convertStringArray(env, lpMachineNameList, dwBufferLength);


	return machineList;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * static String[] getVmFeatureList()
 * Return a set of strings describing available VM features (this is chiefly
 * of interest to DDMS).  Some features may be controlled by compile-time
 * or command-line flags.
static void Dalvik_dalvik_system_VMDebug_getVmFeatureList(const u4* args,
    JValue* pResult)
    static const int MAX_FEATURE_COUNT = 10;
    char* features[MAX_FEATURE_COUNT];
    int idx = 0;

    /* VM responds to DDMS method profiling requests */
    features[idx++] = "method-trace-profiling";
    features[idx++] = "method-trace-profiling-streaming";
    /* VM responds to DDMS heap dump requests */
    features[idx++] = "hprof-heap-dump";
    features[idx++] = "hprof-heap-dump-streaming";

    assert(idx <= MAX_FEATURE_COUNT);

    LOGV("+++ sending up %d features\n", idx);
    ArrayObject* arrayObj = convertStringArray(features, idx);
    RETURN_PTR(arrayObj);       /* will be null on OOM */
Exemplo n.º 4
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JNICALL Java_org_krakenapps_winapi_PerformanceCounter_getCategories(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jstring machine, jint detail) {
	jobjectArray categoryList = NULL;
	LPTSTR machineName = machine ? (LPTSTR)(*env)->GetStringChars(env, machine, JNI_FALSE) : NULL;
	LPTSTR lpCategoryNameList = NULL;
	DWORD dwBufferLength = 0;
	PDH_STATUS stat = 0;

	if(machineName) {
		stat = PdhConnectMachine(machineName);
		if(stat != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Error in PdhConnectMachine:, 0x%x\n", stat);
			(*env)->ReleaseStringChars(env, machine, machineName);
			return NULL;

	PdhEnumObjects(NULL, machineName, NULL, &dwBufferLength, detail, TRUE);
	if(dwBufferLength == 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Error in PdhEnumObjects\n");
		return NULL;

	lpCategoryNameList = (LPTSTR)malloc(sizeof(TCHAR)*dwBufferLength);
	stat = PdhEnumObjects(NULL, machineName, lpCategoryNameList, &dwBufferLength, detail, TRUE);
	if(stat != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Error in PdhEnumObjects: 0x%x\n", stat);
		return NULL;
		(*env)->ReleaseStringChars(env, machine, machineName);

	categoryList = convertStringArray(env, lpCategoryNameList, dwBufferLength);


	return categoryList;