Exemplo n.º 1
static int
doAttachVolume (	struct nc_state_t *nc,
			ncMetadata *meta,
			char *instanceId,
			char *volumeId,
			char *remoteDev,
			char *localDev)
    int ret = OK, rc;
    ncInstance * instance;
    char localDevReal[32];
    virConnectPtr *conn;
    struct stat statbuf;

    // fix up format of incoming local dev name, if we need to
    ret = convert_dev_names (localDev, localDevReal, NULL);
    if (ret)
        return ret;

    sem_p (inst_sem); 
    instance = find_instance(&global_instances, instanceId);
    sem_v (inst_sem);
    if ( instance == NULL ) 
        return NOT_FOUND;

    /* try attaching to the Xen domain */
    conn = check_hypervisor_conn();
    if (conn) {
        virDomainPtr dom = virDomainLookupByName(*conn, instanceId);
        if (dom) {

            int err = 0;
            char xml [1024];
            int is_iscsi_target = 0;
            char *local_iscsi_dev;
            rc = 0;
            if(check_iscsi(remoteDev)) {
                is_iscsi_target = 1;
                /*get credentials, decrypt them*/
                /*login to target*/
                local_iscsi_dev = connect_iscsi_target(nc->connect_storage_cmd_path, remoteDev);
		if (!local_iscsi_dev || !strstr(local_iscsi_dev, "/dev")) {
		  logprintfl(EUCAERROR, "AttachVolume(): failed to connect to iscsi target\n");
		  rc = 1;
		} else {
		  snprintf (xml, 1024, "<disk type='block'><driver name='phy'/><source dev='%s'/><target dev='%s'/></disk>", local_iscsi_dev, localDevReal);
            } else {
	        snprintf (xml, 1024, "<disk type='block'><driver name='phy'/><source dev='%s'/><target dev='%s'/></disk>", remoteDev, localDevReal);
                rc = stat(remoteDev, &statbuf);
                if (rc) {
                   logprintfl(EUCAERROR, "AttachVolume(): cannot locate local block device file '%s'\n", remoteDev);
                   rc = 1;
            if (!rc) {
	        /* protect Xen calls, just in case */
                sem_p (hyp_sem);
                err = virDomainAttachDevice (dom, xml);
                sem_v (hyp_sem);
		if (err) {
                   logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "AttachVolume() failed (err=%d) XML=%s\n", err, xml);
//                   rc = doDetachVolume(nc, meta, instanceId, volumeId, remoteDev, localDev, 1);
                   ret = ERROR;
		} else {
                   logprintfl (EUCAINFO, "attached %s to %s in domain %s\n", remoteDev, localDevReal, instanceId);
            } else { 
                ret = ERROR;

            if(is_iscsi_target) {
	      if (local_iscsi_dev) free(local_iscsi_dev);
        } else {
            if (instance->state != BOOTING && instance->state != STAGING) {
                logprintfl (EUCAWARN, "warning: domain %s not running on hypervisor, cannot attach device\n", instanceId);
            ret = ERROR;
    } else {
        ret = ERROR;

    if (ret==OK) {
        ncVolume * volume;

        sem_p (inst_sem);
        volume = add_volume (instance, volumeId, remoteDev, localDevReal, localDevReal, "attached");
	scSaveInstanceInfo(instance); /* to enable NC recovery */
        sem_v (inst_sem);
        if ( volume == NULL ) {
            logprintfl (EUCAFATAL, "ERROR: Failed to save the volume record, aborting volume attachment\n");
            return ERROR;

    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 2
static int
doDetachVolume (	struct nc_state_t *nc,
			ncMetadata *meta,
			char *instanceId,
			char *volumeId,
			char *remoteDev,
			char *localDev,
			int force)
    int ret = OK;
    ncInstance * instance;
    char localDevReal[32];
    virConnectPtr *conn;

    // fix up format of incoming local dev name, if we need to
    ret = convert_dev_names (localDev, localDevReal, NULL);
    if (ret)
        return ret;

    sem_p (inst_sem); 
    instance = find_instance(&global_instances, instanceId);
    sem_v (inst_sem);
    if ( instance == NULL ) 
        return NOT_FOUND;

    /* try attaching to the Xen domain */
    conn = check_hypervisor_conn(); 
    if (conn) {
        virDomainPtr dom = virDomainLookupByName(*conn, instanceId);
        if (dom) {
	    int err = 0, fd, rc, pid, status;
            char xml [1024], tmpfile[32], cmd[MAX_PATH];
	    FILE *FH;
	            int is_iscsi_target = 0;
            char *local_iscsi_dev;
            if(check_iscsi(remoteDev)) {
                is_iscsi_target = 1;
                /*get credentials, decrypt them*/
                /*logout from target*/
                if((local_iscsi_dev = get_iscsi_target(nc->get_storage_cmd_path, remoteDev)) == NULL)
                    return ERROR;
                snprintf (xml, 1024, "<disk type='block'><driver name='phy'/><source dev='%s'/><target dev='%s'/></disk>", local_iscsi_dev, localDevReal);
            } else {
                snprintf (xml, 1024, "<disk type='block'><driver name='phy'/><source dev='%s'/><target dev='%s'/></disk>", remoteDev, localDevReal);
            /* protect Xen calls, just in case */
            sem_p (hyp_sem);
	    pid = fork();
	    if (!pid) {
	      char cmd[MAX_PATH];
	      snprintf(tmpfile, 32, "/tmp/detachxml.XXXXXX");
	      fd = mkstemp(tmpfile);
	      if (fd > 0) {
		write(fd, xml, strlen(xml));
		snprintf(cmd, MAX_PATH, "%s %s `which virsh` %s %s %s", nc->detach_cmd_path, nc->rootwrap_cmd_path, instanceId, localDevReal, tmpfile);
		rc = system(cmd);
		rc = rc>>8;
	      } else {
		logprintfl(EUCAERROR, "could not write to tmpfile for detach XML: %s\n", tmpfile);
		rc = 1;
	    } else {
Exemplo n.º 3
//! Handles the instance migration request.
//! @param[in]  nc a pointer to the node controller (NC) state
//! @param[in]  pMeta a pointer to the node controller (NC) metadata structure
//! @param[in]  instances metadata for the instance to migrate to destination
//! @param[in]  instancesLen number of instances in the instance list
//! @param[in]  action IP of the destination Node Controller
//! @param[in]  credentials credentials that enable the migration
//! @return EUCA_OK on success or EUCA_*ERROR on failure
//! @pre
//! @post
static int doMigrateInstances(struct nc_state_t *nc, ncMetadata * pMeta, ncInstance ** instances, int instancesLen, char *action, char *credentials)
    int ret = EUCA_OK;
    int credentials_prepared = 0;

    if (instancesLen <= 0) {
        LOGERROR("called with invalid instancesLen (%d)\n", instancesLen);
        pMeta->replyString = strdup("internal error (invalid instancesLen)");
        return (EUCA_INVALID_ERROR);

    LOGDEBUG("verifying %d instance[s] for migration...\n", instancesLen);
    for (int inst_idx = 0; inst_idx < instancesLen; inst_idx++) {
        LOGDEBUG("verifying instance # %d...\n", inst_idx);
        if (instances[inst_idx]) {
            ncInstance *instance_idx = instances[inst_idx];
            LOGDEBUG("[%s] proposed migration action '%s' (%s > %s) [creds=%s]\n", SP(instance_idx->instanceId), SP(action), SP(instance_idx->migration_src),
                     SP(instance_idx->migration_dst), (instance_idx->migration_credentials == NULL) ? "UNSET" : "present");
        } else {
            pMeta->replyString = strdup("internal error (instance count mismatch)");
            LOGERROR("Mismatch between migration instance count (%d) and length of instance list\n", instancesLen);
            return (EUCA_ERROR);

    // TO-DO: Optimize the location of this loop, placing it inside various conditionals below?
    for (int inst_idx = 0; inst_idx < instancesLen; inst_idx++) {
        ncInstance *instance_req = instances[inst_idx];
        char *sourceNodeName = instance_req->migration_src;
        char *destNodeName = instance_req->migration_dst;

        LOGDEBUG("[%s] processing instance # %d (%s > %s)\n", instance_req->instanceId, inst_idx, instance_req->migration_src, instance_req->migration_dst);

        // this is a call to the source of migration
        if (!strcmp(pMeta->nodeName, sourceNodeName)) {

            // locate the instance structure
            ncInstance *instance;
                instance = find_instance(&global_instances, instance_req->instanceId);
            if (instance == NULL) {
                LOGERROR("[%s] cannot find instance\n", instance_req->instanceId);
                pMeta->replyString = strdup("failed to locate instance to migrate");
                return (EUCA_NOT_FOUND_ERROR);

            if (strcmp(action, "prepare") == 0) {
                instance->migration_state = MIGRATION_PREPARING;
                euca_strncpy(instance->migration_src, sourceNodeName, HOSTNAME_SIZE);
                euca_strncpy(instance->migration_dst, destNodeName, HOSTNAME_SIZE);
                euca_strncpy(instance->migration_credentials, credentials, CREDENTIAL_SIZE);
                instance->migrationTime = time(NULL);

                // Establish migration-credential keys if this is the first instance preparation for this host.
                LOGINFO("[%s] migration source preparing %s > %s [creds=%s]\n", SP(instance->instanceId), SP(instance->migration_src), SP(instance->migration_dst),
                        (instance->migration_credentials == NULL) ? "UNSET" : "present");
                if (!credentials_prepared) {
                    if (generate_migration_keys(sourceNodeName, credentials, TRUE, instance) != EUCA_OK) {
                        pMeta->replyString = strdup("internal error (migration credentials generation failed)");
                        return (EUCA_SYSTEM_ERROR);
                    } else {
                instance->migration_state = MIGRATION_READY;

            } else if (strcmp(action, "commit") == 0) {

                if (instance->migration_state == MIGRATION_IN_PROGRESS) {
                    LOGWARN("[%s] duplicate request to migration source to initiate %s > %s (already migrating)\n", instance->instanceId,
                            instance->migration_src, instance->migration_dst);
                    return (EUCA_DUPLICATE_ERROR);
                } else if (instance->migration_state != MIGRATION_READY) {
                    LOGERROR("[%s] request to commit migration %s > %s when source migration_state='%s' (not 'ready')\n", instance->instanceId,
                             SP(sourceNodeName), SP(destNodeName), migration_state_names[instance->migration_state]);
                    return (EUCA_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR);
                instance->migration_state = MIGRATION_IN_PROGRESS;
                LOGINFO("[%s] migration source initiating %s > %s [creds=%s] (1 of %d active outgoing migrations)\n", instance->instanceId, instance->migration_src,
                        instance->migration_dst, (instance->migration_credentials == NULL) ? "UNSET" : "present", outgoing_migrations_in_progress);

                // since migration may take a while, we do them in a thread
                pthread_t tcb = { 0 };
                if (pthread_create(&tcb, NULL, migrating_thread, (void *)instance)) {
                    LOGERROR("[%s] failed to spawn a migration thread\n", instance->instanceId);
                    return (EUCA_THREAD_ERROR);
                set_corrid_pthread( get_corrid()!=NULL ? get_corrid()->correlation_id : NULL , tcb); 
                if (pthread_detach(tcb)) {
                    LOGERROR("[%s] failed to detach the migration thread\n", instance->instanceId);
                    return (EUCA_THREAD_ERROR);
            } else if (strcmp(action, "rollback") == 0) {
                if ((instance->migration_state == MIGRATION_READY) || (instance->migration_state == MIGRATION_PREPARING)) {
                    LOGINFO("[%s] rolling back migration (%s > %s) on source\n", instance->instanceId, instance->migration_src, instance->migration_dst);
                } else {
                    LOGINFO("[%s] ignoring request to roll back migration on source with instance in state %s(%s) -- duplicate rollback request?\n", instance->instanceId,
                            instance->stateName, migration_state_names[instance->migration_state]);
            } else {
                LOGERROR("[%s] action '%s' is not valid\n", instance->instanceId, action);
                return (EUCA_INVALID_ERROR);

        } else if (!strcmp(pMeta->nodeName, destNodeName)) {    // this is a migrate request to destination

            if (!strcmp(action, "commit")) {
                LOGERROR("[%s] action '%s' for migration (%s > %s) is not valid on destination node\n", instance_req->instanceId, action, SP(sourceNodeName), SP(destNodeName));
                return (EUCA_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR);
            } else if (!strcmp(action, "rollback")) {
                LOGINFO("[%s] rolling back migration (%s > %s) on destination\n", instance_req->instanceId, SP(sourceNodeName), SP(destNodeName));
                    ncInstance *instance = find_instance(&global_instances, instance_req->instanceId);
                    if (instance != NULL) {
                        LOGDEBUG("[%s] marked for cleanup\n", instance->instanceId);
                        change_state(instance, SHUTOFF);
                        instance->migration_state = MIGRATION_CLEANING;
                return EUCA_OK;
            } else if (strcmp(action, "prepare") != 0) {
                LOGERROR("[%s] action '%s' is not valid or not implemented\n", instance_req->instanceId, action);
                return (EUCA_INVALID_ERROR);
            // Everything from here on is specific to "prepare" on a destination.

            // allocate a new instance struct
            ncInstance *instance = clone_instance(instance_req);
            if (instance == NULL) {
                LOGERROR("[%s] could not allocate instance struct\n", instance_req->instanceId);
                goto failed_dest;

            instance->migration_state = MIGRATION_PREPARING;
            euca_strncpy(instance->migration_src, sourceNodeName, HOSTNAME_SIZE);
            euca_strncpy(instance->migration_dst, destNodeName, HOSTNAME_SIZE);
            euca_strncpy(instance->migration_credentials, credentials, CREDENTIAL_SIZE);

            // Establish migration-credential keys.
            LOGINFO("[%s] migration destination preparing %s > %s [creds=%s]\n", instance->instanceId, SP(instance->migration_src), SP(instance->migration_dst),
                    (instance->migration_credentials == NULL) ? "UNSET" : "present");
            // First, call config-file modification script to authorize source node.
            LOGDEBUG("[%s] authorizing migration source node %s\n", instance->instanceId, instance->migration_src);
            if (authorize_migration_keys("-a", instance->migration_src, instance->migration_credentials, instance, TRUE) != EUCA_OK) {
                goto failed_dest;
            // Then, generate keys and restart libvirtd.
            if (generate_migration_keys(instance->migration_dst, instance->migration_credentials, TRUE, instance) != EUCA_OK) {
                goto failed_dest;
            int error;

            if (vbr_parse(&(instance->params), pMeta) != EUCA_OK) {
                goto failed_dest;
            // set up networking
            char *brname = NULL;
            if ((error = vnetStartNetwork(nc->vnetconfig, instance->ncnet.vlan, NULL, NULL, NULL, &brname)) != EUCA_OK) {
                LOGERROR("[%s] start network failed for instance, terminating it\n", instance->instanceId);
                goto failed_dest;
            euca_strncpy(instance->params.guestNicDeviceName, brname, sizeof(instance->params.guestNicDeviceName));

            // TODO: move stuff in startup_thread() into a function?


            if ((error = create_instance_backing(instance, TRUE))   // create files that back the disks
                || (error = gen_instance_xml(instance)) // create euca-specific instance XML file
                || (error = gen_libvirt_instance_xml(instance))) {  // transform euca-specific XML into libvirt XML
                LOGERROR("[%s] failed to prepare images for migrating instance (error=%d)\n", instance->instanceId, error);
                goto failed_dest;
            // attach any volumes
            for (int v = 0; v < EUCA_MAX_VOLUMES; v++) {
                ncVolume *volume = &instance->volumes[v];
                if (strcmp(volume->stateName, VOL_STATE_ATTACHED) && strcmp(volume->stateName, VOL_STATE_ATTACHING))
                    continue;          // skip the entry unless attached or attaching
                LOGDEBUG("[%s] volumes [%d] = '%s'\n", instance->instanceId, v, volume->stateName);

                // TODO: factor what the following out of here and doAttachVolume() in handlers_default.c

                int have_remote_device = 0;
                char *xml = NULL;
                char *remoteDevStr = NULL;
                char scUrl[512];
                char localDevReal[32], localDevTag[256], remoteDevReal[132];
                char *tagBuf = localDevTag;
                ebs_volume_data *vol_data = NULL;
                ret = convert_dev_names(volume->localDev, localDevReal, tagBuf);
                if (ret)
                    goto unroll;

                //Do the ebs connect.
                LOGTRACE("[%s][%s] Connecting EBS volume to local host\n", instance->instanceId, volume->volumeId);
                get_service_url("storage", nc, scUrl);

                if (strlen(scUrl) == 0) {
                    LOGERROR("[%s][%s] Failed to lookup enabled Storage Controller. Cannot attach volume %s\n", instance->instanceId, volume->volumeId, scUrl);
                    have_remote_device = 0;
                    goto unroll;
                } else {
                    LOGTRACE("[%s][%s] Using SC URL: %s\n", instance->instanceId, volume->volumeId, scUrl);

                //Do the ebs connect.
                LOGTRACE("[%s][%s] Connecting EBS volume to local host\n", instance->instanceId, volume->volumeId);
                int rc = connect_ebs_volume(scUrl, volume->attachmentToken, nc->config_use_ws_sec, nc->config_sc_policy_file, nc->ip, nc->iqn, &remoteDevStr, &vol_data);
                if (rc) {
                    LOGERROR("Error connecting ebs volume %s\n", volume->attachmentToken);
                    have_remote_device = 0;
                    ret = EUCA_ERROR;
                    goto unroll;
                // update the volume struct with connection string obtained from SC
                euca_strncpy(volume->connectionString, vol_data->connect_string, sizeof(volume->connectionString));

                if (!remoteDevStr || !strstr(remoteDevStr, "/dev")) {
                    LOGERROR("[%s][%s] failed to connect to iscsi target\n", instance->instanceId, volume->volumeId);
                    remoteDevReal[0] = '\0';
                } else {
                    LOGDEBUG("[%s][%s] attached iSCSI target of host device '%s'\n", instance->instanceId, volume->volumeId, remoteDevStr);
                    snprintf(remoteDevReal, sizeof(remoteDevReal), "%s", remoteDevStr);
                    have_remote_device = 1;

                // something went wrong above, abort
                if (!have_remote_device) {
                    goto unroll;
                // make sure there is a block device
                if (check_block(remoteDevReal)) {
                    LOGERROR("[%s][%s] cannot verify that host device '%s' is available for hypervisor attach\n", instance->instanceId, volume->volumeId, remoteDevReal);
                    goto unroll;
                // generate XML for libvirt attachment request
                if (gen_volume_xml(volume->volumeId, instance, localDevReal, remoteDevReal) // creates vol-XXX.xml
                    || gen_libvirt_volume_xml(volume->volumeId, instance)) {    // creates vol-XXX-libvirt.xml via XSLT transform
                    LOGERROR("[%s][%s] could not produce attach device xml\n", instance->instanceId, volume->volumeId);
                    goto unroll;
                // invoke hooks
                char path[EUCA_MAX_PATH];
                char lpath[EUCA_MAX_PATH];
                snprintf(path, sizeof(path), EUCALYPTUS_VOLUME_XML_PATH_FORMAT, instance->instancePath, volume->volumeId);  // vol-XXX.xml
                snprintf(lpath, sizeof(lpath), EUCALYPTUS_VOLUME_LIBVIRT_XML_PATH_FORMAT, instance->instancePath, volume->volumeId);    // vol-XXX-libvirt.xml
                if (call_hooks(NC_EVENT_PRE_ATTACH, lpath)) {
                    LOGERROR("[%s][%s] cancelled volume attachment via hooks\n", instance->instanceId, volume->volumeId);
                    goto unroll;
                // read in libvirt XML, which may have been modified by the hook above
                if ((xml = file2str(lpath)) == NULL) {
                    LOGERROR("[%s][%s] failed to read volume XML from %s\n", instance->instanceId, volume->volumeId, lpath);
                    goto unroll;

                ret = EUCA_ERROR;

                // TODO: unroll all volume attachments

                goto failed_dest;

            instance->migration_state = MIGRATION_READY;
            instance->bootTime = time(NULL);    // otherwise nc_state.booting_cleanup_threshold will kick in
            change_state(instance, BOOTING);    // not STAGING, since in that mode we don't poll hypervisor for info
            LOGINFO("[%s] migration destination ready %s > %s\n", instance->instanceId, instance->migration_src, instance->migration_dst);

            error = add_instance(&global_instances, instance);
            if (error) {
                if (error == EUCA_DUPLICATE_ERROR) {
                    LOGINFO("[%s] instance struct already exists (from previous migration?), deleting and re-adding...\n", instance->instanceId);
                    error = remove_instance(&global_instances, instance);
                    if (error) {
                        LOGERROR("[%s] could not replace (remove) instance struct, failing...\n", instance->instanceId);
                        goto failed_dest;
                    error = add_instance(&global_instances, instance);
                    if (error) {
                        LOGERROR("[%s] could not replace (add) instance struct, failing...\n", instance->instanceId);
                        goto failed_dest;
                } else {
                    LOGERROR("[%s] could not add instance struct, failing...\n", instance->instanceId);
                    goto failed_dest;


            // Just making sure...
            if (instance != NULL) {
                LOGERROR("[%s] setting instance to Teardown(cleaning) after destination failure to prepare for migration\n", instance->instanceId);
                // Set state to Teardown(cleaning) so source won't wait until timeout to roll back.
                instance->migration_state = MIGRATION_CLEANING;
                instance->terminationTime = time(NULL);
                change_state(instance, TEARDOWN);
                add_instance(&global_instances, instance);  // OK if this fails--that should mean it's already been added.
            // If no remaining incoming or pending migrations, deauthorize all clients.
            // TO-DO: Consolidate with similar sequence in handlers.c into a utility function?
            if (!incoming_migrations_in_progress) {
                int incoming_migrations_pending = 0;
                LOGINFO("[%s] no remaining active incoming migrations -- checking to see if there are any pending migrations\n", instance->instanceId);
                bunchOfInstances *head = NULL;
                for (head = global_instances; head; head = head->next) {
                    if ((head->instance->migration_state == MIGRATION_PREPARING) || (head->instance->migration_state == MIGRATION_READY)) {
                        LOGINFO("[%s] is pending migration, state='%s', deferring deauthorization of migration keys\n", head->instance->instanceId,
                // TO-DO: Add belt and suspenders?
                if (!incoming_migrations_pending) {
                    LOGINFO("[%s] no remaining incoming or pending migrations -- deauthorizing all migration client keys\n", instance->instanceId);
                    authorize_migration_keys("-D -r", NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE);
            // Set to generic EUCA_ERROR unless already set to a more-specific error.
            if (ret == EUCA_OK) {
                ret = EUCA_ERROR;
        } else {
            LOGERROR("unexpected migration request (node %s is neither source nor destination)\n", pMeta->nodeName);
            ret = EUCA_ERROR;
    return ret;